beautify是什么意思 beautify的翻译、中文解释

  beautify是什么意思 beautify的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词释:beautify是一个动词,指的是改善或增强外观、美化某个物体或场景的过程,使之更加美丽、吸引人。

  2. 词性变化:beautify 的派生形式还有形容词 beautiful 和名词 beauty。

  3. 用法说明:beautify 常与介词 with 或者 for 连用,例如:beautify the garden with flowers (用花卉美化花园);beautify the city for tourists (为游客美化城市)。

  4. 同义词:embellish, enhance, adorn, decorate, enrich。


  1. She spent the whole day beautifying the garden with new plants and ornaments. 她花了一整天的时间用新的植物和装饰品美化花园。

  2. The government invested a lot of money to beautify the streets and improve the city’s image. 投入大量资金美化街道,提高城市形象。

  3. The designer’s job was to beautify the packaging of the product and make it more attractive to consumers. 设计师的任务是美化产品的包装,使其更吸引消费者。

  4. The artist used bright colors and intricate patterns to beautify the wall of the building. 艺术家使用鲜艳的颜色和复杂的图案美化了建筑物的墙面。

  5. The bride wore a beautiful dress and had her hair and makeup done to beautify herself for the wedding. 新娘穿着美丽的礼服,化妆和盘发,为婚礼美化自己。





  1. The flowers and trees in the garden were carefully arranged to beautify the surroundings.(花园里的花草树木被精心布置,以美化周围环境。)

  2. She likes to use makeup to beautify her appearance.(她喜欢用化妆品来美化自己的外表。)

  3. The city government is planning to beautify the streets with more greenery and public art installations.(市计划通过增加绿化和公共艺术装置,美化街道。)



  例句:Promotion skin metabolism , prevent the pigmentation. Regularize internal secretion, nourish and beautify the face and the skin . (促进皮肤新陈代谢,防止色素形成;调节内分泌;滋润皮肤,美容养颜。)


  例句:Wood carvings on window frames have been made into a variety of wall hangings to beautify rooms. (窗棂上的木雕,也被业者改做成各种壁饰,用以美化墙面。)


  例句:A cool collection of decorative stickers from Diz Decor, a Brazilian design group that makes stickers to beautify walls. (名为DizDecor的巴西设计团队,设计了一系列装饰贴纸,以美化家庭室内的墙壁。)


  例句:Delay plastic surgery – the job of Venus is to beautify, and with Venus asleep at the switch, you may not like the results. (翻译:延期整容手术——金星掌管美丽,现在金星睡觉了,你不会喜欢整容结果的。)

  1. A cool collection of decorative stickers from Diz Decor, a Brazilian design group that makes stickers to beautify walls. (翻译:名为DizDecor的巴西设计团队,设计了一系列装饰贴纸,以美化家庭室内的墙壁。)

  2. Delay plastic surgery – the job of Venus is to beautify, and with Venus asleep at the switch, you may not like the results. (翻译:延期整容手术——金星掌管美丽,现在金星睡觉了,你不会喜欢整容结果的。)

  3. You know what to beautify is, I suppose? (翻译:我想你知道怎么美化吧? )

  4. People beautify only what they love, and death repels us and tires our patience. (翻译:人们只会美化他们只所爱,但是死亡让我们反感并消磨我们的耐心。)

  5. In my eyes and heart, to beautify the appearance of not only the United States, more beautiful heart. (翻译:在我的眼中和心里,美化不但外表美,内心更美。)

  6. Soon after, it was announced there would be a new scenic park built along the river to beautify the city. (翻译:不久后,宣布将要建一个新的沿河公园景区来美化城市。)

  7. And the best part is, there is always more to explore as the city is constantly evolving in the race to modernize and beautify itself. (翻译:其中最美好的部分就是——总有更多的东西等待着你去发现,这个城市正在不断奔向现代化,变得更加美丽迷人。)

  8. A cool collection of decorative stickers from Diz decor, a Brazilian design group that makes stickers to beautify walls. (翻译:名为Diz Decor的巴西设计团队,设计了一系列装饰贴纸,以美化家庭室内的墙壁。)

  9. Her efforts to beautify the United States were reflected in her large-scale planting of trees and flowers all over Washington. (翻译:她积极倡导在大华府地区大规模植树种花,反映她为美化美国环境进行的努力。)

  10. Utena UV Whitening Cream consists of 15 kinds of Chinese herbs including ginseng, big date and yellow lotus, which can deeply moisturise and beautify the skin. (翻译:由甘草·桑白皮·牡丹花·款冬花·人参·当归·大枣·阿仙药·黄莲…等,15种汉方药草萃取而成,保湿添加,能够深入滋润美容肌肤! )

  11. A: That works, but planting things like spearmint, southernwood, and tansy could both beautify your yard and deter your invaders. (翻译:安:那是有用的,不过种一些植物,像绿薄荷、青蒿和艾菊,不但美化你的院子,更可以抵挡你的入侵者。)

  12. What he cannot beautify, he’s tried to hide behind new fences. (翻译:他没法美化的地方,他都努力把它们藏在新围栏背后)

  13. Join Sally in this fabulous fight to beautify little old ladies, punk rockers and impatient celebrities with the hairstyles they want. (翻译:加入这个令人难以置信的斗争,以美化他们想要的发型小老太太,朋克摇滚乐队和不耐烦名人莎莉。)

  14. Most of the site was already embanked with concrete as the result of the local? Ood control policy and before a landscape architect was asked to “beautify” it. (翻译:由于过去治洪的政策,以及景观设计师受命所做的“美化”,园址大部分区域砌上了混凝土。)

  15. Claire worked to beautify the garden. (翻译:克莱尔为美化花园工作着。)

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