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Sales Manager Seminar 课长培训

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Manager Seminar 课长培训"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Manager Seminar 课长培训

2 Training Objectives 培训目标
To learn more about Carrefour’s mission and Sales Manager responsibilities. 更多地了解家乐福的使命和课长的职责 To Learn how to better communicate with the team 学习如何更好地与我的团队沟通. To learn how to better develop my team 学习如何更好地发展团队 To learn how to plan my work and manage my time 学习如何计划我的工作和管理我的时间

3 Understanding Carrefour’s Mission and Sales Managers’ Responsibilities
Business knowledge Technical skills Communication skills People management & development skills Time management and action planning skills Others Carrefour’s Mission & Goals Requirements of Department Heads Business strategy &Capabilities People Requirements Employee Needs Carrefour Concepts Four Policies Localization Turnover Market share Human resources management strategy & practices

4 Understanding Carrefour’s Mission and Sales Managers’ Responsibilities 理解家乐福的使命和课长的职责
商业知识 技术能力 沟通能力 人员管理和发展能力 时间管理和计划制定能力 其它 家乐福的 使命和目标 对于课长 的要求 经营策略和能力 人员要求 员工需求 家乐福理念 四大政策 本地化 营业额 市场份额 人力资源管理 策略和操作

5 Mission of Carrefour 家乐福的使命
Our Mission 我们的使命 Our People 我们的员工 Our Resources 我们的方法 All our efforts are directed towards customer satisfaction. Our retailing activities seek to meet changing customer demands, in terms of product selection and quality, at the most competitive prices 我们尽一切努力最大程度地满足顾客的要求.我们的零售行 业通过选择商品,提供最佳品质及最低价格,以满足客户多 变的要求. Highly-motivated associates are our main asset. Individual initiative and delegation of responsibilities are carried out in a spirit of solidarity and common interest. 我们最主要的财产是士气高昂的员工. 每一个员工应在团结 奋斗及目标一致的基础上,充分发挥主动性及责任。 Our business is based on simple, straightforward concepts. To remain competitive, we constantly adapt our resources to achieve optimal distribution efficiency. 我们的理念简单而直接.为了在竞争中取得优势,我们必须 最大限度地使用资源使之发挥作用。

We aim to be an international force with a significant presence in each market. By constantly seeking to gain market share, we will strengthen the Group's independence and raise its value over the long term 我们的目标是成为一个国际性公司,并在每个市场中占有重要比例。通过市场占有率的扩大,我们将不断加强公司的独立性及增加公司长期的企业价值。 We aim to develop mutually beneficial synergies with all our business partner. We seek to adapt to the specific environment of each country where we operate and to serve as a benchmark in terms of business values wherever we are present. 我们强调协调与合作伙伴之间的关系,增进双方共同的利益。我们要尽力融合各国特殊 的环境,成为同业间的楷模。 OUR GOAL 我们的目标 OUR VALUES |我们的价值

7 Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意
All Our Efforts Must Be Directed Towards Customers Satisfaction. 我们的一切工作的核心 是为了让顾客满意。

8 Customer Satisfaction First! 顾客的满意为优先
Carrefour Concepts 家乐福的理念 Customer Satisfaction First! 顾客的满意为优先 One stop shopping 一次购足 Low price 超低售价 Free Parking 免费停车 Self Service 自助式服务 Freshness and Quality 新鲜和品质

9 Carrefour Four Policies 家乐福四大政策
Assets 资产 All Equipment in good condition 所有器材处于良好状态 Price 价格 Clean 干净 Full 满 Listen to customers 倾听客户需要 Competitors survey 竞争调查 F i n a c e 财 务 Analysis of monthly Department bulletin 每月部门报告分析 React when disparities between budget and actual 当财政预算与实际开销出现不同时应作出反应 Check follow-up of procedures 检查跟踪工作程序 Work on annual budget 制定年度财政预算 H u m a n R e s o u r c e Know your staff 了解员工 Train 培训 Communication 交流 Initiative & creative 主动性与创造性 Link between management team and my team 管理团队和我的团队之间的练习 人力 资源 Management Level 管理层 Get the best assortment 作出最好货品分类排列 get the best conditions 提供最好的条件 React to competitor's price level 对竞争对手的价格作出反应 Check volume orders and sales quantities 检查销售量 push for promotions 促销 Communication with negotiator 与谈判者交流 Merchandise 商品

10 Main Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 课长的主要职责
Assets 资产 Store clean and full. 保持卖场整洁,商品充足 Good implantation respecting the price range.根据不同价格档位,良好展示商品, Check the cleanliness of the uniform of the staff.检查员工是否着装整洁 Storage well arranged. 保持库存井井有条 Listen to customers and react positively. 倾听顾客意见,作出积极反应 Have a sales spirit. 展现生意人的精神 Display with volume. 保持充足的商品展示 Respect and make respecting the safety rules of fire fighting and hygiene regulations. 遵守火灾和卫生等安全规章制度 Follow competitor‘s price level. 关注竞争对手的价格水准 Propose equipment investment. 提议购置新设备 Full respect of the regulation and law of China & Carrefour's store procedures. 完全遵守中国的法规和家乐福店的制度 Have a store spirit. 展现家乐福店的精神 Human 人员 Help the staff to have a commercial and professional attitude in any case. 使员工在任何情况下要表现出商业人士的职 业态度 Communicate store’s information. 传达有关家乐福店的信息 Give clear responsibilities to the staff. 明确员工的工作职责 Check weekly the punch card. 每周检查工时卡 Train your staff with a training plan 根据培训计划培训员工 React on the quality of the work of the staff.根据 员工的工作质量作出反应 Plan and propose promotion. 计划并推荐提升人员

11 Main Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 课长的主要职责
Merchandise 商品 Follow assortment (No shortage). 保证品种 (没有缺货) Facing and display reflecting the sales quantities. 排面和展示要反映销售量 Check stock cards. 检查库存卡 Stock level respecting the forecast. 库存量反映预见的销售量 Plan promotional and seasonal events one month before. 提前一个月准备促销和季节性活动 Good communication with negotiators. 跟谈判员保持良好沟通 Inform the negotiators of your low sales items. 向谈判员通报滞销的单品 Follow and anticipate the new market trends. 遵循并预见市场走向 Propose new item to improve assortment according to customer's demands. 根据顾客的需求,提议新的单品,以改进品种搭配 Finance 财务 Follow the procedures. 遵守制度 Good checking on the receiving and returning reports. 认真检查收货和退货单 Valid purchase report. 对证采购单. Provide exact financial documents. 提供正确的财务报告 Reach the forecast figures. 完成预见的指标 Propose improvements to over the forecasted figures. 提议超过指标的改进方法 Well control of all the lines of your department bulletin. 全面控制部门业绩表的各个方面

12 The Importance Of Managerial Skills 管理层管理技能的重要性
高层经理 Top-Level Managers 中层经理 Middle-Level Managers 一线主管 Supervisors 构思 CONCEPTUAL 人际交往 INTERPERSONAL 技术 TECHNICAL 管理层 管理技能 Managerial Level Managerial Skill

13 The Role Of Managers 经理的角色
Managing tasks … 管理任务 Leading people… 领导员工 To make sure work gets done and people get satisfied. 确保工作得以圆满完成并且员工获得满足。

14 Role Transition [1] 角色转换(一)
Input 投入 Manager 管理者 Doer 做事者 Output 产出 Questions: How to push the pivot forward? What does the output mean?

15 Role Transition [2] 角色转换 (二)
Input 投入 Controllers 控制者 Work Results 工作结果 Leader 领导者 Employee Satisfaction 员工满意

16 The Roles Of An Effective Manager 一个有效经理的角色
A bridge between business goals and business results 连接经营目标与经营结果的一座桥梁 A bridge between employees and the top management 连接员工和高层管理的一座桥梁 A coach for employee development 员工发展的指导者 An initiator of continuous improvement 持续不断改进的倡导者

17 Suppliers and Customers
我的角色 My Role 上级 Direct Reports 下属 Subordinates 供应商及客户 Suppliers and Customers 同级管理者 Peers 我 I

18 Management Of My Team 团队管理 Communication with the Team 团队沟通
Self Management 自我管理 Management and Development of the Team 团队管理和发展 4 1

19 Communication with the Team 团队沟通
Self Development Team Development Effective Communication Skills 有效沟通技能 How to ask questions 如何提问 How to listen 如何倾听 Building relationships 建立关系

20 Three Types Of Questions 三种不同类型的问题
Communication Self Development Team Development Three Types Of Questions 三种不同类型的问题

21 Probing Questions探究式问题 Closed Questions 封闭式问题
Funnel Model 漏斗模式 Communication Self Development Team Development Open Question 开放式问题 Probing Questions探究式问题 Closed Questions 封闭式问题

22 What Do You Listen For? 你听什么?
Communication Self Development Team Development Facts 事实 Emotions 情感 Relationship 关系 Implied 隐含

23 Model For Better Communication 有效沟通模式
障碍 Barriers 1. Message Sent 发出信息 Message Received接收信息 No Communication 无沟通 2. Message Sent发出信息 Message Received 接收信息 Partial Communication 部分沟通 3. Question: What kind of barriers do you encountered in the game Message Sent/Message Received 发出信息/接收信息 Complete Communication完全沟通

24 Words & non-words 言语和非言语
Getting to Know Your Employees and the Communication Cycle 了解你的员工及沟通环 Communication Self Development Team Development Feed back 反馈意见 Decoding 理解 Barriers 障碍 Language 语言 Assumption 假设 Distraction 干扰 Experience 经验 Emotion 情绪 Sender 提供者 Receiver接收者 Reception 接收 Words & non-words 言语和非言语 Thought 想法 Transmission 传送

25 Effective Listening Skills 有效的倾听技巧
Communication Self Development Team Development Paraphrasing Words 意译语句 Paraphrasing Feelings 意译感情 Reflecting 复述 Redirecting 引导

26 Paraphrasing [1] 意译[一] Communication Self Development Team Development Calms a Conflict or an Intensive Situation 缓和一场争执或一个紧张的局面 Helps You Control Emotions and Build a Constructive Relationship 有助于控制自己的情绪, 建立起良好的关系 Encourages Other People to Share Information 鼓励对方提供信息

27 Paraphrasing [2] 意译[二] Communication Self Development Team Development Increases the Other Person's Trust in You 加强对方对自己的信任感 Gives Others a Chance to Clarify or Explain 给对方一个澄清或解释的机会 Helps Other People Clarify Their Own Thinking 帮助对方澄清观点 Emphasizes Important Points 强调要点

28 Examples Of Paraphrasing and Reflecting 意译和复述实例
Communication Self Development Team Development Examples Of Paraphrasing and Reflecting 意译和复述实例 It sounds like what you are saying is that you don't want to take over the task. 听起来你的意思好象是说你不想接受这项任务。 What I'm hearing is … 我的理解是... You are feeling really frustrated about work. 工作确实让你感到沮丧。 It sounds like something is bothering you. 听上去好象什么事困挠着你

29 Reflecting and Redirecting 引导
A Tool for Guiding the Content of Information Exchange: 主导信息交流内容的一个有效工具 Active Listening + An Open (probing) Question 积极倾听 + 开放式(探究式)问题

30 Questions For Directing 可以用来引导对方的问题
Ask “How...”, not “Why... ” 问"如何...",而非"为何..." How are you going to change the situation? 你希望如何去改变现状呢? How shall I improve in order to get the deal? 如何改进才能谈成这笔生意? How could we get these even better? 我们怎样才能使这些更完善? EX: Question: How many things in brown within this room?

31 Examples Of Directing 引导实例
After paraphrasing, asking another question. For example: 在意译完对方所讲的话之后,再提一个问题。如: Just now you mentioned that one big challenge in management is motivation. Would you please tell me how do you motivate your employees? 刚才您提到管理中的一个较大的挑战就是激励员工,那么您是如何调动员工的积极性的呢?

32 Verbal and Nonverbal Signals 言语和非言语信号
Communication Self Development Team Development Verbal and Nonverbal Signals 言语和非言语信号 Making Sounds Like: "Ah...", "Mmm...", etc. 适当使用鼓励性词语,如:"啊..."、"呃..."等 Saying: "Go on", "Tell me more", etc. 说:"请说下去","请再详细地谈谈"等 Repeating Key Points on Words 重复关键词语 Paraphrasing, Reflecting & Directing 进行事实复述、感情意译和引导

33 Triads Role Play Recording List 三人角色扮演记录单
Divide trainees into groups of 3 and have one trainee act as a Sales Manager and communicates with another trainee who play the role of customers bosses employees peers (Negotiators) The third trainee observes the role-plays and comments on the performance of the Sales Managers using the observation sheet.

34 Building Relationship 培养关系
Communication Self Development Team Development Establish your credibility 树立你的威信 Develop mutual trust 培养相互的信任 Respect your team 尊重你的团队

35 How to take over your position as Sales Manager 如何树立课长的威信
Communication Self Development Team Development Individual meeting with your team members 给每个团队成员单独见个面 Use tools to help you manage 利用工具来帮助你来管理 Be strong and energetic 表现坚强、充满活力 Always be in charge, never lose control 永远掌握主导权,决不可失去控制 Always be aware of what your team is doing 时时了解你的团队在做什么 Do it from the very beginning, do not wait 一开始就做起来,不可等待

36 Meeting Team Members Individually 单独会见团队成员
Communication Self Development Team Development Introduce each other 相互介绍 Communicate your expectation 表达你的期望 Lead the meeting 主导谈话 Listen to him/her 注意倾听

37 Exercises: How Well Do You Know Your Colleague
Exercises: How Well Do You Know Your Colleague? Asking Questions 练习:你对员工了解多少? 提问 Communication Self Development Team Development How Long Has He/She Been Married? 我或他是否已婚? 是否有小孩? If Not, Does He/She Have a Fiance? 如果未婚,我或他是否有对象? What Food Does He/She Like Best? 我和他各自最喜欢吃什么? What Hobbies Does He/She Have? 我和他各自有什么兴趣爱好? What is His/Her Education and working Background? 我和他各自教育 和工作背景如何? What is the Most Important Challenge in Your Work? 工作中你最大的挑战是什么? 4 4 4

38 Develop Mutual Trust 培养相互信任关系
Communication Self Development Team Development Develop Mutual Trust 培养相互信任关系 Fairness 公平 Honesty 诚实 Openness 开放 Accessibility 平易近人

39 To Respect My Team To Respect My Team Means To Spend Time With Them
Communication Self Development Team Development To Respect My Team To Respect My Team Means To Spend Time With Them To Respect Means To Communicate With My Team Through Good Morning Briefing Meeting Training Visit To The Shelves To Respect Means To Listen To My Team Talk About Competitors New Products, New Collections Department Bulletin Procedures ...... 22

40 尊敬你的团队 尊重意味着花一些时间和团队成员在一起 尊重意味着通过下列方式进行交流 问 "早上好" 简要介绍 谈它其他竞争对手 会议
Communication Self Development Team Development 尊敬你的团队 尊重意味着花一些时间和团队成员在一起 尊重意味着通过下列方式进行交流 问 "早上好" 简要介绍 会议 培训 参观他的货架 尊重意味着要进行倾听 谈它其他竞争对手 新产品,新展示 课绩效 程序 ......

41 Manage and Develop My Team 管理和发展团队
Communication Self Development Team Development Manage and Develop My Team 管理和发展团队 Understand where your employees are: To Know Graph and Skill inventory 知道你的员工工作能力如何:了解图和技能储备图 Three general methods to develop team members: 发展员工的三种基本方式: Task Assignment Skills 委派任务的技能 Coaching and Feedback Skills 指导和反馈技能 Teamwork and Motivation 团队合作和激励

42 Understand Where Your Employees Are 明白员工的能力水平
Communication Self Development Team Development Synergy 协作性 Responsibilities 职责 A is a new employee 是新员工 B has reached required level 达到了要求的水准 C is very skilled 是有经验、熟练的员工 D is low at skills but has a negative attitude 是技能差、态度又消极 Creativity 创造性 C Required Level 要求的水准 B A D Antagonism 对立性

43 Three General Methods to Manage 三种管理方式
Communication Self Development Team Development Three General Methods to Manage 三种管理方式 Method 3: Cooperation & Participation Delegation; Control 方式 3 :合作参与 委派、 控制 Method 2 :Negotiable Communication 方式 2: 可协商交流 Method 1 : Not Negotiable Training 方式 1 : 不可协商 培训 Synergy 协作性 Responsibilities 职责 Creativity 创造性 C Required Level 要求的水准 B A D Antagonism 对立性

44 Skill Inventory 技能储备 1=Can Perform Well 1=做的很好 2=Can Perform 2=可以做
Communication Self Development Team Development Skill Inventory 技能储备 1=Can Perform Well 1=做的很好 2=Can Perform 2=可以做 3=Needs to Learn 3= 需要学习改进

45 What Can You Know from the Skill Inventory 技能储备图能告诉你什么
Communication Self Development Team Development What Can You Know from the Skill Inventory 技能储备图能告诉你什么 Who is generally strong? 谁的能力比较强 Who is generally weak? 谁的能力比较弱 Where my team is strong? 我的团队强在何处 Where my team is weak? 我的团队弱在何处? How to solve the problem 如何加强 Cross training and backup building 交叉培训、人才备份 After showing the example, have trainees do a skill inventory for their departments

46 Cross-Training and Backup Building 交叉培训、人才备份
Communication Self Development Team Development Have one employee train another what he/she is strong at 让一个某方面比较强的员工教另一个这方面比较弱的员工 Be aware of the seniority (face) issue 注意资历和面子问题 Make sure tasks get done first and then consider training of employees 首先考虑任务得以完成,然后是员工的培养

47 How to Manage My Team 如何管理团队
Content 内容 To Know 了解 To Respect 尊重 To Anticipate 预见 To Motivate 激励 To Reprimand 批评 To Fire 开除 5 2

48 Go back to the former objectives
Communication Self Development Team Development To Reprimand Immediately point out the wrong-doings and to correct Without weakness Without hesitation Why reprimand? Give clear objectives If it is reached Congratulate Give new objectives Promotion If it is not reached Correct Go back to the former objectives Stand-by 27

49 批评 提出明确的目标 立即指出其不恰当之处并予以纠正 没有缺点 毫不犹豫 为什么要提出批评? 如果实现了 祝贺 提出新的目标 再创佳绩
Communication Self Development Team Development 批评 立即指出其不恰当之处并予以纠正 没有缺点 毫不犹豫 为什么要提出批评? 提出明确的目标 如果实现了 祝贺 提出新的目标 再创佳绩 如果没有实现 批评改正 回到先前的目标 继续

50 Communication Self Development Team Development To Fire 开除 To Push Our Team To A Higher Level Of Professional Skill 促使我们团队达到更高的专业技能水平. Those Who Don't Want To Follow, We Have To Sanctions. We Have To Consider, If Necessary The Company Policies 对于那些不想合作的成员,我们就必须根据公司政策,在必要时考虑予以解雇。 Otherwise The Other Good Members Of My Team Will Not Understand 否则其他优秀的团队成员就会不理解 28

51 Assigning Tasks 委派任务 1. Analyze the Task 分析任务
2. Analyze Your Employees 分析员工 3. Consider Your Task Goals & Objectives 考虑任务的总体目标和具体目标 4. Consider Your Employee Development Goals & Objectives 考虑培养员工的总体目标和具体目标 5. Find an Appropriate Balance Point and Assign the Task 找到适当的平衡点来委派任务

52 Are You Task Oriented or Relationship Oriented? 你是以工作任务为导向还是以关系为导向

53 People & Tasks Considerations 有关人与任务的考虑
People (Relationship) 人 (关系) Importance 重要性 Technical Maturity 技术成熟度 Urgency 紧急性 Work Expectation 工作期望 Technical issue 技术性 Who did it before 谁以前做过 Routine 事务性 Who has the skill 谁具备技能但未做过 Difficulty 难度 Who may do it after training 经培训或指导后能做 Knowledge required 需什么知识

54 Assigning Tasks 委派任务 Task assignment worksheet 任务委派练习单
People and Task Considerations 以人还是以任务为导向 Cross-training 交叉培训 Building back-Up 做好人才备份 Assigning Task 委派任务 Task assignment worksheet 任务委派练习单 Have trainees fill out the task assignment worksheet. If the trainees are new Sales Managers, they might not be able to do this exercise.

55 Task Assignment Skills 委派任务技能
Communication Self Development Team Development Explain what to do and how to do 解释该做什么,如何做 Explain why if they do not know 解释为什么要这样做,如果他不清楚 Communicate expectation/requirements 说明你的期望或要求 Do some task assignment role-plays here. Set timeline 设定期限 Always check 一定要检查

56 Defining Feedback and Coaching定义反馈与指导
Letting people know what and how they are doing as soon as you know 在了解到员工的工作情况后,马上让他/她知道自己做得如何 Coaching 指导 A two-way discussion that aims to improve performance 是一种双向式讨论,旨在提高工作绩效

57 Feedback 反馈 What are the different types of feedback? 反馈意见的不同形式有哪些?
Communication Self Development Team Development Feedback 反馈 What are the different types of feedback? 反馈意见的不同形式有哪些? Positive 积极的 Negative 消极的 Corrective 改进的 None 无反馈 Which one usually is the most effective…and why? 哪种反馈意见通常是最有效的? 为什么? First ask trainees what kinds of feedback there are and then do the Blind Obstacle Course exercise.

58 How give feedback effectively: BEER Model 如何有效的给予反馈:“啤酒”模式
Communication Self Development Team Development How give feedback effectively: BEER Model 如何有效的给予反馈:“啤酒”模式 Effective feedback: 有效的反馈: describes the specific Behavior 描述了具体行为 includes an Example of that behavior 包括所列行为的一个例子 describes how the behavior has exceeded, met or failed to meet your Expectations 描述该行为如何超出、达到或无法达到您的期望和要求 describes the Results of the behavior 描述这些行为所导致的结果

59 Corrective Feedback - Example 改进型反馈意见 - 例子
Communication Self Development Team Development Corrective Feedback - Example 改进型反馈意见 - 例子 Recently you failed to finish your task on time 最近你没有按时完成任务。 Last Friday, for example, I didn't get the report until 5:00, and that was the third time in four weeks it was late (Specific Example). 比如说,上周五, 我没能在五点之前收到报表, 这已经是在四 周之内第三次延误了(具体例子) Finishing work on time is a must for a qualified assistant. 按时完成任务,是成为一个合格的助理的起码要求。(期望) So we were not able to adjust selling prices in time which will do harm to our sales (Result) 所以, 我们无法及时调整价格,我们的销售受到不利影响。 (结果) ________________________________________________________________________________

60 Positive Feedback: Example 积极型反馈实例
Recently you have been performing well (Behavior) 最近你的工作表现很好。 (行为) The survey reports you handed in for the past two months were very complete, accurate and helpful (Example) 这两个月你上交的市调报告非常全面、准确、有效。 (例子) We adjusted prices according to the reports and our sales have increased 15% over that of the first quarter (Result) 我们根据你作的报告调整了价格, 我们的销售比上个季度增长了15%。 (结果) If you keep performing well like this, you will soon become the best assistant (Expectation) 如果你一直这样努力的干下去,你会成为一名优秀的助理。 (期望) ________________________________________________________________________________

61 Coaching 指导 Communication Self Development Team Development Think of someone in your life - a teacher, parents, a friend - who was a good coach or mentor 回想在你生命中的某个人: 一位教师、父母亲、 朋友-谁给过您好的指导与反馈意见 What was good about that person? 这个人好在哪里? What did they do? 他们是怎么做的? How did you feel? 您的感觉如何 How did you respond? 您的反应如何?

62 What Does TEAM Mean? 团队的含义
Together 共同 Each 每人 Achieve 实现 More 更多

63 Conditions For Team Success 团队成功的条件
Shared Vision 目标一致 Understanding of the Team 团队互相理解 (责任明确) Communication 沟通 Strong Leadership 强而有力的领导 Involve the Right People to Ensure Commitment 选择适合的团队成员 Experienced Help Where Necessary 互助合作 Here we do the lifting person exercise. One trainee lies on the table and other trainees lift the person each up using only two fingers. After the exercise, debrief the meaning of the exercise.

64 What Motivates People ? 什么能够激励人?
Communication Self Development Team Development What Motivates People ? 什么能够激励人? Need for Affiliation 归属需要 Need for Power 权力需要 Need for Achievement 成就需要 Discuss what motivates people. There are many motivators other than money. Different people are motivated by different motivators. Sales Managers should make good use of the resources that they have to motivate their employees Note: Do not give too much at a time, because people forget very soon 注意:一次不要给得太多,因为人们忘得很快

65 Respect of Company Policy 遵照公司政策
To Motivate 激励 Communication Self Development Team Development Energy Created Through Motivation 激励所产生的能量 Motivation 激励 No Motivation 没有激励 Honest 诚实 Enjoyment 乐趣 No Enjoyment 没有乐趣 { } _ _ + + Confidence 自信 No Confidence 不自信 Respect of Company Policy 遵照公司政策 Performance 业绩 No Performance 无业绩 Promotion 提升 Resignation 辞职 26

66 "聪明"目标 SMART Objective SMART Specific 具体 Measurable 可衡量
Achievable (Controllable) 可实现(控制) Results-Oriented (Output) 以结果为导向(输出) Time-Based (Deadline) 以时间为基础(限期) SMART Before showing this slide, do the throwing paper ball exercise. After showing the example of smart goals, have trainees make smart goals for their departments.

67 Goals without SMART 非聪明目标
SMART Goals 聪明目标 Goals without SMART 非聪明目标 Increase turnover 提高营业额 Train more employees 培训更多的员工 Goals with SMART 聪明目标 In the last quarter of 2000 My department will increase turnover by at least 5% over the same period last year 年第四季度,跟去年同期相 比,提高营业额 5%。 By the end of November , I will have two employees trained on how to use Pacific Four. 到十一底,教会两个员工如何使 用 Pacific Four

68 Self Management and Development 自我管理和发展
Communication Self Development Team Development Self Management and Development 自我管理和发展 Time management 时间管理 Anticipation (Planning) 预见 Start the time management section with the case study “ A day of Sales Manager Li) Sales Manager Li’s mistakes in time management No anticipation No schedule No delegation No Priority

69 Work Smarter, Not Harder! 蛮干不如巧干!
Communication Self Development Team Development Time Declaration 时间宣言 Today, A Catch of the Business World Is: 当今企业界脍炙人口的一个口号是: Work Smarter, Not Harder! 蛮干不如巧干! Time Is Money 时间就是金钱

70 Sources of Stress 时间紧迫的原因
Communication Self Development Team Development Concept of Time 缺乏时间概念 Not enough delegation 缺乏授权 Lack of Scheduling 缺乏计划(短期) Lack of Planning 缺乏计划(长期)

71 To Anticipate To Anticipate Events To Anticipates Is: To Be Creative
Communication Self Development Team Development To Anticipate Events To Anticipates Is: To Be Creative To Use a Good Strategy To Choose the Right Promotion at the Right Time To Have Good Business Sense To Prepare My Team for an Action To Anticipate: Means We Have To Forecast New Projects 24

72 预见 对特殊事件或活动的预见 预见是指: 有创造性 运用适当的策略 在适当的时间选择适当的促销方案 有良好的商业意识 为我的团队准备行动方案
Communication Self Development Team Development 预见 对特殊事件或活动的预见 预见是指: 有创造性 运用适当的策略 在适当的时间选择适当的促销方案 有良好的商业意识 为我的团队准备行动方案 预见是指:必须对新项目进行预测

73 ? Anticipate 预见 Ask Your self: 问你自己:
Communication Self Development Team Development Anticipate 预见 Ask Your self: 问你自己: What will be selling well in the coming six months 接下来六个月,什么单品会畅销 What might not be selling well in the coming six months 接下来六个月,什么单品应该清仓 What can I/my team do to prepare for the upcoming busy period (big promotion event, festival)? 为即将到来的繁忙季节(大型促销活动),我和我的团队现在能做些什么准备工作 What might go wrong in my department and what can I do now to prevent it? 我的部门可能会出现什么问题,我如何应对

74 Prioritizing 轻重缓急 1 3 2 4 Important 重要 Not Important 不重要 Urgent 紧急
Communication Self Development Team Development Prioritizing 轻重缓急 Important 重要 Not Important 不重要 Urgent 紧急 1 3 After explaining this matrix, do the Priority Case Studies. Not Urgent 不紧急 2 4

75 Effective Planning Tools 有效的计划工具
Communication Self Development Team Development Effective Planning Tools 有效的计划工具 Calendar 月历 (每日,每周,每月) Daily to Do List 每日工作清单

76 Appointment Calendar 工作月历
Communication Self Development Team Development Meetings & Events 会议和重要的节庆活动、大型促销 Major Projects [Allocation of Time Block] 主要项目〖整段时间的分配〗 Monthly appointment List 每月会见计划 Deadlines 期限 2000

77 interview candidates 14:00- 15:00
Days off Promotion proposal Days off Finish TG schedule for November Days off Sales Manager Training Days off

78 促销报告 完成11月份的TG安排表 课长会议 面试两位应聘人 14:00- 15:00 休息日 休息日 休息日 休息日
After showing the example, have trainees do a calendar

79 每日工作清单 Daily To Do List Sources 来源 Immediate Tasks 眼下紧迫任务
Communication Self Development Team Development Sources 来源 Immediate Tasks 眼下紧迫任务 Calendar Items 月历项目 Based on Degree of Importance in Relation to One's Life/Business Goals 依据各人生活、工作目标的重要性程序

80 Daily To Do List 每日工作清单 Prioritized (A, B, C,) 按 轻重缓急 顺序进行排列
Communication Self Development Team Development Prioritized (A, B, C,) 按 轻重缓急 顺序进行排列 Sequenced (A1, A2, A3,) 对每项工作内容进行有序的排列 Control Time for the Day 掌握当天的时间 Visually Prominent 放在显眼的位置 Cross Through as Complete Tasks [also Cross Through on Master Task List] 完成一项任务后将其从清单中删除 〖同时将其从所有任务清单中删除〗 Review Progress at End of Day 检查当天任务完成的情况 Make Plan for Next Day! 制定第二天的计划

81 Daily to Do List 每日工作清单 Date: 日期:10/3 User 使用人:Wang Jun

82 Daily to Do List 每日工作清单 Date: 日期:10/3 User 使用人:Wang Jun
After showing the example, have trainees do their Daily To Do List for tomorrow

83 How To Deal With Interruptions 如何处理干扰
Communication Self Development Team Development Dealing with Interruptions-Strategies 处理干扰的策略 Phone Calls 电话访谈 Dropper-inners and Unscheduled Meetings 来访者和不定期的会议 Crisis 危机 Paper and Messy Desks 文稿和杂乱的办公桌 Keep Your Task List Prominent 把任务清单放在比较显眼的位置

84 Paretoll's Eighty-Twenty Principle 帕特雷80/20原理(或八/二分成法)
Communication Self Development Team Development Time Analysis 时间运用分析 Time 用时 Results 收效 20% 80% 80% 20% Paretoll's Eighty-Twenty Principle 帕特雷80/20原理(或八/二分成法)

85 Time Analysis 时间运用分析 Study your Calendar and Daily to Do List and Consider: 研究你的工作月历和每日工作清单,考虑: When is the best time to do some planning? 什么时段最好是用来做一些计划性的工作? TG schedule, Promotion Events, Market Survey? TG计划表、促销活动、市场调查? When is the best time to do some paper work such as writing reports? 什么时段最好是用来做一些文牍工作,如写报告? When is the best time to meet with suppliers? 什么时段最好是用来跟供应商面谈? When is the best time to do financial work? 什么时段最好是用来做财务性的工作? Calculation, Analysis, Checking financial documents? 计算、分析、检查财务票据? When is the time you have to stay in the store? 什么时段你必须待在卖场里?

86 Action Planning: A Better Way 制定行动计划:一个更为有效的方法
Who Will Do What by When? 谁、到何时、做什么? A Plan for Monitoring and Reporting Progress 制定监控和汇报进展情况的计划

87 Action Planning Worksheet 行动计划工作单
Project项目: ____________________________________ Date日期: ___________ Pages页数: ______ Action Plan 行动计划 Risk Management Plan 风险管理计划 Step Who Will do What by When Possible Prob. Cont. Action Who Responsibility. 步骤 实施人员 将做什么 至何时 可能的问题 应急措施 实施人员 ___ ________ ___________________________ ________ ____________ ____________ ___________ Reporting Time Reporting Location Team Coordinator Team Members 报告时间:___________ 报告地点:___________ 小组协调人:__________ 小组成员:____________________________

88 Action Planning Worksheet 行动计划工作单
Project:项目 开店 Date日期: ___________ Pages页数: ______ Action Plan行动计划 Risk Management Plan风险管理计划 Step Who Will do What by When Possible Prob. Cont. Action Who Resp. 步骤 实施人员 将做什么 至何时 可能的问题 应急措施 实施人员 ___ ________ ___________________________ ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___ ________ ___________________________ ________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ ________ ___________________________ ________ ____________ ____________ ___________ 1 供应商 安装货架 11/08 延误 加班 2 收样 10/20-11/08 延误 加班 团队/收货处/保安 设计排面 3 主管/助理/谈判员 11/1-11/17 没问题 安装设备 12/05 延误 加班 4 工程部/团队 5 团队/清洁公司 清洁 12/07 不干净 清洁公司 6 助理/谈判员/主管 订货 11/11-11/25 没问题 收货 11/12-12/07 仓库没有准备好 暂时存放在卖场里 7 收货处/理货员 上架 8 团队 11/12-12/07 团队 贴价格标签 9 12/01 10 销售主管及助理 最终价格市调 12/08 Reporting Time Reporting Location Team Coordinator Team Members 报告时间:___________ 报告地点:___________ 小组协调人:__________ 小组成员:____________________________

89 Monitoring & Reporting Progress 监控和汇报进展情况
Report what was supposed to happen 汇报应该发生的事情 Report what actually did happen 汇报实际发生的事情 Report any problems that have arisen 汇报已经产生的所有问题 Summarize the revised action plan 总结修改过的行动计划

90 Common Action Planning Errors 制定行动计划时常见的错误
Failure to Assign Responsibility (Who) 没有分配具体的职责(谁) Failure to Identify All Significant Action Steps in Sufficient Detail (What ) 没有详细地确定所有重要行动步骤(什么) Failure to Specify Timing (When) 没有确定具体时间(何时) Failure to Allow Enough Time 没有给予充足的时间 Failure to Allocate Necessary Resources 没有配给必要的资源 Failure to Sufficiently Monitor Progress 没能有效地监控进展情况

91 Failure To Allow Enough Time 没有给予充足的时间
Murphy's Law 默菲定律 Optimistic Estimates of Task Duration 乐观地估计完成任务所需的时间 Failure to Consider Action Step Dependencies 没有考虑行动步骤的关联性 Failure to Maximize Parallel Actions 没有制定更多的同步行动

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