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    专题11 主动语态和被动语态课件
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    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件01
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件02
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件03
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件04
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件05
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件06
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件07
    专题11   主动语态和被动语态课件08
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    专题11 主动语态和被动语态课件

    这是一份专题11 主动语态和被动语态课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了动词短语的被动语态,这块表需要修理一下, want,知 识 运 用等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    What is the Passive Vice?
    英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态 (the Active Vice) 被动语态(the Passive Vice)
    What is it?
    A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。
    B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。
    We planted the tree.
    The tree was planted by us.
    We lve Xueda.
    当主语是动作的执行者时,动词用主动语态(Active Vice);如果主语是动作的承受者,动词便用被动语态(Passive Vice)。
    We cleaned the classrm yesterday. 昨天我们打扫了教室。The classrm was cleaned by us yesterday. 昨天教室被我们打扫了。
    Many students study English.(主动语态) English is studied by many students.(被动语态)
    When t use it?
    (1)当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或 没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时。
    这本词典被保存完好(不需要说明是谁保存的) 。
    这些书是在二十世纪二十年代发现的。 (强调书被发现而不是强调由谁发现)
    The dictinary is well kept.
    These bk were fund in the 1920s.
    A nte was passed up t the speaker.
    Table tennis is played all ver China.English is spken by many peple.
    如,Anther bridge has been built acrss the Changjiang River. The Party was funded n July 6,1924.
    the Structure is
    助动词be+及物动词的过去分词 (be+V.P.P)
    一般现在时: am / is / are dne一般过去时: was / were dne现在进行时: am / is / are being dne过去进行时: was / were being dne现在完成时: have / has been dne过去完成时: had been dne一般将来时: shall / will be dne ; be ging t be dne当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为 can / must / have t…be dne
    He is regarded as a brilliant. 他被认为很有才气。
    This bk was written in 1969. 这本书是1969年写成的。
    The brken bike is being repaired nw. 那辆坏了的自行车正在被修理。
    He tld us the cat was being washed when we called him. 他告诉我们打电话时他正在给猫洗澡。
    The pen has been used fr several years. 这支钢笔已经用了几年。
    He said the factry had been pened . 他说这家工厂已经开张。
    The wrk will be finished in three hurs. 工作将于三小时后完成。
    The baby must be lked after well. 这孩子必须被好好照顾。
    2)被动语态的结构:被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成,助动词be有人称、数的变化,其变化规则与be作为连系动词时一样。如:The desk is made f wd. The desks are made f wd.He is asked a questin by the teacher.I was given a nice present by my friend yesterday.
    在改写中应注意:1.把原来的宾语提到前面作被动语态的主语;2.把动词变成“be + 过去分词”;3.主动语态中的主语变为介词by的宾语。
    典型题例 例1 将下列句子改为被动语态。 We clean ur classrm every day. Our classrm is cleaned (by us) every day.
    1. 找宾语 ----即动作的承受者
    They make shes in that factry.
    2. 判断宾语的单复数 ----即be动词的单复数.
    3. 判断动词的时态 ----即be动词的时态.
    4. 修改谓语的时态 ----即原句动词改为过去分词
    5. 修改原句的主语 ----即by+ 主语.
      Tm brke the windw.    The windw was brken by Tm.
      Tm brke the windws.    The windws were brken by Tm.
      He brke the windws.    The windws were brken by him.
    am/are/is + 过去分词
    Peple play ftball all ver the wrld.2. Mr. Green teaches us this term.
    Ftball all ver the wrld .
    We this term.
    are taught (by Mr. Green)
    was/were + 过去分词
    4. Peple built the Great Wall lng ag.5. Tw years ag we used the machines t make shes fr children.
    The Great Wall lng ag.
    Tw years ag thse machines shes fr children.
    was built (by peple)
    were used (by us) t make
    will / be ging t + be + 过去分词
    6. We will write a diary next class.7. Tm is ging t hld a birthday party.
    A diary next class.
    A birthday party .
    will be written (by us)
    is ging t held by Tm
    must/have t/can等 + be + 过去分词
    8. Yu must thrw the brken pttery away at nce.9. We have t finish ur hmewrk n time.
    The brken pttery at nce.
    Our hmewrk .
    must be thrwn away (by yu)
    has t be finished (by us) n time
    He rides the mtrbike t his factry every day.
    The mtrbike is ridden t his factry every day.
    We call the snwman Mr Strng.
    The snwman is called Mr Strng.
    We usually hear him play in the next rm.
    He is usually heard t play in the next rm.
    2. They bught ten cmputers last term.
    Ten cmputers were bught (by them) last term.一般过去时:S+was/were +过去分词
    He bught his friend sme fruits yesterday.
    His friend was bught sme fruits yesterday.
    Sme fruits were bught fr his friend yesterday.
    4.Aby can take gd care f Tina .
    Tina can be taken gd care f by Aby.情态动词:S+ can/may/must/shuld + be+过去分词
    He can carry the basket easily.
    The basket can be easily carried by him.
    They can sing sme beautiful sngs.
    Sme beautiful sngs can be sung by them.
    “We must put them in the fridge.”The dgs thught .
    “They must be put in the fridge.”The dgs thught.
    3.They will finish the wrk in ten days.
    The wrk will be finished (by them)in ten days.一般将来时:S+ will+be+过去分词
    They are ging t have an evening party tmrrw.
    An evening party is ging t be had tmrrw.
    Sme wrkers are painting the rms nw.
    The rms are being painted by sme wrkers nw.现在进行时: S+ am/is/are + being +过去分词
    They are hlding a sprts meeting nw.
    A sprts meeting is being held (by them) nw.
    We have made twenty mre keys.
    Twenty mre keys have been made by us.现在完成时: S+ have/has + been+过去分词
    Wrkers have built the huse since tw years ag.
    The huse has been built since tw years ag.
    We had received many letters by the end f last week.
    Many letters had been received by the end f last week.
    They wuld have a party the next day.
    A party wuld be had (by them) the next day.
    1.Peple use knives fr cutting things.Knives ______ ______ fr cutting students clean the windws f their classrm twice a mnth.The windws f their classrm______ _______ twice a mnth.
    are used
    3.I fund the ticket n the flr.______ ______ ______ ______ n the flr.4.I tld her t return the bk in time.She ______ _______ t return the bk in time.
    The ticket was fund
    was tld
    3. We fund the ticket n the flr .
    5. His dctr made him have nly tw meals a day.He ______ _______ _______ _______ nly tw meals a peple can use cmputers t help them.Nw cmputers _______ ______ ______ t help them.
    was made t have
    can be
    7. Did yu plant many trees at this time last year?_______ ______ _______ _______ at this time last time?8.Must we finish ur wrk tday?_______ ur wrk______ _______ tday?
    Were many trees planted
    Must be finished
    9. The freign friends gave us sme wnderful stamps.1) _______ ______ _______ sme wnderful stamps.2) Sme wnderful stamps _______ ________ _______ _______.
    we were given
    given t us
    10.The teacher asked Tm t turn n the cmputer.Tm _______ ________ t turn n the this factry wmen d mst f the wrk. Mst f the wrk _______ ________ by wmen in this factry.
    was asked
    is dne
    12.He can mend the bike in tw days.The bike ______ ______ _______ in tw must take this medicine three times a day.This medicine _______ _______ ________ three times a day.
    can be mended
    14.The students in this schl study German.German _______ ________ by the students in this they ften talk abut this questin?______ this questin ften _______ abut _______ _______?
    is studied
    by them
    Answer right r wrng
    1.必须照看好孩子们。The children must be taken gd care .( )The children must be taken gd care f .( )2.这本书是鲁迅写的。This bk was wrte by Lu Xun.( )This bk was written by Lu Xun.( )3.昨天那支笔是他给我的。That pencil was given me by him yesterday.( )That pencil was given t me by him yesterday.( )
    4.这辆自行车能修吗?Can this bike mended?( )Can this bike be mended?( )5.街道已由他们清理了。The street has been cleaned by they.( )The street has been cleaned by them.( )
    They made shes in that factry.They will make shes in that factry.They wuld make shes in that factry.They can make shes in that factry.They have made shes in that factry.They had made shes in that factry.They are making shes in that factry.They were making shes in that factry.
    (1)make sb. d sth. sb. be made t d sth.
    Mr Green made Jim d his hmewrk at hme.
    Jim was made t d his hmewrk by Mr Green at hme.
    watch let havehear see ntice
    一些特殊结构的被动结构: (1)感觉动词(hear, see等)改被动语态(2)使役动词(let, make等)改被动语态
    如动词为 make, see, hear, watch 等,后接宾语补足语为不带“t”不定式时,变被动语态时要加上“t” 。如: I saw him fall ff the tree. →He was seen t fall ff the tree.
    12.I usually hear her sing English sngs in the mrning.She in the mrning.
    is usually heard t sing English sngs
    14.He makes her hrse wrk all day. Her hrse all day.15. My father let me g ut fr a picnic. I ut fr a picnic.
    is made t wrk
    was let t g
    口诀:这些动词真奇怪,主动句中t 离开,被动句中t回 来。(hear, let,have, make, see, watch…)
    help sb (t) V ------ be helped t V. He helped the ld man (t) clean the rm. The ld man was helped t clean the rm.
    (2) see sb. ding sth. sb. be seen ding sth.
    I saw him playing ftball at that mment.
    He was seen playing ftball at that mment.
    hear / watch /….
    三,带有双宾语的主动语态变被动语态时,直接或间接宾语都可做主语,注意间接宾语前加 t或fr.My mther bught me a new bike.=I was bught a new bike by my mther.=A new bike was bught fr me by my mther.Jack has given Tm a bk.=A bk has been given t Tm by Jack.=Tm has been given a bk by Jack.
    带有双宾语(宾语既有人又有物)的被动结构是: (1)将间接宾语(人)变为主语,直接宾语(物)不变。(2)将直接宾语(物)变为主语,一般要在间接宾语前加介词t或fr.
    Bb sent Kate a letter last year.
    =Kate was sent a letter by Bb last year.
    =A letter was sent t Kate by Bb last year.
    tell ask bring write give send shw teach pass lend
    He tld Jim a stry.
    Mum made me a new dress.
    I was made a new dress by Mum.A new dress was made fr me by Mum.
    make buy draw sing
    I bught my brther a bk.
    buy, make, get, sing
    10.We gave him sme bks.→He .→Sme bks .
    was given sme bks (by us)
    were given t him (by us)
    Jhn turned n the radi.
    The radi was turned n.
    Grandma takes care f my sister.
    My sister is taken care f by Grandma.
    We must speak t ld peple plitely.
    Old peple must be spken t plitely.
    take care f → be taken care f
    cut dwn → be cut dwn
    laugh at → be laughed at
    lk after → be lked after
    They said that he wuld cme back sn.
    It was said that he wuld cme back sn.
    类似的还有: It is reprted / believed / hped / suppsed that
    We reprt
    1). 不及物动词没有被动语态。
    如:belng, happen, take place, last, cme true, remain, succeed, fall, die, arrive, ,break ut, appear, last, start等。
    * Great changes have taken place in this city.
    * That bike desn’t belng t Mike.
    2) 表示静态的及物动词不用被动语态
    have / fit
    I have a TV set.
    The cat fits me well.
    3)祈使句一般没有被动语态。【正】Lk at the blackbard,please. 【误】The blackbard is lked at by yu.
    The fish tastes gd.
    The scarf feels sft.
    5.反身代词在句中作宾语时,不能用被动语态。例如: 【正】Yu must lk after yurself. 【误】Yurself must be lked after
    The bk sells well.
    This kind f clth washes very well.
    The bk is sld ut.
    The watch needs mending .
    =The watch needs t be mended.
    =We need t mend the watch.
    一、单项选择:1. Only thirty-eight ideas by the newspaper. A. chse B. chse C. was chsen D. were chsen 2. As usual, Meihua at 6:30 this mrning by her mther t get ready fr schl.(2006) A. has wken up B. wke up C. wakes up D. was wken up
    3.A neighbur helped t keep ur dg. It while we were n hliday. (2005)A. was taken care B. tk care fC. is taken care f D. was taken care f4. At the end f the meeting Miss Green tw minutes t decide whether she shuld jin the prject r nt. (2004) A.gave B. had given C. was given D. was giving
    5. Mr. Jhnsn’s stry by everyne wh heard it.(2003) A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at
    1. They shwed Jack carefully hw t use it. →Jack carefully hw t use it. 2. Beijing will hld the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.→The 29th Olympic Games in 2008.
    will be held by Beijing
    3. Miss Deng teaches us English.→ .→ .4. They saw the by playing basketball at 3:00 yesterday.→The by _________________ at 3:00 yesterday.
    We are taught English by Miss Deng
    was seen t play basketball
    English is taught t us by Miss Deng
    5. We shuld make ur cuntry becme mre and mre beautiful. → Our cuntry mre and mre beautiful.
    shuld be made t becme
    The cmputer club held a writing cmpetitin(竞赛).The fastest player finished the game in eight hurs .We tk many phts.They use this rm fr playing table tennis.The bank built a park fr them.
    A writing cmpetitin was held by the cmputer club.
    The game was finished by the fastest player in eight hurs .
    Many phts were taken by us.
    A park was built fr them by the bank.
    This rm is used fr playing table tennis by them.
    中考被动语态考题1.The river smells terrible. Peple must __ dirty thing int it.(南京市中考题) A be stpped t thrw B be stpped frm thrwing C stp t thrw D stp frm thrwing 2.This bk __ ften __frm the library.(北京市中考题)A aren’t take away B taken awayC isn’t taken away D be taken away3.He ____ _____ (tell) t return his bks t the library yesterday. (黄冈市中考题)
    5. Anther man-made satellite was sent up int space by them last week (济南市中考题) —— —— —— anther man-made satellite int space last week.变主动语态7.Peple there planted many trees last year. Trees _____ _____ by peple there last year. (青岛市中考题)8. They grw vegetables n the farm. The vegetables _______ ______n the farm(上海市中考题)
    They sent up
    were planted
    are grwn
    1. D yu knw what _____________? A. it calls B. des it call C.it is called D. is it called 2. My lst car ________________ yesterday. A. will be fund B. was fund C. has fund D. fund3. Wh was the bk ___________? A .written by B. will be write by C. has been written with D. can be written by 4. An English sng ________ n the radi yesterday. A.will teach B. was taught C.has taught D. can be teach
    二、用所给词的正确形式填空 。 (cver, invent, answer, write, return, call) 1. All the questins_____________ crrectly. 2. Mre than tw thirds f the earth ________ with water. 3. Our city Beijing. 4. All the magazines ____________ t the schl library last week. 5. This new mechine(机器)_________ by Mr. Black last year.. 6. All the wrds n the back f the card.
    is cvered
    were returned
    was invented
    was answered
    are written
    5)Exercises:一.选择填空:Windws_____ f glass.be made B. is made C. are made D. been made2. The huse_____ in 2004.is built B. is building C. was built D. used3. A cat can_____ fr keeping warm.be used B. is used C. been used D. used
    4. Watches____ Shanghai last lng. A. are made in B. is made C. are made frm D. made5. This desk is made _____ wd. A. f B. frm C. in D. by6. The things n shw were ____ the ld days. A. used B. used t C. used fr D. used in7. Silk _____ in Hangzhu and Suzhu. A. is prduced B. are prduced C. prduced D. is prduces
    1.Our schl _____ ____in 2002.(开办)2.The yung trees must_______________well.(照顾)3. _____ this building_________(建成)last year?4.The bk _____ _______(写)by him last year.5. The bridge _______ _______(不建造) 29th Olympic Games will____ ______ (举行) in Beijing in 2008.
    was pened
    be lked after
    was written
    wasn’t built
    1) The bike __________(fix) up by Xia Ming yesterday. 2) Sunglasses __________ (use) fr prtecting peple’s eyes. 3) A picture _________(put) up n the blackbard. 4) French___________ (speak) in France. 5) Teenagers shuld _________(allw) t chse their wn clthes.
    练习一 请把下列的主动句变为被动句(注意时态的一致)
    1 He wrte an article last week.
    An article was written by him last week.
    2 The peple make histry.
    Histry is made by peple.
    3 D peple use Chinese nly in China?
    Is Chinese used by peple nly in China?
    4 They didn’t visit the city tw years ag.
    The city wasn’t visited by them tw years ag.
    5 Where did yu make them?
    Where were they made by yu?
    一 用适当的形式填空 1 Histry is _________ by the peple. ( make) 2 He is ften ___________ t d the wrk by the teacher. (ask) 3 The bk ___________ by him last year. ( write ) 4 The radi ______________ last week. ( mend) 5 Sme trees ________________ n the hill this spring. (plant) 6 A new subway _____________ (build) next year. 7 She ______________ (take) t the hspital already. 8 Thusands f satellites ______________ (send) up int the space s far. 9 They said they _________________ (invite) t the party already. 10 The trains _________________( prduce) in Zhuzhu. 11 Yung trees shuld ______________(water) ften.
    was written
    have been planted
    will be built
    has been taken
    have been sent
    had been invited
    are prduced
    Multiple Chice:
    1. ( ) If the wrk ________,yu can g and play games. A. finished B. has finished C. will be finished D. is finished
    2. ( ) It was raining heavily utside, the children were made ______ in the classrm.
    4. ( ) T make ur city mre beautiful, rubbish ______ int the river. A. needn’t be thrwn B. mustn’t be thrwn C. can’t thrw D. may nt thrw
    5. ( ) I like my bike. It ________ very well. A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden
    3. ( ) Kate _______ the letter befre her mther came int her bedrm.
    A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing
    A. stay B. t stay C. staying D. stayed
    6. ( ) —I wn’t cme t the party unless Tm ______, t. —Yu mean if Tm cmes ,yu’ll cme.
    8. ( ) The children must _______.
    9. ( ) The wman still desn’t knw what _______ in her hmetwn
    A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited
    7. ( ) Everyne wh heard Mr. Green’s stry _____________ it.
    A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at
    A. happens B. happened C. will happen D. was happened
    while she was away.
    A. lk after B. be taken gd care
    C. lk the same D. be taken gd care f
    10. ( ) — I saw yu were n ft this mrning.
    —Yes. My bike ___________.
    A. is mending B. is being mended
    C. is mended D. is being mending
    1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephne in 1876.
    The telephne was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
    2. The manager has nt signed the papers.
    The papers have nt been signed by the manager.
    主 + 谓 + 宾
    3. I psted that letter last night.
    That letter was psted last night.
    4. They knw that he is an expert.
    It is knwn that he is an expert.
    主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾
    1. He tld her a lng stry.
    She was tld a lng stry.
    A lng stry was tld t her.
    2. Mther bught me a new cat.
    I was bught a new cat.
    A new cat was bught fr me.
    Did he finish the wrk yesterday?
    Were the bks taken away by the girl?
    Did the girl take away the bks?
    Was the windw brken by Tm? ______ Tm______ the windw?
    Did break
    Was the wrk finished by him yesterday?
    D they ften talk abut this questin?__ this questin ften _____ abut ___ ___?
    Desn’t Bb clean the street every day?_______ the street _________ by Bb every day?
    Isn’t cleaned
    He tld us t get t schl early.
    Our parents ask us t stay at hme at night.
    We were tld t get t schl early by him.
    We are asked t stay at hme at night.
    ---Did yu g t the party?---N, I ____________(invite)
    wasn’t invited

    中考复习人教版 主动语态变被动语态句型的方法 课件: 这是一份中考复习人教版 主动语态变被动语态句型的方法 课件,共13页。PPT课件主要包含了一般现在时 ,一般过去时,被动语态的句型结构,step1,are sold,by him,A cake ,Many trees,is cleaned,is made等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    中考复习人教版 主动语态变被动语态 课件: 这是一份中考复习人教版 主动语态变被动语态 课件,共23页。PPT课件主要包含了主动语态,被动语态,主变被解题步骤, Shoes,arewere, made, by them,变被动语态等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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