cream是什么意思 cream的翻译、中文解释

  cream是什么意思 cream的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 食物中的奶油



  1. I like to add a dollop of cream to my coffee in the morning. (我喜欢在早上的咖啡中加入一小勺奶油。)

  2. This recipe calls for heavy cream, but you can use half-and-half if you prefer. (这个食谱需要重奶油,但是如果你喜欢,可以使用一半一半。)

  3. You can whip up some cream to put on top of your cake. (你可以打发一些奶油放在你的蛋糕上。)

  4. The soup is made with a base of cream and chicken stock. (这道汤是用奶油和鸡肉汤为基础制作的。)

  5. I’m , we don’t have any cream left. Would you like to use milk instead? (,我们没有剩下的奶油了。你想要用牛奶代替吗?)

  2. 化妆品中的面霜



  1. I always apply a cream moisturizer before bed. (我每晚睡觉前都涂上一层面霜保湿。)

  2. You can use this cream to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. (你可以用这种面霜减少皱纹和细纹。)

  3. This cream is specifically designed for sensitive skin. (这种面霜是专门为敏感肌肤设计的。)

  4. You should apply your eye cream with your ring finger. (你应该用你的无名指涂抹眼霜。)

  5. My skin feels so soft and smooth after using this cream. (用了这个面霜之后,我的皮肤感觉非常柔软和光滑。)

  3. 乳脂奶油的缩写

  在一些场合下,cream被缩写为cr,用于指代乳脂奶油(clotted cream)。


  1. Scones are usually served with jam and clotted cream. (司康饼通常搭配果酱和乳脂奶油一同食用。)

  2. I’ve never tried clotted cream before, but it sounds delicious. (我以前从未尝试过乳脂奶油,但听起来很美味。)

  3. The traditional Cornish way to serve cream tea is with the jam first and then the clotted cream. (康沃尔郡传统的奶油茶做法是先涂果酱,再涂乳脂奶油。)

  4. Clotted cream is a thick, rich cream that is perfect for desserts. (乳脂奶油是一种浓稠,丰富的奶油,非常适合用于甜点。)

  5. This recipe for scones calls for clotted cream instead of er. (这个司康饼的食谱需要用乳脂奶油代替黄油。)

  4. 非常好的,优秀的



  1. That movie was cream of the crop, I highly recommend it. (那部电影是最好的电影之一,我非常推荐。)

  2. This new restaurant is the cream of the crop when it comes to Italian cuisine. (这家新餐厅在意大利菜方面是最好的。)

  3. This car is the cream of the crop, it’s the fastest and most efficient. (这辆车是最好的,速度和效率都最高。)

  4. This hotel is the cream of the crop when it comes to luxury accommodations. (在豪华住宿方面,这家酒店是最好的。)

  5. The team’s performance was cream of the crop, they won every game. (球队的表现非常出色,他们赢得了每一场比赛。)




  1. I bought a tub of cream for the cake.(我买了一桶奶油蛋糕。)

  2. She always puts cream in her coffee.(她总是在咖啡里加奶油。)

  3. The cream is too rich for my taste.(这份奶油太浓郁了,我不喜欢。)

  4. Can you p me the cream, please?(请把奶油递给我好吗?)

  5. My grandmother used to make a delicious cream sauce for pasta.(我奶奶曾经为意大利面做过一种美味的奶油酱。)



  例句:The sauce is mostly cream. (这沙司主要是奶油。)


  例句:Eh, you want some more ice cream? (you want some more ice cream?)


  例句:- Well, we could go to the ice-cream place. (we could go to the ice -cream place.)


  例句:Ah, you scream, I steam We all want egg cream (翻译:Ah, you scream, I steam We all want egg cream)

  cream一般作为名词、动词使用,如在the cream(奶油

  乳霜)、the cream of(……的精英

  ……的精华)、ice cream(冰淇淋 )等常见短语中出现较多。

  the cream奶油

  乳霜the cream of……的精英

  ……的精华ice cream冰淇淋dipping cream浸挂用糖膏dry cream奶油粉double cream高脂肪浓奶油dried cream稀奶油粉emollient cream[网络] 滋润霜;润肤霜;保湿护肤乳霜egg cream全蛋液1. – Well, we could go to the ice-cream place. (翻译:we could go to the ice -cream place.)

  2. Ah, you scream, I steam We all want egg cream (翻译:Ah, you scream, I steam We all want egg cream)

  3. There are monistat cream or suppositories. (翻译:有硝酸咪康唑乳霜或栓剂。)

  4. Is it true that it rains ice cream in Germany? (翻译:德国会下冰淇淋雨是真的么? lt is true that rains ice cream in Germany?)

  5. It is as popular as cream tea, where the beverage is served with scones, jam and clotted cream. (翻译:它与有着烤饼,果酱、缩奶油的奶茶一样受到欢迎。)

  6. Cherry, pumpkin, or coconut cream? (翻译:樱桃 南瓜 还是椰奶馅儿? Cherry, pumpkin, or coconut cream?)

  7. Cold as ice cream, but still as sweet (翻译:* Cold as ice cream but still as sweet *)

  8. The ice-cream bar is this way. (翻译:穿过Hamilton街 The ice -cream bar is this way.)

  9. Alright, kahlua, baileys and whipped cream. (翻译:好啦 甘露奶油百利 Alright, kahlua, baileys and whipped cream.)

  10. And the portrait of life than Ive ever used eye cream is the Lancome eye cream best eye cream for the outside. (翻译:而且倾情终身眼霜是我用过的除兰蔻眼霜外效果最好的眼霜了。)

  11. That means that Mr. Pralines and Cream… has the ability to freely gain access. (翻译:就是说奶油果仁糖先生… That means that Mr. Pralines and Cream…)

  12. There was plenty of ice cream, jellies, cream cakes, and all that, but nothing savoury . (翻译:有很多冰淇淋、果冻、奶油蛋糕及其他东西,但没有一样是美味可口的。)

  13. The internet killed everything. (翻译:-cream shops… dead. 一切都被网络毁了 The internet killed everything.)

  14. I was gonna have some ice cream, but, uh, that looks good. (翻译:我本来合计吃点雪糕 那也不错 I was gonna have some ice cream, but, uh, that looks good.)

  15. I could get very ill from eating ice cream. (翻译:-intolerant. 吃冰淇淋会拉肚子 l could get very ill from eating ice cream.)

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