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语法学习之祈使句Imperative Sentences(含资源)

祈使句(Imperative Sentence)是英语中的一个句式,也是用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子。祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此也常称为命令句。祈使句句式很简单,肯定句直接以动词原形、 let's 开头,否定句一般以Don't 或No 开头。

祈使句可以当做英语学习从单个词到长句的过渡,因为很多祈使句句子较短,同时又能表达一个完整的意思,不用指明主语(主语是你,你们),孩子上口与理解都没有难度。比如生活日常用语Finish your milk,Don't talk loudly,Come here,Go with me,Put away your toys; 儿歌歌词,如Clap your hands, Stomp your feet,Row your boat, Let's clean up;教师课堂用语如Open your book, Stand up, Stop talking, Don't shout in the library, Line up, Repeat after me,Follow me. 相信这些你一定不陌生,祈使句我们已经大量地听到,今天内容的学习可以帮助你更熟练、自信地运用祈使句。



1. Imperative Sentence

▲Do & Don't - English Singsing

▲ Imperative Mood

An imperative sentence gives an order,request or advice. It is used to ask people to do things or to give suggestions. It is closed with a full stop.

e.g. Keep quiet in the reading room.

Speak politely with your elders.

Clean your hands.

Uses of imperatives

Give Directions

e.g. Walk up Main Street.

Walk along Central Ave.

Turn right.

Give Orders

e.g. Be silent.

Don't make such noise.

Read Chapter 3 and then write a summary.

Make requests

e.g. Lend me your book please.

Buy me a nice jacket.

Offer something

e.g. Have some cake.

Have a cup of coffee.

Give advice

e.g. Do not go out at night alone.

Talk to your maths teacher. He will understand.

It's going to rain. Take your umbrella.

Don't live in London, It's expensive.

Give instructions

e.g. Press the button.

Open your book .

Remember ! To be more polite,you can use 'please' .

e.g. Pleasepass me some salt.

Don't make such noise please .

Pleasegive me a hand. I'm in a big trouble.

Be careful ! Use the verb without 'to' and without 'ing' and don't say 'you' .

e.g. Go to market and bring some vegetables. ✔

Going to market and bring some vegetables.

Don't run in the classroom .

You don't run in the classroom.

We also use "let's " followed by the base form of the verb(infinitive without 'to' ) when you want to say what you and somebody else can or should do. It's a way of suggesting things. ( We use “let” to form first person and third person imperatives.)

e.g. Let's havea rest.

Let's playin the playground.

Let's not argueabout this .

Let your son cleanit up.

Let her finish.

We use "let me" followed by the base form of the verb to make an offer,or to allow somebody to do something.

e.g. Let me help you .

Let meshow you how to do it.

Let your brother wear your jeans today .

Let me tell you the answer if you can't work it out.

Let the teacher check on that.

Let's meetat John's.

Do + imperative

Sometimes we use the auxiliary 'do' before the imperative. This is very polite and formal.

e.g. Do helpyourself.

Do have a cup of coffee.

Do call me if you have any questions.

2. Form Imperative

The imperative mode is much easier than the other modes in English. Because when you need to use imperative ,we don't have to add verbs. In this way, the imperative mode has a very simple structure.

Positive Sentences:The imperative is formed with a verb without a subject.

e.g. Stoptalking.

Eatyour peas.

Negative Sentences:The negative imperative is formed with do not/don't and the verb.

e.g. Don't touchthat.

Don't talk in the library.

Do not talk to me like that.

Do not walk slowly.

Positive Questions , When we ask questions positively, we sometimes use imperative. In such uses, we actually aim to offer the person to do something. When the person in front of us makes such sentences, we need to answer him as yes or no.

e.g. Shall we go out ?

Shell we go to the cinema ?

Negative Questions, In negative questions created with imperatives, we actually aim to offer something to the other person. For questions asked in this way, the person implicitly specifies the request. In this way, the other person will ask a question about whether he wants this option. Examples of negative questions created with Imperatives can be created with the Shall pattern.

e.g. Shall we not go out ?

Shall we notgo to the cinema ?

All of the above sentences are requests and they want to get the opinion of the other person about this request.

3. Public Signs

Imperatives can be used on signs. We use imperative sentceces to give a warning , prohibition, or rules in public places.

e.g. Don't feedthe birds.

No petsallowed.

No parking.

4. Activities & Worksheets

1. Imperative Sentences- Signs in public places 公共场所标识多用祈使句,资源包含24个标识的图卡。鼓励孩子去公共场所寻找更多的标识,如超市、地铁站、书店等地方,记录下标识的中英文,写在笔记本上,或设计成标识主题书。

2. 祈使句语法知识,PDF文档。

3. 祈使句练习题,从右框的词汇中选择恰当的词填入。

4. 祈使句练习题,看标识并理解意思,并填入恰当的词句,可以用模版中提供的词句,也可以自己写。

5. 判断句子是否是祈使句,是划勾,不是划叉,共5页。



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