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Knockout vs. Knockdown — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 11, 2024
Knockout refers to a decisive action rendering an opponent unable to continue, especially in boxing. Knockdown is when an opponent is sent to the ground but can continue fighting after a brief count.
Knockout vs. Knockdown — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Knockout and Knockdown

Table of Contents


Key Differences

A knockout (KO) in combat sports is a victory condition where one fighter is rendered unconscious or unable to continue fighting according to the referee's judgment. Knockdown, on the other hand, occurs when a fighter is sent to the ground but recovers and stands up, often within a count of ten, indicating the fight can continue.
While a knockout typically ends the match, signifying a clear win, a knockdown does not end the fight but can significantly influence the outcome by scoring points or indicating dominance. Knockdowns can occur multiple times in a bout, with each instance potentially contributing to the scoring, whereas a single knockout concludes the match.
Knockouts are considered a definitive way to win in many striking-based sports, such as boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts (MMA), showcasing a fighter's power and precision. Knockdowns, while also demonstrating skill and power, test a fighter's resilience and ability to recover under pressure.
The criteria and implications of knockouts and knockdowns vary across different combat sports and organizations, with specific rules defining how each is determined and what follows afterward. Knockdowns may lead to mandatory counts or evaluations by the referee to ensure a fighter's safety before continuing.
Despite the differences, both knockouts and knockdowns are critical aspects of combat sports, each adding to the strategy, excitement, and unpredictability of fights. Fighters must train to both deliver and defend against such decisive moments, balancing aggression with technique and defense.

Comparison Chart


A fighter is rendered unconscious or unable to continue.
A fighter is sent to the ground but can continue.

Match Outcome

Typically ends the match.
Does not end the match; fight continues.


Ends the fight once occurred.
Can occur multiple times in a match.

Indicator of

Power, precision, and a decisive win.
Skill, power, and resilience.


Results in a win by KO.
Leads to a count; fight may continue if recovered.

Compare with Definitions


A blow that renders an opponent unable to continue fighting, leading to a victory.
The boxer won the match with a knockout in the third round.


A significant reduction in amount, price, or level.
The store offered a knockdown price for the holiday sale.


Used to describe something so strong or effective that it eliminates or renders something else ineffective.
The new policy was a knockout blow to the competitors.


A situation or event that humbles or disheartens.
Losing the game was a real knockdown for the team's morale.


A tournament where losers of matches are immediately eliminated.
The team advanced to the next round in the knockout stage.


Reducing something's integrity or effectiveness.
The critique was a knockdown of the author's argument, leaving little standing.


In non-sporting contexts, an overwhelming success or very attractive.
Her presentation was a knockout, impressing everyone in the room.


An act of knocking someone down, especially in boxing, without ending the fight.
The fighter scored a knockdown in the first minute, but the match continued.


A mechanism or feature designed for easy removal or defeat.
The panel features a knockout for easy cable access.


Referring to furniture or equipment designed for easy assembly or disassembly.
The bookshelf came in a knockdown package, requiring assembly at home.


A knockout (abbreviated to KO or K.O.) is a fight-ending, winning criterion in several full-contact combat sports, such as boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, mixed martial arts, karate, some forms of taekwondo and other sports involving striking, as well as fighting-based video games. A full knockout is considered any legal strike or combination thereof that renders an opponent unable to continue fighting.


The act or an instance of knocking down.


The act of knocking out.


The condition of being knocked down.


The state of being knocked out.


An overwhelming blow or shock.


A blow that knocks out an opponent.


Something designed to be easily assembled or disassembled.


A victory in boxing in which one's opponent is unable to rise from the canvas within a specified time after being knocked down or is judged too injured to continue.


Strong enough to knock down or overwhelm; powerful
A knockdown blow.


The act of winning a boxing match in this way
Won the fight by a knockout.


Designed to be easily assembled or disassembled
Knockdown furniture.


(Slang) A strikingly attractive or impressive person or thing.


Knockdown prices.


Capable of knocking someone out
A knockout punch.
Knockout drops put in a drink.


An act of knocking down or the condition of being knocked down.


Strikingly attractive or impressive.


An overwhelming blow.


(Genetics) Having a specific single gene inactivated or removed by genetic manipulation
Knockout mice used in an experiment.


Very strong ale or beer.


The act of making one unconscious, or at least unable to come back on one's feet within a certain period of time; a TKO.
The boxer scored a knockout on his opponent.


(genetics) A genetically modified organism that carries one or more genes in its chromosomes that have been made less active or had their expression reduced.


The deactivation of anything.


(genetics) The use of a reagent such as an oligonucleotide with sequence complementary to an active gene or its mRNA transcript, to interfere with the expression of said gene.


(informal) A very attractive person, especially a beautiful woman.


(nautical) The condition of a sailboat being pushed abruptly to horizontal, with the mast parallel to the water surface.


A partially punched opening meant for optional later removal.
They left a knockout in the panel for running extra wires someday.


(soccer) a short pass played downwards, for example from the head onto someone's feet.


(genetics) The deactivation of a particular gene.


A shelter erected for use as a temporary dressing room.


(genetics) A creature engineered with a particular gene deactivated.


A collection of parts required to assemble a product, typically manufactured in one region and exported elsewhere for assembly.


(printing) An event where a foreground color causes a background color not to print.


(genetics) To employ the knockdown technique


(sports) A tournament in which a team or player must beat the opponent in order to progress to the next round.
The knockout stages of the competition


Powerful enough to overwhelm or knock down
A knockdown argument
A knockdown blow


(uncountable) A simple game for two or more players, derived from basketball.


Reduced in price, originally to a price below which an article would not be sold by the auctioneer


Rendering someone unconscious.
He delivered a knockout blow.


Capable of being taken apart for packing or removal.
Knockdown furniture


Amazing; gorgeous; beautiful.
You should have seen her knockout eyes.


(of a rivet head) To be formed into a head by upsetting in fastening.


(genetics) Designating an organism in which a particular gene has been removed or deactivated.


That which knocks one down; something that overpowers or overwhelms, as strong liquor; specif., a kind of ale or beer that is very strong.


Causing elimination from a competition.


A knocking down; a felling by a knock, as of a combatant, or of an animal; a blow that overwhelms; also, a fist fight.


Act of knocking out, or state of being knocked out; the act of rendering a person unconscious by a blow.


Something that knocks down, or takes apart, for packing or removal, as a piece of furniture; also, state of being knocked down, or taken apart.


A blow which causes a person to become unconscious.


Of force sufficient to fell or completely overthrow; as, a knockdown blow; a knockdown argument..


The winning of a boxing contest by rendering the opponent unable to stand for a specified period, usually a count of ten; - in contrast to a win by a decision; as, Muhammed Ali won by a knockout in the first round.


Designating a rivet end to be formed into a head by upsetting in fastening.


A strikingly beautiful woman.


Of or pertaining to the act of knocking down at an auction; specif., designating the price below which an article will not be disposed by the auctioneer.


A very attractive or seductive looking woman


Made or constructed so as to be capable of being knocked down or taken apart, as for transportation.


A blow that renders the opponent unconscious


A blow that knocks the opponent off his feet


Very strong or vigorous;
Strong winds
A hard left to the chin
A knockout punch
A severe blow


(furniture) easily assembled and dismantled;
I bought a knockdown chest at the do-it-yourself store

Common Curiosities

Are knockdowns scored differently than other hits in boxing?

Yes, knockdowns can significantly influence the scoring of a round, often leading to a dominant score for the fighter who achieved the knockdown.

What safety measures are in place for fighters who are knocked out?

Combat sports have strict medical protocols, including immediate medical evaluation and mandatory rest periods before returning to training or fighting.

How does a knockout affect a fighter's record?

A knockout win is highly regarded, often seen as a testament to a fighter's power and skill, enhancing their reputation and record.

What does it take to achieve a knockout in boxing?

A knockout typically requires delivering a powerful, precise strike that renders the opponent unable to continue, as judged by the referee.

What strategies do fighters use to avoid knockouts?

Fighters use defensive techniques, situational awareness, and conditioning to avoid critical hits and protect vulnerable areas.

What happens if both fighters are knocked down simultaneously?

This rare scenario is handled on a case-by-case basis, with the referee counting and deciding based on each fighter's ability to continue.

How do knockouts and knockdowns affect the entertainment value of combat sports?

They add excitement and unpredictability, making fights more thrilling for audiences.

Can a fighter recover from a knockdown?

Yes, fighters often recover from knockdowns if they can stand up and show readiness to continue within a referee's count, usually ten seconds.

How do referees decide whether to stop the fight after a knockdown?

Referees evaluate the downed fighter's ability to continue, looking for clear signs of recovery and readiness to fight on.

What role does conditioning play in recovering from knockdowns?

Good conditioning improves a fighter's ability to recover and continue fighting after being knocked down.

How are knockouts and knockdowns viewed in the context of fighter safety?

They are integral to the sport but also highlight the importance of rigorous safety standards and medical protocols to protect fighters.

Is a technical knockout the same as a knockout?

No, a technical knockout (TKO) occurs when a fighter cannot safely continue according to the referee, due to injury or being overwhelmed, but not necessarily unconscious.

Can a single knockdown determine the outcome of a fight?

While a single knockdown can influence scoring and momentum, it doesn't always determine the outcome unless it leads to a knockout.

Can knockdowns occur in sports other than boxing?

Yes, knockdowns can occur in various combat sports, including kickboxing and MMA, with similar implications for the fight.

How do fighters train to deliver knockouts?

Training focuses on power, accuracy, timing, and technique to deliver effective strikes that can lead to knockouts.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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