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1、at last的同义词是什么at last释义:终于;最后。以下是 为大家整理的at last的同义 词和例句,以供参考。at last的同义词:in the end , at the end ofat last的同义词例句:In the end, things will mend.谚车到山前必有路。If you persevere with work, you& #39;ll succeed in the end.你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。Justice triumphs in the end.正义终将得胜。The salesma n was so successful tha

2、t in the end he hivedfrom the firm into his own bus in ess.这位推销员干得非常成功,到后来,他脱离公司自行开业。The characters in the film disliked each other at first but itall came right in the end.在那部电影中,开始时人们互相厌恶,但最后果的结局却很完美。I am very much pleased that we have come to term in the end.我们终于达成协议了,我感到非常高兴。Peter and Tom fin al

3、ly made up in the end.彼特和汤姆最后和解了。After many years of hard work, he won the award in theend.经过许多年的努力,他最后终于获得了大奖。at last的英语例句:The big mome nt has come at last!at重要的时刻终于到来了 !Because of his irresolute character, we were defeated last.因为他性格的软弱,我们最终被打败了。The ship went dow n and at last went out of sight.船在

4、下沉,最后消失不见了。He showed his sini ster motive at last.他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心。Your efforts will not come to no avail, if you can achieve somethi ng at last.如果最后你能够有所成就,你的努力就不会白费。After much delay, he fini shed his paper at last.拖了那么久,他终于完成了论文。The two sides come to recon ciliatio n at last.这两方最后讲和了。Only in 1687 did

5、 he at last publish his new theory.终于在一六八七年他发表了他的新理论。They rolled up at last.他们终于坐着车来了。At last she was freed from all en cumbera nces.她终于从一切牵累中解脱出来。He ran his eyes dow n the page and found his n ame at last.他的眼睛顺着这一页往下看,终于找到了他的名字。The resoluti on was repassed at last.最后决议还是重新通过了。At last the wild wind

6、calmed dow n.狂风终于停了下来。But we have tamed it at last.但我们终于把它驯服了。At last, he said, if not us, then who?最后他说,如果不是我们,是谁?But at last the path emerged from the trees and stretchedaway in the sun.但是,路终于从树林中显露出来,笔直向前,直 至消失在阳光中。A villager was said to have long struggled to hold her fromthem, but at last theyp

7、revailed, and he found nothingin hishan ds but a broomstick.一个村民据说一直在努力抗争使她不被她们带走,但是在最后她们胜利了,而他的手里只剩下了一截扫帚柄。The two of us argued a year - who got the house, the furniture, the car? But ourlawyers fin ally cut a deal which weboth thought was fair. So at last everythi ng issettled.我们两在房子给谁,家俱分给谁,谁该得到汽

8、车这些问题上争论了一年。 但是, 我们的律师最后定了一个方案我们两都认为是公平的,所以一切终于 都解决了。“At last, we agree on something, ” he said, before he walked through the door.“我们终于有看法一致的地方了。”他走出门之前说道。At last, I have made some progress.最后,我取得了一些进步。At last it daw ned on me that there is no way to happ in ess.Happiness is the way.最后,我终于明白了,没有通往幸

9、福的路, 幸福本身就是这条路。Then at last he had fallen to the earth , and could remember no more, nor howhe came to be where she hadfou nd him.最后他落到地上来了,可是其余的事情他现在就记不起来了。他完全不知道自己怎样来到了这块地方的。At last the spotlight is just on him.这一次,他终于可以独享闪光灯了。Now, at last, she sta nds.如今,最后,她站起来。At last I owned my defeat to mysel

10、f, and put the thi ng outof mind.最后我自认自己的确是失败了,不久就把这事儿抛到了脑后。The man stopped and smiled. “At last, we agree on something, ” he said, beforehe walked through the door.这个男人快要走出大门了,他停了下来,微笑着说“最后我们在某个问题 上达成了共识”I asked him aga in, and at last he came out with the truth. 我叮了他一句,他才说了真话。Family and friends would like privacy at last, &qu ot; she said.她的家人和朋友最终是会要隐私的,”她说。7


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