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1、run的词性:v.(动词)ran run, running, runsrun的词性:v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride.跑,奔:每跨一步时双脚同时离开地面地快速移动2. To move at a fast gallop. Used of a horse.奔驰:飞跑,疾驰。用于指马3. To retreat rapidly; flee:快速撤退;逃跑:用法与例句:seized the money and ran.抓了钱就跑4. To move

2、without hindrance or restraint:跑来跑去:自由自在地走动:用法与例句:dogs that always ran loose.总是自由活动的狗5. To keep company:结伴,交往:用法与例句:runs with a wild crowd.与一群野蛮的人为伴6. To go or move about from place to place; roam:乱走,游荡:从一地到另一地的走动或移动;游荡:用法与例句:I am always running about, looking for my glasses.我总是在到处走,寻找我的眼镜7. To migr

3、ate, especially to move in a shoal in order to spawn. Used of fish.洄游:移动,尤指为产卵而在浅滩游动。用于指鱼8. To move or go quickly; hurry:赶走,赶紧:快速移动或走动;赶快:用法与例句:run for the police; ran for help.赶快去警察局;赶快去求救9. To go when in trouble or distress:投靠:遇麻烦或消沉时去:用法与例句:He is always running to his lawyer.他总是去投靠他的律师10. To make

4、 a short, quick trip or visit:跑一趟(很短的距离):到很近的地方去一会或拜访一下:用法与例句:ran next door to borrow a cup of sugar; ran down to the store.快去隔壁借一杯糖;去一趟百货店11. To take part in a race or contest:竞赛:参加比赛或竞争:用法与例句:ran in the marathon; athletes who run for the gold medal.参加马拉松跑;运动员为金牌而赛12. To compete in a race for elect

5、ed office:竞选:参加竞选某一职位:用法与例句:ran for mayor.竞选市长13. To finish a race or contest in a specified position:获得:在赛跑或比赛中获得某种名次:用法与例句:ran second.跑了个亚军14. To move freely, on or as if on wheels:行驶:在或好象在轮子上自由移动:用法与例句:The car ran downhill. The drawer runs on small bearings.汽车驶向下坡。抽屉有一点推力就滑动15. To be in operation

6、:开动,运转:用法与例句:The engine is running.发动机正在运转16. To go back and forth especially on a regular basis; ply:(尤指定期地)来回行驶;定期行驶:用法与例句:The ferry runs every hour.货船一小时往来一趟17. Nautical To sail or steer before the wind or on an indicated course:【航海】 (船)起程:在风到来之前或按既定航程行驶或驾驶:用法与例句:run before a storm.在暴风雨来临之前起程18.

7、To flow, especially in a steady stream:流淌(尤指在稳定的水流中):用法与例句:Fresh water runs from the spring. Turn on the faucet and let the water run.新鲜的水是从泉中流出的。打开水龙头任意让水流吧19. To emit pus, mucus, or serous fluid:流出:流出脓、粘液或浆液:用法与例句:Pollen makes my nose run.花粉使我流鼻涕20. To melt and flow:(固体)融化:融化并流动:用法与例句:A hot flame

8、will make the solder run.热的火焰使焊料融化21. To spread or dissolve, as dyes in fabric:(如织物上染料)渗化或渗色:用法与例句:Colorfast garments are not supposed to run.不掉色的衣服应该不渗色的22. To extend, stretch, or reach in a certain direction or to a particular point:延伸:向某一方向或某一点延伸、伸展或到达:用法与例句:This road runs to the next town.这条路伸向临

9、近的一个镇23. To extend, spread, or climb as a result of growing:蔓生:因成长而延伸、散开或爬:用法与例句:Ivy ran up the wall.常春藤顺着墙向上爬24. To spread rapidly:传播:迅速传播:用法与例句:disease that ran rampant.猖獗地传播的疾病25. To be valid in a given area:在某一特定地区有效:用法与例句:The speed limit runs only to the town line.时速限制只在去镇上的路上有效26. To be presen

10、t as a valid accompaniment:伴随存在:作为有效伴随物存在:用法与例句:Fishing rights run with ownership of the land.具有土地的所有权便具有打渔权27. To unravel along a line:脱线:沿一条线脱散:用法与例句:Her stocking ran.她的袜子脱丝了28. To continue in effect or operation:继续有效,继续运行:用法与例句:a lease with one year to run.还有一年有效期的租借29. To pass:流逝:用法与例句:Days ran

11、into weeks.日子一天天过去,转瞬就是几个星期30. To tend to persist or recur:连续:持续存在或不断重复出现:用法与例句:Stinginess seems to run in that family.那一家好象一直很吝啬31. To accumulate or accrue:积累,产生:用法与例句:The interest runs from the first of the month.借贷利息从本月一日开始算起32. To become payable.成为应付款的33. To take a particular form, order, or exp

12、ression:写着,说着:采用某一特定形式、顺序或表达方式:用法与例句:My reasoning runs thus. The report runs as follows.我的逻辑是这样的。报告如下34. To tend or incline:倾向于:用法与例句:Their taste in art runs to the bizarre.他们的艺术品味倾向于稀奇古怪35. To occupy or exist in a certain range:占据或存在某一范围内:用法与例句:The sizes run from small to large.号码大小不一36. To be pres

13、ented or performed for a continuous period of time:连续演出:很长一段时间一直进行或表演:用法与例句:The play ran for six months.这个剧连演了六个月37. To pass into a specified condition:处于进入某种特定境遇:用法与例句:We ran into debt.我们开始负债了run的词性及物动词)38. To travel over on foot at a pace faster than a walk:跑:脚步比散步快的行进:用法与例句:ran the entire

14、distance.跑了全程39. To cause (an animal) to move quickly or rapidly:使跑 ,使奔:使(动物)快跑:用法与例句:We run our hunting dogs every morning.每天早上我遛猎狗跑40. To allow to move without restraint.允许自由地移动41. To do or accomplish by or as if by running:奔走着做:通过跑或是类似跑来做或完成:用法与例句:run errands.跑腿42. To hunt or pursue; chase:狩猎;追逐:

15、用法与例句:dogs running deer.逐鹿的狗43. To bring to a given condition by or as if by running:使达到:通过跑或类似跑来使达到某种情况:用法与例句:The toddlers ran me ragged.学步的儿童使我筋疲力尽44. To cause to move quickly:使快速移动:用法与例句:She ran her fingers along the keyboard.她的手指在琴键上飞快地移动45. To cause to compete in or as if in a race:使象赛跑一样竞争:用法与

16、例句:He ran two horses in the Kentucky Derby.在肯德基马赛中他让两只马参赛46. To present or nominate for elective office:提出(侯选人):引见或提名竞选职务:用法与例句:The party ran her for senator.这个党提名她为议员侯选人47. To cause to move or progress freely.使通过:使自由移动或进展顺利48. To cause to function; operate:使运转;操作:用法与例句:run a machine.操作机器49. To conv

17、ey or transport:载送;捎带:用法与例句:Run me into town. Run the garbage over to the dump.把我送到镇上。把垃圾运到垃圾筒内50. Nautical To cause to move on a course:【航海】 使驶向:使按航道行驶:用法与例句:We ran our boat into a cove.我们把船驶向小海湾51. To smuggle:偷运,走私:用法与例句:run guns.私运枪支52. To evade and pass through:穿过:避开并穿过:用法与例句:run a roadblock.穿过路

18、障53. To pass over or through:穿过,越过:用法与例句:run the rapids.冲过急流54. To cause to flow:使流动:用法与例句:run water into a tub.把水注入管道中55. To stream with:流出:用法与例句:The fountains ran champagne.泉水流出香槟酒56. Metallurgy 【冶金学】 57. To melt, fuse, or smelt (metal).溶化,熔合或熔炼(金属)58. To mold or cast (molten metal):浇铸,溶铸(溶化了的金属):

19、用法与例句:run gold into ingots.把金子浇铸成金锭59. To cause to extend or pass:使延伸或经过:用法与例句:run a rope between the poles.在两端之间绕一根绳60. To mark or trace on a surface:描,划:在表面上标出或画出:用法与例句:run a pencil line between two points.在两点之间用铅笔画一条线61. To sew with a continuous line of stitches:匆忙地缝:用一条连续的线缝:用法与例句:run a seam.匆忙地

20、缝线62. To cause to unravel along a line:使脱线:使沿一条线脱落:用法与例句:She ran her stocking on a splinter.在裂片上划了袜子而使之脱丝63. To cause to crash or collide:使相撞,使撞入:用法与例句:ran the car into a fence.把汽车撞上篱笆64. To cause to penetrate:使刺入:用法与例句:I ran a pin into my thumb.我的大拇指进了刺65. To continue to present or perform:继续展出,继续上

21、演:用法与例句:ran the film for a month.这部电影上演了一个月66. To publish in a periodical:刊登,刊印:在刊物上出版,刊登:用法与例句:run an advertisement.刊登广告67. To subject or be subjected to:冒(危险等):使遭受或遭受:用法与例句:run a risk.冒一次险68. Games 【游戏】 69. To score (balls or points) consecutively in billiards:连续得(分):(台球中)连续击(球或得分):用法与例句:run 15 ba

22、lls.连续击15次球70. To clear (the table) in pool by consecutive scores.连续得分:(台球)连续得分将案上的球全部击掉71. To conduct or perform:进行,执行:用法与例句:run an experiment.进行实验72. Computer Science To process or execute (a program or an instruction).【计算机科学】 执行或进行(程序或命令)73. To control, manage, or direct:控制,管理,指导:用法与例句:ran the ca

23、mpaign by himself; a bureau that runs espionage operations.由他自己管理比赛;管理间谍活动的部门run的词性:n.(名词)74. A pace faster than a walk.跑步,奔跑:比散步快的一种步伐75. A fast gallop. Used of a horse.奔驰:快速奔驰。用于指马76. An act of running.奔跑:奔跑的行为77. A distance covered by or as if by running.跑距:奔跑或好象奔跑的路程78. The time taken to cover s

24、uch a distance:奔跑的时间:经过奔跑的这段路程所需要时间:用法与例句:It is a two minutes run from the subway.从地铁跑两分钟就到了79. A quick trip or visit:短期旅行或访问:用法与例句:a run into town.进城一趟80. Sports A running race:【体育运动】 赛跑:用法与例句:the winner of the mile run.英里赛跑冠军81. A campaign for public office:竞选:为公共职位而进行的竞选:用法与例句:She managed his suc

25、cessful senatorial run.她为他竞选议员的成功做了安排82. Abbr. r, rBaseball A point scored by advancing around the bases and reaching home plate safely.缩写 r, r【棒球】 垒得分,跑垒:绕垒跑而安全到达本垒板得分83. Football A players attempt to carry the ball past or through the opposing team, usually for a specified distance:【橄榄球】 持球跑打法:运动员

26、持球跑过对方球队(通常有一定的距离)的打法:用法与例句:a 30-yard run.三十码持球跑84. The migration of fish, especially in order to spawn.洄游:鱼群的洄游,尤指为了产卵85. A group or school of fish ascending a river in order to spawn.洄游鱼群:游向河的下游去产卵的一群鱼86. Unrestricted freedom or use:使用(或出入)的自由:用法与例句:I had the run of the library.我可自由使用图书馆87. A stre

27、tch or period of riding, as in a race or to the hounds.行程:(赛跑或狩猎等的)行进的路程和时间88. A track or slope along or down which something can travel:走向,动向:某物能通过的轨迹或坡度:用法与例句:a logging run.航行方向89. Sports A particular type of passage down a hill or across country experienced by an athlete, especially a skier or bo

28、bsledder:【体育运动】 滑道:运动员(尤指滑雪运动员或大雪橇运动员)沿山而下穿过的特殊通道:用法与例句:had two very good runs before the end of the day.天黑之前有两个滚动特别好的滑组90. Sports The distance a golf ball rolls after hitting the ground.【体育运动】 滚动距离:高尔夫球触地后滚动的距离91. A scheduled or regular route.路线:定好的或规则的线路92. The territory of a news reporter.采访范围:新闻

29、报道的范围93. A continuous period of operation, especially of a machine or factory.运行时间:(尤指机器或工厂的)持续运行时间94. The production achieved during such a period:运行产量:运行时间内所生产的产品数量:用法与例句:a press run of 15,000 copies.一万五千份的印刷运行产量95. A movement or,流动96. The duration of such a flow.流动时间:流动所经过的时间97. The amoun

30、t of such a flow.流量98. A pipe or channel through which something flows.水管,渠道,水槽:某物流动所通过的管道或渠道99. Eastern Lower Northern U.S. See creek【美国中北部以东】 参见 creek100. A fall or slide, as of sand or mud.滑落:(沙或泥的)下落和滑动101. Continuous length or extent:连续的一段长度和范围:用法与例句:a five-foot run of tubing.一段五英尺长的管道102. Geol

31、ogy A vein or seam, as of ore or rock.【地质学】 地层:(矿石或岩石)矿脉或矿层103. The direction, configuration, or lie:布局,分布:方向,结构或位置:用法与例句:the run of the grain in leather.皮革粒面的分布104. A trail or way made or frequented by animals.(动物经常出没)的路径105. An outdoor enclosure for domestic animals or poultry:饲养场:禽和动物的户外饲养处:用法与例句

32、:a dog run; a turkey run.养狗场;火鸡场106. A length of torn or unraveled stitches in a knitted fabric.抽丝,脱针:织物上的一段脱落的针角107. A blemish caused by excessive paint flow.挂流:由于油漆刷得过厚引起的瑕疵108. An unbroken series or sequence:一连串,一系列:不断的一系列或一组:用法与例句:a run of dry summers.接连不断的干燥夏季109. An unbroken sequence of theatr

33、ical performances.连演:戏院表演的不断进行110. Music A rapid sequence of notes; a roulade.【音乐】 连奏,急唱:一组快节奏的音节;滚奏111. A series of unexpected and urgent demands, as by depositors or customers:争购,挤兑:存款人或顾客等的令人意外且紧急的提款要求:用法与例句:a run on a bank.银行的挤兑112. A continuous set or sequence, as of playing cards in one suit.同

34、花顺子:(玩牌时同一花色的)连着的一系列113. A successful sequence of shots or points.连中:一系列打中或得分114. A sustained state or condition:连续:持续的状态或情况:用法与例句:a run of good luck.连续的好运115. A trend or tendency:趋势,动向:用法与例句:the run of events.事情的动向116. The average type, group, or category:(普通)类型:平均的类型,一组或分类:用法与例句:The broad run of v

35、oters want the candidate to win.投票的大多数普通人希望所选的竞选者获胜117. Computer Science An execution of a specific program or instruction.【计算机科学】 运行:对某一程序或指令的执行118. runs Slang Diarrhea. Often used with the.runs 【俚语】 泻肚。通常和the 连用 run的词性:adj.(形容词)119. Being in a melted or molten state:融化的,熔铸的:用法与例句:run butter; run g

36、old.融化的黄油;铸金120. Completely exhausted from running.跑得筋疲力尽的121. To find by chance; come upon.偶然发现;偶然碰到122. To pursue; chase.追赶;追逐123. To seek the company or attention of for purposes of courting:追求:为求爱而找伴或吸引其注意力:用法与例句:He finally became tired of running after her.他追求她终于追烦了124. To encounter unexpectedl

37、y; run into.偶然撞见:意外遇见;与偶然碰见125. To work against; oppose:违反:与作对;反对:用法与例句:found public sentiment running against him.发现公众反对他的情绪126. To go away; leave.离开;走开127. To flee; escape.跑开;逃走128. To leave ones home, especially to elope.离家出走,尤指私奔129. To stampede.(马等)惊跑130. To stop because of lack of force or pow

38、er:停掉,耗尽:因缺乏力量或能量而停止:用法与例句:The alarm clock finally ran down.闹钟终于停了131. To become tired.筋疲力尽132. To collide with and knock down:与相撞,把撞倒:用法与例句:a pedestrian who was run down by a speeding motorist.被一辆疾驰的摩托车撞倒的行人133. Nautical To collide with and cause to sink.【航海】 撞沉:与相撞并导致其沉没134. To chase and capture:追

39、捕到:追寻并抓到:用法与例句:Detectives ran down the suspects.侦探抓获了嫌疑犯135. To trace the source of:追溯:追踪的来源:用法与例句:The police ran down all possible leads in the missing-person case.警察查遍了这件失踪案的所有可能的线索136. To disparage:贬低,说坏话:用法与例句:Dont run her down; she is very talented.不要贬低她;她很有天分的137. To go over; review:浏览;复习:用法与例

40、句:run down a list once more.再浏览一下单子138. Baseball To put a runner out after trapping him or her between two bases.【棒球】 夹杀:当跑垒员陷入两垒之间后将其推出139. To insert or include as something extra:插入,补入:把另外一件东西嵌入或包括进来:用法与例句:ran in an illustration next to the first paragraph.在第一段旁边加上插图140. Printing To make a solid b

41、ody of text without a paragraph or other break.【印刷术】 使不间断,使不分段,连排:使排字材料不分段落或间隙地连下去141. Slang To take into legal custody.【俚语】 拘留142. To go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize; visit:非正式访问,顺便看望:为交往目的而去与相伴;拜访:用法与例句:We ran in for an hour.我们拜访了一个小时143. To meet or find by chance:偶然遇见,偶然发现:

42、用法与例句:ran into an old friend.与一个老朋友不期而遇144. To encounter (something):遭遇,陷入(某件事):用法与例句:ran into trouble.陷入麻烦145. To collide with.与相撞146. To amount to:共计,合计:用法与例句:His net worth runs into seven figures.他的净值达到了七位数147. To print, duplicate, or copy:印刷,打印出,复印:用法与例句:ran off 200 copies of the report.把这个报告复制了

43、200份148. To run away; elope.跑掉;私奔149. To flow off; drain away.流掉;流干150. To decide a contest or competition by a runoff.对比赛(或竞争)进行决赛151. To force or drive off (trespassers, for example).赶走,驱逐(例如,私入地界者)152. To keep going; continue.继续做;继续153. To talk volubly, persistently, and usually inconsequentially

44、:喋喋不休地讲:讲个不停,通常前后不一致地讲个没完:用法与例句:He is always running on about his tax problems.对于他税务方面的问题,他总是讲个不停154. To continue a text without a formal break.不分段,不换行:不间断地接连下去155. To become used up; be exhausted:用完;耗尽:用法与例句:Our supplies finally ran out.我们的供给终于耗尽了156. To put out by force; compel to leave:逐出:强使离去;驱逐

45、:用法与例句:We ran him out of town.我们把他驱逐出镇子157. To become void, especially through the passage of time or an omission:期满:因期满或疏漏而无效:用法与例句:an insurance policy that had run out.已过期的保险单158. To collide with, knock down, and often pass over:碾过:与相撞、撞倒,通常压过去:用法与例句:The car ran over a child.那辆汽车碾过了孩子159. To read

46、or review quickly:浏览:快速阅读或过目:用法与例句:run over a speech before giving it.演说之前浏览一下演讲稿160. To flow over.飞过,掠过161. To go beyond a limit:超过某个限制:用法与例句:The meeting ran over by 30 minutes.会议拖了30分钟了162. To pierce:穿透,刺穿:用法与例句:The soldier was run through by a bayonet.士兵被刺刀刺透了163. To use up quickly:挥霍掉:用法与例句:She

47、ran through all her money.她很快花完了所有的钱164. To rehearse quickly:匆匆排练:用法与例句:Lets run through the first act again.我们再排练一下第一场165. To go over the salient points or facts of:匆匆看过:把的突出点或事实过目一下:用法与例句:The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witnesss testimony before presenting it in c

48、ourt.机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。在法庭上出示之前,我们先过目一下见证人的证词166. To make or become greater or larger:使变大,变大,增大:用法与例句:ran up huge bills; run up the price of the companys stock.积欠很大的债务;使公司股票的价格升值167. To take as ones own; adopt:收为自己的;采用:用法与例句:“He was determined to run with the idea and go public before it had been res

49、earched” (Betty Cuniberti)“他 决定采用这种观点,在调查之前公开” (贝蒂库尼伯特)run的习惯用语168. Strong competition.激烈竞争169. In the final analysis or outcome.从长远看,从最终结果来看170. In the immediate future.在不远的将来171. In rapid retreat:迅速撤退:用法与例句:guerrillas on the run after an ambush.遭伏击后迅速撤退的游击队员172. In hiding:隐藏着的:用法与例句:fugitives on t

50、he run.隐藏着逃亡者173. Hurrying busily from place to place:频繁往来的:用法与例句:executives always on the run from New York to Los Angeles.频繁往来于纽约和洛杉矶之间的行政官员174. To have a fever.发烧175. To make off with hurriedly.与一起跑掉176. To steal.盗177. To be greater or bigger than others in (a performance, for example).(如在表演中)胜过其

51、他的178. To run into; collide with:与相撞;与碰撞:用法与例句:a sloop that had run foul of the submerged reef.撞了水下暗礁的单桅帆船179. To come into conflict with:与冲突,违背:用法与例句:a pickpocket who ran foul of the law.违法的扒手180. To go through the movements of running without leaving ones original position.原地跑:不离原地进行地跑步动作181. To c

52、apture or carry off:获得,取走:用法与例句:ran off with the state championship.获得全国冠军182. To look at or read in a cursory manner.草草地看,粗略地读183. To exhaust the supply of:消耗掉的供给:用法与例句:ran out of fuel.耗光燃料184. To exhaust ones energy or enthusiasm.耗尽精力或热情185. To falter or come to a stop because of a lack of capital

53、, support, or enthusiasm.(被迫)中止:因缺少资金,支持或热情而动摇或停止186. To abandon:放弃,抛弃:用法与例句:has run out on the family.放弃家庭187. To be markedly superior to.明显比好,胜过188. To become intimidated or frightened.吓坏了,受到惊吓189. To become scanty or insufficient in supply:供给不足或极少:用法与例句:Fuel oil ran short during the winter.冬季燃油不足

54、190. To use up so that a supply becomes insufficient or scanty:用尽使供给缺乏或不足:用法与例句:ran short of paper clips.用完了纸夹191. To pursue and successfully capture:追获:追逐并成功地抓获:用法与例句:Dogs ran the fox to earth. The police ran the terrorists to ground.狗追获了狐狸。警察捕获恐怖主义者run的词源:192. Middle English ernen, runnen 中古英语 ernen, runnen 193. from Old English rinnan, eornan, earnan 源自 古英语 rinnan, eornan, earnan 194. and from Old Norse rinna * see rei- 并源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 rinna *参见 rei- 推荐精选

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