

2023年01月08日 17:57--浏览 · --点赞 · --评论



效果所属: Sapphire Distort



Applies a shaking motion to the source clip over time with translation, zooming, and/or rotation. The shaking is random but repeatable, so with the same parameters the same shaking motion is generated each time. Turn on Motion Blur and adjust the Mo Blur Length for different amounts of blur. Adjust the Amplitude and Frequency for different shaking speeds and amounts. The Rand parameters give detailed control of the random non-periodic shaking, and the Wave parameters adjust the regular periodic shaking. The X, Y, Z, and Tilt parameters control the horizontal, vertical, zoom, and rotation amounts of shaking respectively.

翻译过来就是:(机翻改了下 人比较懒)

s_shake效果是随着时间的推移,通过平移、缩放和/或旋转将抖动运动应用于源剪辑。抖动是随机但可重复的,因此使用相同的参数,每次都会生成相同的抖动运动。启用“运动模糊”(Motion Blur),并调整“模糊长度”(Mo Blur Length)以获得不同的模糊量。针对不同的振动速度和振动量调整振幅和频率。Rand参数对随机非周期性抖动进行了详细控制,Wave参数调整了规则周期性抖动。X、Y、Z和倾斜参数分别控制抖动的水平、垂直、缩放和旋转量。



同时插件自带动态模糊和平面追踪 好耶





Style 三种模式

    -Normal 标准

    -Twitchy 抽动

    -Jumpy 跃动




Edit Mocha 调整追踪蒙版

不解释,点击这个会跳转到Boris FX的Mocha软件,脱离Pr/Ae之外了,UI不好看不想研究(就是懒)

Mocha 追踪(蒙版)

Blur Mocha 追踪蒙版模糊

Mocha Opacity 追踪透明度

Invert Mocha 翻转追踪

Resize Mocha 重设追踪蒙版大小

Resize Rel X 追踪蒙版X轴相对位置

Resize Rel Y 追踪蒙版Y轴相对位置

Shift Mocha X X轴追踪蒙版偏移

Shift Mocha Y Y轴追踪蒙版偏移

Bypass Mocha [Y/N] 追踪旁路

Show Mocha Only [Y/N] 仅显示追踪蒙版


Combine Masks 蒙版结合

    -Union 均取

    -Intersect 取交集

    -Mocha Only 仅追踪

Amplitude 基准振幅



Frequency 基准频率



Phase 基准相位延迟


这个摇摆的效果,本质上是一个形如y=A sin (Bx+C) 的三角函数;



















Z Dist Z轴距离偏移




Motion Blur 动态模糊




Mo Blur Length 动态模糊长度


Seed 随机种子




Wrap X X轴边缘扭曲

    -No 无

    -Tile 平铺

    -Reflect 反射

Wrap Y Y轴边缘扭曲

    -No 无

    -Tile 平铺

    -Reflect 反射





X Shake X轴震动

X Rand Amp 随机X轴振幅范围

X Rand Freq 随机X轴频率范围

X Wave Amp X轴振幅波范围

X Wave Freq X轴频率波范围

X Phase X轴相位偏移








Y Shake Y轴震动

Y Rand Amp 随机Y轴振幅范围

Y Rand Freq 随机Y轴频率范围

Y Wave Amp Y轴振幅波范围

Y Wave Freq Y轴频率波范围

Y Phase Y轴相位偏移



Z Shake Z轴震动

Z Rand Amp 随机Z轴振幅范围

Z Rand Freq 随机Z轴频率范围

Z Wave Amp Z轴振幅波范围

Z Wave Freq Z轴频率波范围

Z Phase Z轴相位偏移


Tilt Shake 旋转/倾斜震动

Tilt Rand Amp 随机旋转振幅

Tilt Rand Freq 随机旋转频率

Tilt Wave Amp 旋转振幅波范围

Tilt Wave Freq 旋转频率波范围 

Tilt Phase 旋转相位偏移



Channels 色彩通道

Red Amplitude 红通振幅

Green Amplitude 绿通振幅

Blue Amplitude 蓝通振幅

Red Phase 红通相位

Green Phase 绿通相位

Blue Phase 蓝通相位

RGB Randomness 色彩转变随机性

RGB Frequency 色彩转变频率

意外好用的一个小功能,效果基本等同于RGB Separation,就是色散效果


Opacity 透明度

-All opaque 通透

-Normal 直通

-As premult 预乘



Mask Use 使用遮罩

    -Luma 亮度通道

    -Alpha 透明度通道


Blur Mask 模糊遮罩


Invert Mask [Y/N] 遮罩反转


Crop Input 输入图像裁剪

    Crop Left 裁剪左侧

    Crop Right 裁剪右侧

    Crop Top 裁剪顶部

    Crop Bottom 裁剪底部












Applies a shaking motion to the source clip over time with translation, zooming, and/or rotation. The shaking is random but repeatable, so with the same parameters the same shaking motion is generated each time. Turn on Motion Blur and adjust the Mo Blur Length for different amounts of blur. Adjust the Amplitude and Frequency for different shaking speeds and amounts. The Rand parameters give detailed control of the random non-periodic shaking, and the Wave parameters adjust the regular periodic shaking. The X, Y, Z, and Tilt parameters control the horizontal, vertical, zoom, and rotation amounts of shaking respectively.

In the Sapphire Distort effects submenu.


  • Source:  The current layer.   The clip to shake.

  • Mask:  Defaults to None.   Interpolate between the result and the Source input. White areas use the result of the effect. Black areas use the Source clip.



  • Load Preset:   Push-button.
    Brings up the Preset Browser to browse all available presets for this effect.

  • Save Preset:   Push-button.
    Brings up the Preset Save dialog to save a preset for this effect.

  • Style:   Popup menu,  Default: Normal.
    Controls the type of shaking.

    • Normal:  A steady camera shake.

    • Twitchy:  Periods of stillness interrupted by bursts of rapid shaking.

    • Jumpy:  Sudden jumps from one place to another, with slower drifting in between.

  • Mocha Project:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Brings up the Mocha window for tracking footage and generating masks.

  • Blur Mocha:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Blurs the Mocha Mask by this amount before using. This can be used to soften the edges or quantization artifacts of the mask, and smooth out the time displacements.

  • Mocha Opacity:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 to 1.
    Controls the strength of the Mocha mask. Lower values reduce the intensity of the effect.

  • Invert Mocha:   Check-box,  Default: off.
    If enabled, the black and white of the Mocha Mask are inverted before applying the effect.

  • Resize Mocha:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 to 2.
    Scales the Mocha Mask. 1.0 is the original size.

  • Resize Rel X:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 to 2.
    The relative horizontal size of the Mocha Mask.

  • Resize Rel Y:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 to 2.
    The relative vertical size of the Mocha Mask.

  • Shift Mocha:   X & Y,   Default: [0 0],  Range: any.
    Offsets the position of the Mocha Mask.

  • Bypass Mocha:   Check-box,  Default: off.
    Ignore the Mocha Mask and apply the effect to the entire source clip.

  • Show Mocha Only:   Check-box,  Default: off.
    Bypass the effect and show the Mocha Mask itself.

  • Combine Masks:   Popup menu,  Default: Union.
    Determines how to combine the Mocha Mask and Input Mask when both are supplied to the effect.

    • Union:  Uses the area covered by both masks together.

    • Intersect:  Uses the area that overlaps between the two masks.

    • Mocha Only:  Ignore the Input Mask and only use the Mocha Mask.

  • Amplitude:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Scales the amplitude of the shaking motion.

  • Frequency:   Default: 8,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Increase for faster shaking, decrease for slower shaking. (Be careful if you animate frequency values because the resulting shake frequency is also affected by the rate of change of the value.)

  • Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    Time shift of the shaking motions. (If you animate this value, its rate of change will also affect the apparent frequency.)

  • Stillness:   Default: 0.7,  Range: 0 to 1.
    In Twitchy mode, adjusts the fraction of the time that the image is still. Increase for more frequent shaking.

  • Twitch Frequency:   Default: 2,  Range: 0 or greater.
    In Twitchy mode, controls the length of the periods of movement and stillness. Increase for shorter, more frequent bursts of movement.

  • Drift:   Default: 0.3,  Range: 0 to 1.
    In Jumpy mode, controls the speed of movement in between jumps.

  • Center Bias:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    In Jumpy mode, adjusts the likelihood that each jump will reset the image to its original position. If set to zero, every jump is random. If set to one, every jump will go back to the center.

  • Z Dist:   Default: 1,  Range: 0.001 or greater.
    Scales the 'distance' of the image. Values greater than 1.0 move it farther away and make it smaller. Values less than 1.0 move the image closer and enlarge it. Zooming in slightly can sometimes be used to hide edge artifacts.

  • Motion Blur:   Check-box,  Default: off.
    Options for motion blur of the shaking motion.

  • Mo Blur Length:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Scales the amount of motion blur. Use around .5 when processing on fields or 1.0 for frames to give realistic motion blur. This parameter has no effect if Motion Blur is No.

  • Seed:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Used to initialize the random number generator. The actual seed value is not significant, but different seeds give different results and the same value should give a repeatable result.

  • Wrap:   X & Y,  Popup menu,  Default: [Reflect Reflect].
    Determines the method for accessing outside the borders of the source image.

    • No:  gives black beyond the borders.

    • Tile:  repeats a copy of the image.

    • Reflect:  repeats a mirrored copy. Edges are often less visible with this method.

X Shake Parameters:

  • X Rand Amp:   Default: 0.2,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of horizontal random shaking.

  • X Rand Freq:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of horizontal random shaking.

  • X Wave Amp:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of horizontal regular wave shaking.

  • X Wave Freq:   Default: 0.5,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of horizontal regular wave shaking, in cycles per second.

  • X Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    Time shift of the horizontal shaking.

Y Shake Parameters:

  • Y Rand Amp:   Default: 0.1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of the vertical random shaking.

  • Y Rand Freq:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of the vertical random shaking.

  • Y Wave Amp:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of the vertical regular wave shaking.

  • Y Wave Freq:   Default: 0.5,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of the vertical regular wave shaking, in cycles per second.

  • Y Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    Time shift of the vertical shaking.

Z Shake Parameters:

  • Z Rand Amp:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of the zoom random shaking.

  • Z Rand Freq:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of the zoom random shaking.

  • Z Wave Amp:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of the zoom regular wave shaking.

  • Z Wave Freq:   Default: 0.5,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of the zoom regular wave shaking, in cycles per second.

  • Z Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    Time shift of the zoom shaking.

Tilt Shake Parameters:

  • Tilt Rand Amp:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of the rotational random shaking, in degrees.

  • Tilt Rand Freq:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of the rotational random shaking.

  • Tilt Wave Amp:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Amplitude of the rotational regular wave shaking, in degrees.

  • Tilt Wave Freq:   Default: 0.5,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Frequency of the rotational regular wave shaking, in cycles per second.

  • Tilt Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    Time shift of the rotational shaking.

Channels Parameters:

  • Red Amplitude:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    The relative amount of shaking in the red channel. Changing this value from the default will cause the red channel to move more or less than the other color channels, resulting in a color fringing or channel separation look.

  • Green Amplitude:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    The relative amount of shaking in the green channel.

  • Blue Amplitude:   Default: 1,  Range: 0 or greater.
    The relative amount of shaking in the blue channel.

  • Red Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    The relative phase of the red channel. Positive values will move the red channel ahead of the others in time, causing it to move first and the other channels to follow. Negative values have the opposite effect, causing the red channel to lag behind the others. Small values usually produce the best looks.

  • Green Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    The relative phase of the green channel.

  • Blue Phase:   Default: 0,  Range: any.
    The relative phase of the blue channel.

  • RGB Randomness:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    The amount of random motion in each color channel. Turn up this parameter to cause all three color channels to move randomly on different paths, independent of the overall shaking. This motion is scaled by X Rand Amp, Y Rand Amp, Z Rand Amp, and Tilt Rand Amp.

  • RGB Frequency:   Default: 2,  Range: 0 or greater.
    The frequency of the random color channel shaking.

Other Parameters:

  • Opacity:   Popup menu,  Default: Normal.
    Determines the method used for dealing with opacity/transparency.

    • All Opaque:  Use this option to render slightly faster when the input image is fully opaque with no transparency (alpha=1).

    • Normal:  Process opacity normally.

    • As Premult:  Process as if the image is already in premultiplied form (colors have been scaled by opacity). This option also renders slightly faster than Normal mode, but the results will also be in premultiplied form, which is sometimes less correct.

  • Mask Use:   Popup menu,  Default: Luma.
    Determines how the Mask input channels are used to make a monochrome mask.

    • Luma:  the luminance of the RGB channels is used.

    • Alpha:  only the Alpha channel is used.

  • Blur Mask:   Default: 0.05,  Range: 0 or greater.
    Blurs the Matte input by this amount before using. This can provide a smoother transition between the matted and unmatted areas. It has no effect unless the Matte input is provided.

  • Invert Mask:   Check-box,  Default: off.
    If on, inverts the Matte input so the effect is applied to areas where the Matte is black instead of white. This has no effect unless the Matte input is provided.

  • Crop Input Parameters:   Default: 0,  Range: 0 or greater.
    These 4 parameters, Crop TopCrop BottomCrop Left, and Crop Right, allow selecting a rectangular subsection of the input image to be processed. If the Wrap parameters are set to "No" the exposed borders will be transparent. If the Wrap is "Tile" or "Reflect" the source image is wrapped on the new cropped borders to fill the frame. This can make it easier to avoid artifacts due to distorting an image with bad edges.





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