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英语 · 新课标( RJ)

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?. 英语 · 新课标( RJ). Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示写出单词. 1 .出声地;大声地 ____________ 2 .不同地;有区别地 ____________ 3 .快地;迅速地 ____________ 4 .慢地;缓慢地 ____________ 5 .错误;过失 ____________ 6 .认识到;了解到 ____________ 7 .重要;要紧;有关系 ____________. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理. ┃ 基础知识梳理 ┃.

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英语 · 新课标( RJ)

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  1. Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 英语·新课标(RJ)

  2. Ⅰ.根据汉语提示写出单词 1.出声地;大声地 ____________ 2.不同地;有区别地 ____________ 3.快地;迅速地 ____________ 4.慢地;缓慢地 ____________ 5.错误;过失 ____________ 6.认识到;了解到 ____________ 7.重要;要紧;有关系 ____________ Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ┃基础知识梳理┃ ● 重点单词 aloud differently quickly slowly mistake realize matter 英语·新课标(RJ)

  3. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 8.害怕的;犯愁的 __________ 9.完整的;完全的 __________ 10.秘诀;诀窍;秘密 __________ 11.困难;苦恼;忧虑 __________ 12.处理;应付 __________ 13.如果不;除非 __________ 14.将……视为 __________ 15.责任;义务 __________ 16.影响;对……起作用 __________ 17.友情;友谊;友爱 __________ afraid complete secret trouble dealwith unless regard duty influence friendship 英语·新课标(RJ)

  4. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 18.失去;丧失__________ 19.发育;发展;成长;进展_____________ 20.面临;面对;正视___________ lose development face

  5. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 Ⅱ.根据英语单词写出汉语 1.specific________________ 2.memorize__________ 3.frustrating______________________ 4.add______________ 5.challenge__________ 6.solution__________ 7.learner__________ 8.impress_________________ 9.unfair_____________________ 10.solve__________________ 明确的;具体的 记住;熟记 令人失望的;令人沮丧的 补充;继续说 挑战 解决;解答 学习者 使感动;使印象深刻 不公正的;不公平的 解决;解答(难题等) 英语·新课标(RJ)

  6. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 重点短语 把下面的短语译成英语 1.以后;随后__________ 2.害怕/不敢去做某事_____________ 3.嘲笑____________ 4.做笔记;做记录____________ 5.查阅;查找___________ 6.编造;组成;拼凑成__________ 7.处理;应付_____________ 8.对……感到生气______________ 9.(指时间)过去;消逝_____________ later on beafraidtodo laughat takenotes lookup makeup dealwith beangrywith goby

  7. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 10.尽力做……_______________ 11.突然中止;中断______________ 12.参加小组学习________________ 13.因……很兴奋(很激动)____________________ 14.以……而告终________________ 15.做关于……的调查___________________ 16.犯错误________________ 17.在……方面有困难_________________________ 18.写下;记下________________________ 19.把……看作 ________________ 20.在……的帮助下____________________ tryone'sbest breakoff studywithagroup be/getexcitedaboutsth. endup do/makeasurvey Makemistakes havedifficultyindoingsth Writedown regard…as withthehelpof 英语·新课标(RJ)

  8. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 巩固应用 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空 1.We'll have a picnic tomorrow u________ it rains. 2.We r________ him as a world­class tennis player. 3.He can work out the problem e________. 4.Mary is good at making friends and i_________ people. 5.Their f________ goes back to when they were at primary school. 6.He l_____ his wallet on the way to school. 7.Education is an important part of our d__________. 8.Those s________ (士兵)did everything they could to help him. nless egard asily nfluencing riendship ost evelopment oldiers 英语·新课标(RJ)

  9. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 Ⅱ.根据句意和汉语提示,用短语的正确形式填空 1.Don't be so careless! You __________________ (出很多错误) in yesterday's homework. 2.I learn English by _____________ (做笔记). 3.She told us to ________________ (造句) with these phrases. 4._____________ (首先), stop talking; you can't listen while you are talking. 5.It is a great art ______________ (嘲笑) your own misfortune. madelotsofmistakes takingnotes makesentences Firstofall tolaughat 英语·新课标(RJ)

  10. Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 6.Don't ____________________________ (害怕求助) when you need it. 7.She ______________ (有困难) finishing the work on time. 8.Please _______________ (写下) every word that I said. 9.When you do some reading, you needn't__________ (查) every word in the dictionary. 10.It'll be sunny and warm ____________ (以后). beafraidtoaskforhelp hastrouble writedown lookup lateron 英语·新课标(RJ)

  11. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 ┃能力提升训练┃ Ⅰ.单项填空 ( )1. —Will you please show me how to do the role­play exercise? —Sure. Now let me tell you ________ first. A.which to doB.how to do C.when to do D.what to do D ( )2. —________do you tell him about the event? —By________e­mail. A.How; sending B.How; send C.What; sending D.What; send A 英语·新课标(RJ)

  12. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )3. She has a good singing________. It________very beautiful. A.sound; sounds B.voice; voices C.sound; voices D.voice; sounds ( )4. If you don't know the word, you can ________ in the dictionary. A.look it after B.look it up C.look for it D.look at it ( )5. ________ is really hard ________ them to climb Mount Tai. A.This; to B.It; for C.This; for D.It; to D B B 英语·新课标(RJ)

  13. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )6. She had trouble ________ the foreigner. A.Understand B.understood C.to understand D.understanding ( )7. Last year my sister tried to lose weight(减肥), but ________ putting weight back on. A.cut up B.looked up C.ended up D.made up ( )8. Why ________ join an English language club to practice speaking English? A.not to B.not you C.don't D.don't you D C D 英语·新课标(RJ)

  14. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )9. Tom finds watching English movies________ because the people speak too fast. A.frustrated B.frustrating C.frustrate D.frustration ( )10. What about ________ to practice pronunciation? A.read loudly B.reading aloud C.read loud D.reading loud ( )11. Did you find ________very interesting to play soccer? A.this B.it's C.that D.it B B D 英语·新课标(RJ)

  15. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )12. —I hope you don't mind my pointing out your mistakes. — __________ A.That's all right. B.You're welcome. C.Of course not. D.It's a pleasure. ( )13. Paul is talented at piano. He ________ to play it well when he was four years old. A.can B. could C.is able D. was able C D 英语·新课标(RJ)

  16. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )14. No matter what happens, the doctors will do ________ best ________ the sick person. A.they; help B.they; to help C.their; helpD.their; to help ( )15. Don't ________; try again, Maybe you will be successful soon. A.get up B.give up C.pick up D.look up D B 英语·新课标(RJ)

  17. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅳ.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空 1.He______________ (生气) himself for making such a mistake. 2. __________________ (在……帮助下) his parents, he made a nice model plane. 3.Mrs Brown never stops _______________(抱怨) prices. 4.They ____________(中断) a friendship of twenty years‘ standing. 5.You should learn how to ______________(处理) your problems. 6.You should ________________(尽力) to do the work well. was angry with With the help of complaining about broke off deal with try your best 英语·新课标(RJ)

  18. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 7.Time __________(逝去), and good friendships may be lost. 8.Ice can ________________ (变成) water when heated. 9.If you keep telling lies, you'll ______________(以失去……告终) many friends. 10.Sometimes when they _________________(因……很兴奋) something, they forget their manners. 11.I practice my listening skills by __________________(听录音带). 12.Many students enjoy ____________________________(小组学 习). goes by change into end up losing get excited about listening to tapes studying with a group 英语·新课标(RJ)

  19. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅵ.书面表达 学英语的方法多种多样,但每个人的方法会有所不同。你有哪些好的方法和经验呢?请根据下表内容和所给问题,写一篇80-100词的短文。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  20. Unit 1 ┃ 能力提升训练 LinTaolearnsEnglishbywatchingEnglishprograms,studyinggrammarandaskingteacherforhelp. Forme, watchingEnglishprogramsisn'trealistic. AlthoughIknowalotofwords,I'mpooratEnglishlisteningandcanneverunderstandthewordsinprograms. Ithinkstudyinggrammarwellisdifficult, butIthinkit'snecessarytolearnsomegrammar. I'msurethatIcanlearnitwell.AndaskingteachersforhelpisreallyagoodwayoflearningEnglish. Ioftenaskmyteachersquestions. Ithinkaskingquestionsisveryusefultome. 英语·新课标(RJ)

  21. Unit 1 ┃ 易错点针对训练 ┃易错点针对训练┃ ( )1. [2011·温州] We have to________ourselves when we are away from home. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after D [解析] 考查词语辨析。 look at意为“看”; look for意为“寻找”; look up意为“向上看,查阅”; look after意为“照料,照看”。句意为:当我们离开家的时候我们必须照顾好自己。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  22. Unit 1 ┃ 易错点针对训练 ( )2. [2011·永州] 1 think ________ very important for students to study by themselves in the school or at home. A. itB. thisC. that A [解析] it 做的是形式宾语,“to study”不定式为真正的宾语,故选A。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  23. Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. 英语·新课标(RJ)

  24. Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ┃基础知识梳理┃ ● 重点单词 英汉互译 1.飞机 _____________ 2.糖果__________ 3.每日的;日常的__________ 4.死;死亡__________ 5.造成;使发生_____________ 6.他自己;他本身___________ 7.有耐心的;忍耐的__________ 8.注意;专心;留心____________ airplane candy daily death cause himself patient attention 英语·新课标(RJ)

  25. Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理 9.terrify_______________ 10.Insect _____________ 11.chew_____________ 12.gum____________ 13.chat____________ 14.comic __________ 15.exactly____________ 使害怕;使恐惧 昆虫 嚼;咀嚼 口香糖 聊天;闲谈 连环漫画 正;恰恰 英语·新课标(RJ)

  26. Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 重点短语 把下面的短语译成英语 1.过去常常;以前常常_________________ 2.非常害怕的;极度恐惧的______________________ 3.入睡__________________ 4.最后;终于__________________ 5.做决定;下决心________________________ 6.令某人惊奇的是……_________________________ used to be terrified of go to sleep in the end make a decision to one's surprise

  27. Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理 7.即使;纵然;尽管_________________ 8.不再;已不____________________ 9.对……感到自豪___________________ 10.对……注意;留心____________________ 11.放弃_____________________ 12.陷入困境_______________________ even though no longer take pride in pay attention to give up get into trouble 英语·新课标(RJ)

  28. Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 巩固应用 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空 1.I took my first trip on an a______ in May. It was exciting. 2.Boys and girls, please pay a_______ to the red words in PPT and correct the mistakes. 3.I thought it was c_______, but it was a kind of medicine. 4.We should ride our bicycles to school. Bicycles do not c_____ air or sound pollution. 5.Mr Green's d______ was a great shock to the family. irplane ttention andy ause eath 英语·新课标(RJ)

  29. Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 6.My parents are busy. I have to do a lot of d_____ chores every day. 7.The teachers are very p______ with their students, even when they are naughty. 8.Time is money. We shouldn't w____ time. aily atient aste 英语·新课标(RJ)

  30. Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 Ⅱ.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空 1.He tried many times to pass the driving exam, ___________ (最终) he succeeded. 2.There is air all around us, _____________ (即使) we cannot see it. 3.Don't worry about me! I'm ______________ (不再) a kid. 4.At present, I ____________________ (更感兴趣) basketball. 5.I like swimming and I am ___________________ (在游泳队). in the end even though no longer am more interested in on the swim team 英语·新课标(RJ)

  31. Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 6.Tina is afraid of speaking ______________ (在……前面) the class. 7.Don't lose heart! No one can win _______________ (总是). 8.They have made much progress ____________________ (在过去 的几年里). 9.I __________________ (有压力) about my final exam. 10.I don't know what made her _______________ (改变主意). in front of all the time in the past few years am stressed out change her mind

  32. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 ┃能力提升训练┃ Ⅰ.单项填空 ( )1. —Would you like to play computer games with me? —Sorry. I have ________playing them. A.made upB.given up C.picked up D.got up ( )2. The old man lives________but he never feels________. A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone D.alone;lonely B D 英语·新课标(RJ)

  33. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )3.—Lucy and her brother are from Australia,aren't they? —________.They're from Canada. A.No,they aren't B.Yes,they are C.Yes,they do D.No,they don't ( )4. —What can Bill and Cindy do? —Bill can play ________ soccer and Cindy can play ________piano. A.the; the B./; / C.the; / D./; the A D 英语·新课标(RJ)

  34. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )5. —Are you afraid of the dark? —Yes,I often sleep________my bedroom light________. A.with; on B.of; in C.for; at D.to; on ( )6. —Do you often help your cousin with his English? —No,he learns English by________. A.himself B.yourself C.herself D.myself ( )7. —Is Alex a________boy? — Yes,you are right. A.thirteen years old B.thirteen­years­old C.thirteen year old D.thirteen­year­old A A D 英语·新课标(RJ)

  35. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( ) 8. —Does your sister do her homework every day? —She________three hours doing it every day. A.costs B.spends C.takes D.pays ( )9. —How do you often go to school? —I________take a bus,but now I________walking. A.used to; used to B.was used to; am used to C.used to; am used to D.am used to; used to B C 英语·新课标(RJ)

  36. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 ( )10. —What's David's job? —He is a professional player. He's________ a football team. A.on B.by C.at D.with ( )11. It was my ________ birthday yesterday, I am an adult now. A.twenty B.twentieth C.the twenty D.the twentieth ( )12. The mountain is too tall. ________ people can reach the top of it. A.Few B.A few C.Little D.A little A B A 英语·新课标(RJ)

  37. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.汤姆过去个子很矮。 Tom used____________ very short. 2.约翰过去戴眼镜。 John _____________________ glasses. 3.你过去害怕狗吗? ________ you ___________________ afraid of dogs? 4.我过去开着卧室的灯睡觉。 I used to go to sleep ______ my bedroom _________________. 5.我小时候花费很多时间玩电脑游戏。 When I was young, I ________________________ a lot of time __________ computer games. to be usedtowear Did usetobe with lighton usedtospend playing 英语·新课标(RJ)

  38. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 6.在过去的几年里,她的生活发生了很大的变化。 Her life ______________ a lot in the past few years. 7.最终,她做了一个艰难的决定。 She ______ a difficult _________ at last. 8.即使你不累了,你也不要在大街上闲逛。 _____________ you are ___________ tired, you mustn't hang out in the street. 9.老师们总为学生们所做的每一件好事感到自豪。 The teachers always _______________ everything good the students do. 10.我从来没有放弃过帮助他们。 I never ______________ to help them. haschanged decision made Eventhough nolonger takepridein giveuptrying 英语·新课标(RJ)

  39. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅴ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 1. Mrs Black always tells her daughter a story before she ______________. 2.Mr Smith ___________ walk his dog in the park every morning. 3.Don't _____________ the difficulties. Try your best! 4.Even though he failed many times, David never ____________. goes to sleep used to be terrified of gave up 英语·新课标(RJ)

  40. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 5.Jenny is friendly and outgoing. I really ______________ her success. 6.He said nothing at the meeting. Nobody _______________ him. 7.We must do a survey before _____________________. 8.He didn't take my advice and ______________ with the police again. take pride in paid attention to making a decision got into trouble 英语·新课标(RJ)

  41. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅵ.书面表达 李平在同班同学王朋的帮助下学习成绩有了显著提高,就此写一篇短文。学习方面可按下面的具体内容来写: 李平过去经常上课迟到;不认真听讲……现在在王朋的帮助下认真学习……王朋关心、帮助李平;和他谈心;帮他复习功课,解决难题。 要求: 1.短文应包括以上所有要点,但不要逐字翻译;也可写学习以外其他方面的内容; 2.简单写出你对这一现象的感受; 3.词数:不少于80。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  42. Unit 2 ┃ 能力提升训练 Lipingisastudent. Inthepast, heusedtobelateforschoolanddidn'tlistencarefullyinclass.Andafterschool, heoftenplayedcomputergamesorwatchedTVinsteadofdoinghishomework. Sohislessonswereverybad. Butnow,hehaschangedalot.WithhisclassmateWangPeng'shelp, hestudiesveryhardandhasmadegreatprogress. WangPengoftenhelpshimworkoutproblemsandgooverhislessonsortalkswithhimaboutwaysoflearning. Fromthis, Iknowthatweshouldhelpandcareforeachotheraswellaslearnfromeachother. It'sveryimportant. 英语·新课标(RJ)

  43. Unit 2 ┃ 易错点针对训练 ┃易错点针对训练┃ ( )1. [2011·宿迁] I don't have any close friends here. I feel ________ from time to time. A. alone B. happy C. lonely D. proud C [解析] 本题考查词义辨析。 alone意为“独自的”, 侧重说明独自一人,没有感情色彩,只表示客观的状态;happy意为“高兴的;幸福的”;lonely 意为“寂寞的” 表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情;proud意为“自豪的”。句意为:我这儿没有任何亲密的朋友。我有时感觉很……。由语境可知选C。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  44. Unit 2 ┃ 易错点针对训练 ( )2. —You come from England, don't you? —________. How do you know that? A. No, I do B. No, I don't C. Yes, I am D. Yes, I do D [解析] 考查反意疑问句的用法。这是“前肯后否”的反意疑问句,由答语句意“你怎么知道的?”可推断答语为肯定回答,排除A和B;又因为答语的时态和助动词要与上述疑问句相一致,故选D。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  45. Unit 2 ┃ 易错点针对训练 ( )3. —Mr Wang's never been to Canada, has he? —________. He went there on business last week. A. No, he hasn't B. Yes, he has C. No, he has D. Yes, he hasn't B [解析] 考查反意疑问句。这是“前否后肯”的反意疑问句,反意疑问句的答语要根据事实来回答。由答语“He went there on business last week.”可知他去过,故选B。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  46. Unit 2 ┃ 易错点针对训练 ( )4. —You like listening to Sally's songs, don't you? —________. She has a sweet voice. A. Yes. I do B. Yes, she does C. No, 1 don't D. No, she doesn't A [解析] 考查反意疑问句。这是个“前肯后否”的反意疑问句,根据“她的声音很甜美。”可知,喜欢听Sally的歌,与上文事实相符,故选A。 英语·新课标(RJ)

  47. Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 英语·新课标(RJ)

  48. Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ┃基础知识梳理┃ ● 重点单词 Ⅰ.根据汉语提示写出单词 1.执照;许可证 ___________ 2.愚蠢的;傻的_____________ 3.学习;研究____________ 4.经历;体验____________ 5.会员;成员_____________ 6.困倦的;不活跃的_____________ license silly study experience member sleepy 英语·新课标(RJ)

  49. Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 7.回答;答复_________ 8.完成;实现___________ 9.赛跑;比赛____________ 10.重要;重要性___________ 11.成功;达到;完成______________ 12.要点;论点_____________ reply achieve race importance succeed point

  50. Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 Ⅱ.根据英语单词写出汉语 1.pierce________________ 2.earring_______________ 3.concentrate______________ 4.design_________________ 5.opportunity________________ 刺穿;刺破 耳环 集中;聚集 设计;构思 机会;时机

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