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Tyre vs. Tire: Mastering the Correct Spelling

Edited by Aimie Carlson || By Harlon Moss || Updated on March 9, 2024
Tyre is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is tire. In American English, "tire" refers to the rubber covering on a wheel.

Which is correct: Tyre or Tire

How to spell Tire?

Tyre is Incorrect

Tire is Correct


Key Differences

Associate "tire" with "retire," both containing 'tire'.
"Tire" in American English is spelled like "fire," both ending in 'ire'.
"Tire" rhymes with "wire," which also has an 'i'.
Think of "tire" as part of "entire," both ending with 'ire'.
Remember "tire" as "to tire out," indicating exhaustion.

Correct usage of Tire

Can you teach me how to change a tyre in case of an emergency?
Can you teach me how to change a tire in case of an emergency?
The front left tyre was flat, so I had to call for roadside assistance.
The front left tire was flat, so I had to call for roadside assistance.
I need to replace the tyre on my car because it's worn out.
I need to replace the tire on my car because it's worn out.
The mechanic said the tyre tread is too low and recommended a replacement.
The mechanic said the tire tread is too low and recommended a replacement.

Tire Definitions

A ring-shaped component that covers the rim of a wheel.
The mechanic recommended rotating the tires for even wear.
A rubber covering, typically inflated, placed around a wheel for traction.
The car needed a new tire after the puncture.
To grow weary or fatigued; lose energy.
She began to tire after the long hike.
To wear out or make weary through exertion.
The long journey tired the travelers immensely.
A durable rubber component essential for vehicle mobility.
Checking the tire pressure is important for safety.
To lose energy or strength; grow weary
When you're sick, you tend to tire easily.
To grow bored or impatient
The audience tired after the first 30 minutes of the movie.
To diminish the energy or strength; fatigue
The long walk tired me.
To exhaust the interest or patience of.
To adorn or attire.
A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air.
A hoop of metal or rubber fitted around a wheel.
A headband or headdress.
(intransitive) To become sleepy or weary.
(transitive) To make sleepy or weary.
(intransitive) To become bored or impatient (with).
I tire of this book.
(transitive) To bore.
To dress or adorn.
(obsolete) To seize, pull, and tear prey, as a hawk does.
(obsolete) To seize, rend, or tear something as prey; to be fixed upon, or engaged with, anything.
Alternative spelling of tyre#Etymology 1: The rubber covering on a wheel.
(American spelling) tyre#Etymology 1: The metal rim of a wheel, especially that of a railroad locomotive.
A child's apron covering the upper part of the body, and tied with tape or cord; a pinafore. Also tier.
(obsolete) Accoutrements, accessories.
(obsolete) Dress, clothes, attire.
A covering for the head; a headdress.
A tier, row, or rank. See Tier.
In posture to displode their second tireOf thunder.
Attire; apparel.
A child's apron, covering the breast and having no sleeves; a pinafore; a tier.
Furniture; apparatus; equipment.
A ring, hoop or band, as of rubber or metal, on the circumference of the wheel of a vehicle, to impart strength and receive the wear. In Britain, spelled tyre.
To adorn; to attire; to dress.
[Jezebel] painted her face, and tired her head.
To seize, pull, and tear prey, as a hawk does.
Even as an empty eagle, sharp by fast,Tires with her beak on feathers, flesh, and bone.
Ye dregs of baseness, vultures among men,That tire upon the hearts of generous spirits.
To seize, rend, or tear something as prey; to be fixed upon, or engaged with, anything.
Thus made she her remove,And left wrath tiring on her son.
Upon that were my thoughts tiring.
To become weary; to be fatigued; to have the strength fail; to have the patience exhausted; as, a feeble person soon tires.
To exhaust the strength of, as by toil or labor; to exhaust the patience of; to wear out (one's interest, attention, or the like); to weary; to fatigue; to jade.
Tired with toil, all hopes of safety past.
Hoop that covers a wheel;
Automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air
Get tired of something or somebody
Exhaust or tire through overuse or great strain or stress;
We wore ourselves out on this hike
Exhaust one's savings
We quickly played out our strength
Cause to be bored

Tire Sentences

If you drive with a flat tire, you could damage your car.
She keeps a spare tire in the trunk for emergencies.
A puncture in the tire led to a sudden blowout.
The tire shop is having a sale next weekend.
Low tire pressure can lead to increased fuel consumption.
Make sure to check your tire pressure regularly.
I need to inflate my bike's tire before our ride.
Always carry a tire gauge in your car's glove compartment.
They offer free tire balancing with every purchase.
She learned how to patch a tire in a workshop.
He was frustrated when he found his tire slashed in the parking lot.
Changing a tire by the roadside can be dangerous.
The tire warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship.
The heavy load caused the truck's tire to burst.
A tire rotation service can extend the life of your tires.
A tire repair kit is a handy tool for minor punctures.
The tire exploded because it was over-inflated.

Tire Idioms & Phrases

Tire out

To become very tired.
After the long hike, everyone was completely tired out.

Spare tire

Extra weight around the midsection of a person's body.
He joked about his spare tire, saying he'd worked hard for it.

Tire kickers

People who look at a vehicle for sale but have no real intention of buying.
The salesman was frustrated with all the tire kickers wasting his time.

On a good tire

Doing well or making good progress.
After the project kickoff, we were really on a good tire.

Flat tire

Something that is disappointing or deflates enthusiasm.
The party was a flat tire—hardly anyone showed up.

To tire of

To become bored or lose interest in something.
She quickly tired of the routine and sought a new adventure.

Not to tire of doing good

To continue to do good deeds without losing enthusiasm.
He lives by the motto not to tire of doing good, volunteering every weekend.

Tire tracks

Evidence or indication of someone's or something's presence or path.
The detective found tire tracks leading away from the crime scene.


Why is it called tire?

It's called "tire" because it covers the wheel, originally from "attire," meaning dressing.

Which conjunction is used with tire?

Conjunctions like "and" and "but" are used with "tire."

What is the verb form of tire?

The verb form is "tire" (meaning to become weary).

Which vowel is used before tire?

The vowel 'i' is used before 'r' in "tire."

What is the pronunciation of tire?

Tire is pronounced as /ˈtaɪər/.

What is the root word of tire?

The root word of "tire" is the Middle English "tiren" or "attire."

Which preposition is used with tire?

Prepositions like "of" and "on" are commonly used with "tire."

How is tire used in a sentence?

Example: "The vehicle's tire burst suddenly on the highway."

What is the singular form of tire?

The singular form is "tire."

Is tire a negative or positive word?

"Tire" is neutral; its connotation depends on context.

Is the tire term a metaphor?

"Tire" can be used metaphorically, especially in its verb form.

Is the word tire imperative?

"Tire" can be used as an imperative verb.

How do we divide tire into syllables?

Tire is a single-syllable word.

What is the second form of tire?

The second form is "tired."

What is the plural form of tire?

The plural form is "tires."

What is another term for tire?

Another term for tire is "wheel covering."

What is the opposite of tire?

The opposite of tire (verb) is "energize" or "refresh."

What is the third form of tire?

The third form is "tired."

Which article is used with tire?

Both "a" and "the" can be used as articles with "tire."

Is tire an adverb?

No, "tire" is not an adverb.

Is tire an abstract noun?

No, "tire" as a noun is concrete, referring to a physical object.

How many syllables are in tire?

There is one syllable in "tire."

Which determiner is used with tire?

Determiners like "the," "a," and "that" are used with "tire."

What is the first form of tire?

The first form is "tire."

Is tire a countable noun?

Yes, "tire" as a noun is countable.

Is tire a collective noun?

No, "tire" is not typically used as a collective noun.

What is a stressed syllable in tire?

The entire word "tire" is stressed, as it has only one syllable.

Is tire a noun or adjective?

"Tire" is both a noun (the wheel covering) and a verb (to become weary).

Is tire a vowel or consonant?

The term "tire" is neither a vowel nor a consonant; it's a noun or verb.

What part of speech is tire?

"Tire" is both a noun and a verb.
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About Author
Written by
Harlon Moss
Harlon is a seasoned quality moderator and accomplished content writer for Difference Wiki. An alumnus of the prestigious University of California, he earned his degree in Computer Science. Leveraging his academic background, Harlon brings a meticulous and informed perspective to his work, ensuring content accuracy and excellence.
Edited by
Aimie Carlson
Aimie Carlson, holding a master's degree in English literature, is a fervent English language enthusiast. She lends her writing talents to Difference Wiki, a prominent website that specializes in comparisons, offering readers insightful analyses that both captivate and inform.

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