detachment是什么意思 detachment的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  detachment是什么意思 detachment的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词性和含义


  2. 语法用法


  3. 同义词和反义词

  Synonyms: disconnection, separation, distance, aloofness, objectivity

  Antonyms: attachment, connection, involvement, warmth, pion

  4. 实际应用



  1. She showed remarkable detachment from her personal problems when dealing with work issues.

  2. After the break-up, he withdrew into a state of detachment from the world.

  3. The detachment of the report made it difficult for readers to understand the urgency of the situation.

  4. John’s detachment from his family has caused quite a stir among his relatives.

  5. The detachment of the boss from his employees resulted in a high staff turnover.


  1. 她在工作时表现得非常超然,对于个人问题的处理毫不影响。

  2. 分手后,他变得疏离了这个世界。

  3. 这份报告的冷静和客观使读者很难理解局势的紧迫性。

  4. 约翰与家人的疏离在亲戚中引起了轩然。

  5. 老板与员工之间的距离导致了高员工流失率。



  1. It is important to maintain a certain degree of detachment in order to make objective decisions. (保持一定的超脱很重要,以便做出客观的决定。)

  2. The detachment of the satellite from the rocket was successful. (卫星与火箭的分离成功了。)

  3. The army sent a detachment to secure the border. (派遣了一支分遣队来保护边境。)



  例句:The Centre’s worried that Reagan may be planning a covert strike against a Spetsnaz detachment in Nicaragua. (总部担心 打算秘密打击 我国驻守在尼加拉瓜的特种)


  例句:Objective: To discuss the value of high frequency ultrasonography (HFU) and CDFI in the diagnosis of retinal detachment. (目的:探讨高频超声及彩色多普勒血流显像在视网膜脱离诊断中的应用价值。)


  例句:We are a special detachment of reconnaissance operations from general headquarters with code name Kobra. (总指挥部侦察局特种 无线电通讯代号:)


  例句:It is the most common type of retinal detachment, ahead of tractional and exudative. (翻译:这是视网膜脱离最常见的一种类型,比牵拉性和渗出性的病例多发。)

  detachment一般作为名词使用,如在electron detachment(电子脱离)、ion detachment(离子分离)、iris detachment(虹膜脱离; 虹膜松摇)等常见短语中出现较多。

  electron detachment电子脱离ion detachment离子分离iris detachment虹膜脱离; 虹膜松摇maintenance detachment[化] 流动修理组medical detachment[医] 医疗队metaphysics for detachment超然的形而上学motorized detachment摩托化分遣队professional detachment专业超然性retina detachment视网膜剥离1. We are a special detachment of reconnaissance operations from general headquarters with code name Kobra. (翻译:总指挥部侦察局特种 无线电通讯代号:)

  2. It is the most common type of retinal detachment, ahead of tractional and exudative. (翻译:这是视网膜脱离最常见的一种类型,比牵拉性和渗出性的病例多发。)

  3. A clog near the eye can cause vision problems and retinal detachment. (翻译:眼睛附近的堵塞, 会导致视力问题和视网膜脱离。)

  4. Complications included preretinal hemorrhage, residue of macular pucker, recurrent retinal detachment, nuclear cataract. (翻译:视网膜表面出血、黄斑前膜残留、视网膜脱离复发、核性白内障发展。)

  5. Objective To discuss surgical management of giant rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with intraocular lens and aphakic eye. (翻译:目的探讨人工晶体及无晶体眼巨大裂孔性视网膜脱离的手术治疗。)

  6. There is this “detachment” and I realize that there are obviously experiences which would overwhelm everyone. (翻译:有了这种“超然”,我意识到显然有一些经历会压垮所有人。)

  7. “American Dreamz” isn’t nearly as good as “Strangelove, ” perhaps because it lacks its merciless ironic detachment. (翻译:“美国梦”搞得并不如“Strangelove”好,大概因为它缺乏一种冷酷批判的理性。)

  8. We uncovered the real reason you sent Detachment 27 to Las Colinas. (翻译:我们发现了你派27特遣队 到拉斯柯林纳的真正理由)

  9. Clinical observation on serosity macular detachment secondary to retinal vein occlusion (翻译:视网膜静脉阻塞继发黄斑部浆液性视网膜脱离临床观察)

  10. It is the most common type of retinal detachment, ahead of tractional and exudative. (翻译:这是视网膜脱离最常见的一种类型,比牵拉性和渗出性的病例多发。)

  11. Conclusion It is easier to suffer retinal detachment in emmetropia when they are over 50 years old. (翻译:结论正视眼孔源性视网膜脱离多见于xx岁以上年龄患者,双眼发病较少。)

  12. Detachment Puroma launches a counter-attack at 10.45 p.m. (翻译:你的帕罗马分遣队在晚上10: 45分发动)

  13. Macular translocation after 360 degree retinotomy for complicated retinal detachment (翻译:360度视网膜切开致黄斑转位性斜视的临床分析)

  14. Hold on. I am Buzz Lightyear, and I’m in charge of this detachment. (翻译:等一下,我是巴斯光年 这支分队是由我负责的)

  15. retinal complication: Basically be oedema of appearance of yellow spot bursa and detachment of retina. (翻译:视网膜并发症:主要是黄斑囊样水肿和视网膜脱离。)

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