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Reflective Practice

Reflective Practice. Definitions, Models & Methods Certificate in Education Year 2 2008-9. Reflection: A Definition (1).

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Reflective Practice

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  1. Reflective Practice Definitions, Models & Methods Certificate in Education Year 2 2008-9

  2. Reflection: A Definition (1) ‘Reflection is an important human activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull over & evaluate it. It is this working with experience that is important in learning’. Boud, D., Keogh, R. & Walker, D. (1985) p 43 Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. London: Kogan Page.

  3. Reflection: A Definition (2) ‘We learn through critical reflection by putting ourselves into the experience & exploring personal & theoretical knowledge to understand it & view it in different ways. Tate, S. & Sills, M. (eds) (2004) p 126 The Development of Critical Reflection in the Health Professions. London; Higher Education Authority.

  4. Reflection: Informal & informal Informal Reflection • Involves self- questioning • Develops our awareness of our own assumptions Formal Reflection • Draws on research & theory • Provides guidance & frameworks for practice.

  5. Models of ReflectionDewey’s (1938) 5 Stage Model 1. We identify a problem that is perplexing & ‘felt’ 2. We observe & refine the identified problem to create a fuller understanding 3. We develop a hypothesis or an understanding about the problem, its origins & possible solutions 4. We subject the hypothesis to scrutiny & reasoning 5. We test the hypothesis or understanding in practice Dewey, J. (1938) Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. Troy, MN: Rinehart & Winston.

  6. Models of ReflectionSchon’s (1983) ‘Reflection in Action’ Reflection in action concerns thinking about something whilst engaged in doing it, having a feeling about something & practicing according to that feeling. This model celebrates the intuitive & artistic approaches that can be brought to uncertain situations. Schon, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith

  7. Models of ReflectionKolb’s (1984) Learning Cycle 1. Concrete Experience: The event 2. Reflective observation: Consider what has happened from a variety of perspectives e.g. own feelings, the group’s, an individual student’s view 3. Abstract conceptualisation: Re-package & process your reflections into a theoretical understanding (use theory to analyse the event) 4. Active Experimentation: Armed with this new understanding, you do it again, differently this time. Kolb, D. (1984) Experiential Learning. New Jersey; Prentice Hall

  8. Models of ReflectionBoud’s (1985) Experiential Learning 1. Return to an event, incident or experience & record it 2. Consider it in detail at an emotional and cognitive level 3. Re-evaluate the event in the light of experience, knowledge & experimentation. Seek to understand the meaning of the experience 4. Plan for what you might change. Boud, D., Keogh, R. & Walker, D. (1985) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. London: Kogan Page.

  9. Models of ReflectionJohn’s Ten C’s of Reflection (2000) • Commitment Accept responsibility & be open to change • Contradiction Note tension between actual & desired practice • Conflict Harness this energy to take appropriate action • Challenge Confront your own typical actions, beliefs & attitudes in a non-threatening way • Catharsis Work through negative feelings • Creation Move beyond old self to novel alternatives • Connection Connect new insights in the world of practice • Caring Realise desirable practice • Congruence Reflection as a mirror for caring • Constructing Building personal knowledge in practice Johns, C. (2000). Becoming a Reflective Practitioner. Oxford; Blackwell

  10. Barriers to Reflection Practical Barriers Kolb (1984) sees that to reflect effectively on your experience, you should actively set aside part of your working day to reflect & analyse. Kolb, D. (1984) Experiential Learning. New Jersey; Prentice Hall

  11. Barriers to Reflection Psychological Barriers Fear of judgement, fear of criticism, being closed to feedback, defensiveness, professional arrogance.

  12. Bridges to Reflection • Non-judgemental support, e.g. mentor, manager • Feeling ‘safe’ enough – or we may use ‘expedient’ learning & do what we expect will get us through • A role model, e.g. a mentor who reflects on their own practice • Knowledge of as many methods as possible • As many opportunities as possible for engaging in reflection, e.g. pairs, groups • Time & Energy. Ixer, G. (2003) Developing the relationship between reflective practice & social work values. Journal of Practice Teaching, 5, 1, pp 7-22.

  13. Methods of ReflectionNarratives A Narrative is a story of an experience or event: • Written in the first person, i.e. I felt… I thought … • Learner-centred in that it allows the learner’s voice to be heard • Enables links to be made between personal & professional development • Can be shared to allow deeper reflection & comparison.

  14. Methods of ReflectionReflective Journal A Reflective Journal focuses on: • Your reaction to the event or experience • Different ways that you might look at it • How the experience links with other experiences • How you can understand the experience in the light of theory • What you have learned in the situation • What you need to learn • How you might achieve your identified learning goals

  15. Methods of ReflectionCritical Incident A critical incident is an incident that is in some way significant to the individual recounting it. You should record: • What the situation was • What you did in it • What happened as a result of your actions • A reflection on the situation or event & the process by which it unfolded.

  16. The Importance of Reflection Reflection enables us to: • Be conscious of our potential for bias & discrimination. • Make the best use of the knowledge available. • Challenge & develop the existing professional knowledge base • Avoid past mistakes • Maximise our own opportunities for learning.

  17. The Importance of Reflection Unless we make conscious & systematic efforts to critique our own practice: • We will be unaware of how & when we are being discriminatory • We will not make use of the knowledge base developed by our own profession • We will continue to repeat the same mistakes • Our skills will stagnate rather then develop.

  18. References Boud, D., Keogh, R. & Walker, D. (1985) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. London: Kogan Page. Dewey, J. (1938) Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. MN: Rinehart & Winston Ixer, G. (2003) Developing the relationship between reflective practice & social work values. Journal of Practice Teaching, 5, 1, pp 7-22. Johns, C. (2000). Becoming a Reflective Practitioner. Oxford; Blackwell Kolb, D. (1984) Experiential Learning. New Jersey Schon, D. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith Tate, S. & Sills, M. (eds) (2004) p 126 The Development of Critical Reflection in the Health Professions. London; Higher Education Authority

  19. PDJ Entry 1 • What are your hopes & aspirations at the start of Year 2? • Do you foresee any potential problems in fulfilling the course requirements? • What support would help to overcome these problems?

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