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教材考点 第18讲 九下 Modules 1~4.

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1 教材考点 第18讲 九下 Modules 1~4

2 基础排查 落实考点 重点讲练 明确考向 针对练习 提升考能

3 基础排查 落实考点 返回

4 6.wealth(n.) (adj.) 富有的;富裕的 7.need(v.) (同义词) 需要
Ⅰ.词汇派生 1.success(n.) (v.)  成功 2.exact(adj.) (adv.)  确切地 (n.)  航班;飞行 4.silly(adj.) (同义词)  笨的 5.absence(n.) (adj.)  缺席的 6.wealth(n.) (adj.)  富有的;富裕的 7.need(v.) (同义词)  需要 8.suddenly(adv.) (adj.)  突然的 9.hard(adj.) (反义词)  软的 10.part-time(adj.) (反义词)  专职的 succeed exactly flight stupid absent wealthy require sudden soft full-time 答案

5 开心词场→核心单词串联记 After we succeeded in arriving at the airport,we exactly got the news that the flight to Beijing was delayed because of the sudden rainstorm.We required to wait for another hour.What’s worse,we were absent for the meeting.

6 of=take pride in 为……感到自豪 3.remember sth. 记得去做某事 4. the of 在……中间
Ⅱ.短语再现 as  只要 of=take pride in  为……感到自豪 3.remember sth.  记得去做某事 the of  在……中间 help  求救 or...  或者……或者…… weight  增重 up  大点声说 of  ……的数量 long proud to do in middle call for either put on speak the number 答案

7 10.the 怀特一家 Whites 11. one’s 令某人惊讶的是 12.make a 谋生 surprise to
up   意识到,认识到 sth   把某物准备好 time  业余时间 Whites surprise to living speech used wake to have ready spare 答案

8 18. off 动身;出发 set 19.rock 攀岩 20.fall 入睡 climbing 21. of 因为
22.take   当心;小心 one   一口气;一下子 off  离开 25.take   脱去 set climbing asleep because care in go go off 答案

9 You will succeed you don’t give up. 2.怀特一家正在讨论周末计划。
学以致用→语境中体验短语 1.只要你不放弃,你会成功的。 You will succeed you don’t give up. 2.怀特一家正在讨论周末计划。 are talking about the plan for weekend. 3.他过去常常熬夜。 He stay up late. as long as The Whites used to 答案

10 ,he finished the task on his own. 5.大点声说,这儿太吵了。 ,it’s too noisy here.
4.令我们惊讶的是,他独自完成了任务。 ,he finished the task on his own. 5.大点声说,这儿太吵了。 ,it’s too noisy here. To our surprise Speak up 答案

11 —Why is travel in winter?为什么冬天旅行那么难?
Ⅲ.词句积累 1.谈论旅行 —Why is travel in winter?为什么冬天旅行那么难? —It’s season in China the Spring Festival. 由于春节,中国这个时候是最忙碌的季节。 We to Hong Kong—and the plane left a bit late too! But the pilot on time. 我们直飞香港,飞机起飞时也有点晚了。但是飞行员成功地按时着陆了。 so difficult the busiest because of flew direct succeeded in landing 答案

12 We took a tour to the Summer Palace.Then we ________
______to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland. 我们乘长途客车去颐和园旅游。然后我们乘船去了大屿山,也去了迪斯尼乐园。 Please your ticket 请大家准备好车票。 This is A,but you in Car 9.This is Car 8. 这是12座,但是你应该在第九车厢。这是第八车厢。 by coach took a boat have ready Seat should be 答案

13 — are English school ?英国的学校怎么样? —Here are photos.I took them .
2.谈论学校生活 — are English school ?英国的学校怎么样? —Here are photos.I took them 这儿有几张照片。我亲自拍的。 about thirty pupils in a class in England.We __________ in our class.So is a bit 在英国每个班大约有30人,我们班有40人,所以我们的大一点儿。 is a jacket and tie! 人人都穿着夹克,戴着领带! We go to school ∶45 am ∶15 pm. 我们每个星期一至星期五从上午8∶45到下午3∶15上学。 What like myself a few There are have forty bigger ours Everyone wearing every weekday from to 答案

14 We have a break from 11∶05 am 11∶15 am,then ________
.In the afternoon,we have before school finished. 我们从11∶05休息至11∶15,然后再上一节课。下午我们放学前还有两节课。 class,our teacher checks which pupils are or .上课前我们的老师核对哪些学生出席或缺席。 We have a large ground football and tennis,where we can play both and school hours. 我们有一个大的运动场可供我们课内外踢足球和打网球。 until another lesson two more lessons Before present absent sports for during after 答案

15 People are today,and they live than they ____
3.谈论社区生活 People are today,and they live than they ____ in the past.现在人们更富有了,他们比过去更长寿了。 But People don’t take exercise they used to. 但是人们的运动量不如过去大了。 people have cars,and they walk or use their bikes 更多的人有了小汽车,他们更少步行或更少使用自行车。 When cars is doubled,the pollution is also doubled,or 当汽车的数量增加两倍时,那么污染也是两倍,甚至更糟。 We and we 我们吃得更好,更长寿了。 wealthier longer did as much as More less the number of even worse eat better live longer 答案

16 — we go rock climbing?我们可以去攀岩吗? —No,you .不,不可以。
4.谈论安全规则 — we go rock climbing?我们可以去攀岩吗? —No,you 不,不可以。 You falling stones.你们应该小心落石。 all your water 不要一口气喝完你的水。 You walk too close to the of the hill path because you fall and 你们不应该太靠近山路的边缘行走,因为你们可能掉下去伤了自己。 Can can’t must be careful of Don’t drink in one go mustn’t edge might hurt yourselves 答案

17 you go walking in the hills,you always wear clothes.
无论什么时候在山间徒步行走,你们应该总是穿着合适的衣服。 You have to so you don’t You mustn’t go off 你们必须保持在一起,那样你们就不会迷路。你们不许独自离开。 We must the camp Bears might think our rubbish is food. 我们必须保持营地干净。熊可能会认为我们的垃圾是食物。 Whenever should proper keep together get lost on your own keep clean 答案

18 If you see a bear,you make any or make a sound.如果你看到一只熊,你不应该突然移动或发出声音。
其他 Suddenly,I a baby bear with some sticks and stones. 突然,我看见一只熊宝宝在玩树枝和石头。 There’s nothing to worry about you work hard. 只要你努力,没什么好担心的。 mustn’t sudden moves playing saw as long as 答案

19 _______________________________ 2.今天下午我们会再上一节课。
句式仿写→素材积累再运用 1.我们得保持在一起。 _______________________________ 2.今天下午我们会再上一节课。 ________________________________________ 3.他每天锻炼。 ___________________________ We have to keep/get/stay together. We will have one more lesson this afternoon. He takes exercise every day. 答案

20 __________________________________ 5.我看见一个男孩在跟他的狗玩耍。
4.请大家准备好飞机票。 __________________________________ 5.我看见一个男孩在跟他的狗玩耍。 _______________________________ Please have your plane ticket ready. I saw a boy playing with his dog. 答案 返回

21 重点讲练 明确考向 返回

22 Before class,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent.
重 点 词 汇 1 absent 教材原句 Before class,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. 上课前我们的老师核对哪些学生出席或缺席。 归纳拓展 absent (adj.)缺席;不在,常与介词from连用。 absence (n.)缺席;不在。

23 即学即用 根据中文提示完成句子 Too many people were (缺席).The chairperson warned that he would cancel the meeting if necessary. absent 答案

24 I was weak after a long time illness,so I wanted to exercise more.
2 exercise 教材原句 I was weak after a long time illness,so I wanted to exercise more. 在病了很长一段时间以后,我身体虚弱,因此我想要锻炼更多。 I was not feeling very well so the doctor checked my heart and said I needed more exercise. 我一直感觉不舒服,医生检查了我的心脏,说我需要更多的锻炼。

25 (n.)体育锻炼,运动,体操,练习题。指具体运动或体操时是可数名词;泛指运动时是不可数名词。
归纳拓展 exercise (v.)运动,锻炼; (n.)体育锻炼,运动,体操,练习题。指具体运动或体操时是可数名词;泛指运动时是不可数名词。

26 (1)Doing eye (锻炼) is good for our eyes.
即学即用 根据中文提示完成句子 (1)Doing eye (锻炼) is good for our eyes. (2)If you want to lose weight,you should (锻炼) more and eat less. exercises exercise 答案

27 —How often do you go to the movies?你多久看一次电影? —Once a month.一个月一次。
重 点 句 型 1 How+形容词……? 经典例句 —How often do you go to the movies?你多久看一次电影? —Once a month.一个月一次。 —How long do you practice English every day?你每天练习多长时间英语? —About an hour.大约一个小时。 —How soon will you come back?你多久后回来? —In two days.两天后。 How old are you?你多少岁? How tall is the building?这座建筑物有多高?

28 “How+形容词...?”表示询问:多少岁/远/长/高/……? 短语 意义 用法 答语
归纳拓展 how 疑问词,意为“如何、怎样”。 “How+形容词...?”表示询问:多少岁/远/长/高/……? 短语 意义 用法 答语 how often 多久一次 询问频率;频度 表频度的副词或短语 how long 多久 询问时长 for+一段时间since短语或从句 how soon 多久(以后) 询问要过多久才会发生 in+一段时间

29 how soon how long how often how much how far
即学即用 用方框中所给短语填空 how soon how long how often how much how far (1)— can you finish your homework? —In about an hour. (2)—You play the piano so well do you take piano lessons? —I go to piano lessons twice a week. (3)Could you tell me such cold weather will last? How soon How often how long 答案

30 how soon how long how often how much how far
(4)—Do you know that T-shirt is? —Very cheap. Only 50 yuan. (5)—Excuse me is it from here to the art museum? —Let me see.It’s about two kilometers. how much How far 答案

31 In the afternoon,we have two more lessons before school finished.
易 混 辨 异 1 another,more 教材原句 In the afternoon,we have two more lessons before school finished. 下午我们放学前还有两节课。 We have a break from 11∶05 a.m. until 11∶15 a.m.,then another lesson.我们从11∶05休息至11∶15,然后再上一节课。 归纳拓展 都指在原来的基础上再增加一些,但两者的位置不同:another+数词;数词+more。

32 (1)We need three apples,please buy some when you return home.
即学即用 用another或more完成句子 (1)We need three apples,please buy some when you return home. (2)If I am given minutes,I will finish the task perfectly. more another 答案

33 He used to stay up late,but now he is used to going to bed early.
2 used to,be used to 经典例句 He used to stay up late,but now he is used to going to bed early. 过去你常常熬夜到很迟,但现在他习惯于早睡。 归纳拓展 used to do sth.过去常常做某事,表示过去和现在对比,暗指现在已经不存在的动作或状态。 be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,to 为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。

34 即学即用 用所给单词的正确形式完成句子 Li Ming used (drive) on the right in China,but he soon got used (drive) on the left in England. to drive to driving 答案

35 a number of,the number of
3 a number of,the number of 教材原句 Only a very small number of people make it to the top. 只有一小部分人成功到达顶部。 When the number of cars is doubled,the pollution is also doubled,or even worse.当汽车的数量增加两倍时,那么污染也是两倍,甚至更糟。 归纳拓展 a number of许多,大量,同义于a lot of。 后面接名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式。 the number of ……的数量。后面接名词复数,谓语动词用单数形式。

36 即学即用 用所给单词的正确形式完成句子 The number of the volunteers (be) 100 now.And a small number of them (have) already gone to the workplace. is have 答案

37 All of us had a wonderful time!我们都玩得很开心。
4 all,none 教材原句 All of us had a wonderful time!我们都玩得很开心。 None of them has an environment like that of the earth. 它们中没有一个(星球)有像地球那样的环境。 归纳拓展 all (adj.)全部的;(n.& pron.) 全部。 表示三者或三者以上,作同位语时,一般放在系动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。 none (adj.)没有的,一点没有的;(n.)没有一个人(物)。表示三者或三者以上都不,后常跟介词of。

38 (1)—Which would you like,a cup of tea,a cup of coffee or a glass of
即学即用 用all或none完成句子 (1)—Which would you like,a cup of tea,a cup of coffee or a glass of milk? — I think I’ll just have a glass of water. (2)This question is difficult! Not the students know how to solve it. None all 答案

39 That’s because there is only one child in each family. 那是因为每个家庭只有一个孩子。
5 either,each 经典例句 That’s because there is only one child in each family. 那是因为每个家庭只有一个孩子。 —When shall we go,on Saturday or Sunday? 我们什么时候去,星期六,还是星期天? —Either is OK.I’m free this weekend.哪一天都行,这个周末我有空。

40 each可表示两者或两者以上中的“每一个”。
归纳拓展 each可表示两者或两者以上中的“每一个”。 either只指两者中的任意一方、每一个;either...or...要么……要么,表示两者选其一,作主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。

41 (1)—Which would you like to choose,the red one or the black one?
即学即用 用either或each完成句子 (1)—Which would you like to choose,the red one or the black one? — is OK.I don’t care. (2) of us has owned a personal computer in my class now. (3)—Where are you going to stay when you get to Shanghai? —I may live in a hotel or in a friend’s house. Either Each either 答案

42 We took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace. 我们乘长途客车去颐和园旅游。
语 法 小 结 1 冠词 教材原句 We took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace. 我们乘长途客车去颐和园旅游。 He flew direct to Hong Kong.他直接飞去香港。

43 归纳拓展 不定冠词的用法:泛指单数的人或物:a用在以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前;第一次提到某人或某物而非特指;表示人或事物的某一类;时间、速度、价格等名词前,有“每一”的意思,相当于every;以及部分固定短语。 ◆定冠词the的用法:特指某人或某物,双方都知道的人或物的名词前,或用于第二次提到的某人或某物前;世界上独一无二的事物的名词前;序数词或形容词最高级前;某些形容词前,表示一类人;乐器名词及方位名词前;山脉、海洋、江河、湖泊、群岛、建筑物、名胜古迹等专有名词前;姓氏复数前,表示一家人或一个家庭;以及部分固定短语。

44 ◆零冠词:有些专有名词、抽象名词和物质名词前;名词前已有作定语用的this,my,whose,some,no,each等代词;复数名词表示一类人或事物时;称呼语前;表示头衔和职务的名词前;街道、广场、公园、学校等名称前;一日三餐、球类运动、学科名词前;节日、星期、月份、季节等名词前;以及部分固定搭配。

45 (1)Sun Wukong is unusual monkey.
即学即用 根据句意完成句子 (1)Sun Wukong is unusual monkey. (2)English is useful subject. Everyone shouldn’t give it up. (3)David is singer. He thinks it is interesting job. (4)—Who’s man under the tree? —He’s my uncle, actor. an a a an the an 答案

46 (5) Browns arrived there yesterday evening.
(6)At night,a stranger knocked at the door. (7)They sailed along Yellow River for two weeks before they arrived home. (8)Before dinner,I always play football. The / the / / / 答案

47 I can look after myself,although it won’t be easy for me.
2 反身代词 教材原句 At that time,there were few doctors,so he had to work hard all by himself.那时,几乎没有医生,因此他不得不独自努力工作。 I can look after myself,although it won’t be easy for me. 我能照顾我自己,尽管对我来说不太容易。 We’ll stay there until the end of the holiday.We’ll enjoy ourselves. 我们会在那儿待到假期末,我们会玩得很开心。

48 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 itself themselves
归纳拓展 oneself反身代词,意为“某人自己;亲自”。 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself herself itself themselves

49 反身代词的常见搭配: enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快 hurt oneself 伤着自己 teach oneself 自学 (all) by oneself (完全)独立地 help oneself to 请自便;随便吃…… look after oneself 自理;照顾自己 leave one by oneself 把……单独留下 lose oneself in 陶醉于……;沉浸于…… feel sure of oneself 自信

50 (1)Health is the first wealth.So we should take care of .
即学即用 根据句意,用正确的反身代词完成句子 (1)Health is the first wealth.So we should take care of (2)Yesterday,I taught to make a banana milk shake.It was really delicious. (3)Unluckily,Tom hurt while he was playing basketball. (4)At the party,my mother asked my friends to help to some drinks. ourselves myself himself themselves 答案

51 (5)Tina went to the cinema last night and bought a bag of popcorn.
(6)How your food is cooked may be as important to your health as the food (7)—I’ll have a tennis game tomorrow.I’m a little bit nervous. —Believe in You’re the best in our club. herself itself yourself 答案 返回

52 针对练习 提升考能 返回

53 Ⅰ.根据中文提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空一词。
一、词汇运用 Ⅰ.根据中文提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空一词。 1.We are all here except Bill,he has been (缺席) for two days. 2.A new school was (建立) up last year in my hometown. 3.It’s a good idea to give your father a (夹克衫) as a gift on Father’s Day. 4.If the birthday person blows out all the (蜡烛) in one go,the wish he has made will come true. 5.My first grade teacher hasn’t changed at all—she looks (确实) the same as before. absent set jacket candles exactly 答案

54 6.The young man (成功) in finishing the task last week.
7.The running water makes the (石头) feel very smooth. 8.—Don’t you think it (愚蠢的) of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars? —Well,I don’t think so.We were once young and had the similar experiences. 9.Dancing on the squares is quite popular among many women, (无论何时) the season. 10.—Which of these shirts do you like best? —I’ll take (没有).They are both expensive and out of fashion. succeeded stones silly/stupid whenever none 答案

55 Ⅱ.根据短文内容和括号内所给中文意思,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式, 每空一词。
Sun Ying is famous (作为) “the most beautiful Shenzhen girl” in Guizhou.She (来自) from Liaoyuan City in Jilin.She (过去) to be a worker in a factory.She went to Shenzhen in January,2006 and worked there.She wanted to be a (志愿者) and applied for(申请) a voluntary teaching program in July that year.Then she went to Anshan Primary School in Dashui Village,Guizhou in August.To her (惊讶),“There was only an old teaching building.The school had no (门) and no teacher’s desk...” said Sun. as is/comes used volunteer surprise door 答案

56 Sun got a warm welcome.The students called her “aunt” and the parents brought her food.When Sun’s first voluntary period ended in January 2007,she applied for another.In March 2007,Sun went to Anshan Primary School (再次) and she planned to do more than just teaching.She began to (筹集) money for the school children in Guizhou.Sun has raised more than 3,700,000 yuan so (目前).She and many other kind people helped build schools.They also (捐赠) away many books and desks to the schools. again raise far gave 答案

57 tent seldom uncomfortable all fall asleep
Ⅲ.用方框中所给单词或短语的正确形式填空,每词限用一次。 tent seldom uncomfortable all fall asleep 1.Students who do sports are not healthy enough. 2.There we put up and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. 3.It rained three days.The bad weather made me 4.I had a bad stomachache last night.I couldn’t all night. of students are busy getting ready for the final examination. seldom tents uncomfortable fall asleep All 答案

58 straight another wealthy education how soon
6.The more you read,the you will feel in spirit. 7.The road to success is never is one of the most powerful ways to enrich one’s mind 9.—Can you tell me your online shopping will arrive? —In three days,I think. ten people are needed,if we want to finish the work on time. wealthier straight Education how soon Another 答案

59 1.This is old computer. I want a new one.
二、语法填空 Ⅳ.根据句意完成句子 1.This is old computer. I want a new one. 2.Playing tennis is Jane’s favorite sport. 3.—Can I help you? —Yes.I’d like to buy eraser. Greens are talking about the traveling plan. 5.Hurry up! If we miss last bus.We’ll have to get home by taxi. an / an The the / 答案

60 1.The students who are good at writing can always use words
Ⅴ.用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.The students who are good at writing can always use words __________ (proper). 2.I used (walk) to school,but now I am used to (ride) to school. 3.Harry doesn’t take medicine when he catches a cold.He always believes that body is able to fight it by (it). 4.The number of the teachers in our school (be) over one hundred. properly riding to walk itself is 答案

61 5.We should learn to protect (our) from any possible danger
in our daily life. 6.He failed in the exam because of his (absent) of mind. 7.A sweeping robot is (exact) what I want for my house. 8.—Liu Mei can speak Japanese so well! Who taught her? —Nobody.She taught (her). 9.Be careful,or you’ll hurt (you). 10.They need time to do things by (them). ourselves absence exactly herself yourself themselves 答案

62 Ⅵ.阅读短文,在空缺处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给单词的正确形式
填空。 Once,a circle lost a piece of its own.The circle wanted to be whole,so it went around,looking for its (miss) piece.But because it was not complete,it could only roll very slowly.It (enjoy) the flowers and the sunshine the way.It talked with worms.It found lots of different pieces,but none of them fit.So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on (look) for the lost piece.Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly.The circle put the piece into (it).It could be whole with nothing lost.It was so happy and began to roll.As it was a perfect circle,it could roll very fast,too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. missing enjoyed along looking itself 答案

63 It (realize) how different the world was when it rolled so quickly
It (realize) how different the world was when it rolled so quickly.It felt so sad that it stopped,left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled very slowly. Sometimes we are perfect when we lose something.A man who has everything is poor in some ways.He will never have hopes, (dream) or something (good).He will never know someone loves him or someone is giving him something he has always wanted or never had. We couldn’t be perfect.But we must be brave enough to love,strong enough to forgive,kind enough to share (happy) with others and clever enough to know there is enough love around us and then we can always have a (wonder) time in our life. realized dreams better happiness wonderful 答案 返回

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