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Christian Devotional - Roots that Dig Deep

Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

Christian devotionals have been woven into the very fabric of God's creation.  We just need to look around to see His fingerprints and hear His voice speak to us.  This devotional helps us connect the nature of roots to how the dryness of trials can cause us to dig deeper into our relationship with our Creator.

Christian Devotional - Meditate

This morning as I sat with the LORD, I was praying about some tough situations.  Have you ever begun to wonder what you were doing wrong because one thing after another didn’t seem to go right?  But what if God only gave us blessings?

I will admit I kill plants either by forgetting to water them or by watering them too much.  In the times of over watering, my plants have experienced root-rot.  God knows if He only allowed blessings in our life, left us in our comfort zones…our faith may begin to rot.  

And like so many things, God has built this spiritual lesson into the fabric of nature!  When there is not adequate water in the surrounding soil, roots must dig deeper.  Trials can cause us to dig deeper too – deeper into God’s Word, deeper into prayer, deeper into our relationship with Him.  And in digging deeper, we become stronger.  A plant with deep roots can withstand more strong winds and even heat because their roots have dug deep into the soil to find the water source.

Okay, this may sound crazy, but scientists have actually discovered that plants can “hear” running water and therefore grow towards it with their root systems.

“The scientists found that the plants could tell where the source of the water was and their root systems grew towards that source based on sensing the sound of running water alone. Dr. Gagilano said when moisture was readily available in the soil, the plant did not respond to the sound of running water.” 


How interesting that when there was moisture readily available in the soil, the plant did not respond to the sound of running water.  When our life is “all good”, we tend to begin relying on ourselves and the “good” circumstances around us rather than on God and listening for His voice.  The roar of a noisy, busy world blocks His quiet whispers to our hearts.  We have enough.  We have no need to dig deeper or draw closer.  

But when the dryness of trouble and trials creep or rush in, our thirst begins to snag our attention or even knock us flat on our backs.  The “ho-hum” satisfaction is revealed and the need for something more can drive us to our knees.

Maybe this is what the COVID-19 Pandemic has done.  Or maybe it was some other disturbing trouble that has come into our once “peaceful” yet “weak” existence.  No matter what the trial may be, good can come from it.  It can help us listen for the source of our strength.  It can help us dig deeper to the source of our hope.  It can cause us to become desperate for the Living Water calling to us.  His name is Jesus.

We become stronger in Christ.  We become stronger in our faith.  We become better witnesses to His goodness even in hard times.

Let’s dig deep during this world crisis.  Let’s stand tall with deep roots that others may see God’s goodness and the hope found in Jesus.

Christian Devotional - Scripture

“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him.  Let your roots grown down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”  Colossians 2:6-7

“Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him.  Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”  Ephesians 3:17

Christian Devotional - Activate

Keep a plant close to where you have your quiet time with the Lord.  Let it remind you of this Christian devotional and our constant need of Living Water and cause us to dig deep into His Word, listen in a time of prayer, and seek His presence in both times of dryness and plenty.

© Copyright 2020 Susan Smart.

Photo by FOX from Pexels

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