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Spectrum 新思维综合英语(1) Unit 3

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1 Spectrum 新思维综合英语(1) Unit 3
SHTVU Spectrum 新思维综合英语(1) Unit 3

2 Learning objectives Language
Give an opinion 表达看法 1 Talk about plans 如何谈论计划 2 Talk about things you have done and haven’t done 谈论做过和未做过的事情 3 Make suggestions 如何提建议 4 Company Logo

3 Learning objectives Grammar
The present perfect: negative statements 现在完成时:否定 1 The present perfect with already, never and not… yet 含有 already, never 或not… yet 的现在完成时 2 The present perfect vs. the simple past tense 现在完成时与一般过去时 3 might and might not might 和 might not 4 Company Logo

4 Preview Continue the conversation
Are you going to be around this weekend? 你这个周末在吗(不出城吧) ? How would Bob ask Carol’s opinion? How do you like it? What do you think of it? Carol’s answer? (good or bad) - It is great. / I really enjoy it. - I don’t like it. / It is awful. How would Carol suggest someone else that Bob can invite? - Why don’t you ask Jane to go with you. I’m sure she’ll like it. Company Logo

5 Preview Words about entertainment
concert 音乐会: jazz 爵士乐;rock摇滚;pop (popular) 流 行乐; rap 说唱;R & B 节奏布鲁斯; country 乡村乐; classic 古典乐; movie / film电影: romance 言情片; comedy喜剧片; action 动作片 thriller 惊险片; science fiction科幻片; horror film 恐怖片 TV programs电视: TV series电视系列片; TV serial 电视连 续剧; soap opera肥皂剧; animated cartoon动画片; feature programme专题片; variety show综艺节目; comic sketch小品; news 新闻; sports 体育; Company Logo

6 Preview Words about entertainment other activities 其他活动:
get together 聚会; go dancing 去跳舞; go to Picasso exhibit 去看毕加索的展览; go to a restaurant; go to the theatre / watch a play 看戏剧; go to the circus 去看马戏; go to the museum 去博物馆; see a tea ceremony 看茶道; visit Tokyo Tower 参观东京塔;take a ride on the bullet train 乘坐高铁;see a Kabuki play/ performance 歌舞伎表演; go to a sumo match 去看相扑比赛;have sushi / sashimi吃寿司/ 生鱼片 Company Logo

7 Lesson 16 Language points Dialogue A get together 相聚,聚会
When can we get together? 我们什么时候聚会? 而get-together (中间有连字符),名词,“聚会”的意思。如:We are going to have a get-together tomorrow evening. Would you like to join us? Anything exciting going on this weekend, Janet?这句话前省略了Is there…,相当于 Is there anything exciting going on this weekend, Janet? / Any news? / Anything up? …  going on 是个 –ing 结构,表示某事正在发生或进行。如:What's going on there? Company Logo

8 Lesson 16 Language points
表示星期几、或者星期几的上、下午、晚上,一般用介词 on, 如 on Monday, on Thursday afternoon, on the weekend. “周末”前也可以用 at, 如:at weekend,只是前没有 the . in town 在市区,在城里,这个用法有点象 at home, 名词前不用冠词。in the suburbs 在郊区。 hear of 听说;得知 I've never heard of anyone doing that. 我从未听说有人做那种事。 Who's he?--I've never heard of him. 他是谁?──我从没听说过他。 Company Logo

9 Lesson 16 Language points
现在完成时由“ have / has (not)+ 动词过去分词” 构成。现在完成时往往会跟 already, yet 等一起使用。如:   He has (already) finished the task.   I haven't finished my homework yet. “ must + 动词原形” 表示对现在事情或状态很肯定地推断、猜测。You must be the new waitress. (Unit 2) cost a fortune, 非常昂贵。 La Dolce Vita 《露滴牡丹开》,又名《甜蜜的生活》,是由Federico Fellini 在1960 导演的一部有名的电影,故事围绕一位对工作和爱情都不满足的记者展开,讲述了他探索生活真实意义的过程。 Company Logo

10 Lesson 16 Language points
be supposed to 应该 It's supposed to …常常用来表示某事本来应该是怎样的,大家认为应该是什么样子。如:It's supposed to be fine and clear today, but it changes so quickly. 本来说是个晴朗的天气的,这不,很快就变天了。 You are supposed to finish your homework before Wednesday. 你们应该在星期三之前完成作业。 Why don't …? 表示提出建议。如: Why don't you go and see if he is in the classroom? 你为什么不去看看他是不是在教室里呢?   建议某人做某事的表达法: Would you like to…? Shall we …? May I suggest …? Company Logo

11 Lesson 16 Language points
表示时间的名词常常可以直接做状语,如: I just saw it the night before last . 前天晚上。类似的用法还有 the day before yesterday 前天 , the week before last 上上个星期, the day after tomorrow 后天, the week after next 下下个星期。 Dialogue B Fine with me. = I agree with that . 我没意见/ 我同意。 I’ve got to go now. = I have to go now. 我不得不走了。 have got = have Dialogue C Are you free on Saturday night? 你星期六晚上是不是有空?Are you free …? 相当于 Have you got time…? 刚才提到,星期几前一般用介词 on. Company Logo

12 Lesson 16 Language points
might (not) 也许;或许;可能 情态动词might 表示的可能性比may 要小。如: John may visit us when he is in town. 可能来看我们 (50% 的可能性)。 John might visit us when he is in town. 可能来看我们 (小于50% 的可能性)。 I might not go to the party tomorrow. 我明天可能不去参加派对。 几个表示可能性的副词: definitely   certainly   probably   possibly 100%     90%以上   70~90%    50~70% Company Logo

13 Lesson 16 Language points
I thought you might want to come. 这句话用了think的过去式thought,有“原来以为,本来认为”的意思,说明说话人现在已经不这样想了。 think of 考虑;思考 We are thinking of going to France . 我们考虑到法国去。 for sure, 的确,确实。相当于definitely, certainly. Are you saying you are going to the Great Wall for sure? 你是说你们确定要去长城吗? 象go see 这样的由 go 直接加动词原形的用法是典型的美语。英式英语中则会用 go to see… Company Logo

14 Lesson 20 Focus Questions
1. What is one of the ladies going to do soon? And what is the other going to do the next day?  One is going out with Chuck, probably to see a movie; the other is probably going shopping the next day. 2. When does Laura need to meet Chuck?  At seven. 3. Does Wendy like Psycho ?  She doesn't. (Personally I don't, she says.) Company Logo

15 Lesson 20 Language points
make up one's mind 下定决心,打定主意。如:I haven't made up my mind yet about where to go for lunch. 我还没决定去哪儿吃午饭呢。 Citizen Kane 《公民凯恩》是1941年由奥逊· 威尔斯(Orson Welles)编剧并导演的。Psycho 《精神病患者》,阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)1960年执导的一部影片。 fantastic, 好极了,棒极了。意思相当于 terrific, wonderful, splendid, excellent等。英语对话过程中,听话者在听到对方谈到什么自己感兴趣或自己认为很有意义的事情时,往往要说一些句子如It's terrific, wonderful, marvellous …等来表示自己对所说的内容感兴趣,表示赞赏。 Company Logo

16 Lesson 22 Language points
在介绍人物背景的时候,由于是介绍他们过去的经历,文章中经常用到一般过去时,如:He ran away…; He had to return …; He used sound and camera…; 而在评论几位导演的电影特色时由于不受时空限制,所以用一般现在时。如:Fellini is known for combining realism and fantasy…; Many of Hitchcock's movies are about innocent people…; His films mix together the old and new… ran away, 突然离开,出走;逃跑。如:Kate ran away from home at the age of thirteen. Kate 十三岁时离家出走过。That man somehow managed to run away from the prison. 那个人不知怎么竟然从监狱里逃跑了 Company Logo

17 Lesson 22 Language points
return 返回;归还。后面跟介词to表示返回到什么地方。如:Did you return the book to the library? influence 动词,产生影响。I was deeply influenced by my first teacher in school. Influence 也可以用作名词,上句也可以改成 My first English teacher had a great influence on me。 autobiographical 自传的, autobiography, 自传。biographical, 传记的, biography, 传记。 Company Logo

18 Lesson 22 Language points
 Fellini is known for combining realism and fantasy, often making up the story as he goes along. 费里尼以现实和幻想的完美结合而著名,常常是一边拍摄一边构思他的故事。 be known for 相当于 famous for 以……而出名。如:Beijing is known / famous for many historical sites of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, The Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, etc. 北京以许多名胜古迹而闻名,如,长城、故宫、颐和园、天坛等。 Company Logo

19 Lesson 22 Language points
 combining realism and fantasy,将幻想与现实相结合。Combine 常常跟 with 一起使用,combine (…) with… 结合;联合。如:We can't always combine work with pleasure, so sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves to some degree. 由于往往不能将工作与乐趣相结合, 有时在一定程度上我们就不得不做些牺牲了。 make up 编造,构思。Xiao Li always makes up different stories if he is late in class. 小李上课迟到时总是编造不同的借口。 go along, 行进;进行,进展,继续。如:I went along to the library. 我走到图书馆。– How is everything? – It is going along smoothly.怎么样?进展很顺利。 Company Logo

20 Lesson 22 Language points
master of suspense, 悬念大师。 master 师傅、大师,如: master of literature 文学大师 , master of modern arts 现代艺术大师。 master 还可以用做名词修饰语,表示“熟练技工、能手”。如: He is a master carpenter / technician. 他是一位木工能手(技术能手)。 Many of them are about innocent people who get into trouble and can‘t seem to escape. 他的很多电影都是关于无辜的人陷入困境而无法摆脱的故事。 Innocent 清白的,无辜的,无罪的;头脑简单的,天真无邪的。Terrorism kills innocent people. 恐怖主义残害无辜的人民。Don't be so innocent as to believe everything you hear. 不要那么头脑简单,听到什么就相信什么。 Company Logo

21 Lesson 22 Language points
get into trouble 招惹麻烦。如:The kids in the Johnson‘s family can sometimes get into big trouble . Johnson 家的那些孩子有时会惹很大麻烦。  Heighten 加强、加剧。The atmosphere was heightened when the man broke into the room. 那个人闯进房间里的时候,气氛很紧张。 feeling of panic 恐慌、恐惧,惊慌。Panic 既可以做名词,也可以做动词。There is always danger of a panic when the theater catches fire. 当剧院着火的时候,总是会引起极大的恐慌。Don't panic! There is no danger! 不要惊慌!没有危险! Company Logo

22 Lesson 22 Language points
enjoy, 欣赏,喜欢。Enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。He enjoyed watching the movie last night. 昨晚他很喜欢看那部电影。 become / be known throughout the world / the country 举世 / 国闻名。如:The five Super Girls are known throughout the country nowadays. 那五个超女现在全国闻名了。 the first (person) to do something,第一个做某事的人。如:The policeman was the first to enter the room after someone was found dead in it. 自从发现一具死尸后,这位警察是第一个踏进这个房间的人。 Company Logo

23 Lesson 22 Language points
mix 混在一起,混合。The doctor mixed a bottle of medicine for me. 医生给我配了一瓶药。Oil and water don't mix. 油和水不相混合。也可以说成 mix something with / and something else . 如:You can't mix oil with water. 你不能把油和水混合在一起。To make steamed buns, first, you mix flour and water. 做馒头的时候,你先要把面粉和水混合在一起。 Influence 影响,既可以用做名词也可以用做动词,形容词形式是influential(有影响力的)。 One can't avoid the influence from one's parents. 一个人很难避免自来父母的影响。He is greatly influenced by the novels he has read. 他受到读过的小说的很大影响。Nancy is the most influential woman in his whole life. Nancy 是对他一生影响最大的女人。 Company Logo

24 Lesson 22 Language points
Hollywood 好莱坞,美国著名电影胜地。Western 本来是“西部的”意思,这里指“西部片”。 几个关于电影种类的词语:Action movies动作片,tragedy悲剧,comedy 喜剧,horror movies恐怖片。 considered by some film historians to be the greatest movie ever made, it is famous for unusual sound and camera techniques. 电影史学家认为这部电影(《公民凯恩》)是有史以来最伟大的电影,它以不同寻常的声音和摄像技术而闻名于世。considered by some film historians to be the greatest movie ever made 是个过去分词短语用做状语。Considered to be …被认为是……。She is considered to be the most hardworking in the office. 她被认为是办公室最努力工作的人。 Company Logo

25 Lesson 22 Language points
be famous for 因……而闻名。Beijing is famous for the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and many other historical sites. 北京以长城、故宫和很多其他历史名胜而闻名。 to raise money, 筹集资金。They are planning to raise money for the project nationwide. 他们计划在全国范围内筹集资金。Nationwide 国家范围内。 Company Logo

26 Review phrases 短语或词组 cost a fortune, 代价昂贵 be supposed to do, 应该做某事
get together, 聚会 think of, 想到,考虑到 for sure, 确定,确信 get ready, 做好准备 make up one's mind, 下定决心 run away, 逃跑,跑掉 return to, 返回 get into trouble, 陷入麻烦 enjoy doing sth, 喜欢做某事 throughout the world, 遍及世界各地 mix… and / with…, 把……与……混淆,搅和在一起 be famous for, 以……而闻名 Company Logo

27 Assignment recite all the dialogues in lesson 16.
recites all the words in Unit 3 in the Study Guide. sort out and recite the functional language of How to give an opinion 如何阐述观点 How to talk about plans 如何谈论计划 How to talk about things you've done or haven't done 谈论已做或未做的事情 How to make suggestions 如何提出建议 do the exercises in your exercise book. Company Logo

28 Review Functional language
How to give an opinion  - Was it any good? - I thought so. / I didn’t think so - What did you think of it? / How did you like it?/ How was it? - I enjoyed it a lot./ I thought it was very good./ I didn’t like it at all. I’ve heard it’s not that great. It supposed to be excellent. 如何阐述观点 - (某一事物)好吗? - 我觉得好。 / 我觉得不好。 - 你认为怎么样? / 怎么样? - 我非常喜欢。/我觉得很好。/我一 点也不喜欢。 我听说没有那么好。 据说很出色。 Company Logo

29 Review Functional language
How to talk about plans Some of us are getting together Saturday night. We’re thinking of going to Picasso exhibit. How to talk about things you‘ve done or haven’t done  I haven’t seen it yet. I’ve already seen it. I’ve never heard of it. 如何谈论计划 我们一些人星期六晚上打算聚会。 我们考虑要去毕加索展览。 谈论已做或未做的事情 我还没看。 我已经看了。 我从来每听说过它。 Company Logo

30 Review Functional language
如何提出建议 - 你为什么不在 Orpheum看那一场新 戏呢? 为什么不加入我们呢? 为什么不和我们一起去呢? 你想加入我们吗? - 当然,我非常愿意。 我想去,但是我可能要上班/可能 有其他的安排/可能会不在市里/ 可能没空. How to make suggestions  - Why don’t you see the new play at the Orpheum? Why don’t you join us? Why don’t you come with us? Do you want to join us? - Sure, I’d love to. I’d like to, but I might have to work/ might have other plans/ might be out of town/ might not be in town/ might not be free. Company Logo

31 Thank You !

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