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Preface vs. Prologue — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 22, 2023
A "preface" is an introductory note about the book by the author, while a "prologue" sets the scene for the main story. Both provide context but serve different functions.
Preface vs. Prologue — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Preface and Prologue

Table of Contents


Key Differences

The "preface" and "prologue" are both elements found at the beginning of some books, but they cater to different purposes. A "preface" is generally an introductory section written by the author, explaining the genesis, purpose, limitations, and scope of the book. For instance, in a memoir, the author might use a preface to explain what motivated them to write their life story. In contrast, a "prologue" often serves as a narrative introduction, setting the stage for the main events of the story, possibly providing background details or introducing key characters.
In essence, while a "preface" is reflective, often providing insight into the author's intentions and the book's creation process, a "prologue" is more forward-looking, diving into the fictional world and offering readers a glimpse of what's to come. The preface is more about the real world, discussing why the book exists and what the author hopes to achieve. Conversely, the prologue is about the book's fictional universe, setting the tone and sometimes offering crucial information to understand the forthcoming narrative.
Moreover, a "preface" is typically non-fiction, even if the main content of the book is fictional. It serves as a bridge between the author and the reader, sometimes explaining the book's origins, its journey, and the author's personal relationship with the text. On the other hand, a "prologue" is almost always fictional, immersing the reader into the story's world right from the start, sometimes even before the primary events of the main plot begin.
In terms of positioning, a "preface" often precedes other front matter like acknowledgments, while a "prologue" generally comes before the first chapter but after the front matter. This positioning reflects their distinct roles: the preface addressing the reader directly about the book's real-world context and the prologue immersing them into the story's universe.

Comparison Chart


Discusses book's genesis, intention, and scope
Sets the stage for the main story



Position in the Book

Before other front matter
Before the first chapter, after front matter

Connection to Author

Directly written by or about the author
Not necessarily about the author


Reader, explaining the book's real-world context
Reader, offering a glimpse into the story's universe

Compare with Definitions


An introduction explaining a book's origins.
In the preface, the author discussed her research journey.


A preliminary act or event.
The story's prologue hinted at the upcoming conflict.


The author's note to readers about the text.
The preface highlighted the challenges faced during writing.


An introductory section of a literary work.
The prologue set the scene in medieval France.


Preliminary remarks or observations.
The preface provided context for the upcoming chapters.


Opening that establishes context for the main story.
The prologue introduced the protagonist's ancestors.


Explanation of the author's aims or objectives.
He clarified his intentions in the preface.


An early indication or precursor.
The eerie prologue set a suspenseful tone.


A preface () or proem () is an introduction to a book or other literary work written by the work's author. An introductory essay written by a different person is a foreword and precedes an author's preface.


A prologue or prolog (from Greek πρόλογος prólogos, from πρό pró, "before" and λόγος lógos, "word") is an opening to a story that establishes the context and gives background details, often some earlier story that ties into the main one, and other miscellaneous information. The Ancient Greek prólogos included the modern meaning of prologue, but was of wider significance, more like the meaning of preface.


A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author.


An introduction or preface, especially a poem recited to introduce a play.


An introductory section, as of a speech.


An introduction or introductory chapter, as to a novel.


Something introductory; a preliminary
An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference.


An introductory act, event, or period.


Often Preface The words introducing the central part of the Eucharist in several Christian churches.


A speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel.


To introduce by or provide with a preliminary statement or essay.


One who delivers a prologue.


To serve as an introduction to.


(computing) A component of a computer program that prepares the computer to execute a routine.


A beginning or introductory portion that comes before the main text of a document or book, typically serving to contextualize or explain the writing of the book and sometimes to acknowledge others' contributions.
The book included a brief preface explaining the author's motivations for writing.


(cycling) An individual time trial before a stage race, used to determine which rider wears the leader's jersey on the first stage.


An introduction, or series of preliminary remarks.


To introduce with a formal preface, or prologue.


(Roman Catholic) The prelude or introduction to the canon of the Mass.


The preface or introduction to a discourse, poem, or performance; as, the prologue of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales;" esp., a discourse or poem spoken before a dramatic performance


A title or epithet.


One who delivers a prologue.


(transitive) To introduce or make a comment before (the main point).
Let me preface this by saying that I don't know him that well.


To introduce with a formal preface, or prologue.


(transitive) To give a preface to.
To preface a book


An introduction to a play


Something spoken as introductory to a discourse, or written as introductory to a book or essay; a proem; an introduction, or series of preliminary remarks.
This superficial taleIs but a preface of her worthy praise.
Heaven's high behest no preface needs.


Preceding section offering insight into the story's world.
In the prologue, we learn of the ancient prophecy.


The prelude or introduction to the canon of the Mass.


To introduce by a preface; to give a preface to; as, to preface a book discourse.


To make a preface.


A short introductory essay preceding the text of a book


Furnish with a preface or introduction;
She always precedes her lectures with a joke
He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution


A preliminary statement in a book by the book's author.
The book's preface detailed its purpose.

Common Curiosities

Does every book have a preface and prologue?

No, not all books include a preface or prologue. It depends on the author's choice.

Is the preface part of the main story?

No, the preface is separate, discussing the book's background or the author's intent.

Can a book have both a preface and prologue?

Yes, some books have both, with each serving its distinct purpose.

Is the prologue crucial to understanding the story?

Sometimes. It might offer essential background or context that's pivotal to the main narrative.

How long is a typical preface?

Length varies, but a preface is usually concise, offering insight without being overly lengthy.

Can a prologue be considered a chapter?

While it's separate, it's like a preliminary chapter, setting the stage for the main story.

Who usually writes the preface?

The author typically writes the preface, though sometimes editors or others might contribute.

Does a preface come before a prologue in a book?

Generally, yes. The preface is part of the front matter, while the prologue comes before the main text.

Can the preface discuss challenges faced during writing?

Yes, authors often discuss various aspects of the writing process in the preface.

Is the prologue always fictional?

Mostly, as it provides a narrative introduction to the main story.

Does a prologue always introduce characters?

Not always. It could introduce setting, mood, or other key elements.

Can the preface discuss the author's personal connection to the text?

Yes, authors often share personal connections or motivations in the preface.

What's the main difference between a preface and prologue?

A preface discusses the book's creation or intent, while a prologue sets the stage for the story.

Do all novels start with a prologue?

No, only some novels choose to start with a prologue.

Is the prologue part of the story's chronological order?

Not necessarily. It can be a flashback, a future event, or exist outside the main story's timeline.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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