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英语翻译. 旅外 101. 一 :翻译基础知识. Translation is a fine art. 翻译:口译和笔译(按照翻译工具划分) 翻译 :首先从语意、其次从文体在译语中用最贴近、最自然的对等语再现源语的信息。. 翻译的过程是理解和表达的有机结合。 翻译 是把一种语言 (源语) 的信息用另一种语言 (译语) 表达出来,使译文读者能得到原作者所表达的思想,并获得与原文读者大致相同的感受。 两种语言文化知识理解。 专业知识. Ex: Cannot Beat the Real Thing. (美国可口可乐广告) 1) 广告语

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  1. 英语翻译 旅外101

  2. 一 :翻译基础知识 • Translation is a fine art. • 翻译:口译和笔译(按照翻译工具划分) • 翻译:首先从语意、其次从文体在译语中用最贴近、最自然的对等语再现源语的信息。

  3. 翻译的过程是理解和表达的有机结合。 • 翻译是把一种语言(源语)的信息用另一种语言(译语)表达出来,使译文读者能得到原作者所表达的思想,并获得与原文读者大致相同的感受。 • 两种语言文化知识理解。 • 专业知识

  4. Ex: Cannot Beat the Real Thing.(美国可口可乐广告) • 1) 广告语 • 2)广告的目的---宣传产品、打动消费者。 • 不能打败真正的商品—— 挡不住的诱惑

  5. Ex: This company is an international marketing company specializing in fertilizers, chemicals and many others. (国际营销公司) 国际贸易公司 • Marketing: 词义的理解 Market:销售、营销 • 专业的理解:营销公司怎能会专营产品呢?

  6. 二: 英汉翻译方法和技巧 翻译步骤: 1. 对词汇的词性和词义进行辨别。 2. 在文章中结合上下文完整地理解词义。 3. 用汉语习惯给以恰当的译义。

  7. 1. 词义的选择 1)Tom has the right qualities of mind for the job. 2) Lin Zexu was one of the greatest minds of that age. 3) My wife has gone to work, so I ’ve got a lot on my mind just now.

  8. 4) Please mind my bike while I go into the shop. • 5) Don’t interfere in my affairs. Mind your own business.

  9. 1. 具有胜任这项工作的智力才能 (名词) • 2. 那个时代最有头脑的人物之一。(N.) • 3. 所以目前我有很多事要操心。 (N.) • 4. 请帮我照看一下自行车。(V.) • 5. 管你自己的事情。(V.)

  10. Samples • 1. He is the last person for such a job. • 2. There is a sharp turn to the right nearby. • 3. This knife is not sharp enough to cut the meat. • 4. In this situation it is small wander that people feel afraid. • 5. I don’t think your plan will question.

  11. 1. 他最不配干这个工作。 • 2. 附近有一个向右的急转弯。 • 3. 这把刀用来切肉不够快。 • 4. 在这种情况下人们感到害怕是不足为奇的。 • 5. 我认为你的计划行不通。

  12. 口译 (interpretation) • 口译人员扮演者: “中介、桥梁、协调者”的角色。 • 导游口译(guide interpretation): 包括接待、陪同、参观、游览、购物等活动。 • 口译的步骤: • 口译人员扮演者: “中介、桥梁、协调者”的角色。 • 导游口译(guide interpretation): 包括接待、陪同、参观、游览、购物等活动。 • 口译的步骤: • 口译人员扮演者: “中介、桥梁、协调者”的角色。 • 导游口译(guide interpretation): 包括接待、陪同、参观、游览、购物等活动。 • 口译的步骤: • 口译人员扮演者: “中介、桥梁、协调者”的角色。 • 导游口译(guide interpretation): 包括接待、陪同、参观、游览、购物等活动。 • 口译的步骤: • 口译人员扮演者: “中介、桥梁、协调者”的角色。 • 导游口译(guide interpretation): 包括接待、陪同、参观、游览、购物等活动。 • 口译的步骤: • 口译人员扮演者: “中介、桥梁、协调者”的角色。 • 导游口译(guide interpretation): 包括接待、陪同、参观、游览、购物等活动。 • 口译的步骤: 听解 听解 听解 听解 听解 听解 听解 记忆 记忆 记忆 记忆 记忆 记忆 转换 转换 转换 表达 表达

  13. Unit one 迎来送往 • 机场或车站迎接宾客: • 确认身份(confirming) • 自我介绍 (self-introduction) • 问候 (greetings) • 自由交谈 (free chatting) • 提供帮助 (offering help)

  14. 词汇 • Airport terminal 机场候机楼 • Boarding 登机 • Bumpy/ smooth flight 不平稳/ 平稳的飞行 • Check-in 登机手续办理 • Departure lounge 候机室 • Direct / straight flight 直飞 • gate; departure gate 登机口

  15. Business class 商务舱 • Economy class 经济舱 • First class 头等舱 • None stop flight 连续飞行 • one-way ticket 单程机票 • Round-trip ticket 来回机票 • Scheduled time 预计时间

  16. 现场口译翻译 • Meeting and Seeing-off at the airport • Dialogue 1 • A Taiwan businessman meets an American buyer at the airport. • Mr. Li: You must be Ms. Rogers from Chicago? • Ms. Rogers : And you must be Mr. Li. Thank you for meeting me. • Mr. Li: It's my pleasure. Welcome to Taipei. • Ms. Rogers : It's good to be here.

  17. Mr. Li: How was your flight? • Ms. Rogers : Long, but quite comfortable. China Airlines treats its passengers well. • Mr. Li: Did you have any trouble clearing customs? • Ms. Rogers : Oh no. They were quite quick and efficient. • Mr. Li: I've got a company car waiting. Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and freshen up? Then perhaps later on this afternoon we could start our business discussions.

  18. Ms. Rogers : That sounds fine. How long will it take from the airport to the hotel? • Mr. Li: About an hour, depending on traffic. • Ms. Rogers : Will I be meeting any other members of your company? • Mr. Li: Perhaps you'd like to continue our discussions over dinner tonight. That would give some of our other staff members a chance to meet you. • Ms. Rogers : That sounds like a wonderful idea.

  19. Dialogue 2 • A Taiwanese businessman sees an American businesswoman off at the airport. • Ms. Bronson: I checked at the ticket counter, and they say the plane will be on schedule. • Mr. Yi: Good. I hope you have a safe and comfortable trip.

  20. Ms. Bronson: Thank you. It's been a pleasure doing business with you and your company. • Mr. Yi: I hope we'll continue working together in the future. • Ms. Bronson: I'm sure we will. I appreciate everything you've done personally to make my stay a pleasant one.

  21. Mr. Yi: I've enjoyed your visit. • Ms. Bronson: Thank you again and goodbye. • Ms. Rogers: Oh no. They were quite quick and efficient. • Mr. Li : I've got a company car waiting. Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and freshen up? Then perhaps later on this afternoon we could start our business discussions.

  22. Ms. Rogers: That sounds fine. How long will it take from the airport to the hotel? • Mr. Li : About an hour, depending on traffic. • Ms. Rogers: Will I be meeting any other members of your company? • Mr. Li : Perhaps you'd like to continue our discussions over dinner tonight. That would give some of our other staff members a chance to meet you. • Ms. Rogers: That sounds like a wonderful idea.

  23. Work in groups and role-play the following situations, acting the role of the Chinese speaker, English speaker or interpreter respectively.

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