
ipada1701是什么 版本

A1701是苹果 iPadPro10.5英寸的WiFi版本代号。











首先,我们来梳理一下iPad的发展历程。2010年4月3日,第一代iPad面世。2011年3月2日,苹果推出第二代iPad,采用了更先进的处理器、更清晰的显示屏幕以及更快的网络连接。2012年3月7日,苹果推出第三代iPad,最大特点就是在屏幕分辨率方面有了巨大提升,同时还增加了“Retina”技术,让人眼中“无法分辨单个像素”的效果成为了可能。2013年10月22日,苹果公司发布第四代iPad和iPad mini。这两款产品中,iPad mini受到市场青睐,不仅规格全面升级,同时版本也更为轻盈便携。

随着科技的不断进步,iPad的发展也在不断推陈出新。至今,苹果公司相继推出了iPad Air、iPad Pro等多个系列。每个系列的产品均有其独特的特性和优劣之处,以满足不同用户的需求。


回到a1701这个问题,它并不是iPad的代号。实际上,它是一款由苹果公司推出的平板电脑——iPad Pro 10.5英寸的型号。出厂时,iPad Pro 10.5英寸的机型编号为A1701。因此,a1701不是iPad几代,而是iPad Pro 10.5英寸的一个型号。

2017年6月5日,苹果公司在全球开发者大会(WWDC)上公布iPad Pro 10.5英寸系列,并于次日正式开售。此款平板电脑使用了更新的A10X Fusion处理器,提供更快、更强的性能,同时增加了对Apple Pencil的支持,使得用户在体验上更为舒适和愉悦。


【英文介绍/For English】:

A1701 is the codename for the WiFi version of the Apple iPad Pro 10.5-inch.


The iPad Pro was officially released by Apple at the Apple conference in the early morning of September 11, 2015. In terms of performance, the new iPad Pro uses the A9X processor, which is twice as fast as the previous A8X. The graphics processor is comparable to the current desktop computer, and the battery life can reach about 10 hours.


In addition, the newly designed SmartKeyboard has been added to the new iPad Pro. In addition to the protection function, it is also an external physical keyboard. This keyboard not only has a stable key design, but also through the magnetic link, iPad Pro can determine whether to enable a virtual keyboard or a physical keyboard.


Even without an external keyboard, the size and weight of the iPad Pro itself is already a "contradiction". With a behemoth with a 12.9-inch screen, it becomes difficult whether you want to type with one hand or pick up the device with one hand. It is true that the iPad Pro has a more powerful processor and 4GB of running memory, which can support higher-quality software, but these software may only be exclusive to the iPad Pro, because other iPads cannot run.