精英家教网> 试卷> 九年级全一册英语学案及教学设计 unit 1    How do you study for a test? > 题目详情







It might/could be……because her handwriting is beautiful

It can t belong to ……he can t get so high marks

It must be ……because only……get full mark(教师活动:引出话题,组织学生进行交流)



展示1a的图片让学生列举出图画中的东西并猜测这些东西是谁的,小组讨论利用1a的实物进行操练Ask and answer:

Whose…… is this ?It must/may be /belong to ……


Because ……(大量的信息捕捉为听力训练打下基础)


Task 1 . Ask the students to read the instructions: Say , you will have a


Task 2.Play the reording the first time .Students only listen.

Task 3.Play the recording again. Ask the students to check the kinds of music

Tony and Betty like.

2b.This activity provides students practice in understanding the target language

in spoken conversation. (多媒体出示)

Ask the students to listen and complete the chart

Then check the answers.


(学生活动:听录音并且作练习Page 341b and Page35 2a and 2b)



1、Make conversations using the information (1b)(模仿练习)

Ask and answer:in pairs.

Whose…… is this ?It must/may be /belong to ……


Because ……

2、Ask Ss to practice according to 2a and 2b

Try to answer the question using attributive clauses.

3、展示3a让学生讨论“Who is Linda doing ?”

Task1Number the parts in order

Task2Circle the words you don’t know.(symphony,optometrist,appointment,crucial,anxious)

Task3 Discuss in groups

(What do you think “symphony”mean?

It must mean kind of music.


Because she went to the symphony hall for a concert.)(多媒体出示)



1、Discuss some pictures, such as photos etc.

Ask Ss to work in groups toguess who he/she is

then show their work to the teacher. (分组进行对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,增强学生自主动手查阅资料的能力和小组合作精神.)

2、Act a dialogue about part4 to Share in class in pairs.




Exercises for Unit 5Section A

一、1. 这张CD一定是李明的。This CD             Li Ming’s.


These magazines may/       /                 to       /     .                    

3.这是谁的笔记本?  一定是宁的,上面有她的名字。

 _______    notebook is this

It _______  Ning’s. It has her name    _______    it.   

4. 他们俩都踢足球,是吗?

They_______   soccer, _______  they?


The pair of shoes are______ small _______ me.

6 .因为大雨,她迟到了。

She was late_______      it rained       .

She was late     _______    the heavy rain.

7.我刚才试图给你打电话。I _______   you just now.


We all_______     best   _______   English well.


(   ) 1. ----What is behind that tree?

       -----There must be a dog _______ beside it.

     A. sit         B. sat        C. to sit        D. sitting

(   ) 2. This shirt _______ be Li Lei’s. It is too big for him.

     A. can’t        B. must     C. could       D. might

(   ) 3. He _____ be in the garden. He must be in the room.

     A. can’t     B. mustn’t      C. should      D. may not

(   ) 4. Jack is _______ honest boy.  A. a  B. an  C. the  D. /

(   ) 5. _______ people were killed in the accident.

     A. Hundred  B. Hundreds of  C. Hundreds  D. Hundred of

(   ) 6. ----Must I finish the work today?   -----No, you __________.

     A. mustn’t    B. needn’t    C. can’t    D. may not

(   ) 7. ----May I go swimming now?

        ----No, you _______. You must finish your homework first.

      A. mustn’t  B. needn’t   C. can’t    D. may not

(   ) 8. It might belong ______ Alice. A. at B. on C. to   D. in

(   ) 9.This book ___ Tom’s father’s, because his name I son the book.

A. maybe    B. may be     C. must be    D. must

(   ) 10.Who does this T-shirt belong ______? A. in  B. on C. to D. of

(   ) 11. Today it is ____hot, but we still have _____ work to do.

      A. much, many B. much too, too much  C. too much, much too

(  12. I didn’t come to school yesterday__ I had to look after my grandma at home.   

A. because B. because of   C. so    D. but

(   ) 13. We were late for class yesterday morning ___ the rain weather.

      A. because    B. because of      C. so          D. but

(   ) 14. Jenny is _______ about the math test of tomorrow.

       A. worried   B. worrying    C. worry    D. worries

(   ) 15. Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.

      A. practice   B. to practice  C. practicing    D. practices






例如:Can you make a cake?   can用在否定句和疑问句中时有时表示说话人的 “猜测”或 “不肯定”。

例如: Can the news be true?    (在日常会话中,can可代替may表示“允许”,may比较正式)    could 是 can的过去式,表示过去有过的能力和可能性,还有怀疑和不肯定的意思


例如:The doctor said he could help him.(能力)   At that time we thought the story could be true.(可能性)    could用来提问,是有礼貌的请求 Could.... Please? 语气较为婉转。例如:     Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?  2、might也是may的过去式,其用法如下: 

may的用法:   a. 表示”允许”或”请求”例如:May I come in?       在使用这一用法时需注意: may表示“允许”的否定形式是must not,


例如:—May I take this book out of the reading-room?          —No,you mustn't.   b. 表示说话人的猜测,认为某一事情”或许”或”可能”发生。

例如: He may know the answer.    c. may用在感叹句中可表示祝愿、愿望。

例如:May you succeed.(祝你成功。)       might的用法:   a. might可以代替may,表示现在时间的动作,但语气较为婉转客气或更加不肯定。

例如:He might not come today.   b. might用来表示现在时间时,还可表示”规劝”。

例如:You might pay more attention to spoken English.

3、must与have to的区别

have to比较强调客观需要,must着重说明主观看法。另外have to能用于更多时态,比较下面的句子: We had to be there at ten 有时两者都可以用,意思差别不大。

例如:We must have to leave now   must在表示说话人对事物的推测时候要注意它比may肯定得多,相当于汉语的

“一定” 或“准是”。(只有在肯定句中能这样用。)   There must be a mistake.   在回答由must引起的问题时,如果是否定的答复,不能用mustn't,而需要用

needn't 或don't have to,因为mustn't是“一定不要”的意思。

例如:—Must we hand in our exercises today?      —No,you needn't.   must not的否定形式则表示“不应该”或‘不许可”,语气比较强烈。

例如: You mustn't play on the road.

4、belong to someone 和be someones的用法区别。

两者都表示“需要某人” “归某人所有”,

但belong to中的to为介词,后需接名词或宾格代词

be someones中be动词,需接名词的所有格形式和名词性物主代词。

[例如]1)The English book belongs to Tom。

2)The English book is Tom,s

3)The English book belongs to me。

4)The English book is mine。

5、much too 、too much的区别。

much too 表示“太……”,后接形容词或副词

例如:The question is much too difficult for me 。

too much表示“太多的……”,后面一般接不可数名词,

例如:I have too much homework to do

6、because 为连词,表示原因,后面必须接句子。

例如:I cant go out because it is raining now。

  而 because of 也表示原因,但of为介词,所以后面一般接名词、代词或动名词。

例如:I cant go out because of the rain。

7 try to do 表示“竭尽全力去做……”,强调付出了一定的努力。

例如:I tried to look for my lost pen,but Ifailed。

try doing表示“尝试/试图做……” 强调只是试一试,不一定付出了努力。

例如:I tried chatting with him 。Luckily, he was on line。



The football may ______John.

  A. be          B. belongs to       C. belong         D.belong to

2、 This book must _____ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover.    A. be          B. belongs to       C. belong         D.belong to

3、. --- Can you swim in the river?   --- No, I _____.     A. mustn’t  B. may not  C. can’t  D. needn’t 4、 --- May I go swimming now?     --- No, you ______. You must finish your homework first.    A. mustn’t  B. may not   C. couldn’t  D. needn’t 5、. --- Excuse me. Where is the zoo?     --- Sorry, I don’t know. Ask that policeman. He _____ know.    A. shall    B. may    C. need  D. would   6、. __________ I finish the work today?  No, you needn’t.    A. Must  B. May  C. Can  D. Need  7、. --- Must I finish my homework now?     --- No, you _________. You may have a rest first.    A. mustn’t  B. can’t  C. may not  D. needn’t  8、. --- Tom, where is your father?     --- I’m not sure. He_______ in his office.    A. is  B. may be  C. maybe  D. may  9、. --- Where is Tom?     --- He hasn't come to school today. I think he________ be ill.    A. has to  B. should  C. may  D. need  10、. Today it is _______hot, but we still have _________ work to do.

     A. much, many B. much too, too much  C. too much, much too  D. very, too

11. I didn’t come to school yesterday__ I had to look after my grandma at home.

     A. because    B. because of      C. so          D. but

12、We were late for class yesterday morning ________ the rain weather.

     A. because    B. because of      C. so          D. but



1、He might be running to catch a bus.他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。

Catch 作动词意为“赶上”

[拓展]作动词意为“接住”例如:catch the ball

作动词意为“抓住,逮住”例如:catch the fish

作动词意为“受感染”例如:catch thecold

2、However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighbourhood and everyone is unhappy. 

1) however是一个转折连词,表示“然而,可是”的意思,与but的意义相同,但however是较正式的说法。

例如: I know how to pronounce this English word, however I can’t write it.

2)happen vi意为“(偶然)发生、碰巧” [拓展]happen是不及物动词,它的用法常如下:

1. 表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用“sth.+ happen +地点/时间”这一结构来表达,此时主语应是事情。

例如: The story happened in 2003. An accident happened in that street.

2. 表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“sth.+ happen+to sb.”这一结构来表达。

例如: A car accident happened to her this morning.

3. 表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“sb.+ happen+ to do sth.”这一结构来表达。

例如: I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.

4. happen表示“碰巧或恰巧发生某事”时,可用“It happens / happened that...”这一结构来表达。

例如: It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day. 碰巧那天布莱恩和彼得在家了。 注:that从句中的主语是人时,此种结构可以与“sb.+ happen + to do sth.”结构互换。例如: It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day. = Brian and Peter happened to be at home that day.

3). unhappy是happy的反义词。unhappy是一个合成词,由un+happy组合而成。     我们常用的在词前加前缀变为其反义词的有:

前  缀
例  词

2、My parents called the police, but they can’t find anything strange.

   (1)the police可以看作为复数名词,意思是“警察、警方”。       但如果指一个警员,就要用a policeman或a policewoman。    (2)can’t在本句中,不表示“推断”,而表示“能力”。

3、They cant find anything strange

strange 是形容词作后置定语修饰anything英语中类似something,anything等复合不定代词的修饰词要放在其后面

例如:something important

 anything interesting

nothing dangerous

4、…three monkeys escaped from the zoo


例如:They escaped from the zoo


例如:He said there was no way to escape doing the work

5.In my dream ,I was swimming in an ocean of paper。(在我的梦中,我浸泡在数不尽的试卷中。)in an ocean of 是介词短语,口语中常用意为“极多的,用不尽的”在of后面接不可数名词或可数名词复数形式

6、It means you are afraid of too much home work!

Be afraid 后面可接to 或doing

例如:Iam afraid to tell /of telling her



1、The monkeys escaped ______ the zoo yesterday evening.

A. on                 B. of              C. from             D. out

2、Tonny is afraid ______, because he was bit by a dog.

  A. fly                 B. to flying         C. flying             D. of flying

3、Hurry up, or you won’t _________ the train.

A. miss       B. catch           C. keep        D. sit

4、. Have you done _________ to improve your English?

      A. something useful    B. anything useful   C. nothing useful     D. useful anything

5、--What is behind that tree?

    - -There must be a dog _______ beside it.

 A. sit         B. sat            C. to sit        D. sitting


1、He could be running for exercise.

could be running“情态动词+doing sth. ”表示对正在发生事情的推测

[拓展]“情态动词+do sth. ” 表示对现在事情的推测

例如:He mustbe in the classroom now.

“情态动词+have done sth. ” 表示对过去或已完成事情的推测

例如:His new car must have cost around 20,000

2、No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood.

省略句式,完全的句式是It,s no more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood.

3、see sb .doing sth.

See /watch /notice /hear…sb .doing sth.表示“看到/注视/注意到/听到……某人正在做某事”,强调正在做某事。

例如:1)I saw /noticed an woman falling down the ground just now 。

2)Can you hear someone singing in the next room?

另外还有这种表达:See /watch /notice /hear……sb .do sth .表示“看到/注视/注意到/听到……某人做某事。”这种表达方式强调做了某事

例如:1)I saw /noticed an woman fall down the ground just now 。

2)Can you hear someone sing in the next room?



had better not , needn’t, had better, would rather, mustn’t

JENNY:  Nick, we 1______ go to bed. It’s very late.

NICK:  I know, but I 2______ help Trig than go to bed. He’s tearing up his English exercise book and he’s throwing his grammar book round the room. I don’t think he’s very happy.

JENNY:  Well, you 3______ stay up too long.

NICK:   Trig, stop it. You 4______ throw your books at the wall. It won’t help and you might break something. You 5______ work at your English now. What are you learning?

TRIG:   Abbreviation [n] 1 U abbreviating, being abbreviated 2 C shortened form of a word, phrase, etc. ‘Sept’ an abbreviation for ‘September’…

NICK:   But Trig, that’s from the dictionary. You 6______ learn the whole dictionary by heart!


Jim: Jack 1______

Jack: Sure, go ahead.

Jim: I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend. Let me see now.

Jack: 2______

Jim: The Red Roses are giving a performance at the People’s Theatre. 3______

Jack: They are pop group. They are said to be very good. 4______

Jim: 7 p.m. 5______

Jack: Yes, I’ll be free then. I’ll meet you at the theatre at 6:30.

Jim: Good! See you then. Bye.

A. Do you know what they are?
B. What time does the performance start?
C. Is there anything good on?
D. Do you want to bring a friend?
E. Can I have a look at your copy of China Daily?
F. What is the best place to meet?
G. Will you be free then?

教学设计 (根据读写课的要求进行设计) 


1、Check the words in pairs.

2、Ask several students to act a dialogue using “must,could,cant etc.”


1、Show some pictures about part1 to the students. Let them discuss and fill in the chart.(通过free talk,课堂气氛活跃起来)

2、教师进行适当点拨,根据听力要求完成2 a的练习

3、Then ask the students to discuss in groups of four.

4、Show a  picture about 3a to the students. Let them discuss(引向阅读)


Ⅰ、泛读——听3a 磁带,理解文章大意.

2、 精读——设计如下任务

Task 1 Show the picture on Page 38

Ask:“What can you see in the picture? When is it? ”

Then let ss discuss the following question in groups

“How  may  the  person  in  the  picture  feel?”


(1: upset  2 worried.  3: afraid.  4: frightened  5: terrified.  6: confused.)

When we talk about things we are not sure of, we use the words could, might, may, can,t and  must.

Task2 Discuss  in  groups    

1:What  can  you  guess  strange  events  are?

2:What do you  think  could  be  causing  the  strange  things  in  Bell  Tower?

3:Why  do  the  interviewer’s  family  and  his  neighbor  think  so?

Their  answers  are  :

(an  animal , teenagers, the wind, a dog , a monkey and so on.)(多媒体出示)



find  phrases, good  sentences,  crucial  sentences  and  difficult  sentences.

(My wife thinks it could be an animal.

My friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.

They (the police) think it might be the wind.

I (Qi Hui)thought it might be a dog,but I can’t see a dog…

There must be something visting the homes in our neighborhood.

My friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.

There must be something visting the homes in our neighborhood.)(多媒体出示)


happen,noise ,anything strange etc.

used to+v

might be/could be/cant ……

It must be +……doing sth.

There must be +……doing sth.


一、1.他们一定正在拍电影。They  ________   a movie.

2.有一个外星人正在走出来。There is an alien      ________      .

3.早点起床,否则你赶不上早班车 ________ early,  you’ll can’t ________ the early bus.

4.她跑步是为了锻炼。She runs ________   exercise.

5.他曾经是一位英语教师。He ________    an English teacher.

6.我们过去常常在河里游泳We ________     in the river.  

7.一定有东西拜访我的家。There                something        my home.


(   ) 1. Hurry up, or you won’t _________ the train.

      A. miss       B. catch           C. keep        D. sit

(   ) 2. Don’t make a _______ in the reading-room.

      A. noise       B. sound          C. voice       D. noisy

(   )3. She has a very beautiful and sweet __________.

       A. noise       B. sound          C. voice       D. noisy

(   ) 4. Have you done _________ to improve your English?

       A. something useful               B. anything useful  

C. nothing useful                 D. useful anything

(  )5.Three monkeys escaped _______ the local zoo last night.

        A. at          B. for         C. from        D. to

(   )6. He ______ be a history teacher.

    A. used to    B. be used to     C. use to be    D. be use to


1、What do you think about strange events in Bell Town neighborhood? 

What do you think of the result of the story?

Discuss the topic further .In fact, No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood


.Look at 3c, then finish the last paragraph,the answers may be different,first  discuss,  then complete it.

Please write the end and tell how they made the trouble.

2、Let the students read each other’s composition  then choose the 3 best compositions .The following are two of them.

…9three monkeys escaped from the zoo.But it was dark at night and they were hungry .So they climbed into the house through the window,they stole some bananas ,made lots of noises and threw the rubbish everywhere.

…three monkeys escaped from the zoo and it was dark,so the monkeys climbed onto the top of the house,played games there , chased each other and made a lot of noises.)






从语法上看,but 是个并列连词,而however是联加副词



2. no more 与not …any more的区别

二者都表示“不再”,“再没有”的含义,但no more要用在谈数量或程度时,not …any more用在说时间时。

 例如:There is no more bread. (指数量)     He’s no more genius than I am.(指程度)       He doesn’t live here any more. (指时间)

1)take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,

例如: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years


例如:What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?)

 I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.

当以具体事为主语时,二者可互换。     2)happen + 不定式是“碰巧”,指偶然发生;

而 take place 指预先布置或策划好的“发生”,延伸为“举行”。     3)二者均为不及物动词,不出现在被动语句中。     a. What has happened/took place? 

b. Do you know when the sports meet will take place in our school? 

4、be afraid to do 与 be afraid of doing的区别

be afraid to do 不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕"; 例如: She was afraid to wake her husband. be afraid of doing 担心出现doing的状况、结果。 doing 是客观上造成的,意为"生怕,恐怕"。 例如: She was afraid of waking her husband. 5、sound, noise 与 voice的区别 这是一组与“声音”有关的名词,在使用上有区别。 sound泛指任何声音,例如: Light travels faster than sound. noise表示“噪音、喧闹”,指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。它可以作可数名词,也可以用作不可数名词。

例如: I heard some strange noises last night. There's a lot of noise here.


例如: Please speak in a louder voice.



(  ) 1. Don’t make a _______ in the reading-room.

          A. noise       B. sound          C. voice       D. noisy

(   )  2 She has a very beautiful and sweet __________.

          A. noise       B. sound          C. voice       D. noisy

(  )3.Tonny is afraid  ______, because he was bit by a dog.

        A. fly                B. to flying         C. flying             D. of flying

(  )4.If anything ______the machine,please let us know.

        A. happens on   B. happens to         C. happened to       D. happened on

Self Check


1、It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest

It 是形式主语,to be poor 是真正主语 这句话可变型为To be poor is less of a problem than to be dishonest. 由此,To be poor是动词不定式短语作真正主语,is是谓语,less of a problem 是表语,than to be dishonest是比较状语。 这句话直译为:与不诚实相比,贫穷是一个小问题。

2、Be careful of the person who does not talk , and the dog that does not bark.

be careful + of+ 名词 注意...的 例如:She is careful of her food.

[拓展]此外,还有be caregul (not)to do/that... 通常与否定的内容连用 例如: Be careful not to be late. =Be careful (that) you don't be late. 注意:(that从句不使用将来时) 3、You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. pretend vt.意为“假装”

[拓展]1)pretend +that 从句

例如:He pretended that he was sick.

3)pretend +名词

例如:He pretended sickness.

4)pretend+ to be …pretend 通常不用to do 的形式。

例如:He pretended to be asleep.

4、Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.

use up意为“用完,用尽”这是一种动词和副词搭配使用的结构。


类似的还有:pick up,turn up,turn off, put on, take off etc.

5、He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.

attempt vt. 意为“试图,企图”后接代词、名词、不定式作宾语

例如:The boys attempted to leave for camping.


1、  It is ______ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.

  A. more               B. little            C. less

2.—There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?

  —Oh, yes, it’s mine. Let me _____for you.

A. to pick up it     B. to pick it up   C. pick up it   D. pick it up

3. When we talk about the computer, he pretended _______ an expert.

     A. to be       B. being          C. be         D. is

4.. Have you done _________ to improve your English?

     A. something useful               B. anything useful  

C. nothing useful                 D. useful anything

5..Be careful _______mistakes.

A. not make   B. to not make    C. not to make    D. of make



A)     根据首字母提示和句意,完成单词,使句子通顺正确。

1. s ______ long complex musical composition, usu. In three or four parts (movements) for a large orchestra

2. a ______ things produced by sb. trying to do or make sth.

3. a ______ arrangement to meet or visit sb. at a particular time

4. c ______ very important, decisive

5. a ______ feeling anxiety, worried, uneasy


happy, own, attempt, worry, final, interview

1. ________, he made a decision. He wanted to show that he could do everything best by himself.

2. She is _________about her test because she didn’t study hard and she didn’t know anything.

3. The pen isn’t mine, but I can’t find the   ___________          .

4. Because she was an ___________, she was allowed to ask some questions about Liu when

Liu Xiang won the first in110-metre-handle race

5. The prisoners ___________ to escape, but failed.

6. These days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is __________.


(    ) 1 —Whose book is this? W—It must belong_________.

A. Diana     B. Diana’s    C to Diana    D. to Diana’s

(    ) 2. It must be teenagers_________ fun.

A. have      B. having     C. had        D. to have

(    ) 3. Tommy is very ______ about the final exam.

A. worried     B. worry     C. worrying    D. wrong

(    ) 4. Do you have ______ to say?

A. something important           B. anything important

C. important something            D. important anything

(    ) 5. He pretended ______ dead when he met a bear.

A. to     B. to be    C. be      D. being

(    ) 6. We don’t have any paper. Please don’t _________.

A. use up it    B. use them up    C. use it up   D. use up

(    )7. —Where’s my watch? I can’t find it anywhere.

—It ____ in your bag or under these books.

A. maybe   B. might be   C. must be   D. mustn’t be

(    ) 8. Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.

        A. practice    B. to practice    C. practicing        D. practices

(    ) 9. The monkeys escaped ______ the zoo yesterday evening.

A. on    B. of     C. from   D. out

(    ) 10. It is ______ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.

A. more      B. little         C. much       D. less


(  )I think it could be Maria’s .She likes listening to music.

(  )So,that CD must be Lily’s ,She likes listening to Jays.

(  )Twins.She often sings along with Twins music.

(  )Oh,here is Jays new CD. Whose is this?

(  )I don’t think so.What’s Maria’s favorite singer?


    American people have the habit of saying “Thank you”when something kind is done for them or something polite is said to them, no matter how easy the thing is. This habit is learned by people of many   1   countries.

    You should say “Thank you”when someone   2   you the salt on the table, when someone steps aside to let you   3   in a corridor (走廊), when someone   4   ahead of you keeps the door open   5   you, when someone says your work is well   6   or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful.

    “Thank you”is   7   not only between strangers or new friends, but also between old friends, parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. Parents often tell  8   children that they should say “Thank you”in answer to a kind word or act when they are only four   9   five years old. Perhaps that’s   10   almost everyone has got this habit.

(    )1. A. others         B. another             C. other           D. else

(    )2. A. puts           B. passes              C. carries         D. borrows

(    )3. A. pass           B. jump               C. sing           D. dance

(    )4. A. jumps          B. walks              C. sits            D. walking

(    )5. A. to             B. with               C. for             D. on

(    )6. A. made          B. done                C. built           D. doing

(    )7. A. tell            B. said                C. to say           D. told

(    )8. A. his            B. theirs               C. their’s         D. their

(    )9. A. but            B. and                 C. or             D. so

(    )10. A. why          B. because              C. when          D. reason


1 There is only 5 Yuan in the purse.
2 There is a photo of Jay  in the purse.
3 There is a hair band in the purse.


Likes Jackie very much
Likes Jay very much
Has short hair
Has long hair
Has a credit card
Has a little money

In my opinion ,the purse might/could belong to _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Section A


选择填空  答案:1---8 C D A A C B A A  


1、选择填空: 答案:(1)F,(2)E,(3)G, (4)C,(5)A


  答案.1、No,it can’t be mine    

2、Whose notebook is this

3、might/could belong to

4、can’t be hers

5、It must he Ken’s

6、is this your notebook


选择题  答案:1-12  C A B A D B B C A B A B

  Section B


选择填空  答案:1--5C D A B D


1、1. had better 2. would rather 3. had better not 4. mustn’t 5. needn’t 6. needn’t

2、1—5 ECABG


选择题  答案:1--- 4  A C D B


选择题  答案:1--- 5C D A B C


一、.词汇1. symphony 2. attempt 3. appointment 4. crucial 5. anxious

1、finally 2、 worried  3、owner  4、interviewer  5、attempted    6、unhappy 

二、选择填空  答案:1--- 10 C B A B B C B B C D

三、将下列对话排序 2 5 4 1 3

四、完形填空1. C 2. B  3. A  4. D 5. C 6. B  7. B  8. D 9. C 10. A


答案: 略。

Unit6  I like music that I can dance to


1、语言目标 学会用定语从句表达自己对事物的好恶

2、知识目标 以that 、who引导的定语从句

3、能力目标 根据本单元所学知识,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力


重点单词 prefer  remind of  interest  suggest  suit  expect

         lyric entertainment feature photography exhibition photographer display show class energy  photograph

        gentle  known  honest  Italian  Indian


2、重点短语remind of  on display   suit sb. fine   to be honest  be bad for  stay away from  be in agreement


3、重点语法that 、Who引导的定语从句       



Section A


1.I prefer  groups that play quiet and gentle songs

.prefer v更喜欢 其常见用法如下:

(1)、prefer sth.,表示“更喜欢……”。例如:My grandma preferred country life.

(2)、prefer doing/to do sth.表示“更喜欢干……”。

例如: I prefer watching/ to watch a football match.。

(3)、prefer sb.to do sth. ,意为“宁愿某人做……”。

例如:My mother prefers me to stay with her a little longer.

(4)、prefer sth..to sth. 意为“比起……更喜欢……”

例如:I prefer loud music to quiet music.

(5)、prefer doing sth. to doing sth.= prefer .to do sth. rather than do sth. 意为“喜欢做……而不喜欢做……”或“宁愿做……而不愿做……”

例如:Mary prefers dancing to singing。

     They prefer to stay at home rather than go out with their parents.

play  v.演奏

[拓展](1)、play 作动词,意为“播放”。例如:My brother plays his CD too loud.

(2)、play作动词,意为“玩,玩耍”,例如:There’s a time to work and a time to play.

(3)、play作动词,意为“(纸牌游戏中)出牌”。例如:Have you played?

(4)、play作名词,意为“剧本、戏剧”。例如:I saw a new play on TV last week.

2、What kind of music do you like?

Kind of 表示种类用法如下:

(1)、表示“一种”用a kind of+名词” 例如:A tiger is a kind of animal。

(2)、表示“不同种类”用“different kinds of+名词”例如:You can see different kinds of books in the library.

(3)、表示“多种”用“some/several/many/all kinds of +名词

例如:Many kinds of cars are on show.

kind of在口语中相当于副词的用法,意为“多少有一点,有几分”

例如:I feel kind of cold。

3、I prefer singers who write their own lyrics。

Own adj.“自己的”必须放在物主代词或名词所有格的后面。

[拓展](1)、own 作动词,意为“拥有”,其名词形式为owner意为“物主,所有者”

例如:He owns a beautiful car。

  The old man is the owner of the house。

 (2)、one,s own 常作所属格代词,表示自己的东西。

例如:Why didn’t you  tell her to use her own?

(3)、在“of ones own”中,own作名词

例如:I,d like to have a car of my own。

4、The music reminds me of  Brazilian music。

Remind  vt.(常与of  连用)使想起,使记起

[拓展]Remind  vt.提醒  remind sb.to do sth“提醒某人做某事”.

例如:Remind me to write to Mother。

5、I listened to one called Heart  Strings。

Called 过去分词在句中作后置定语,修饰one.类似的还有:

例如:The policemen are trying to find the lost child。

      I cant mend the broken kite。

      He is one of the best known writers in the world。

6、I cant stand the music.

stand vt.“忍受,容忍,经受”


例如:I cant stand the new teacher.

Could you stand to go there tomorrow?

I cant stand staying up so late.



1、That man -----me of my English teacher。They wear the same clothes。(remind)

2、Do you know the -------of the house?(own)

3、Some of her best -------photos are on display in this exhibition。(love)

4、I prefer to sing rather than -----songs(play)but my mother prefers playing songs to----(write)her own

5、I don’t like the singers who don’t sing the words -----(clear)

6、The teachers remind us ------(listen)carefully in class.

7、He can’t stand ________(work) there.

8、He is listening to the music _______(call)”Take me to your heart.


 1、I prefer music that has great lyrics.

    that has great lyrics为定语从句,修饰先行词music,that为关系代词在从句中作主语。



Is he the man who/that wants to see you ?(作主语)

He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday.(作宾语)

whose 用来指人和物(只作定语,若指物,还可以和of which互换)

例如:They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.

      Please pass me the book whose(of which)cover is green.


例如:The dog which/that lies on the sofa is called Beibei. (作主语)

      I like music which/that I can dance to. (作宾语)

注意:who ,that ,which在定语从句中充当主语时不能省略,且从句谓语动词的人称和数和先行词保持一致。

2、What about you?

意为“……怎么样…… 怎么办?常用此句征求对方意见或建议。后接名词、代词或v-ing形式作宾语。相同的句子还有:How about……?

[例如] Im hungry,what about you?

          How about going to the movies?

3、What do you think of it?

意为 “你认为……怎么样?”相同的句子还有:How do you like……?

[例如]What do you think of the book?=  How do you like the book?



Man: What do you think of the speeches?

Woman: I learned a lot about international business.

Man: Is this your first meeting?

Woman: Yes, it is. 1______ I'm Marie Pirelli. Please call me Marie.

Man: Okay…Marie. My name is Mayumi Yamada.

Woman: 2______ I didn't catch your first name.

Man: It's Mayumi. 3______

Woman: I' m with Coca-Cola. 4______

Man: I work for the Sony Corporation.

1、A. Where are you from? B. What's your name? C. It's very nice to meet you. D. it's a nice day.

2、A. Nice to see you again. B. I'm sorry. C. What a strange name! D. I'm happy.

3、A. Who do you talk with? B. What company do you work for?

C. Where is your company? D. When did you start to work there?

4、A. How are you? B. How much is it? C. How do you do? D. How about you?


A:Could you please tell me something about your favorites ?


A:whatis the name of your favorite CD,Ann?



B:Because when I am listening to some of its songs, I  feel I am like a litte child who is held in my mother is arms 。


B:It,s high price


B:The songs in it make me remember the happy days that spent with my mother in the countryside。

A.It‘s called The songs that mother sang.
B.Why do you like this CD?
C.Then what does it make you remember ,Susan?
D.What do you dislike about this CD?

Section A的语法定语从句及重点词语用法制成课件如下:

Section A教学设计





1、检查词汇预习:check the words in pairs.



There are many kinds of music such as pop ,jazz, rock……. Talk about the kinds of music..

(多媒体出示) Ask and answer:

What kind of music do you like best?

I like pop music, classical music, jazz music, country music,dance music……



(教法说明:通过谈论话题“What kind of music do you like?”引入新课题)


1.Let ss read 1a What kind of music do like? Look at the picture and circle the

sentences you agree with.Then write your own sentence.

Then tell your sentences。Then teacher explain the sentences:


.I prefer music that has great lyrics

 “Prefer” means “like…better” =I like music that has great lyrics better.

Which band do you prefer,S.H.E or Beyond?

I prefer____ to _____.

Which do you prefer, swimming or reading?

I prefer_________ to________

2. has great lyrics有优美的歌词

3. sing along with随之而唱的

4. can dance to能随着跳舞的

1c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Read the instructions to the class. First ask a pair of students to read the

conversation in the box. Then get them practice in pairs using the information

in 1a.

2.Call the students’ attention to the phrases in the left box. Invite a student to

read the statements in Activity 1a. (多媒体出示)

A:What kind of music do you like ?

B:I like music that I can sing along with.What about you?

A:I prefer music that has great lyrics.

Ask the students to work in pairs.






1、2a This activity provides students practice in understanding the target language

in spoken conversation. (多媒体出示)

Task 1 . Ask the students to read the instructions: Say , you will have a


Task 2.Play the recording the first time .Students only listen.

Task 3.Play the recording again. Ask the students to check the kinds of music

Tony and Betty like.

2、Explain the world gentle : It means quite, careful , not rough or violent.

2b.This activity provides students practice in understanding the target language

in spoken conversation. (多媒体出示)

3、Ask the students to listen and complete the sentences.

Then check the answers.


(学生活动:听录音并且作练习Page 441b and Page45 2a and 2b)



1、Make conversations using the information (2a 2b)(模仿练习)

2、Ask Ss to think of names of bands as many as possible

Try to answer the question using attributive clauses.

3、Play CD(引导学生阅读3a,单独完成练习,最后归纳总结,充分发挥学生自学能力)

4、Groupwork(talk about a CD you listened to recently)

设计以下几个问题What CD did you listen to recently?

What do you think about it?

Why do you like /dislike it?(多媒体出示)



1、Discuss some pictures, such as books, foods, clothes, etc.

Ask Ss to work in groups to talk about their likes and dislikes using at least two attributive clauses. then show their work to the teacher. (分组进行对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,增强学生自主动手查阅资料的能力和小组合作精神.)

2、Oral a composition about the kinds of books they like and dislike

Share in class(着重培养学生的整体思维和规划能力,培养口头表达能力)



Exercises for Unit 6 Section A

一、Fill in the blanks with “ which, that, who”.

1 The girl __________ you saw just now is my sister.

2 Do you remember the words _________ we learned last years.

3 This is the watch __________ my mother gave me for my birthday.

4 Tom is the first boy __________ left the room.

5 Uncle Li is a person ___________ is always  ready to help others.

二、choose the best answer。

1George Mallory was an English school teacher _______ loved climbing.

  A who    B he     C which.

2 The police caught the man______ stole my handbag.

  A he   B that   C which

3 The dress _____ she is wearing today was a birthday present from her aunt.

  A what    B it   C this   D that.

4 With the money ____ he had saved, he  went on with his studies at school.

A what  B that    C.who    D .where

5 The songs ____ Beetles sang were very popular.

  A which    B who    C whose.

6 This year’s Olympics are special because the Games are coming back to the

country _____ they started in.

A as  B when   C there   D which.

7 I’m looking at the picture_____ you sent me with your letter.(2004杭州中考题)

A.who   B. which     C. it      

8. The letter ____ I received from him yesterday is very important.(2004常州)

  A who  B where  C what  D that.

9 She is the only person ____ I met yesterday.

  A that  B who  C which

三、将下列 两个简单句按中文句意合并成一个带定语从句的复合句。

1.A girl was injured in the accident.

 She is now in hospital.


2 A man answered the phone .

 He told me you were away


3 A bus goes to the airport .

 It runs every half hour.


4 A waitress severed us .  \\ She was very impolite and impatient.






Students’ book. P 44 1c PAIRWORK





1、This is Hong Taos latest movie.

Latest adj. 最近的,最新的

[拓展]latest 作副词 意为“最迟地,最晚的”例如:

latest 作名词 意为“最新的事物(消息等)” 例如:This is the latest about the accident.

2、I see the same things every day and they don’t interest me as much.

Interest vt “引起……关注,使……感兴趣” 其常见用法如下:

1)Interest sb. 意为“使某人感兴趣,引起某人注意”

[例如]Music doesn’t interest her at all.

2)Interest sb. in( doing )sth. 意为“使某人在(干)……方面感兴趣”

[例如]The teacher tried to interest me in history.

Interest n.

(1)意为“兴趣”时,常用作不可数名词。常见短语show/have interest in ( doing )sth. 意为“对……表现出/有兴趣”

例如:Bob showed great interest in the movie.


例如:She has many interests.

      Chess is his only interest.

3、As the name suggests,the band has lots of energy.

Suggest vt.暗示,表明,使人想到


(1)suggest +(to sb.) sth./that从句 ,意为“向某人提出……建议”

例如:I suggested to him that we leave early for the station。

(2)suggest doing或suggest sb.doing意为“建议某人做……”

例如:He suggested you going for a walk in the park。

(3)suggest sth .to sb. 意为“向某人建议……”

例如:He suggested a visit to the museum to me.

4、Whatever you do ,don’t miss this exhibition.

   Whatever缩合连接代词“不论什么”相当于no matter what

[拓展]  Whatever 代词

例如:If you take a camera,a bag or whatever to the museum,the gatekeeper will stop you.

miss vt.错过

[拓展]miss vt. 意为“未击中,未接住” 例如:I threw the ball to him but he missed it.

miss vt  意为“想念,思念”例如:we,ll miss you very much if you move.



1、—I don’t know what to wear tonight

—have you got any  ________(suggest)?

2、Kevin is ______ in stamp collection. (interest)

3、What you said ______the young girl. (interest)  

4、This is my sisters _____ movie.(late)       


5、He suggested you  _____for a walk in the park。

 A. go     B. to go    C. going   D. went

6、I will give you _______.

   A. two advices B. two advice    C. two pieces of advice  D. two pieces of advices

7、 If I ______ English hard , I would pass the final exam.

      A. studied   B. study   C. am studying   D. have studied

8、 ______ you do, you can't change the situation.

A. whoever       B. wherever      C.  whatever   D. what ever


1、It does have a few good features,though。



例如:You do kook nice today!


例如:Do have another cup of coffee.

2、Be sure to see the exhibition at the Lido Gallery.

  Be sure to do sth.是祈使句,意为“确保、务必、一定要做……”

[拓展] (1) be sure +that从句,表示“确信……”

Are you sure(that) he is honest?

(2)be sure + if /whether表示“确信……与否”

Are you sure if (whether)he is lying?

(3)be sure +what/how/when/where/who从句,表示“确信……”

I’m not sure where he lives now.

(4)be sure of /about sth. 表示“对……有把握”

Are you sure of your facts?

(5)be sure of oneself意为“自信”

I’m not sure of myself.



A: Look!  A lot of people are standing 1._________the truck.

What is 2._________?

B:3._________ it’s an accident. Is anybody 4._________?

C: Yes. A man 5_________ the bike was 6._________too fast while the truck was stopping round the corner. The bike hit the truck and the man got 7_________ hurt.

A: Oh, poor man! I’m very 8._________ to hear that.

B:I t’s 9._________ to travel too fast in the street.

We 10._________ be careful.


Jim: Jack 1______

Jack: Sure, go ahead.

Jim: I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend. Let me see now.

Jack: 2______

Jim: The Red Roses are giving a performance at the People’s Theatre. 3______

Jack: They are pop group. They are said to be very good. 4______

Jim: 7 p.m. 5______

Jack: Yes, I’ll be free then. I’ll meet you at the theatre at 6:30.

Jim: Good! See you then. Bye. <

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