
微博中bot是什么 意思





【英文介绍/For English】:

As a network language, the full name of Bot should be called robot, and robot translated into Chinese means robot. In Weibo, the robot can be understood as the meaning of artificially updating and submitting articles regularly. It can also be understood as a tree hole in Weibo, which accepts all kinds of complaints from netizens. Adding bot after the name is simply a variety of submission boxes in Weibo.

This meme first came from Weibo and originated from various Weibo IDs. It became popular in 2018. Bots also have their own scope of submission, which depends on the name in front of the bot. Common ones on Weibo include bots for straight men, bots for beauty, bots for rich people, bots for broken relationships, and Lu Xun bots, covering all aspects of life.