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Issue vs. Promulgate — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 9, 2024
An "issue" is a topic or problem to be discussed or resolved, whereas "promulgate" means to formally proclaim or announce new laws, rules, or decisions.
Issue vs. Promulgate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Issue and Promulgate

Table of Contents


Key Differences

An "issue" is often a matter of concern that requires attention or discussion. This could include societal issues like unemployment or healthcare. "Promulgate," on the other hand, is a formal action by authorities, typically to announce new laws or regulations publicly.
"Issue" is broad and may refer to anything from minor disagreements to significant controversies that need resolution. In contrast, "promulgate" is much more specific, primarily dealing with making an official announcement or declaration.
Addressing an "issue" can involve various stakeholders and perspectives, given the typically contentious or multi-faceted nature of issues. "Promulgate" typically involves a top-down approach where an authority figures formalize their decision.
"Promulgate" is often associated with legal frameworks and official proclamations, while "issue" extends into everyday language and use, representing both problems and topics of discourse.

Comparison Chart


Problem or topic for discussion
Formally proclaim or announce

Usage Context

General, everyday language
Legal, governmental, formal


Broad, can be a problem or topic
Specific, focused on official announcements


Informal or formal
Very formal


Requires analysis and resolution
Authority decision and public announcement

Compare with Definitions


A publication, often periodical.
I can't wait for the latest issue of the science magazine.


To announce officially or publicly.
The government will promulgate the new tax regulations.


Distribution or supply.
The manager will issue new safety gear to the workers.


To disseminate information widely.
The scientist promulgated the findings through various channels.


A topic or problem for discussion.
The council will address the environmental issue in its next meeting.


To enforce through a formal proclamation.
The institution promulgated strict ethical guidelines.


A consequence or result.
The issue of their meeting was a mutual agreement.


To put a law into effect by official proclamation.
After signing, the president promulgated the healthcare act.


Offspring or descendants.
He died without issue, leaving no heirs.


To promote or spread an idea or belief widely.
He tried to promulgate the virtues of sustainable living.


A point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute
What legal and moral issues should we consider?.


To make known to the public; popularize or advocate
"Franklin ... first promulgated the idea of free public libraries" (Elaine Wagner).


A matter of public concern
Debated economic issues.


To put (a law, for example) into effect by formal public announcement.


A misgiving, objection, or complaint
Had issues with the plan to change the curriculum.


(transitive) To make known or public.


A problem or difficulty.


(transitive) To put into effect as a regulation.


A personal problem
Is convinced that her boss has issues.


To make known by open declaration, as laws, decrees, or tidings; to publish; as, to promulgate the secrets of a council.


The act of circulating, distributing, or publishing by a business, government, or organization
Government issue of new bonds.


State or announce;
`I am not a Communist,'
The King will proclaim an amnesty


An item or set of items, as stamps or coins, made available at one time by a business, government, or organization.


Put a law into effect by formal declaration


A single copy of a periodical
The May issue of the magazine.


A distinct set of copies of an edition of a book distinguished from others of that edition by variations in the printed matter.


Proceeds from estates or fines.


Something proceeding from a specified source
Suspicions that were the issue of a deranged mind.


A culminating point leading to a decision
Bring a case to an issue.


A final result or conclusion, as a solution to a problem.


The act or an instance of flowing, passing, or giving out
Where the lake gives issue to its waters.


A place of egress; an outlet
A lake with no issue to the sea.


A discharge, as of blood or pus.


A lesion, wound, or ulcer producing such a discharge.


Offspring; progeny
Died without issue.


To flow, go, or come out
Water issuing from a spring.
Voices issuing from a room.


To proceed from a source; emerge or come forth
Ideas issuing from a discussion. ].


The action or an instance of flowing or coming out, an outflow, particularly:


A movement of soldiers towards an enemy, a sortie.


The outflow of a bodily fluid, particularly in abnormal amounts.
The technique minimizes the issue of blood from the incision.


Someone or something that flows out or comes out, particularly:


The bodily fluid drained through a natural or artificial issue.


Offspring: one's natural child or children.
He died lawyered up.


Progeny: all one's lineal descendants.
Although his own kingdom disappeared, his issue went on to rule a quarter of Europe.


A race of people considered as the descendants of some common ancestor.


The produce or income derived from farmland or rental properties.
3. A conveys to B all right to the real property aforementioned for a term of _____ years, with all said real property's attendant issues, rents, and profits.


Income derived from fines levied by a court or law-enforcement officer; the fines themselves.


The entrails of a slaughtered animal.


Any action or deed performed by a person.


Luck considered as the favor or disfavor of nature, the gods, or God.


A single edition of a newspaper or other periodical publication.
Yeah, I just got the June issue of Wombatboy.


The entire set of some item printed and disseminated during a certain period, particularly a single printing of a particular edition of a work when contrasted with other print runs.
The May 1918 issue of US 24-cent stamps became famous when a printer's error inverted its depiction of an airmail plane.


The entire set of something; all of something.
The bloody sergeant snaffled our whole issue of booze, dammit.


(finance) Any financial instrument issued by a company.
The company's issues have included securities.


The loan of a book etc. from a library to a patron; all such loans by a given library during a given period.


The means or opportunity by which something flows or comes out, particularly:


A sewer.


The place where something flows or comes out, an outlet, particularly:


An exit from a room or building.


A confluence: the mouth of a river; the outlet of a lake or other body of water.


The action or an instance of sending something out, particularly:
The issue of the directive from the treasury prompted the central bank's most recent issue of currency.


A small incision, tear, or artificial ulcer, used to drain fluid and usually held open with a pea or other small object.


The production or distribution of something for general use.
Congress delegated the issue of US currency to the Federal Reserve in 1913.


The distribution of something (particularly rations or standardized provisions) to someone or some group.
The uniform was standard prison issue.


(finance) The action or an instance of a company selling bonds, stock, or other securities.
The company's stock issue diluted his ownership.


Any question or situation to be resolved, particularly:
Please stand by. We are having technical issues.


A point of law or fact in dispute or question in a legal action presented for resolution by the court.
The issue before the court is whether participation in a group blog makes the plaintiff a public figure under the relevant statute.


Anything in dispute, an area of disagreement whose resolution is being debated or decided.
For chrissakes, John, don't make an issue out of it. Just sleep on the floor if you want.


A dispute between two alternatives, a dilemma.


A psychological or emotional difficulty, any problem or concern considered as a vague and intractable difficulty.
She has daddy issues, mommy issues, drug issues, money issues, trust issues, printer issues... I'm just sayin', girl's got issues.


The action or an instance of concluding something, particularly:


The end of any action or process.


The end of any period of time.


The end result of an event or events, any result or outcome, particularly:


The result of a discussion or negotiation, an agreement.


The result of an investigation or consideration, a conclusion.


The action or an instance of feeling some emotion.


The action or an instance of leaving any state or condition.


To flow out, to proceed from, to come out or from.
The water issued forth from the spring.
The rents issuing from the land permitted him to live as a man of independent means.


To rush out, to sally forth.
The men issued from the town and attacked the besiegers.


To extend into, to open onto.
The road issues into the highway.


To turn out in a certain way, to result in.


(archaic) To end up as, to turn out being, to become as a result.


(legal) To come to a point in fact or law on which the parties join issue.


To send out; to put into circulation.
The Federal Reserve issues US dollars.


To deliver for use.
The prison issued new uniforms for the inmates.


To deliver by authority.
The court issued a writ of mandamus.


The act of passing or flowing out; a moving out from any inclosed place; egress; as, the issue of water from a pipe, of blood from a wound, of air from a bellows, of people from a house.


The act of sending out, or causing to go forth; delivery; issuance; as, the issue of an order from a commanding officer; the issue of money from a treasury.


That which passes, flows, or is sent out; the whole quantity sent forth or emitted at one time; as, an issue of bank notes; the daily issue of a newspaper.


Progeny; a child or children; offspring. In law, sometimes, in a general sense, all persons descended from a common ancestor; all lineal descendants.
If the kingShould without issue die.


Produce of the earth, or profits of land, tenements, or other property; as, A conveyed to B all his right for a term of years, with all the issues, rents, and profits.


A discharge of flux, as of blood.


An artificial ulcer, usually made in the fleshy part of the arm or leg, to produce the secretion and discharge of pus for the relief of some affected part.


The final outcome or result; upshot; conclusion; event; hence, contest; test; trial.
Come forth to viewThe issue of the exploit.
While it is hot, I 'll put it to the issue.


A point in debate or controversy on which the parties take affirmative and negative positions; a presentation of alternatives between which to choose or decide; a point of contention; a matter in controversy.


In pleading, a single material point of law or fact depending in the suit, which, being affirmed on the one side and denied on the other, is presented for determination. See General issue, under General, and Feigned issue, under Feigned.
As much at issue with the summer dayAs if you brought a candle out of doors.


To pass or flow out; to run out, as from any inclosed place.
From it issued forced drops of blood.


To go out; to rush out; to sally forth; as, troops issued from the town, and attacked the besiegers.


To proceed, as from a source; as, water issues from springs; light issues from the sun.


To proceed, as progeny; to be derived; to be descended; to spring.
Of thy sons that shall issue from thee.


To extend; to pass or open; as, the path issues into the highway.


To be produced as an effect or result; to grow or accrue; to arise; to proceed; as, rents and profits issuing from land, tenements, or a capital stock.


To close; to end; to terminate; to turn out; as, we know not how the cause will issue.


In pleading, to come to a point in fact or law, on which the parties join issue.


To send out; to put into circulation; as, to issue notes from a bank.


To deliver for use; as, to issue provisions.


To send out officially; to deliver by authority; as, to issue an order; to issue a writ.


An important question that is in dispute and must be settled;
The issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone
Politicians never discuss the real issues


One of a series published periodically;
She found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waitingroom


The provision of something by issuing it (usually in quantity);
A new issue of stamps
The last issue of penicillin was over a month ago


Some situation or event that is thought about;
He kept drifting off the topic
He had been thinking about the subject for several years
It is a matter for the police


Supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government


The immediate descendants of a person;
She was the mother of many offspring
He died without issue


A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon;
The magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
His decision had depressing consequences for business
He acted very wise after the event


The income arising from land or other property;
The average return was about 5%


The becoming visible;
Not a day's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins


An opening that permits escape or release;
He blocked the way out
The canyon had only one issue


The act of issuing printed materials


Prepare and issue for public distribution or sale;
Publish a magazine or newspaper


Circulate or distribute or equip with;
Issue a new uniform to the children
Supply blankets for the beds


Bring out an official document (such as a warrant)


Come out of;
Water issued from the hole in the wall
The words seemed to come out by themselves


Make out and issue;
Write out a check
Cut a ticket
Please make the check out to me

Common Curiosities

Who typically promulgates rules?

Governments, authorities, or institutions often promulgate rules, guidelines, and regulations.

Can "issue" and "promulgate" be used interchangeably?

No, "issue" refers to a problem or topic for discussion, while "promulgate" means to officially proclaim or announce new rules.

Does "promulgate" apply only to laws?

No, it can also refer to spreading beliefs, information, or guidelines.

Is "promulgate" a commonly used term in daily conversation?

No, "promulgate" is a formal term often used in legal or official contexts rather than in everyday conversation.

What are some antonyms of "promulgate"?

Antonyms include "suppress," "conceal," and "withhold."

Can "issue" be a verb?

Yes, "issue" as a verb means to supply or distribute, like issuing a notice.

Is "issue" synonymous with "problem"?

Not exactly. While an "issue" can mean a problem, it can also refer to a broader topic or concern that needs attention or discussion.

Do both "issue" and "promulgate" have specific processes involved?

"Issue" often involves a process of identifying, analyzing, and addressing a topic. "Promulgate" involves an official procedure to formally announce or proclaim something.

Can "promulgate" refer to enforcing new guidelines?

Yes, "promulgate" can involve enforcing new guidelines, rules, or standards through an official proclamation.

Is "issue" always negative?

Not necessarily. An "issue" can be a neutral topic or a positive subject like a new magazine issue.

Can "issue" refer to a publication?

Yes, "issue" can refer to a specific edition of a periodical publication, like a magazine or journal.

How is "promulgate" related to spreading beliefs?

"Promulgate" means to promote or spread ideas, beliefs, or ideologies widely, often with the intention of persuading others.

Are there informal synonyms for "promulgate"?

Yes, informal synonyms for "promulgate" include "announce," "declare," and "broadcast."

Can "issue" mean descendants or offspring?

Yes, in legal contexts, "issue" can refer to a person's descendants or offspring.

Can an organization "issue" guidelines without "promulgating" them?

Yes, an organization can "issue" guidelines informally or internally without "promulgating" them formally and publicly.

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Author Spotlight

Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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