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Accept vs. Receive — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on August 5, 2024
Accept means to consent to receive or agree to something offered, while receive simply means to get or be given something.
Accept vs. Receive — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Accept and Receive

Table of Contents


Key Differences

Accept involves a degree of willingness or agreement to take what is offered, implying a choice. Receive is a neutral term that implies taking possession or delivery of something without indicating agreement.
To accept is to acknowledge and consent to something, reflecting a decision or judgment. Receiving can be passive, requiring no active consent or acknowledgment from the recipient.
Acceptance often carries an implication of approval or satisfaction with something received. To receive does not necessarily suggest that what is received is desired or welcomed.
Accepting can also mean to tolerate or endure something, not just to receive. Receiving focuses on the act of getting or being given something, with no further implications.
Accept has a connotation of embracing or taking on, such as accepting a responsibility. Receive is more about the act of getting something, such as receiving a package, with no connotation of responsibility.

Comparison Chart

Implication of choice

Implies a choice to take or agree to something
Implies getting something, no choice indicated

Suggestion of approval

Often suggests approval or willingness
Does not imply approval or willingness

Level of activity

Active; involves a decision or consent
Passive; can occur without consent or decision

Emotional connotation

Can imply satisfaction or tolerance
Neutral, without emotional connotation

Associated responsibility

Can imply taking on responsibilities or commitments
Does not imply responsibilities beyond receipt

Compare with Definitions


To say 'yes' to an invitation or proposal.
He was thrilled to accept the invitation to the gala.


To get or be given something.
He received a letter from an old friend.


To believe in the truth or existence of something.
The jury had to accept the evidence presented.


To welcome or greet, especially guests.
The hosts receive their guests at the front door.


To endure a situation without protest.
She learned to accept the challenges of her new role.


To take or acquire (something given or offered); get or be given
Receive a present.


To answer affirmatively
Accept an invitation.


To be the person who gets (something sent or transmitted)
Receive an email.


To agree to take (a duty or responsibility).


(Sports) To catch or get possession of (a pass or a kicked ball, for example).


To receive (something offered), especially with gladness or approval
Accepted a glass of water.
Accepted their contract.


To have (a title, for example) bestowed on oneself.


To admit to a group, organization, or place
Accepted me as a new member of the club.


To hear or see (information, for example)
Receive bad news.


To regard as proper, usual, or right
Such customs are widely accepted.


To perceive or acquire mentally
Receive a bad impression.


To regard as true; believe in
Scientists have accepted the new theory.


To regard with approval or disapproval
Ideas that were received well.


To understand as having a specific meaning.


To listen to and acknowledge formally and authoritatively
The judge received their oath of allegiance.


To endure resignedly or patiently
Accept one's fate.


To take in and convert (radio waves, for example) into an electrical signal or into an audio or visual output.


To be able to hold (something applied or inserted)
This wood will not accept oil paints.


To experience or be subjected to; meet with
Receive sympathetic treatment.


To receive officially
Accept the committee's report.


To have inflicted or imposed on oneself
Receive a penalty.


To consent to pay, as by a signed agreement.


To bear the weight or force of; support
The beams receive the full weight of the walls and roof.


To take payment in the form of
A store that does not accept checks.


To take or intercept the impact of (a blow, for example).


(Medicine) To receive (a transplanted organ or tissue) without immunological rejection.


To be exposed to or withstand
The hillside cottage receives strong winds.


To receive something, especially with favor. Often used with of.


To take in, hold, or contain
A tank that receives rainwater.


(transitive) To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval.


To admit or accept
Receive new members.


(transitive) To admit to a place or a group.
The Boy Scouts were going to accept him as a member.


To greet, welcome, or be visited by
Receive guests.


(transitive) To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in.
I accept the notion that Christ lived.


To acquire or get something; be a recipient.


(transitive) To receive as adequate or satisfactory.


To admit or welcome guests or visitors
The couple are not receiving this winter.


(transitive) To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to.
I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse.


To partake of the Eucharist.


(transitive) To endure patiently.
I accept my punishment.


To convert incoming electromagnetic signals into sound, light, or electrical signals.


(transitive) To acknowledge patiently without opposition or resistance.
We need to accept the fact that restaurants are closed due to COVID-19 and that no amount of wishing or screaming will make them reopen any sooner.


(Sports) To receive a pass or a kicked ball, for example.


To agree to pay.


To take, as something that is offered, given, committed, sent, paid, etc.; to accept; to be given something.
She received many presents for her birthday.


(transitive) To receive officially.
To accept the report of a committee


(law) To take goods knowing them to be stolen.


(intransitive) To receive something willingly.


To act as a host for guests; to give admittance to; to permit to enter, as into one's house, presence, company, etc.
To receive a lodger, visitor, ambassador, messenger, etc.


(obsolete) Accepted.


To incur (an injury).
I received a bloody nose from the collision.


To receive with a consenting mind (something offered); as, to accept a gift; - often followed by of.
If you accept them, then their worth is great.
To accept of ransom for my son.
She accepted of a treat.


To allow (a custom, tradition, etc.); to give credence or acceptance to.


To receive with favor; to approve.
The Lord accept thy burnt sacrifice.
Peradventure he will accept of me.


(telecommunications) To detect a signal from a transmitter.


To receive or admit and agree to; to assent to; as, I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse.


(sports) To be in a position to take possession, or hit back the ball.


To take by the mind; to understand; as, How are these words to be accepted?


To be in a position to hit back a service.


To receive as obligatory and promise to pay; as, to accept a bill of exchange.


(American football) To be in a position to catch a forward pass.


In a deliberate body, to receive in acquittance of a duty imposed; as, to accept the report of a committee. [This makes it the property of the body, and the question is then on its adoption.]


To accept into the mind; to understand.




(telecommunications) An operation in which data is received.


Consider or hold as true;
I cannot accept the dogma of this church
Accept an argument


To take, as something that is offered, given, committed, sent, paid, or the like; to accept; as, to receive money offered in payment of a debt; to receive a gift, a message, or a letter.
Receyven all in gree that God us sent.


Receive willingly something given or offered;
The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter
I won't have this dog in my house!
Please accept my present


Hence: To gain the knowledge of; to take into the mind by assent to; to give admission to; to accept, as an opinion, notion, etc.; to embrace.
Our hearts receive your warnings.
The idea of solidity we receive by our touch.


Give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to;
I cannot accept your invitation
I go for this resolution


To allow, as a custom, tradition, or the like; to give credence or acceptance to.
Many other things there be which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots.


React favorably to; consider right and proper;
People did not accept atonal music at that time
We accept the idea of universal health care


To give admittance to; to permit to enter, as into one's house, presence, company, and the like; as, to receive a lodger, visitor, ambassador, messenger, etc.
They kindled a fire, and received us every one.


Admit into a group or community;
Accept students for graduate study
We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member


To admit; to take in; to hold; to contain; to have capacity for; to be able to take in.
The brazen altar that was before the Lord was too little to receive the burnt offerings.


Take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person;
I'll accept the charges
She agreed to bear the responsibility


To be affected by something; to suffer; to be subjected to; as, to receive pleasure or pain; to receive a wound or a blow; to receive damage.
Against his will he can receive no harm.


Tolerate or accommodate oneself to;
I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions
I swallowed the insult
She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncracies


To take from a thief, as goods known to be stolen.


Be designed to hold or take;
This surface will not take the dye


To bat back (the ball) when served.
Who, if we knewWhat we receive, would either not acceptLife offered, or soon beg to lay it down.


Of a deliberative body: receive (a report) officially, as from a committee


To receive visitors; to be at home to receive calls; as, she receives on Tuesdays.


Make use of or accept for some purpose;
Take a risk
Take an opportunity


To return, or bat back, the ball when served; as, it is your turn to receive.


Be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal;
The cow accepted the bull


Get something; come into possession of;
Receive payment
Receive a gift
Receive letters from the front


To agree to take something offered.
She decided to accept the job offer.


Receive a specified treatment (abstract);
These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation
His movie received a good review
I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions


To receive something willingly.
They accept donations for the charity event.


Recieve (perceptual input);
Pick up a signal


Of mental or physical states or experiences;
Get an idea
Experience vertigo
Get nauseous
Undergo a strange sensation
The chemical undergoes a sudden change
The fluid undergoes shear
Receive injuries
Have a feeling


Express willingness to have in one's home or environs;
The community warmly received the refugees


Accept as true or valid;
He received Christ


Bid welcome to; greet upon arrival


Convert into sounds or pictures;
Receive the incoming radio signals


Experience as a reaction;
My proposal met with much opposition


Have or give a reception;
The lady is receiving Sunday morning


Receive as a retribution or punishment;
He got 5 years in prison


Partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament


Regard favorably or with disapproval;
Her new collection of poems was not well received


To be the recipient of a transmitted message.
The radio tower received the distress signal.


To be on the receiving end of an action or behavior.
The team received criticism for their performance.


To come into possession of something.
She received her inheritance last year.

Common Curiosities

Is acceptance always voluntary?

Acceptance typically involves a voluntary agreement, but it can also mean to endure something reluctantly.

What does it mean to accept something?

To accept means to agree to take something offered or to consent to a proposal or condition.

Can you receive something without accepting it?

Yes, receiving can be passive and does not necessarily involve the active agreement that acceptance does.

Can you accept an idea?

Yes, to accept an idea means to believe in it or agree with it.

Do both accept and receive imply possession?

Receive directly implies taking possession, while accept implies a willingness or agreement to take possession.

What does it mean to receive something?

To receive means to get or be given something, whether it is a physical object, a message, or a visitor.

Can you accept a person?

Yes, accepting a person often means to welcome them into a group or to agree to start a relationship.

Can a machine receive?

Yes, machines can receive signals or data without the capacity to accept in the human sense.

Is receive always a physical action?

No, you can receive non-physical things like messages, ideas, or emotions.

Does accept have emotional implications?

Accept can carry emotional weight, suggesting approval or resignation.

Can you receive a favor?

Yes, you can receive a favor when someone does something helpful for you.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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