
无锡新吴区 金城 东路邮编

新吴区,位于无锡市东南部,地处长三角中部,太湖之滨、古运河畔,北临锡山区,西接梁溪区、滨湖区,南依太湖。东距上海125公里,西距南京183公里。新吴区总面积220平方公里,2015年末,常住人口约55万人,下辖6个街道。2015年末,新吴区地区生产总值1302、86亿元。新吴区原为无锡新区,是吴文化发源地之一,历史文化资源丰富,有 泰伯陵、泰伯庙、伯渎河、鸿山遗址博物馆等组成的泰伯及吴文化景点。







【英文介绍/For English】:

Xinwu District is located in the southeast of Wuxi City, in the middle of the Yangtze River Delta, on the shore of Taihu Lake, on the bank of the Ancient Canal, adjacent to Xishan District in the north, Liangxi District and Binhu District in the west, and Taihu Lake in the south. It is 125 kilometers away from Shanghai in the east and 183 kilometers away from Nanjing in the west. The total area of ​​Xinwu District is 220 square kilometers. At the end of 2015, the resident population was about 550,000, and it has 6 subdistricts under its jurisdiction. At the end of 2015, the GDP of Xinwu District was 130.286 billion yuan. Xinwu District was originally Wuxi New District, which is one of the birthplaces of Wu culture. It has rich historical and cultural resources. There are Taibo and Wu cultural attractions composed of Taibo Tomb, Taibo Temple, Bodu River, and Hongshan Site Museum.