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Perfectly vs. Perfect — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 23, 2024
"Perfectly" is an adverb modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, suggesting something done flawlessly; "Perfect" is an adjective describing something as flawless or ideal.
Perfectly vs. Perfect — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Perfectly and Perfect

Table of Contents


Key Differences

"Perfectly" is used to describe the manner in which an action is performed, implying it is done without any flaws or mistakes, while "Perfect" is typically used to describe the state or condition of nouns, indicating they are without any defects.
"Perfectly" enhances verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, often intensifying the quality being described, whereas "Perfect" directly qualifies nouns, attributing them with the highest possible quality.
In expression, "perfectly" can be found in various contexts to emphasize the completeness of an action (e.g., "He performed the song perfectly."), on the other hand, "Perfect" often stands alone or follows a linking verb (e.g., "The weather is perfect.").
Usage of "perfectly" can add a subjective tone to a statement, suggesting an opinion on how well something was done, whereas "Perfect" might state a more objective or generally agreed-upon fact about the noun it describes.
"Perfectly" is inherently more flexible because it can modify a broader range of words, providing nuance to different aspects of speech, whereas "Perfect" primarily focuses on describing nouns, limiting its scope to states or inherent qualities.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech



Modifies verbs, adjectives, adverbs
Describes nouns

Example Usage

"She sang perfectly."
"His timing was perfect."

Implication of Usage

Implies manner or degree
Indicates state or quality

Common Contextual Usage

In critiques or reviews
In everyday descriptions

Compare with Definitions


In an ideal way.
The dress fit her perfectly.


Completely free from faults or defects.
The sculpture is perfect.


In a manner without faults.
She handled the situation perfectly.


Precise, exact.
Her performance was a perfect replication of the original.


Completely, utterly.
The project aligns perfectly with our goals.


Ideal, exactly suitable.
This location is perfect for our picnic.


Precisely, exactly.
His answer matched perfectly with the expected response.


Unblemished, immaculate.
His record is perfect.


Without any reservations.
He agreed perfectly to the terms.


Pure, absolute.
It was a moment of perfect happiness.


In a perfect manner or to a perfect degree.


Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.


To a complete or full degree or extent; wholly
The diners were perfectly satisfied with the meal. See Usage Note at perfect.


Being without defect or blemish
A perfect specimen.


With perfection.
They completed the first series perfectly.


Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.


Wholly, completely, totally.
Their performance was perfectly fine.
Skydiving is jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.


Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation
She was the perfect actress for the part.


In a perfect manner or degree; in or to perfection; completely; wholly; throughly; faultlessly.
As many as touched were made perfectly whole.


Completely corresponding to a description, standard, or type
A perfect circle.
A perfect gentleman.


In a perfect or faultless way;
She performed perfectly on the balance beam
Spoke English perfectly
Solved the problem perfectly


Accurately reproducing an original
A perfect copy of the painting.


Complete; thorough; utter
A perfect fool.


Pure; undiluted; unmixed
Perfect red.


Excellent and delightful in all respects
A perfect day.


(Botany) Having both stamens and pistils in the same flower; monoclinous.


(Grammar) Of, relating to, or constituting a verb form expressing action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.


(Music) Designating the three basic intervals of the octave, fourth, and fifth.


(Grammar) The aspect of a verb that expresses action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.


A verb or verb form having this aspect.


To bring to perfection or completion
Perfected the technique to isolate the virus.


Fitting its definition precisely.
A perfect circle


Having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose.
That bucket with the hole in the bottom is a poor bucket, but it is perfect for watering plants.


Without fault or mistake; thoroughly skilled or talented.
Practice makes perfect.


Excellent and delightful in all respects.
A perfect day


(mathematics) Of a number: equal to the sum of its proper divisors.
6 is perfect because the sum of its proper divisors, 1, 2, and 3, which is 6, is equal to the number itself.


Representing a completed action.


(botany) Of flowers, having both male parts (stamens) and female parts (carpels).


(analysis) Of a set: equal to its set of limit points, i.e. set A is perfect if A=A.


(music) Describing an interval or any compound interval of a unison, octave, or fourths and fifths that are not tritones.


(of a cocktail) Made with equal parts of sweet and dry vermouth.
A perfect Manhattan; a perfect Rob Roy


(obsolete) Well informed; certain; sure.


(obsolete) Innocent, guiltless.


(grammar) The perfect tense, or a form in that tense.


(video games) A perfect score; the achievement of finishing a stage or task with no mistakes.


A leader of the Cathar movement.


(transitive) To make perfect; to improve or hone.
I am going to perfect this article.
You spend too much time trying to perfect your dancing.


(legal) To take an action, usually the filing of a document in the correct venue, that secures a legal right.
Perfect an appeal; perfect an interest; perfect a judgment


Brought to consummation or completeness; completed; not defective nor redundant; having all the properties or qualities requisite to its nature and kind; without flaw, fault, or blemish; without error; mature; whole; pure; sound; right; correct.
My strength is made perfect in weakness.
Three glorious suns, each one a perfect sun.
I fear I am not in my perfect mind.
O most entire perfect sacrifice!
God made thee perfect, not immutable.


Well informed; certain; sure.
I am perfect that the Pannonains are now in arms.


Hermaphrodite; having both stamens and pistils; - said of flower.


The perfect tense, or a form in that tense.


To make perfect; to finish or complete, so as to leave nothing wanting; to give to anything all that is requisite to its nature and kind.
God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfect in us.
Inquire into the nature and properties of the things, . . . and thereby perfect our ideas of their distinct species.


A tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)


Make perfect or complete;
Perfect your French in Paris!


Being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish;
A perfect circle
A perfect reproduction
Perfect happiness
Perfect manners
A perfect specimen
A perfect day


Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;
An arrant fool
A complete coward
A consummate fool
A double-dyed villain
Gross negligence
A perfect idiot
Pure folly
What a sodding mess
Stark staring mad
A thoroughgoing villain
Utter nonsense


Precisely accurate or exact;
Perfect timing

Common Curiosities

Can "perfectly" describe nouns?

No, it modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

What is the grammatical function of "perfectly"?

It functions as an adverb.

Is "perfectly" used more subjectively than "perfect"?

Yes, it often conveys an opinion on how something is done.

What is the grammatical function of "perfect"?

It is used as an adjective.

What synonyms are common for "perfect"?

Flawless, ideal, impeccable.

What are typical contexts for using "perfect"?

General descriptions, state of things, or qualities.

How does "perfectly" impact the tone of a sentence?

It can intensify the statement and add nuance.

How does "perfect" impact the tone of a sentence?

It states qualities directly, often in a definitive way.

Can "perfect" modify verbs?

No, it describes nouns to indicate their state or quality.

What are typical contexts for using "perfectly"?

Critiques, performance reviews, and personal opinions.

Can "perfectly" and "perfect" be used interchangeably?

No, due to differences in grammatical function and usage contexts.

Which is more flexible in usage, "perfectly" or "perfect"?

Perfectly, because it can modify more types of words.

Is "perfect" suitable for objective descriptions?

Yes, it can objectively describe the quality of a noun.

What synonyms are common for "perfectly"?

Flawlessly, ideally, precisely.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Edited by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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