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Motive vs. Intention — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on September 22, 2023
A motive is the underlying reason driving an action, while intention is a planned or desired outcome of an action.
Motive vs. Intention — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Motive and Intention

Table of Contents


Key Differences

A motive often delves into the psychological or emotional reason behind an action. It's the hidden force, often deep-seated, that propels someone to act. In contrast, an intention pertains to the conscious aim or plan when deciding to act. It is more about what one hopes to achieve rather than what drives them.
When examining criminal cases, for example, law enforcement often seeks to understand the motive to get a clearer picture of why the crime was committed. Conversely, the intention is focused on what the individual planned to achieve through the crime, like robbery or revenge.
In daily life, our actions can be driven by various motives, such as love, jealousy, fear, or ambition. These deep-seated feelings or desires push us to act in specific ways. However, when we speak about our intentions, we are referring to our specific plans or goals, like intending to apologize or intending to start a new project.
While motives are often subconscious and may remain unrecognized by the individual, intentions are usually clear, conscious decisions about a future course of action. For instance, someone might have a motive of insecurity which leads them to seek constant validation, but their intention in a particular situation might be to gain praise.
In sum, while both terms address reasons behind actions, motive looks at the deep-seated 'why' and intention focuses on the conscious 'what' of planned actions.

Comparison Chart


Underlying reason for an action
Desired or planned outcome of an action


Often subconscious
Conscious and deliberate


Why someone acts
What someone plans to achieve


Explains behavior
Describes future actions


Might be unrecognized by the person
Usually clear and acknowledged by the person

Compare with Definitions


A force that compels someone to behave in a certain way.
Financial gain was his primary motive for the sale.


A purpose or plan regarding an action.
Her intention was to graduate with honors.


The goal or objective in doing something.
The artist’s motive was to evoke emotion through color.


A conscious decision about a future course.
She made a clear intention to start exercising.


An underlying drive or reason.
Her motive for studying hard was her love for the subject.


The aim or objective of an action.
The intention behind the gift was to express gratitude.


An emotional or psychological push towards an action.
Revenge was the apparent motive behind the crime.


The desired result or outcome one aims for.
The law's intention was to provide equal rights.


The cause or incentive for an action.
Curiosity was the main motive for his exploration.


Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.


An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action.


A thing intended; an aim or plan
He announced his intention to stand for re-election
She was full of good intentions


(mōtĭv, mō-tēv) A motif in art, literature, or music.


The healing process of a wound.


Causing or able to cause motion
Motive power.


Conceptions formed by directing the mind towards an object.


Causing an action
Motive pleas.


The action or fact of intending
Are computers capable of intention?.


(obsolete) An idea or communication that makes one want to act, especially from spiritual sources; a divine prompting.


An aim that guides action; an objective
My intention is to learn Russian.


An incentive to act in a particular way; a reason or emotion that makes one want to do something; anything that prompts a choice of action.


Intentions Purpose with respect to marriage
She worried that his intentions were not honorable.


A limb or other bodily organ that can move.


(Medicine) The process by which or the manner in which a wound heals.


(law) Something which causes someone to want to commit a crime; a reason for criminal behaviour.
What would his motive be for burning down the cottage?
No-one could understand why she had hidden the shovel; her motives were obscure at best.


(Archaic) Import; meaning.


A motif.


A course of action that a person intends to follow.
My intention was to marry a wealthy widow.
It’s easy to promise anything when you have no intention of fulfilling any of it.


(music) A motif; a theme or subject, especially one that is central to the work or often repeated.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the flutes mimicking the cello motive.


The goal or purpose.
The intention of this legislation is to boost the economy.


(transitive) To prompt or incite by a motive or motives; to move.


(obsolete) Tension; straining, stretching.


Causing motion; having power to move, or tending to move
A motive argument
Motive power


A stretching or bending of the mind toward an object or a purpose (an intent); closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness.


Relating to motion and/or to its cause


(obsolete) The object toward which the thoughts are directed; end; aim.


That which moves; a mover.


(obsolete) Any mental apprehension of an object.


That which incites to action; anything prompting or exciting to choise, or moving the will; cause; reason; inducement; object; motivation{2}.
By motive, I mean the whole of that which moves, excites, or invites the mind to volition, whether that be one thing singly, or many things conjunctively.


(medicine) The process of the healing of a wound.


The theme or subject; a leading phrase or passage which is reproduced and varied through the course of a comor a movement; a short figure, or melodic germ, out of which a whole movement is develpoed. See also Leading motive, under Leading.


To intend.


That which produces conception, invention, or creation in the mind of the artist in undertaking his subject; the guiding or controlling idea manifested in a work of art, or any part of one.


A stretching or bending of the mind toward an object; closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness.
Intention is when the mind, with great earnestness, and of choice, fixes its view on any idea.


Causing motion; having power to move, or tending to move; as, a motive argument; motive power.


A determination to act in a certain way or to do a certain thing; purpose; design; as, an intention to go to New York.
Hell is paved with good intentions.


To prompt or incite by a motive or motives; to move.


The object toward which the thoughts are directed; end; aim.
In [chronical distempers], the principal intention is to restore the tone of the solid parts.


The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior;
We did not understand his motivation
He acted with the best of motives


The state of being strained. See Intension.


A theme that is elaborated on in a piece of music


Any mental apprehension of an object.


Causing or able to cause motion;
A motive force
Motive power
Motor energy


An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions;
His intent was to provide a new translation
Good intentions are not enough
It was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs
He made no secret of his designs


Impelling to action;
It may well be that ethical language has primarily a motivative function
Motive pleas
Motivating arguments


(usually plural) the goal with respect to a marriage proposal;
His intentions are entirely honorable


An act of intending; a volition that you intend to carry out;
My intention changed once I saw her


A deliberate design or goal.
His intention was to visit Europe next summer.

Common Curiosities

Which is more conscious, Motive or Intention?

Intention is more conscious, while motive can often be subconscious.

Can someone have a good Intention but a questionable Motive?

Yes, for example, one might help others (good intention) to gain recognition (questionable motive).

How do Motive and Intention differ?

A motive is the deep reason behind an action, while intention is the planned outcome of that action.

Do we always act on our Intentions?

Not always. Intentions are plans or desires, but they may not always be executed.

Which comes first, Motive or Intention?

Typically, a motive drives an individual, leading to a specific intention or plan.

Is Motive always tied to emotions?

Often, but not always. Motives can also be practical, such as financial motives.

Can one action have multiple Motives and Intentions?

Yes, actions can be driven by multiple reasons and have several intended outcomes.

Do all actions have a Motive?

Most actions have a motive, but some might be habitual or reflexive without deeper reasons.

Can Intentions change over time?

Yes, as situations or perspectives change, intentions can evolve.

Why might people hide their true Intentions?

They might feel it's socially unacceptable, or they might gain an advantage by concealing them.

Is it essential to recognize our Motives?

Self-awareness of motives can lead to better decision-making and understanding of one's actions.

How do courts view Motive vs. Intention in criminal cases?

While motive explains the 'why' of a crime, intention (or "mens rea") can be crucial in determining culpability.

Is it possible to misinterpret someone's Intention?

Yes, without clear communication, intentions can often be misunderstood.

Are Motives always self-centered?

No, motives can also be altruistic or for the greater good.

How can understanding our Motives improve decision-making?

Recognizing motives can help individuals align their actions with their core values and goals.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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