
2021抖音 情话最暖心 短句


2、要问我 爱你有多深,我真的说不出来,只知道你已成为我生活中的一种习惯,不可或缺的习惯,每天可以不吃饭不睡觉,却无法不想你,嫁给我。












1. 陪你走完余生。


2. 你是我人生中最美好的相遇。


3. 我们一起变老好不好。


4. 和你在一起,我什么都不缺了。


5. 世界上最美好的事情,就是在你身边看日出日落。


6. 我常常在想,如果没有你,我的生活将是怎样的。


7. 你是我生命中最重要的人,我会一直爱你。


8. 我愿意为你付出一切,因为我爱你。


9. 我们走到这里已经不容易,我会守护你,让我们一起继续走下去。


10. 你的世界是我的世界,我的世界也需要你。



【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Before I fell in love with you, I wanted to travel alone and see the colorful world. After falling in love with you, I feel that the rivers and lakes are too far away, I will not go, I just want to cook for you and sleep with you.

2. If you want to ask how deeply I love you, I really can’t tell you. I only know that you have become a habit in my life, an indispensable habit. I can skip eating and sleeping every day, but I can’t miss you. Marry give me.

3. I hope that in every loss, every uneasiness, every righteousness, every stubborn look, every indignation, it will be accompanied by the growth I want.

4. I was Everest, it was you who melted my ice and snow and turned me into Shangri-La. I am willing to become stupid for you, I love you hard to extricate myself, I will use up all my heat to ignite the spark of happiness for you!

5. A real couple is one: when they are together, an hour is a second; and when they are apart, a second is an hour. That's exactly how I feel when I'm with you. love you forever!

6. Compose a song with happiness and wish you all the best; write a song with happiness and wish you good luck; write a poem with true love and love you for the rest of your life; I love you and wish you all the best, youth beauty.

7. Recite silently in my heart all the time, my love for you will remain unchanged in this life; I would like to taste all kinds of flavors for you, and run tirelessly for you; cherish all your treasures and think silently in my heart, every day is worth remembering.

8. The sky is very clear, the smile is very bright, the time is very calm, the missing is very natural, the language is related to you, and the change has nothing to do with me. I love you for so many years, and it is still the same as before, dear, love you.

9. I don't know how long the meteor can fly, whether it's worth pursuing; I don't know how long the cherry blossoms can bloom, whether it's worth waiting. But I know that you and I can be as beautiful as fireworks and as eternal as stars, which is worth keeping in my life.

10. If you are angry, you cry; if you are sad, you cry; if you love, you express; if you like, you pursue. Don't belittle yourself, don't feel sorry for yourself, go out and be yourself bravely.