
subject [səbˈdʒekt] n. 主题,话题;学科;主语;对象,下面我们就来说一说关于英语四级选词填空常见单词大全?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



subject [səbˈdʒekt] n. 主题,话题;学科;主语;对象

a. 受……支配的

vt. 使遭受;使从属;使服从

【习惯用语】①a delicate [tender, thorny] subject 敏感的问题,需要审慎的事情,令人棘手的问题②a sore subject 触人痛处的问题③be a subject for(=be the subject of) (讨论,研究,实验的)题目[对象,材料];作为……的理由[原因]

【试题精练】The employees are______to the rules and regulations of the company.

A. subject

B. liable

C. apt

D. submissive

【答案】A. be subject to 受……支配的;易遭……的(如We are subject to the laws of the country/to the rules of the school/to the laws of nature. You can leave early subject to the headmaster's approval: He is subject to colds/to headaches.)。liable a. 常常会(to+动词原形);易得(……病),可能会受到……惩罚(to)。apt a. (习性)易于……的,有……倾向的(to+动词原形)。submissive(to) a. 温顺的,顺从的。

subjective [səbˈdʒektiv] a. 主观的;想像中的

submarine [sʌbməˈriːn,ˈsʌbməriːn] a. 水底的,海底的

submerge [səbˈməːdʒ] vi. 潜入水中

vt. 淹没,浸没

The rising flood waters will soon ______the village.

A. merge

B. emerge

C. submerge

D. cover

【答案】C. submerge v. 浸没,淹没(如He submerged his hands in warm water. Submarines can submerge very quickly. The river submerged large tracts of land.)。merge v. (使)结合,(使)合为一体。emerge vi. 出现,涌现;(问题)冒出,(事实)暴露。cover vt. 覆盖。

subordinate [səˈbɔːdinət;(US)-dənət] a. 次要的,从属的,下级的

subscribe [səbˈskraib] vt. ①捐助,赞助


vi. 订阅,订购

【长难例句】It's theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. 经济学家采纳了这种作法,但实际上这使得铁路公司可以决定哪些公司繁荣兴旺,哪些公司濒临倒闭。

subsequent [ˈsʌbsikwənt] a. 随后的,后来的

【长难例句】That experiences influence subsequent behaviour is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. 过去的经验会影响以后的行为,这一事实是一种叫做记忆的显而易见却值得关注的行为的证据。

【试题精练】His misbehavior and______dismissal from the firm was reported in the newspaper.

A. thereafter

B. afterward

C. punctual

D. subsequent

【答案】D. subsequent(to) a. (书面语)随后的,后来的(如We made plans for a visit, but subsequent difficulties with the ear prevented it. The child became ill subsequent to an injection.)。thereafter ad. 在那以后,之后。afterward(s) ad. 以后,后来。punctual a. 严守时刻的,准时的,正点的。

subsidy [ˈsʌbsidi] n. 补助金,津贴

substance [ˈsʌstəns] n. 物质,实质,主旨,物质,物

substantial [səbˈstænʃ(ə)l] a. 坚固的,实质的,真实的,充实的

substitute [ˈsʌstitjuːt;(US)-tuːt] n. 代替;代用品

vt. 替换;取代

【习惯用语】①substitute for 代替……;替换……,取代……②substitute sth [sb] for 用某物[某人]来代替

【试题精练】Mr. White______for the teacher who was in hospital.

A. served

B. substituted

C. placed

D. replaced

【答案】B. substitute(for) v. 用……代替;代替,取代(如Her brother substituted as host while her husband was away. He substituted for the worker who was ill.)。serve(as) vi. 用作,当作,权当……用。place vt. 放。replace vt. 替换,取代;把……放回原处(replace A by/with B)。

subtle [ˈsʌt(ə)l] a. 狡猾的,敏感的,微妙的,精细的,稀薄的

subtract [səbˈtrækt] vt. 减去

【习惯用语】subtract sth from 从………减去[扣除]某物

suburb [ˈsʌbəːb] n. 郊区

succeed [səkˈsiːd] v. ①成功;继承

to succeed to the throne 继承王位

【习惯用语】①succeed in 在……获得成功②succeed oneself[美]再度当选,连任,留任③succeed sb as 继某人出任(某职)

【试题精练】I think I'm safe in saying that he will ________me as full Director.

A. succeed

B. follow

C. inherit

D. pursue

【答案】A. succeed vt. 接替,接……之后(如John Adams succeeded Washington as president. Elizabeth succeeded Mary/to the throne.)。follow vt. 跟在……后面。inherit vt. 继承(注:inherit 以人作主语,以遗产、官衔、父母的品质或特点等名词作宾语)。pursue vt. 追赶,追踪;追求,从事。

success [səkˈses] n. 成功,成就

If you want to be a success in business you must be aggressive. 如果你想在生意上获得成功,你必须有点闯劲。

【习惯用语】①drink success to 为……成功干杯②have success(with) (在某事上)获得成功③make a success of…把……做得很成功

successful [səkˈsesful] a. 成功的,有成就的

succession [səkˈseʃ(ə)n] n. 接续;继任

【习惯用语】①by succession 按照继承顺序②in due succession 按自然的次序③in succession 接连,一个接一个

【试题精练】They have had a good harvest forthree years in______.

A. line

B. end

C. row

D. succession

【答案】D. succession n. 连续,接续;接替,继任(in succession 一连,一个接一个;have a succession of misfortunes; in succession to [the throne] 继承[王位];have succession to继承)。be in line排成一行(be in line for 下面该轮到;in line with 〈表语〉符合,与……一致;〈状语〉按照)(可以说in the end 结果;最后。不能说in end;可以说in a row 排成一排;不能说in row)。

successive [səkˈsesiv] a. 接连的,连续的

He underwent four______operations in two weeks.

A. consistent

B. relative

C. successive

D. respective

【答案】C. successive a. 接连的,连续的,一个接一个的(如He won three successive matches for four successive days)。consistent(with) a. 坚持的,一贯的;一致的,符合的。relative a. 相对的,比较的。respective a. 各自的,各个的,分别的。

successor [səkˈsesə(r)] n. 接班人,继承人

suck [sʌk] vt. ①吸,吮


【习惯用语】suck dry 吸干suck up (常与to连用)谄媚,献殷勤

sue [suː] vt. ①控告,起诉②(for)要求,请求

vi. 控告,起诉

suffer [ˈsʌfə(r)] v. ①遭受(磨难);忍受;受痛苦,患病


His friend has suffered from ill health for some years. 他朋友身体不好已有好几年了。

【习惯语】①suffer for 为……而受苦②suffer from 患……病;受……苦

suffering [ˈsʌfəriŋ] n. 痛苦,苦难

suffice [səˈfais] vi. 足够vt. 满足

sufficient [səˈfiʃ(ə)nt] a. 足够的,充分的

【长难例句1】The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory. 教授几乎找不到足够的证据来支持新理论的论点。

【长难例句2】Nancy Dubler; director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who "until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death." Nancy Dubler, Montefiore 医疗中心的主任,认为这一原则将会保护这样一些医生,他们到目前为止还强烈坚持他们不能够给病人足量的镇痛剂来控制他们的疼痛,这样做也许会加速他们的死亡。

【试题精练】I believe reserves of coal here are ____to last for fifty years.

A. efficient

B. sufficient

C. persistent

D. rich

【答案】B. sufficient(for/to+动词原形) a. 足够的,充分的。efficient a. 效率高的,有能力的。persistent a. (定语或表语)持续的,顽强存在的;坚持不懈的,执意的。rich a. 富有的,有钱的;富饶的,丰富的(in);肥沃的。

suicide [ˈsuːisaid,ˈsjuː-] n. /v. ①自杀


【习惯用语】①commit suicide 自杀[尽]②drive sb to suicide 使某人自杀

【试题精练】It would be political____to admit bankruptcy of its policies.

A. challenge

B. ignorance

C. suicide

D. naivety

【答案】C. suicide n. (本义)自杀;(引申)自取灭亡(如He committed suicide when he was quite young. It would be suicide to admit guilt.)。challenge n. 挑战。ignorance n. 无知,愚昧;对……不知(of/about)。naivety n. 天真。

suite [swiːt] n. ①一套(家具)


sulphur [ˈsʌlfər] n. 硫

summarize [ˈsʌməraiz] vt. 概括,总结,概述

It is impossible to____this battle, for it raged for six months.

A. imagine

B. explain

C. predict

D. summarize

【答案】D. summarize vt. 概括,总结。imagine vt. 想象,设想;料想,猜想(句型:imagine sth; imagine+动词ing形式/sb+动词ing形式;imagine sth+a.; imagine that/how/why/ what…)。explain vt. 解释,说明(explain sth to sb; explain to sb that…)。predict vt. 预言,预测,预告(predict sth/that…)。

summary [ˈsʌməri] n. 摘要,概略

summit [ˈsʌmit] n. ①顶点,极点


summon [ˈsʌmən] vt. ①传唤②召集

superb [sjuːˈpəb] a. ①壮丽的,华丽的


superficial [ˌsuːpəˈfiʃ(ə)l,ˌsjuː-] a. 表面的;肤浅的;浅薄的

【长难例句】The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition. 许多美国人的这种随意的友好态度不应该被看成是肤浅的或虚假的,而应该被作为一种历史上发展而来的文化传统的结果来解释。

【试题精练】A friendship may be____, casual, situational or deep and lasting.

A. identical

B. superficial

C. critical

D. original

【答案】B. superficial a. 肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的。identical(with) a. 相同的,相等的。critical a. 危急的;决定性的,关键性的;批评的,批判的。original a. 起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的。

superfluous [suːˈpəːfluəs,sjuː-] a. 过多的,过剩的,多余的

superior [suːˈpiəriə(r),sjuː-] a. ①优越的;优于……的


This western restaurant is superior to the one we went to last week. 这家西餐馆比我们上星期去的那一家好。


n. 上司,长官

【习惯用语】①be superior to 胜过,比……好;不为……所动[屈服]②rise superior to 超越……,不为……所影响

It's my firm belief that socialist system is____to all other social systems.

A. advantageous

B. super

C. superior

D. beneficial

【答案】C. superior(to) a. 较好的,优的;有优越感的,高傲的;(职务)较高的,上级的(如They are superior in numbers to us. He is my superior officer. He has a superior car. His superior manner makes people resent him.)。advantageous(to sb) a. 有利的。super a. 极好的,超级的。beneficial (to/for) a. 有益的,有利的。

superiority [suːˌpiəriˈɔrəti] n. 优势,优越性

supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːkit,ˈsjuː-] n. 超级市场

supersonic [ˌsuːpəˈsɔnik,sjuː-] a. 超音波的

n. 超声波,超声频

superstition [ˌsuːpəˈstiʃ(ə)n,ˌsjuː-]n. 迷信

supervise [ˈsuːpəvaiz,ˈsjuː-] v. 监督,管理,指导

supper [ˈsʌpə(r)] n. 晚餐

supplement [ˈsʌplimənt] n. 增刊;补遗;补充




【试题精练】In addition to rice, we need to____our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.

A. replace

B. supplement

C. replenish

D. mix

【答案】B. supplement vt. 增补,补充。replace vt. 替换,取代;把……放回原处。replenish vt. 重新充实,补充(消耗掉的东西)。mix v. (使)混合。

supply [səˈplai] vt. 供应;提供

n. 供给;供应量

suppress [səˈpres] vt. ①禁止,镇压


supreme [suːˈpriːm,sjuː-] a. ①最高的;最重要的


surface [ˈsəːfis] n. ①表面;外表,外观


【习惯用语】①below the surface 深入,实际上②come to the surface 显露出来③look at the surface only 只看外表

surge [səːdʒ] n. ①汹涌,澎湃


surgeon [ˈsəːdʒ(ə)n] n. 外科医生

surgery [ˈsəːdʒəri] n. 外科,外科手术;手术室

surname [ˈsəːneim] n. 姓

【长难例句】This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of tile alphabet. 许多人迄今为止还了解这种现象,它指的是姓氏第一个字母位于字母表后半部分的人们所遭受的歧视。

surpass [səˈpɑːs;(US)sərˈpæs] v. 超越,胜过




surplus [ˈsəːpləs] vt. 超过,胜过

n. ①过剩,剩余


a. 多余的,过剩的

You should get rid of some of your ____fat by taking more exercise.

A. additional

B. complementary

C. useless

D. surplus

【答案】D. surplus a. 过剩的,多余的(如The surplus potatoes were fed to the pigs. America sold her surplus cotton and wheat to Europe.)。additional a. 附加的,另外的。complementary(to) a. (互相)补充的;协调的。useless a. 无用的,无价值的,无效的。

survival [səˈvaiv(ə)l] n. ①幸存(者)

【试题精练】Crocodiles are____from the age of dinosaurs.

A. survivals

B. survivors

C. remains

D. remnants

【答案】A. survival n. 幸存者;残存物;幸存,继续生存(如The old man is a survival of a past age. This custom is a survival from my great-grandfather's days. His survival is still uncertain.)。survivor n. 幸存者,活着的人(注:survivor只用于表示人,而survival既可表示人,也可表示物)。remains n. (pl.)残余,余额;遗迹。remnant n. 残留部分。

survive [səˈvaiv] v. ①幸存,活下来;比……命长


Few survived after the flood. 洪水过后,生还者极少。

【长难例句】For the new country to survive, let alone for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required. 为了新的国家能生存下去——还谈不上为了使这个国家的人民享有幸福的生活——新的经济政策还是需要的。

【试题精练】Only one little boy____the plane crash; everyone else was killed.

A. escaped

B. survived

C. submitted

D. succeeded

【答案】B. survive vt. 从(灾难中)逃生,(经过一场灾难)存活下来;活得比……长 vi. 活下来,幸存下来(如Of those wounded in the battle only three survived. These plants won't survive without sun. Only a few soldiers survived the battle. My father has survived all his brothers and sisters.)对该词尤其要注意作及物动词的用法:某人经过一场灾难仍存活了下来,应说The man survived the disaster。表示灾难的disaster 直接作survive的宾语,而不要说The man went through the disaster and still survived/still lived。escape vt. 逃避,避免,避开。submit vt. 提交,呈送 vi. 屈服,听从(to)。succeed vt. 接替,接……之后;继承。

susceptible [səˈseptəbl] a. ①(to)易受影响的②(to)过敏的③(to)能经受的,容许的

suspend [səˈspend] vt. 悬,挂,吊

Fred is____from school for a week for bad conduct.

A. expelled

B. suspended

C. prevented

D. discharged

【答案】B. suspend vt. 暂停,暂缓;使暂时停止(工作或上学);悬,挂,吊(如To suspend a workman is to order him not to carry out his usual duties for the time being. The committee suspended two members of the team. The trial is to be suspended while new evidence is considered They have suspended work until next week.)。expel(from) vt. 开除;驱逐;排出。prevent(from) vt. 预防,防止。discharge(from) vt. 释放;排出;允许离开。

suspicion [səˈspiʃ(ə)n] n. ①猜疑,怀疑,疑心


above suspicion无可置疑

【习惯用语】①a suspicion of 一点儿②above [beyond] suspicion 无可怀疑的;诚实的;正直的③be looked upon with suspicion 被人怀疑

suspicious [səˈspiʃəs] a. ①可疑的,猜疑的




sustain [səˈstein] vt. ①保持,维持


More poles are needed to____the weight of the tent.

A. retain

B. sustain

C. maintain

D. obtain

【答案】B. sustain vt. 支撑;保持,使持续;供养,维持(生命)(如sustain the weight; sustain a conversation; This food will sustain you.)。retain vt. 保留,保持。maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张;维修,保养。obtain vt. 获得,得到。

swallow [ˈswɔləu] n. 燕子

v. 吞下,咽下

One swallow does not make a summer. [谚]一燕不成夏;不可凭偶然现象而推断。

swamp [swɔmp] n. 沼泽,湿地



swan [swɔn] n. 天鹅

swarm [swɔːm] n. 一群(蜜蜂、人等)

v. ①云集②充满,挤满

sway [swei] vi. ①摇动,摇晃


sweat [swet] v. 出汗

sweater [ˈswetə(r)] n. ①羊毛衫②针织上衣;运动衫Will my sweater go in your knapsack? 你的背包里还放得下我的球衣吗?

sweep [swiːp] v. ①打扫;冲走;掠过


The road sweeps round the lake. 这道路环湖延伸。


A pestilence swept over the country. 疫病席卷全国。

【习惯用语】①sweep the board 轻易地大获全胜②sweep sb off his feet 使某人为之倾心

sweet [swiːt] a. ①甜的;芳香的;温柔的


a sweet voice 悦耳的声音

【习惯用语】sweet on 爱上……,钟情于……

swell [swel] v. /n. ①膨胀,增大;鼓起


swell like a turkey cock 趾高气扬

【习惯用语】①a heavy swell 海上的汹涌浪涛;[俚]借衣着时髦而显示的人②come the heavy swell over sb [俚]摆出一副显赫人物的架势对待某人;对某人摆官架子③swell out(使)鼓起

swift [swift] a. 迅速的,敏捷的

①be swift to hear, slow to speak 多听少讲;多用耳朵,少用嘴巴②be swift to(do) 动不动就,易于……

Swiss [swis] a. 瑞士(人)的n. 瑞士人

switch [switʃ] n. ①开关②突然转变

syllable [ˈsiləb(ə)l] n. 音节

【习惯用语】①not breathe a syllable 半个字也不露,保密,守口如瓶②to the last syllable(说)到最后一个字

symmetry [ˈsimitri] n. 对称,匀称

sympathetic [ˌsimpəˈθetik] a. ①感到同情的


sympathetic vibrations 共振

【习惯用语】be [feel] sympathetic to [towards] 对……表示同情;持赞同态度

【试题精练】We are____to the idea, but wedoubt whether the time is ripe to put it into force.

A. equal

B. adequate

C. considerate

D. sympathetic

【答案】D. sympathetic a. (to/towards)赞同的,支持的;(with/towards)同情的;体谅的,谅解的(如He is sympathetic to our plans. I'm not sympathetic towards these new teaching methods. My husband's very sympathetic with/towards the men.)。equal(to) a. 相等的,同样的;平等的;胜任的。adequate(to/for) a. 充足的,是够的;适当的;胜任的。considerate(of/to) a. 考虑周到的,体谅的。

sympathize [ˈsimpəθaiz] v. 同情;共鸣;怜悯

I find it difficult to____with him when he complains so much.

A. sympathize

B. approve

C. consent

D. correspond

【答案】A. sympathize(with) vi. 同情,怜悯;体谅,赞同。(如I sympathize with all those who are poor. I sympathize with your point of view.)。approve(of) v. 赞同, 同意;批准,核准。consent(to) vi. 同意,赞成。correspond (to/with) vi. 相符合,相一致(with);与……通信(with);相当,相类似(to)。

sympathy [ˈsimpəθi] n. ①同情,同感


a letter of sympathy 慰问信

【习惯用语】①come out in sympathy 因同情而加入罢工行列②in sympathy(常与with连用)同情

【长难例句】Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, even in a distant part of the world, we feel sympathy for the people who have been affected. 每当我们获悉有一个自然灾害时,即使它发生在世界上一个遥远的地方,我们也会对那些受灾的人们表示同情。

【试题精练】I feel a lot of____for her because I have been through the same kind of unhappiness myself.

A. mercy

B. bitterness

C. worry

D. sympathy

【答案】D. sympathy(for/with) n. 同情,同情心。mercy n. 慈悲,仁慈;宽容,宽恕,饶恕(show mercy to sb;have mercy on sb)。bitterness n. 苦味,痛苦,愤懑。worry n. 担心,忧虑,发愁。

symphony [ˈsimfəni] n. 交响乐

symposium [simˈpəuziəm] n. 专题讨论会

symptom [ˈsimptəm] n. 症状,症候

【试题精练】The drunkenness in this area is a(n)____of the despair felt by the people there.

A. symptom

B. omen

C. warning

D. prospect

【答案】A. symptom n. (本义)(疾病的)症状;(引申)征候,征兆,表现(如Bad behavior is often a symptom of unhappiness. Fever is a symptom of illness.)。omen n. 预兆,兆头。warning(of sth/to sb) n. 警告,告诫。prospect n. 前景,展望,前途。

syndrome [ˈsindrəum,-drəm] n. ①综合病症


synthesis [ˈsinθisis] n. ①综合,合成②综合物,合成物③混合物,化合物

synthetic [sinˈθetik] a. 合成的;人造的

Nylon is a kind of____material widely used in our daily lives.

A. mixed

B. synthetic

C. combined

D. systematic

【答案】B. synthetic a. 合成的,人造的;综合的。mixed a. 混合的。combined a. 联合在一起的。结合在一起的。systematic(al) a. 有系统的,系统化的;有计划有步骤的。

systematic(al) [ˌsistiˈmætik(əl)] a. 系统的,有计划的




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