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Color Management for 3DCG

Device Emulation

What is Device Emulation?

ColorNavigator’s device emulation function emulates the colors of various display devices such as smart phones, mobile video games, tablets, and CRT monitors. By using this function, you can confirm how a project will appear on the intended viewing device while you work. Here we will walk through device emulation using ColorNavigator with a ColorEdge CG247X monitor and an iPad as an example.1_emulation.jpg

Device Emulation Settings

Step 1

First, connect the device you are adjusting to the same network as the computer using either LAN or WiFi. Be aware that you cannot make adjustments from ColorNavigator unless you are on the same network.

Step 2

Before measuring the color properties of the device, turn off the device’s Automatic Brightness Adjustment or Power Save functions to avoid changes in brightness during measurement.

Step 3

Connect the color measurement device to the computer and open ColorNavigator. From Advanced, select Create ICC profile for tablet/display device.3_profile.png

Step 4

Measure the device. By opening the URL in the device’s web browser, multiple colors are displayed at fixed intervals and the color measurement device will begin automatic measurements. An external color measurement device (i1 Monitor, i1 Pro, i1 Pro 2, or ColorMunki) is required. Follow the instructions in ColorNavigator and proceed with measuring the device.



It may be necessary to change the color patches depending on the device. Since iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch have good color properties, it is suitable for measuring at least 26 colors. If the color properties of the device are unknown, select Auto Select and the appropriate number of patches for that device will be measured. If there are a large number of patches to be measured, it may take 30 minutes to several hours.


Step 5

Adjust the monitor. When measurement is complete, save the results (the color profile that represents the color properties of the device). Next, adjust the monitor so as to optimally emulate the device. Use the adjustment results of the monitor as the source and reproduce the device’s profile. Consequently, if the monitor is set with an expressive range smaller than the device, optimal emulation will not be possible. Select Create a new target on the settings screen to readjust the monitor and the device’s profile can be represented correctly.


Step 6

The device profile is below the newly measured monitor adjustment. Click on it to start emulation. The screen flickers for a few seconds meaning that the color properties of the monitor itself are changing.


Smartphone and Tablet Emulation Examples

The diagram on the left is a color chart for comparison between four kinds of smartphones/tablets and how they look when displaying the content. It is clear that the color varies greatly depending on the device. The chart itself shows a comparison of 15 different color patches, four of which have been enlarged for better comparison. The diagram on the right is a comparison of four kinds of devices after emulation with the ColorNavigator color adjustment software. If you refer to the gray area outside the color charts displayed on the monitors, you will see they are all displaying mid gray (R127, G127, B127). However, there is a considerable difference in hues.




Other Monitors and LCD TV Emulation Examples

It is possible to work with standard monitor color characteristics on a ColorEdge monitor. You can emulate any monitor as long as you can connect the monitor to the PC and to the same network.

- Reference monitor for video production
- Household LCD TV connected to a gaming machine
- LCD monitor for amusement machines
- Large LCD monitors for meetings and product presentation

The image below shows the monitor using the ColorNavigator emulation function to reproduce the color of an LCD TV by measuring it with a color measuring device. This is the same as Step 4 (above) where the color characteristics of an iPad were read. By introducing a monitor capable of emulation, you can reduce the number of reference monitors, remove the problem of age-related changes, reduce the required installation space, and reduce the time for proofing for a dramatic cost reduction and increase in workflow efficiency. Without inconsistency between the director's instruction and the creator's interpretation, everyone will be working towards the same direction.

9_other1.png 9_other2.png


Previous: Color Management Monitor

Next: Calibration with ColorNavigator NX


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