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Dr. Subin K. Mohan, MVSc, PGD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Veterinary & AH Extension
COVAS, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala
Auguste Compte: Latin words- Sociotus and
Sociology: Scientific study of human behaviour in relation with
other individuals and groups he interacts
Rural sociology: scientific study of social, cultural and economic
problems of rural aggregates.
It’s a science not philosophy
It’s a science not socialism
It’s a science not social reform/ welfare
Science derived not based on general impressions but on pure
Understand humans and own social nature
Understand human affections and actions
Studies man and its institutions
Rural behaviour
Eliminates tragedies and emotions
Diagnose rural and social evils
Emphasis growth and change of society
Appraises happenings of society
Interprets the role in community development
Scope: To understand…
Social class
Religious believes
Social and economic background of rural people
Involvement of formal and informal groups
Differentiate rural and urban people
Characteristics of rural society
Village is the unit
Caste is the dominant institution
People lives traditionally
Caste occupation dominates
Cooperative function of several caste exists
Village is a self sufficient economic unit
Governed by religious/local traditions
Leisurely attitude towards life
Low standard of living
Its character and structure depends on caste religion and linguistic composition
Physical structure of Society
It refers to tangible entities in rural society
i.e. different patterns of settlement,
special distribution of houses, available
resources and the number, density and
composition of rural people themselves.
Patterns of rural
 isolated farm stead- individual lives on
his farm with his farm surrounding him.
> Villages – Here dwelling of rural people
concentrated together with their
farmland. The number of dwelling
indicates size of the village.
Line villages – houses are located along a road or river etc, this forms the
shape of a line as the houses concentrate on the both sides. Their farm land
extend away from the Kuttanad
Round villages – Houses concentrated in circles.
Crossroads and market center settlements – predominately inhabited by
merchants. Normally these centers consist of shops.
Hamlets –Small villages
located away from
large villages or on
the fingers of large
Others- Just like villages
around a religious
Defined as a group in which sex relationship
sufficiently precise and endure to provide for
the rearing and bearing of children.
a) According to blood relations living together
> Nuclear family- Father, mother, children.
> Joint family- here a number of generations may
live together.
b) According to the stage in life
> Family of origin- An individual and born and
brought up.
> Family of procreation- One settled after
c) According to numerness of husbands and wives.
Polygynous family- Man has more number of wives
Polyandrous family- A women has more number of husbands
d) According to rule of lineage
Patri- lineal family- Determination of descent and property
inheritance takes place male line.
Marti-lineal family- Along female line
e) According to rule of residence
Patri local family- one married and settles in husbands family
Matri local family- wife’s house.
Classification of groups.
Primary groups and Secondary groups.
Primary: there will be
1) intimate face to face interaction 2) informal
personal relationships 3) definite we feeling 4) A
sort of permanency 5) small in size 6) have
responsibility to socialize the individuals. eg family
Secondary: 1) Formal, contractual. Utilitarian, goal
oriented relationships 2) large sized 3) a little face
to face communication eg. Political party.
Formal and informal
Formal: it is organized, have membership
roll, definite roles, rules and procedures of
operation and rigid enforced behavior of
its members eg Panchayat.
Informal: Not formally organized, not
enforced eg play groups.
Ingroup and outgroup
Criterion for this is the attitude of people.
Ingroup: strong we feeling among individuals. Also others
also feel this and as an integral part of this group
Outgroup: No we feeling, people consider themselves as
outsiders of this group
Involuntary and Voluntary
Involuntary: Members automatically form a part
of this group eg religion.
Voluntary: Membership will be according to the
choice of the individual eg cooperative society.
Reference group
This is a distinct group in which one group may
refer them for taking decisions as they may be
attracted by the objectives of these groups. There
may not be any face-to-face interaction with the
An organization is a social arrangement which
pursues collective goals, which controls its own
performance, and which has a boundary separating
it from its environment.
Functions of an organisation
Act as an outlet for individual interests-
people having common interest group
together , work together to attain common
A channel for purposeful action- it can
influence socaila decisions,efect and
stimulate socail changes.
A testing ground for new programmes- eg
Classification of organisations
On the basis of the political structure
within which they are created.
Prescribed organisation- Partially or
wholly govt. organised and controlled
with membership usually compulsory.
> Voluntry organisation- arise from the
spontaneous expression from the
On the basis of motives of participation
> Personal pleasure – recreation clubs
On the basis of organizational operations.
> Open : Their programmes, goals and
membership is generally known to people
eg- Lions club
> Secret: Activities are secret eg- RAW
On the basis of admission to
Inclusive- Open to anyone eg ayyappa seva
 Restricted-eg- NCC
 Exclusive-admission restricted through
selection of members. eg rotary
Difference between Organizations and
Focus on primary need
s of people.
Has more general and
broader purposes.
Group of people
organise to achieve
specific objectives.
May operate within
the institutions.
Forms of collective
Collective behavior, a third form of action,
takes place when norms are absent or
unclear, or when they contradict each other.
Crowd: A crowd is a group of people. The
crowd may have a common purpose or set
of emotions, such as at a political rally, at a
sports game,or simply be made up of
many people going about their business in
a busy area.
Mob: An unruly crowd (of people)
Category: Collection of people having
atleast one common characteristic
Audience: An audience is a group of people who
participate in an experience or encounter a work of
art, literature, theatre, music or academics in any
Public: Public refers to the general body of
mankind, or of a nation, state, or community.
Social movements: Social movements are a type
of group action. They are large informal groupings
of individuals and/or organizations focused on
specific political or social issues.
Known volunteer organizations in
the AH Dept, Kerala.
Kudumbasree- -Poverty alleviation and
women empowerment
PDDP Kalady( People’s Dairy Development
Project)- to identify potential income-
generating activities in a given area and to
give it those who can take it up.
Mitranikethan- is a non-profit
organization engaged in development
activities since its inception in the year
1956. Mr. K. Viswanathan founded it in
his native village, Vellanad. It houses a
variety of development activities
specially for empowering the
marginalized sections of the society.
Norms, Values, Culture, Goals.
Norms: These are rules or guiding standards, which prescribe what is
socially acceptable or unacceptable eg. Obey elders
Techniques:- Ways of doing things where technical efficiency is the
Customs: Socially prescribed form of behaviour and transmitted by
tradition, these are accepted ways in which people do the things
Folkways: Approved form of behaviour for a specific situation.
Mores: Those things which ought or ought not to do
Taboo: Unwritten laws of the society
Laws: Formalized norms with legal or political enforcement, acts as a
statute of nation
Values: Refer to what people consider as
valuable and Not drinking before
Goal: A goal or objective consists of a
projected state of affairs which a person or a
system plans or intends to achieve.
Culture: Include knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, custom, and other capabilities and
habits acquired by the people as a member of
the societies eg. Western culture.
Religion: Human response to supernatural
Has two components
Rituals: Prescribed manner of certain actions designed to establish
link between performer and supernatural power
Belief: It ensures the rituals will act/observed
Social Process: Interaction among people
Competition: Try to outdo other in achieving the goal
Conflict: Eliminating other
Accommodation: Temporary working arrangement among group
to achieve a common goal
Assimilation: Mutual cultural diffusion, which makes groups
culturally alike
Social change
Alteration occurs in the structure and function of society
Cultural change: Change is in the culture
It’s a result of interaction of a number of factors
It results in a chain of reactions of changes
It takes the form of replacement
It is environmental
It is temporal eg. It doesn’t cause any change in biological process
It involves human aspects
Imminent Change: Occours without any influence of external
Contact change: Influence of external factors
Selective contact change: When external factors unintentionally
influences upon
Direct contact change: When external factors intentionally
influences upon
Geographical: Climate, Soil, etc
Biological: change in functioning of the body, eg: birds converted
to an egg producing machine.
Cultural: Contact with different cultures
Rural sociology

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Rural sociology

  • 1. Dr. Subin K. Mohan, MVSc, PGD, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary & AH Extension COVAS, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala RURAL SOCIOLOGY
  • 2. Auguste Compte: Latin words- Sociotus and logos Sociology: Scientific study of human behaviour in relation with other individuals and groups he interacts Rural sociology: scientific study of social, cultural and economic problems of rural aggregates.
  • 3. Misconceptions It’s a science not philosophy It’s a science not socialism It’s a science not social reform/ welfare Science derived not based on general impressions but on pure research
  • 4. Importance Understand humans and own social nature Understand human affections and actions Studies man and its institutions Rural behaviour Eliminates tragedies and emotions Diagnose rural and social evils Emphasis growth and change of society Appraises happenings of society Interprets the role in community development
  • 5. Scope: To understand… Social class Caste Religious believes Social and economic background of rural people Involvement of formal and informal groups Differentiate rural and urban people
  • 6. Characteristics of rural society Village is the unit Caste is the dominant institution People lives traditionally Caste occupation dominates Cooperative function of several caste exists Village is a self sufficient economic unit Governed by religious/local traditions Leisurely attitude towards life Low standard of living Its character and structure depends on caste religion and linguistic composition
  • 7. Society Community Neighborhood Family
  • 8. Physical structure of Society
  • 9. It refers to tangible entities in rural society i.e. different patterns of settlement, special distribution of houses, available resources and the number, density and composition of rural people themselves.
  • 10. Patterns of rural settlement  isolated farm stead- individual lives on his farm with his farm surrounding him. > Villages – Here dwelling of rural people concentrated together with their farmland. The number of dwelling indicates size of the village.
  • 11. Line villages – houses are located along a road or river etc, this forms the shape of a line as the houses concentrate on the both sides. Their farm land extend away from the Kuttanad Round villages – Houses concentrated in circles. Crossroads and market center settlements – predominately inhabited by merchants. Normally these centers consist of shops.
  • 12. Hamlets –Small villages located away from large villages or on the fingers of large villages. Others- Just like villages around a religious place.
  • 13. Family Defined as a group in which sex relationship sufficiently precise and endure to provide for the rearing and bearing of children.
  • 14. Classification a) According to blood relations living together > Nuclear family- Father, mother, children. > Joint family- here a number of generations may live together. b) According to the stage in life > Family of origin- An individual and born and brought up. > Family of procreation- One settled after marriage.
  • 15. c) According to numerness of husbands and wives. Polygynous family- Man has more number of wives Polyandrous family- A women has more number of husbands d) According to rule of lineage Patri- lineal family- Determination of descent and property inheritance takes place male line. Marti-lineal family- Along female line e) According to rule of residence Patri local family- one married and settles in husbands family Matri local family- wife’s house.
  • 16. Classification of groups.
  • 17. Primary groups and Secondary groups. Primary: there will be 1) intimate face to face interaction 2) informal personal relationships 3) definite we feeling 4) A sort of permanency 5) small in size 6) have responsibility to socialize the individuals. eg family Secondary: 1) Formal, contractual. Utilitarian, goal oriented relationships 2) large sized 3) a little face to face communication eg. Political party.
  • 18. Formal and informal groups. Formal: it is organized, have membership roll, definite roles, rules and procedures of operation and rigid enforced behavior of its members eg Panchayat. Informal: Not formally organized, not enforced eg play groups.
  • 19. Ingroup and outgroup Criterion for this is the attitude of people. Ingroup: strong we feeling among individuals. Also others also feel this and as an integral part of this group Outgroup: No we feeling, people consider themselves as outsiders of this group
  • 20. Involuntary and Voluntary groups Involuntary: Members automatically form a part of this group eg religion. Voluntary: Membership will be according to the choice of the individual eg cooperative society.
  • 21. Reference group This is a distinct group in which one group may refer them for taking decisions as they may be attracted by the objectives of these groups. There may not be any face-to-face interaction with the group.
  • 22. Organisation An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, which controls its own performance, and which has a boundary separating it from its environment.
  • 23. Functions of an organisation Act as an outlet for individual interests- people having common interest group together , work together to attain common goals. A channel for purposeful action- it can influence socaila decisions,efect and stimulate socail changes. A testing ground for new programmes- eg NSS.
  • 24. Classification of organisations On the basis of the political structure within which they are created. Prescribed organisation- Partially or wholly govt. organised and controlled with membership usually compulsory. > Voluntry organisation- arise from the spontaneous expression from the people.
  • 25. On the basis of motives of participation > Personal pleasure – recreation clubs service-NSS. On the basis of organizational operations. > Open : Their programmes, goals and membership is generally known to people eg- Lions club > Secret: Activities are secret eg- RAW
  • 26. On the basis of admission to membership. Inclusive- Open to anyone eg ayyappa seva sangam  Restricted-eg- NCC  Exclusive-admission restricted through selection of members. eg rotary interntional.
  • 27. Difference between Organizations and Institutions Institutions Focus on primary need s of people. Has more general and broader purposes. Organizations Group of people organise to achieve specific objectives. May operate within the institutions.
  • 28. Forms of collective behaviour. Collective behavior, a third form of action, takes place when norms are absent or unclear, or when they contradict each other.
  • 29. Crowd: A crowd is a group of people. The crowd may have a common purpose or set of emotions, such as at a political rally, at a sports game,or simply be made up of many people going about their business in a busy area. Mob: An unruly crowd (of people) Category: Collection of people having atleast one common characteristic
  • 30. Audience: An audience is a group of people who participate in an experience or encounter a work of art, literature, theatre, music or academics in any medium. Public: Public refers to the general body of mankind, or of a nation, state, or community. Social movements: Social movements are a type of group action. They are large informal groupings of individuals and/or organizations focused on specific political or social issues.
  • 31. Known volunteer organizations in the AH Dept, Kerala. Kudumbasree- -Poverty alleviation and women empowerment PDDP Kalady( People’s Dairy Development Project)- to identify potential income- generating activities in a given area and to give it those who can take it up.
  • 32. Mitranikethan- is a non-profit organization engaged in development activities since its inception in the year 1956. Mr. K. Viswanathan founded it in his native village, Vellanad. It houses a variety of development activities specially for empowering the marginalized sections of the society.
  • 33. Norms, Values, Culture, Goals.
  • 34. Norms: These are rules or guiding standards, which prescribe what is socially acceptable or unacceptable eg. Obey elders Techniques:- Ways of doing things where technical efficiency is the criterion Customs: Socially prescribed form of behaviour and transmitted by tradition, these are accepted ways in which people do the things together Folkways: Approved form of behaviour for a specific situation. Mores: Those things which ought or ought not to do Taboo: Unwritten laws of the society Laws: Formalized norms with legal or political enforcement, acts as a statute of nation
  • 35. Values: Refer to what people consider as valuable and Not drinking before ladies Goal: A goal or objective consists of a projected state of affairs which a person or a system plans or intends to achieve. Culture: Include knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by the people as a member of the societies eg. Western culture.
  • 36. Religion: Human response to supernatural powers Has two components Rituals: Prescribed manner of certain actions designed to establish link between performer and supernatural power Belief: It ensures the rituals will act/observed
  • 37. Social Process: Interaction among people Competition: Try to outdo other in achieving the goal Conflict: Eliminating other Accommodation: Temporary working arrangement among group to achieve a common goal Assimilation: Mutual cultural diffusion, which makes groups culturally alike
  • 38. Social change Alteration occurs in the structure and function of society Cultural change: Change is in the culture
  • 39. Characteristics It’s a result of interaction of a number of factors It results in a chain of reactions of changes It takes the form of replacement It is environmental It is temporal eg. It doesn’t cause any change in biological process It involves human aspects
  • 40. Process Imminent Change: Occours without any influence of external factors Contact change: Influence of external factors Selective contact change: When external factors unintentionally influences upon Direct contact change: When external factors intentionally influences upon
  • 41. Factors Geographical: Climate, Soil, etc Biological: change in functioning of the body, eg: birds converted to an egg producing machine. Cultural: Contact with different cultures
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