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Addition & Omission in Translation

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1 Addition & Omission in Translation
第七章 增补与省略 Addition & Omission in Translation 退出

2 第七章重点 第七章 增补与省略 7.1 增补译法 7.2 省略译法 7.1.1 译形容词时增加程度副词 7.1.2 译抽象名词时增加具体名词
7.1.3 译抽象名词时增加另一个抽象名词 7.1.4 译名词复数时增加表示门类、数量概念的词 7.1.5 补译省略部分 7.1.6 补译替代部分 7.1.7 补译解释说明 7.1.8 根据语气增词 7.1.9 根据语境增词 根据逻辑修辞增词 7.2 省略译法 7.2.1 冠词的省译 7.2.2 代词的省译 7.2.3 名词的省译 7.2.4 动词或系动词的省译 7.2.5 介词的省译 7.2.6 连词的省译 7.2.7 短语或句子的省译 第七章重点 课堂互动1课堂互动2课堂互动3课堂互动4课堂互动5 课堂互动6 课堂互动7 第七章综合练习及参考答案 综合练习1 综合练习2 综合练习3 --end 退出

3 第七章 增补与省略 Addition & Omission in Translation

4 比如:——What kind of money do girls like the most ?
——Matrimony. 若译作:“——姑娘们喜欢什么样的钱?” “——婚姻”。 这样的译文并不是原文所要表达的意思。 运用增补译法进行改译: “——姑娘们喜欢什么样的钱,美元还是日元?” “——良缘。” 修改后的译文增加了“美元还是日元”,这样正好和“良缘”(matrimony)的 “缘” 谐音,产生了歇后语的修辞效果,读起来朗朗上口、立显幽默滑稽之感。

5 增词减词译法就是在翻译过程中增加或减少词的一种翻译方法。不管增词还是减词,其原则是增词不增意,减词不减意。其目的是使译文更加通顺流畅, 明白易懂,使译文更加忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯。

6 7. 1 增补译法 (Proper Addition in Translation)

7 例1:The park is beautiful.
译形容词时增加程度副词 翻译形容词时前面可加上一个表示程度的副词如 “比较、非常、十分、实在、相当”等来修饰,像汉语的偏正结构。但这些词并不起强调或加强语气的作用,也没有比较关系,只起缓和或协调语气的作用。 例1:The park is beautiful. 【译文】这公园美(很美, 非常美,十分美,相当美)。 【解析】至于“美” “很美”“ 非常美”“十分美”在意思上并无太多出入,这里的“很” “ 非常”“十分”起缓和协调的作用,使语言流畅,并不表示后者“更美一些”或者前者稍“差一点”,而“相当美”则表示美的程度略高一些。

8 像这类形容词前加上“比较、非常、十分”等词并不表示比较级的概念,在讲话、朗读时语气要自然一些,读音不可拖长,音拖长了意思也就改变了。
例2:It is fitting that we should remember him on his birthday. 【译文】我们在他的诞辰之日来纪念他是比较合适的。 另如:suitable 适应→比较适应 warm 热情→非常热情 courageous 勇敢→非常勇敢 kind 善良→十分善良 lovely 可爱→十分可爱 witty 高明→实在高明 disgusting 讨厌→实在讨厌 satisfied 满意→相当满意

9 例1:It is enough to shatter complacency.
译抽象名词时增加具体名词 有些抽象名词,尤其是这个抽象名词是由动词转变而来,翻译时,其后再加上另一个名词来说明这个抽象名词,使其意义明确,译文合乎规范,像汉语的偏正结构。在抽象名词后常增加的名词是“状态、状况、情况、工作、过程、作用、现象、情绪、方式、方法、技巧、问题、部分、原因、化、方案、系统、部门……”等,但要视情况而定。 例1:It is enough to shatter complacency. 【译文】足以打破自满情绪。 【解析】增加附加性名词“情绪”,与“自满”相互补充,符合汉语表达。

10 例2: stillness 静止→静止状态 confusion 混乱→混乱局面 measurement 测量→测量方法 purification 净化→净化过程 repetition 重复→重复现象 management 管理→管理方式 calculation 计算→计算方法 accommodation 住宿→住宿问题 joint 连接→连接部分 saturation 饱和→饱和状态 preparation 准备→准备工作 remedies 补救→补救措施 modification 修改→修改方案

11 译抽象名词时增加另一个抽象名词 在抽象名词后面跟上另一个抽象名词来加强语气,强调说明前一个名词,两个名词互相解释,意义更加具体明白,像汉语的并列结构。 例1:Use your intelligence, and you're sure to achieve something. 【译文】发挥你的聪明才智, 你一定能取得成就。 例2:zealousness 热情→热情大方 thought 思想→思想意识 morality 道德→道德品质 pride 骄傲→骄傲自大 tediousness 枯燥→枯燥无味 contemptibility 卑鄙→卑鄙无耻 silence 沉默→沉默寡言 leisure 闲情→闲情逸致 calmness 坦然→坦然自若 cautiousness 谨慎→谨慎小心

12 译名词复数时增加表示门类、数量概念的词 可数名词是复数形式时,可根据具体情况增加表示门类、数量概念的词。这些概念词常是“们、一些、许多、这些、那些、各种、各类、各项、几个”等。 例1:We admire him for the way in which he faces his difficulties. 【译文】我们赞赏他面对各种困难的做法。 例2: activities 活动→各种活动 samples 样品→各种样品 types 型号→各种型号 problems 问题→这些问题 contradictions 矛盾→这些矛盾 books 书籍→各类书籍 sizes 尺寸→各类尺寸 contents 内容→各项内容 targets 指标→各项指标 circumstances 情况→种种情况 causes 原因→种种原因

13 补译省略部分 原文从自身的语言表达习惯和修辞的角度出发,为使语言简洁,避免重复而省掉了一个或几个词、词组。汉译时若如此照译,会使译文显得生硬,语法不通,语义不清。补译出原文所省略之词,会使译文意思清楚明确、生动有力,具有行文优美、结构完整之感。 例1:Besides food and blankets, they had mules, picks and pans. 【译文】除了带着食物和毯子之外,他们还牵着骡子,扛着铁锨,带着淘盘。 【解析】把“had”分别译成了“牵着”、“扛着”、“带着”,正好和后面的名词搭配起来,使表达更加完美。

14 例2:Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
(Francis Bacon: Of Studies) 【译文】读书可以培养一个完美的人,说话可以训练一个敏捷的人,而写作可以造就一个准确的人。 【解析】原文在“confidence”和“writing”之后均省略了动词“maketh”,译文增加动词,并与其后名词搭配译为“可以训练,可以造就”。

15 例3:The Chinese people still keep their conventional way to celebrate the Spring Festival; a whole family gathering on New Year’s Eve make dumplings and fire crackers. 【译文】中国人仍以传统的方式迎新春,除夕之夜全家人聚在一起包饺子、放鞭炮。 【解析】“make”与第一个宾语搭配,译为“包饺子”,与第二个宾语搭配译为“放鞭炮”,这样更符合汉语习惯。

16 例4:The three burglaries, three purse snatchings, one mugging, one robbery at knifepoint and one pocket-picking I have experienced since 1959 didn’t cost me much in money. 【译文】自1959年以来,我被盗三次,被抢钱包三次,被拦路打劫一次,被用刀子逼着抢劫一次,被掏包一次,但都没有损失多少钱。 【解析】把抽象名词“burglaries,snatchings,mugging,robbery,pocket-picking”分别译成动词,并增译“被”字和一些必要的词,使意义更加具体形象。

17 例5:Studies serve for delight, for ornament and, for ability
例5:Studies serve for delight, for ornament and, for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. (Francis Bacon: Of Studies) 【译文】读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博采也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。(王佐良译) 【解析】把介词“for”译为“足以”,重复三次;把“in”译为“最见于”,并重复两次译出,使译文句式结构完整并有韵味。

18 例1:Practically every river has an upper, a middle, and a lower part.
补充例句 例1:Practically every river has an upper, a middle, and a lower part. 【译文】但凡是河流都有上游、中游和下游。 例2:We won’t retreat; we never have and never will. 【译文】我们不后退,我们从来就没有后退过,我们将来也绝不后退。 【解析】英语原文“never have”和“never will”之后都省略了“retreat”,汉语补译出“后退”,使表达完整。

19 补充例句 例3:Presently there came a quivering glow that vaguely revealed the foliage for a moment and then vanished. By and by another came, a little stronger. Then another. (Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) 【译文】一会儿闪出一道颤动的亮光,隐约照亮了树上的枝叶,然后很快又消逝了。不一会儿,又是一道闪光,比前一次更亮些。然后又是一道。 【解析】“another”指“glow”,“a little stronger”还是指“glow”,英文省略,中文增补译出。

20 补充例句 例4: I had no outlook, but an uplook rather. My place in society was at the bottom. 【译文】我没有人生观,倒是有向上爬观,我处于社会的底层。 【解析】增加“有……的观”,与前面的“人生观”相一致,把隐义显化,使语言生动,具有幽默感。

21 补充例句 例5:This is largely a manifestation of strong black identity, forged from experience of extensive discrimination and a consequent rejection of the values of mainstream British society. 【译文】这主要表现了一种强烈的黑人个性,这种黑人个性是由他们普遍受歧视的经历以及随之而产生的对主流英国社会价值观念的否定态度而造成的。 【解析】“forged”的逻辑主语是“strong black identity”。把逻辑主语“这种黑人个性”重复补译,强调主语,使译文意义更加清楚,再次说明黑人的个性是由两种情况形成的,即“感到普遍受歧视”和“否定主流英国社会价值观念”。“consequent”意思是“随后的;作为结果(后果)的,随之发生的”,“consequent”所引起的结果是由前一件事造成的。

22 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意补译省略部分使句式结构完整
1.The purposes of his journey were both military and political. 2.Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming are at the same school; Xiao Fang in Class One, and Xiao Ming in Class Two. 3.Some of the gases in the air are fairly constant in amount, while others are not. 4.You may apply in person or by letter.

23 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意补译省略部分使句式结构完整
5.Some go only for one year, many for two, but never longer, unless the ship which is to bring them out cannot reach their base. (W. M. Smith: In the Antarctic) 6.He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. (William Thackeray: Vanity Fair)

24 补译替代部分 原文为了避免重复,常在表达中使用代词来代替前面出现的有关信息,英译汉时可重复补译出代词所代替的信息,这样使前后照应,表达一致。 例1:With September, comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the tree-tops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistle down across the valley and away. 【译文】九月来临,秋意渐浓。这秋的气息潜行于多雾的黎明,又消失于炽热的午后;踏着树梢,染红树叶,乘着丝丝蓟花绒毛,越过峡谷,飘然而去。 【解析】三句话,两次用到“it”,均指上文中的“a sense of autumn”。前者加译增补其“a sense of autumn”“这秋的气息”,使意义明确;后者省译,显得简洁干练。

25 例2:The moon seemed to sink, a crest reached and lost, and he watched it, catching the edge against the window, to try to hold it, but felt it pass. 【译文】月亮像要落了,碰到了一座山顶,又隐没了。他凝视着月亮,用手触摸着映在窗上的光边,想把它攥住,但是感到月亮从他手指缝里溜走了。 【解析】原文中“it”代替“the moon”出现三次,汉译时分别译出,并不显得罗嗦,反倒使表达完整。

26 例3:Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it.
【译文】知道时间的真正价值。才能争取每一刻,抓住每一刻,享受每一刻。 【解析】“snatch, seize,enjoy”的宾语都是“every moment of it”,重复译出“每一刻”符合原文的意义,信息完整, 而且具有强调作用,读起来也很有力量。

27 补充例句 例1:Water evaporates more rapidly when the temperature is higher than when it is low. 【译文】温度高,水蒸发得快;温度低,水蒸发得慢。 【解析】根据“温度高,水蒸发得快”这一点,那么,“when it is low”就是“温度低”,原文省去了“water evaporates slowly”,汉语增译“水蒸发得慢”也就很自然了。

28 补充例句 例2:Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. 【译文】时间被当作几乎实实在在的东西对待。我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、解释时间是怎么用的;我们还要因为花了时间而收取费用。 【解析】“it”代替“时间”,连用九次,第一个译为“实实在在的东西”,其余八个全都译成了“时间”。试想,如果把“it”译为“它”或省而不译,会变成什么样的汉语?

29 补充例句 例3: You cannot build a ship, a house, or a machine tool if you do not know how to make a design or how to read it. 【译文】如果不懂制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造成一条船,盖好一座房子或生产出一台机床来。 【解析】“it”代前面的“design”“图纸”,把代词译为名词,意义更加明确、形式更加完美。

30 1.—Did you enjoy your time in Nanjing? —Yes, I did.
课堂互动2: 翻译句子,注意补译替代部分使句意完整 1.—Did you enjoy your time in Nanjing? —Yes, I did. 2.—Is matter in constant motion and in constant change? —Yes, it is. 3.For errors had been made, bad ones. 4.I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.

31 补译解释说明 英译汉时若按字面译,读者往往看不明白译文的意思,甚至误解,如果增加一些必要的解释性文字,补充说明,完善表达,使译文在词的搭配上更加自然,表达更为明确,具有语义完整之美。 例1:I never told my love vocally; still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears. 【译文】我从没有把自个儿的爱情说出口,如果也能眉目也能传情,那么即便是白痴也能看出,我已沉溺在爱河里,都淹没了头顶。 【解析】这里表达的是爱情情感,所以把“if looks have language”译成了“如果眉目也能传情”、把“was over head and ears”译为“已经沉溺在爱河里,没了顶了”,完全根据情感、语境意译而出。

32 例2:“… and Frome, at each turn, caught sight of her laughing panting lips … and the dark eyes…”
【译文】她每一转身,弗洛美瞥见一下她笑着喘着的双唇……和那一双黝黑的眼珠……” 【解析】“lips”和“eyes”分别译作“双唇”“那双眼珠”。当然这并不是说,凡遇到“eyes”这类词就要加上“双”或“俩”,需要与否,还得视具体情况灵活掌握。比如“The girl’s cheeks burn to the breeze, and she could not look into his eyes…” “那个女孩的两颊在微风中红热滚烫,她不敢再看他的眼睛了…”,不译“双眼”反倒更合适。

33 【译文】四月里,全世界听到中国“乒”的一声把球打了出去;到了七月,美国“乓”的一声把球打了回来。
例3:In April, there was the “ping” heard around the world. In July, the ping “ponged”. 【译文】四月里,全世界听到中国“乒”的一声把球打了出去;到了七月,美国“乓”的一声把球打了回来。 【解析】原文中的“ping”是名词,既然全世界都听到,那么,毫无疑问“ping”是一种声音,即“全世界都听到了一种乒声”;“pong”是动词,作“乒”的谓语,说明“乒声”被“乓”了一声,译文就是“四月里,全世界听到乒声;到了七月,乒被乓了一下”,那人们根本就搞不懂是在说什么,是什么意思。其实这里说的是“乒乓外交”(ping-pang diplomacy),是“中美建交”的象征,指的是在一九七一年四月,中国邀请美国乒乓球代表团访华,打开了两国人民友好往来的大门,推动了中美两国关系和世界形势的发展,七二年尼克松访华,同年二月七日中美双方在上海发表了联合公报。根据这个历史背景,把第一句增译成“全世界听到中国“乒”的一声把球打了出去”,把第二句增译成“美国“乓”的一声把球打了回来”,用简单的乒乓球运动术语译出了两国重大关系的转变,其语气自然轻松,意义十分清楚。

34 例1:They went to Beijing by a Shanghai.
补充例句 例1:They went to Beijing by a Shanghai. 【译文】他们乘坐“上海”牌小轿车去了北京。 【解析】“Shanghai”是指“上海牌小轿车”不是“上海”。

35 例2:And a growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed.
补充例句 例2:And a growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed. 【译文】越来越多的西方知识分子当时接受这种看法,虽然从数量上说,他们仍然是少数。 【解析】这句话的翻译增加了一个“虽然”从句,不但打破了原文的语法结构,而且又将“growing minority”拆开分别译成“越来越多”但“数量上是少数”。

36 【译文】他的演说自始至终都带有爱尔兰人的风格:洋洋洒洒,妙语横生,有时则犀利尖刻。
补充例句 例3:His speech was Irish throughout,versatile,witty and occasionally pointed. 【译文】他的演说自始至终都带有爱尔兰人的风格:洋洋洒洒,妙语横生,有时则犀利尖刻。 【解析】把原句中的“throughout,versatile,witty,pointed”分别汉译成“自始至终,洋洋洒洒,妙语横生,犀利尖刻”四字成语,充分体现了汉语特点,又符合英语语境。

37 补充例句 例4: In literature, as in life, one of the fundamentals is to find, and be, one’s true self. One’s true self may indeed be unpleasant; but a false self, sooner or later, becomes disgusting—just as a nice plain woman, painted to the eyebrows, can become horrid. In writing, in the long run, pretense does not work. As the police put it, anything you say may be used as evidence against you. If handwriting reveals character, writing reveals it still more. You cannot fool your judges all the time. (钱歌川:《翻译的技巧》) 【译文】在文学中,也和在人生中一样,基本原理之一就是发现自我,乃至成为真正的自我。真正的自我诚然是令人不愉快的,但一个虚伪的自己迟早是会变得令人讨厌的——正好像一个丑陋的女人,涂脂抹粉,一直涂到眉毛以上去,也会变得可怕一样。在写作中假装毕竟也是行不通的。正如警察所说的,你说的任何一句话,都可能成为对你不利的证据。如果笔迹显示性格,写作显示的则更多。你不能始终愚弄所有的评判人呀。 【解析】“indeed”和后面的“but”呼应;“a plain woman”是一种比较委婉的含蓄表达,这里的“plain”就是“ugly”的意思;“in the long run”是个短语,意思是“终究;毕竟”。

38 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意补译替代部分使句意完整
1.He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life and death. 2.If one had but two heads and neither required sleep!(=It would be good if one had but two heads and neither required sleep!) 3.And the music of the pearl drifted to a whisper and disappeared.

39 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意补译替代部分使意完整
4.Saving is to an individual is what profit is to a business. /What saving is to an individual is what profit is to a business. 5.And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his army of the future.

40 根据语气增词 如果英语过于简短,照字面译,译文便显得生硬。出于行文考虑,英译汉时增加一些汉语的语气助词、强调性副词或重复词汇,使译文明白流畅,这种增词译法实际上是一种结构增词,主要是从汉语的句法结构考虑进行补译,体现译文的语义之美。 例1:“Good news, friends!” 【译文】“朋友们,报告大家一个好消息!” 【解析】只译“朋友们,好消息!”,固然也可以,但增译“报告大家一个”后,语气自然一些。

41 例2:What we saw was indeed a new China
例2:What we saw was indeed a new China. A country of well-dressed, clean, healthy, and happy people. 【译文】我们所看到的确实是一个新中国。一个人民衣着体面整洁、身体健康、生活幸福的国家。 【解析】原文中的形容词“well-dressed, clean, healthy, happy”作“people”的定语,原文只有四个词,汉语仍译成形容词“衣着体面整洁、身体健康、生活幸福的”作“country”的定语,带有歌颂赞美的语气,并把逗号译为顿号。

42 例3:It is well known that laughter has a tonic effect on the mind and body, suffusing the body with a feeling of well-being that few other activities are able to provide, refreshing, relieving, enlivening, and involving the whole body in its “happy convulsion”. (Ashley Montague: Why Are You Laughing?) 【译文】众所周知,笑具有健身作用,身心皆宜。它可以使人体充满一种幸福愉快的感觉。这是别的活动很少能达到的。笑可以使人精神为之一爽,消愁解闷,富于生气,还可以使整个人体在其“愉快的痉挛”中得到运动。 【解析】将四个作状语用的现在分词“refreshing, relieving, enlivening, and involving”分别译为“精神为之一爽,消愁解闷,富于生气,得到运动”的词组,使译文更加生动流畅、富有意义。

43 例1:Suppose it were so? (=Suppose it were so, what shall we do?)
补充例句 例1:Suppose it were so? (=Suppose it were so, what shall we do?) 【译文】假如果真如此,又该怎么办呢? 【解析】增译“又该怎么办呢”,使汉语译文更加符合习惯。

44 例2: He poured out his tale of misfortunes. 【译文】他滔滔不绝地诉说了自己的遭遇。
补充例句 例2: He poured out his tale of misfortunes. 【译文】他滔滔不绝地诉说了自己的遭遇。 【解析】增加副词“滔滔不绝地”,修饰动词“诉说”,使动作语气加重。

45 补充例句 例3:My dear Copperfield, she is, without any exception, the dearest girl! The way she manages this place, her punctuality, domestic knowledge, economy, and order, her cheerfulness, Coperfield! 【译文】我亲爱的科柏菲尔的确是位最可爱的姑娘!她把这里的一切料理的多好!她持家认真节俭,做事有条不紊,又精通家务事,整天价乐呵呵的,多好的科柏菲尔! 【解析】把名词“punctuality, knowledge, economy, order, cheerfulness”汉译成了形容词,又增加了一些解释性文字,使译文在内容上更加丰富,表达上更有意义,语气上更具有赞美之意。

46 根据语境增词 根据上下文、隐义语境的需要,增补语义上、结构上和修辞上所必须的词,这些词可以是动词、名词、形容词、副词、量词、范畴性词、概括性词、甚至句子等。所增加的这些词在原文中虽无其字但有其意,增词不增意。增译使译文表达更为清楚,语言通顺,前后连贯,逻辑严密,读起来更加顺口。 例1:There are teachers in plenty, but the teacher does not exist. 【译文】老师多的是,但真正的好老师却没有。 【解析】增加形容词“真正的”,加强语气。

47 例2:The speed and reliability are the chief advantage of the electronic computer.
【译文】运行速度快,可靠性高是电子计算机的主要优点。 【解析】增加了副词“快”和“高”,不但意义明确,而且有节奏感。

48 例3:When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man. (Oscar Wilde: The Model Millionaire) 【译文】休埃一进门就发现特里维正在最后润色一幅画。这画有真人那么大,画的是一个乞丐,画得可真好。

49 例4:Life centered around family and food.
【译文】生活的圈子就是自己的家,生活中主要关心的是如何填饱肚皮。 【解析】若按原文译成一句就是“生活以家庭和食物为中心”或“生活的中心是家庭和食物”,意思不够明白。把“life”与“center around family”译为一句,再把“life”与“food”译为另一句。前者指行为活动范围而增译“圈子”;后者指事情增译“关心,关怀”。分译起到了加强语气的作用。

50 例5:“In poverty, hunger, and dirt;
And still with a voice of dolorous pitch, Would that its tone could reach the rich! She sang this ‘Song of the Shirt’ !” (Thomas Hood: The Song of the Shirt) 【译文】“贫穷,饥饿,肮脏, 低唱衬衫歌, 音意何哀伤! 但愿此曲传入朱门与华堂!” 【解析】这里把“the rich”译成了“朱门与华堂”,用两个并列名词来加强语气,强调意义。“朱门”也好,“华堂”也好,都指“富人”“有钱人”。

51 例6:Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. (Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence) 【译文】当然,谨慎的心理会主宰人们的意识,使之认为不应该为了某些轻微的、暂时的原因而把建立已久的政府更换;而且过去的经验也都表明,只要政府的罪恶尚可容忍,人们总是宁愿默然忍受,而不愿废除他们久已习惯的政府形式以恢复他们自己的权利。 【解析】把“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that…”加词加意译为“当然,谨慎的心理会主宰人们的意识,使之认为……”,在“governments”和“experience”前加词译为“政府的罪恶”和“过去的经验”,把“than to right themselves”引申扩充译为“而不愿恢复他们自己的权利”,此处的“than”相当于“rather than”而译为“而不愿”。这完全是根据上下文的意义和表达需要而增译。

52 例1:God knows what their fate will be, but I can guess.
补充例句 例1:God knows what their fate will be, but I can guess. 【译文】天晓得他们的命运将如何,可我能猜出几分。 【解析】增加概括性副词“出几分”,表示程度。 例2:As early as the second session, he became convinced that Nixon’s outward self-confidence masked repression. 【译文】早在与尼克松第二次见面时,他就确信尼克松外表上的自信掩盖着情绪上的压抑。 【解析】增加形容词“情绪上的”,修饰中心词“压抑”,使所受压抑的方面更具体。

53 补充例句 例3: The business of her (Mrs Bernnet’s) life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news. (Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice) 【译文】她(班纳特夫人)生平的大事就是嫁女儿;她生平的安慰就是拜客访友和打听新闻。 【解析】把“visiting”译为“拜客访友”,把“news”译为“打听消息”,与“solace”协调搭配,意义明确。

54 例4: At the meeting he made a speech—eloquent and energetic.
补充例句 例4: At the meeting he made a speech—eloquent and energetic. 【译文】他在会上发表了讲话——很动听——很有力。 【解析】增加副词,自然流畅,有音韵节奏感。原文中的破折号“——” 具有强调之意,所以加译“很”,完全符合原意。

55 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意增词 1.People in the square melted away. 2.This is the drink of hot weather. 3.He was weak and old.

56 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意增词 4.The advantages of the hall are bright, spacious, fashionable and without echo. 5.Mr Linton was not far behind; he opened the gate himself and sauntered slowly up, probably enjoying the lovely afternoon that breathed as soft summer. (Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights)

57 根据逻辑修辞增词 如果是无生命名词作主语,可译成状语从句,增词可使译文意思更加清楚,结构更加完整,逻辑关系明确。这类句子汉译时,常用汉语的条件复合句“只要……就……”,“由于……”,“因……而”,主语改用“你(们)”“我(们)”等,其谓语动词常用 “make, enable, prevent, lead to, cause, show, bring about” 等。有时候译文从语法的角度看并没有什么不对,但读起来总有点令人不舒服的感觉。这时可考虑在不改变原文意思的情况下,适当地增加几个词语,以满足译文修辞的需要。这样既能使译文传达原文的语气,又能使译文具有文采,修辞漂亮,富于美感。

58 例1:This medicine will make you feel better.
【译文】你吃了这药就会好些。 【解析】增译“你”“就会”,译文显得更加通顺自然一些,结构完美。 例2:With determination, with luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes. 【译文】凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多善良人们的帮助,我终于重整旗鼓。

59 例3:My first quarter at Lowood seemed an age, and not the golden age either; it comprised an irksome struggle with difficulties in habituating myself to new rules and unwonted tasks. The fear of failure in these points harassed me worse than the physical hardships of my lot, though these were no trifles. (Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre) 【译文】我在劳渥德的第一个季度似乎有一年那么长,而且还不是黄金时期。在这一个季度里,我得作种种令人厌烦的斗争,来克服困难,使自己习惯于新的规则、陌生的工作。我一直担心,怕在这些方面出什么差错,这可比命中注定要我身受的艰苦,更叫我苦恼,虽说艰苦也并不是小事。 【解析】原文中有四个无生命名词主语,“quarter, it(=quarter),fear, these(=hardships) ”, 把“it ”在这里译为“在这一个季度里,我……”,把“the fear”译为“我一直担心,怕……”,增译“我”使译文更加自然。

60 例4:All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books … 【译文】古往今来人类的一切智慧结晶、数百年来人们津津乐道的那些故事传奇,我们都可以轻而易举地从书籍中获得。

61 例5:Competence, Concentration, Comprehension, Conscientiousness, Clarity, Courtesy.

62 例1:Your refusal to come might offend others.
补充例句 例1:Your refusal to come might offend others. 【译文】你如果不来就会得罪人。 【解析】增译“如果…就…”,译文表达自然,语句结构完美。 例2:Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. 【译文】只要仔细把他们比较一下,你就会发现不同之处。 【解析】若把“comparison”译为主语,译文便是“仔细的比 较将告诉你它们的不同之处”,显然过分拘泥于原文,不够自然,若汉译成“只要…就…,由于…”的条件复合句,再用“you”做主语则更符合汉语习惯。

63 例4:He was a patriotic, adventurous and romantic writer.
补充例句 例3:To many Americans, China is still a faraway place—unknown, unseen, and fascinating. 【译文】今天,仍然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知,令人心驰神往。 【解析】增译成汉语成语,适当巧妙地运用成语,不损害原义,又增强修辞效果,还使观点鲜明。 例4:He was a patriotic, adventurous and romantic writer. 【译文】他是一个具有爱国热情、探索精神和浪漫风格的作家。

64 补充例句 例5:China now is awakening, and it may soon move the world. Exotic, mysterious, fascinating China from time immemorial has tantalized the imagination of Western man. (Richard M. Nixon: The Awakening Giant) 【译文】中国正在觉醒,不久会震撼世界。自远古以来,中国奇异诱人,神秘莫测,魅力无穷激起了西方人的幻想。 【解析】把三个“exotic, mysterious, fascinating”三个形容词译为汉语的四字成语,显得既准确流畅,又声韵和谐。同时也表示了中国历史文化源远流长,底蕴深厚。

65 课堂互动5: 翻译句子,注意逻辑修辞 1.Illness prevented him from doing his work. 2.Possessing high conductivity of heat and electricity, aluminum finds wide application in industry. 3.Social evils were fundamentally caused by economic inequality. 4.The rapid expansion of industrialization throughout the world must lead to a progressive exhaustion of natural resources.

66 课堂互动5: 翻译句子,注意逻辑修辞 5.Their (the Curie’s) discovery brought about a revolution in the understanding of a structure of matter. 6.You are only young once. At the time it seems endless, and is gone in a flash; and then for a very long time you are old. 7.They are to be had very cheap and good. We breathe but the air of books. 8.A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar.

67 课堂互动5: 翻译句子,注意逻辑修辞 9.Women screamed, and kids howled, but the men stood silent, watching, interested in the outcome. 10.His eyes, wide and wet, at last flashed fiercely on her; his breast heaved convulsively. (Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights)

68 7. 2 省略译法 (Proper Omission in Translation)

69 减词译法又叫省略译法, 即我们通常所说的“长话短说”。减词不能减掉原文的内容,所减之词,其内涵虽然在译文字面上没有体现出来,却隐藏在译文中,既虽无其词而有其意。在翻译过程中,在保证译文与原文思想内容完全一致的前提下,作为一种修辞手法,译者应在字面上作一点调整,删去一些可有可无的,累赘不需要的词、词组、以及句子,否则将影响译文的表达效果。 在具体操作上要注意所省去的词不是随心所欲任意而省的,一定要符合修辞上、语义上、语言结构上的需要。省略后既不影响原文的思想内容,又流畅自然,简明洗炼。英语中,经常使用的词如冠词、连词(并列连词和从属连词)、代词(人称代词、关系代词)、关系副词等,在汉语中很少出现,要使译文地道忠实,就要省去不译。

70 例1:A square has four angles (sides). 【译文】正方形有四个角(边)。
冠词的省译 不定冠词 (a/an) 最基本的意义是“一”,表示数字概念时,不能省略,但用于引伸意义表示类别,或用在固定短语中,可省略不译。定冠词 (the) 用在表示方位的名词前,或形容词(形容词最高级)、专有名词之前,特别是用在固定短语或词组中时,常常省略不译。 例1:A square has four angles (sides). 【译文】正方形有四个角(边)。 例2:A dictionary is a good teacher. 【译文】辞典是良师。

71 例3:It must be morning now, because the birds are singing.
【译文】一定是天亮了,因为鸟儿在歌唱。 例4:The rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the concentrations of the reacting substances. 【译文】化学反应的速度与反应物的浓度成正比。

72 代词的省译 人称代词“we, you”,及不定代词“one,ones”在句中含有泛指的意思时,常可省略不译;it在句中(引导主语、宾语、或强调句中)作为引导词时,没有实际意义,可省译;作宾语或同位语用的反身代词,常可省略不译;作定语用的物主代词,常可省略不译,这样其关系更为明确一些。 例1:One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language. 【译文】必须勤学苦练, 才能精通一门外语。

73 例2:He covered his face with his hand as if to protect his eyes.
【译文】他用手蒙住脸,好像去保护眼睛。 例3:Order is order, we cannot complain, we cannot bargain, we cannot question and we cannot suggest changes. 【译文】命令就是命令,不得抱怨,不得讨价还价,不得质疑,也不得建议修改。

74 例4:The shopman offers you a third (apple); but before biting it, you examine it, and find that it is hard and green, and you immediately say that you will not have it as it must be sour. 【译文】店员给你第三个(苹果),但这次在吃之前,你把苹果看个仔细,发现又硬又青,立即就说不要这个,因为这个苹果必定是酸的。 【解析】句子中有四个“you”和五个“it”;四个“you”中,其中两个译为“你”,两个省略不译;五个“it”中,两个省略不译,而且译出的三个“it”都不用“它”,分别译为“苹果”、“这个”或“这只苹果”。

75 补充例句 例1:John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, his trousers and his shoes, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework. 【译文】清晨约翰起得很早。他穿上夹克、裤子和鞋子,就坐在书桌旁开始做作业。 【解析】这里共用了五个单三物主人称代词“his”,全都省去不译,反倒使译文更加自然通顺。句中还省去了介词“in, at”和第二个连词“and”。

76 补充例句 例2: I hate the three rules in discipline in my class. One is that a person who is late for class will be fined two yuan. The other is that a person who doesn’t hand in his homework in time will be fined three yuan. The third is that one who is absent for class will be fined ten yuan. 【译文】我讨厌班上所制订的三条制度,一条是上课迟到者罚款2元,一条是不及时交作业者罚款3元,一条是旷课者罚款10元。

77 补充例句 【续】我一是不大勤奋,晚起迟到是常有的事,另外,我的记性好像也很差,啥时候交作业经常忘得一干二净。说起这第三条嘛,恐怕我再也无力应付了,我是个穷学生,已经被罚了很多钱了。不过,恨归恨,不得已还是尽力遵守为好吧。 【续】 For one thing, I am not so diligent, so I often get up late and am late for class. For the other, it seems that I have a bad memory as I often forget when to hand in my homework. For the third rule, I am afraid that I can’t afford it any more. I am a poor student; I have lost much money. I’ll try my best to obey the three rules even though I hate them. 【解析】这段文字里共用了12个“I”。这种过多地使用人称代词,尤其是第一人称代词,无疑会增加感情因素和主观色彩,汉语翻译时适当减少代词的出现频率,虽在译文的语言形式上有点异化,但在译文的语言层面上实现了归化,在表达上更为自然。

78 课堂互动6: 注意冠词、代词的省译 1.By analysis, we mean analyzing the contradictions in things. 2.I am not a poet; I could not write a single line to depict its beauty. 3.Our son, Carl, who is six, goes to a good private school, and our daughter, who is four, won’t go to school until next year.

79 课堂互动6: 注意冠词、代词的省译 4.But it’s the way I am, and try as I might; I haven’t been able to change it. 5.It is man’s social being that determines his thinking.

80 名词的省译 英语中重复某些名词,表示某种概念的重复或强调,若是直译过来,会使译文显得臃肿,不够简洁精炼。因此,为使译文简练、紧凑,文气贯通,汉译时可省译。 例1:The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation. (Karl Marx: Manifesto of the Communist Party) 【译文】资产阶级撕取了笼罩在家庭关系上面的温情脉脉的纱幕,把这种关系变成了纯粹的金钱关系。 【解析】第二个名词词组“the family relation”中的“family”可省译。

81 例2:The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of generator or dynamo.
【译文】发电机能把机械能转变成电能。 例3:The only cure for envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness, and the difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness. 【译文】对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐,然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。

82 补充例句 例1:Walking for walking’s sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as is held to be by those who practise it. 【译文】经常散步的人认为,为散步而散步是值得高度赞扬和仿效的。 【解析】“a thing”指的是“walking for walking’s sake”,因而可将“a thing”省去,不译“为散步而散步乃是一件值得高度赞扬和仿效的事情”。省译后,不影响意义表达。

83 例2:Curiosity is a willing, a proud, an eager confession of ignorance.
补充例句 例2:Curiosity is a willing, a proud, an eager confession of ignorance. 【译文】好奇是在急不可耐地炫耀自己的无知。 【解析】把原文中的三个词“willing confession, proud confession, eager confession”合译成一个“炫耀”,简洁明了。若按字面译成“好奇是一种自愿地、骄傲地、急切地承认无知”,显得既罗嗦又不通顺。

84 补充例句 例3:Men tend to enjoy public, referentially orientated talk, while women enjoy intimate, affectively orientated talk. 【译文】男人喜欢公开谈论有具体内容的话题,而女人则乐意私下交流情感。 【解析】从翻译中可以看出在表达上增加了不少的词,如“public, referentially orientated talk”和“intimate, affectively orientated talk”就增译成了“谈论有具体内容的话题”和“私下交流感情”;在具体词汇的处理上则减少了词,如两个“orientated”均省去未译;在修辞表达上则讲求巧妙对应,如“intimate”译成“私下”和“public”“公开”形成对应;在意义上增词减词都未改变原文的内容。

85 例1:This was a masterly appointment. 【译文】这个任命实在高明。
动词或系动词的省译 动词一般不能省略,但某些动词( 如give, make, come, take, pay … )与具有动作意味的名词连用时可以省略;系动词(如become, go, get等)也可以省译。 例1:This was a masterly appointment. 【译文】这个任命实在高明。

86 例2:She was smooth and agreeable to meet.
【译文】她为人处事,八面玲珑。 例3:Then came the development of the microcomputer. 【译文】后来,微型计算机发展起来了。

87 补充例句 例1: …though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. 【译文】尽管光亮令人目眩,但它实实在在地带来了我们从未感受过或无法想象到的美好和宁静。 【解析】原文中的谓语动词“blind”和“dazzle”都指光亮耀眼夺目,将其中任一词省去,译出另一词就完全可以了,译为“尽管光亮令人目眩”,意义仍然很明确。

88 例1:He is honest to the core. 【译文】他很老实。
介词的省译 英语中的介词用得很多,词与词之间的关系大都是用介词表示的,汉语则不是这样,汉语中词与词的关系常通过语序和逻辑关系表示。所以,翻译时,有的要译成汉语的动宾词组、介词词组、定语或状语词组,有些介词可考虑省略。 例1:He is honest to the core. 【译文】他很老实。

89 例2:The rocket was invented by Chinese in the 12th century.
【译文】中国人在12世纪就发明了火箭。 例3:University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 【译文】报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。

90 例4:Jerram was secretary to Combined Operations Headquarters in 1943, and from1943 to 1945 he was Comptroller, HQ Supreme Al1ied Command South-East Asia. He retired in 1945, and from 1958 was a Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall. 【译文】1943年,杰拉姆任联合作战指挥部秘书。1943至1945年,任东南亚盟军最高司令部监察官。1945年退伍。1958年起,任康瓦尔郡副部长。

91 【译文】必须看到,我们的人民、我们的国土、我们的利益都处于严重的危险之中。
连词的省译 英语中词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子之间的关系都是用连词把它们连接起来的,所以连词用得较多。汉语则不然,句子结构一般都是按时间顺序和逻辑关系排列的,连词用得较少,在英汉翻译中连词大多可省略不译。 例1:There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. 【译文】必须看到,我们的人民、我们的国土、我们的利益都处于严重的危险之中。

92 例2:No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. 【译文】把痛苦视为生活最大不幸的人不可能英勇无畏;把欢乐当作生活最高追求的人不会自我节制。 例3:Because everyone uses language to talk, everyone thinks he can talk about language. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 【译文】人人都用语言交谈,人人也就自以为能够谈论语言。

93 例4:Then I thanked my host and walked down the broad lawn, back to the meadow and the sparkling brook, where I lay on the grass and fell into a sweet sleep. 【译文】于是我向主人道了谢,走了出来,沿着宽阔的草坪,来到了河边草地,在水波闪亮的小溪边,躺在草上,进入了甜蜜的梦乡。

94 短语或句子的省译 例1:Mr. Winkle did entertain considerable misgivings in the very lowest recesses of his own heart, relative to his equestrian skill. (Charles Dickens: Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club) 【译文】温克先生想到自己的骑马术,心里的确感到很害怕。

95 短语或句子的省译 例2:I am always very well pleased with a country Sunday, and think, if keeping holy the seventh day were only a human institution, it would be the best method that could have been thought of for the polishing and civilizing of mankind. (Joseph Addison: Sir Roger at Church) 【译文】我一向喜欢乡村的礼拜天。我想,如果把这第七天当作神圣的日子作为一个人为的制度度过,这便是所能想出的开化人类的最好方法。

96 例3:I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work. (Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal) 【译文】我诚恳地表示, 我努力推动此项必须的工作, 绝非为个人利益着想。

97 例4:And if the person with whom I am arguing, says: Yes but I do care; then I do not leave him or let him go at once; but I proceed to interrogate and examine and cross-examine him, and if I think that he has no virtue in him, but only says that he has, I reproach him with undervaluing the greater, and overvaluing the less. (Plato: The Apology of Socrates) 【译文】如果那个人说,“是啊,可我是很在乎的呀!”那我就不当即离开,也不让他走,向他提出问题,反复地盘问他。“如果我发现他并无美德,他却说他有的话,那我就说他把重要的事情看成不重要,把无价值的东西看成有价值。 【解析】为了避免累赘,把“the person with whom I am arguing”省译为“那个人”;“yes”用来加强语气,可译为“啊,呀”,表示不以为然。

98 例1:I regret I am not in a position to help you.
补充例句 例1:I regret I am not in a position to help you. 【译文】很遗憾,我不能帮你的忙。 例2:The sound which came from him was an involuntary shriek of pure joy —he cared neither if he lived nor if he died. 【译文】他不由自主地尖叫一声——那纯粹是快乐的喊声,他早已把生死置之度外了。 【解析】把“he cared neither if he lived nor if he died”两个分句紧缩省译成一句“他早已把生死置之度外了”。

99 补充例句 例3:When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a picture painted which was dedicated to the memory of ‘the most valiant soldier and most notable leader, Signor Giovanni Haukodue’. (L. G. Alexander: New Concept English, B.III) 【译文】他80岁那年死去时,佛罗伦萨人为他举行了国葬,并为他画像以纪念这位“骁勇无比的战士、杰出的领袖乔凡尼· 阿库托先生”。 【解析】把“was dedicated to the memory of”译为“纪念”,省去了动词短语“was dedicated to”。

100 例4:I could not have believed that a rag carpet could feast me so, and so content me; or that there could be such solace to the soul in wallpaper and framed lithographs, and bright-colored tidies and lamp-mates, and Windsor chairs, and varnished whatnots, with sea-shells and books and china vases on them, and the score of little unclassifiable tricks and touches that a woman’s hand distributes about a home, which one sees without knowing he sees them, yet would miss in a moment if they were taken away. 【译文一】我不能相信一块残缺的地毯会使我的感官得到如此愉快的享受,如此心满意足;或者说,我没有想到,房间里的一切会给我的灵魂以这样的慰藉;那糊墙纸、那些带框的版画、铺在沙发上的扶手和靠背上的色彩鲜艳的小垫布和台灯座下的衬垫、几把温莎时代的细骨靠椅、还有陈列着海贝、书籍和瓷花瓶的锃光透亮的古董架,以及那种种随意搁置物品的细巧方法和风格,它们是女人的手治理的痕迹,你见了不会经意,而一旦拿走,你立刻又会怀念不已。 【译文二】真不敢相信,一块破旧地毯竟让我得到巨大的享受、无比的满足;或者说,普通的糊壁纸、几块带框石版画、鲜艳椅套和灯垫、几张温莎式高背椅、几个摆放着海贝、书籍和瓷瓶的漆橱架、以及处处一个家庭主妇不引人注意、而又缺之不可的精心装点布置,竟会给人的精神带来如此巨大的安慰。 【解析】译文二比译文一少了135个字,但并未改变其意,而使译文更加简练,表达依然十分清楚。

101 课堂互动7: 翻译句子,注意省译 1.As the temperature increases,the volume of water becomes greater. 2.When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle they are reflected. 3.I was in the bath, with the result that I didn’t hear the telephone. 4.We must bring forward a new design at the earliest possible date. 5.I honest to goodness would like to find myself a job somewhere.

102 增减词译法从理论上讲比较好理解,增词就是在翻译过程中增加一个或若干个词的一种译法,即 “加词2+1=2(加词不加意)”(许渊冲)。减词就是在翻译过程中减少一个或若干个词的一种译法,即“减词2-1=2(减词不减意)”(许渊冲)。但在具体翻译中,很难说清这一句是用增词译法而译,那一句是用减词译法而译。增词减词是一个辩证的统一体,在具体翻译过程中根据需要是增词减词同时并用,须增时可增,要减时便减,以意义需要、行文优美为目的。

103 第七章综合练习及参考答案 1.用增补译法翻译下列句子
1)A knock at the door prevented me from answering his question. 【译文】因为有人敲门,我无法回答他的问题。 2)The widespread application of new and more complex products will give rise to side-effects. 【译文】由于广泛地应用更复杂的新产品,将产生一些副作用。 3)An intelligence test will allow us to predict the level of a student. 【译文】智力测验能预测学生的实际水平。

104 第七章综合练习及参考答案 1.用增补译法翻译下列句子
4)The sight of the orphan always reminds me of her parents. 【译文】我一见到那个孤儿,就想到他的父母。 5)In this mood, I went to diplomatic circles, earnest but only sketchingly informed. 【译文】我就是怀着这种心情进入外交界的,满腔热情,但知之甚少。 6)Her child, her work, her friends were more than enough to fill her time. 【译文】她照顾孩子,干工作,交朋友,这些占用了她的全部时间。 7)“I’ll make a doctor of him,” said Mrs. White. 【译文】“我一定要把他培养成一个高明的医生,”怀特太太说。

105 第七章综合练习及参考答案 1.用增补译法翻译下列句子
8)I like the place for the very reason that (=for which) you dislike it. 【译文】我喜欢那地方的原因恰恰是你不喜欢它的原因。 9)The old people, weary but excited, decided to have a rest. 【译文】这些老人,虽疲劳却兴致很高,他们决定休息一下。 10)He spoke hopefully of the success of the movement. 【译文】他满怀希望地说这场运动会取得成功。 11)These problems had to be weighed up under varying, sometimes uncertain factors. 【译文】这些问题必须根据变化着的因素,有时是捉摸不定的因素来进行全衡。

106 第七章综合练习及参考答案 1.用增补译法翻译下列句子
12)It was a splendid population—for all the slow, sleepy sluggish—brained sloths stayed at home. 【译文】这是一批迅速能干的人们,——因为那些行动迟缓、昏昏欲睡、呆若树獭的人都留在家里了。 13)Rubber is a light, elastic, durable and water resistant material, which makes rubber industry very important. 【译文】橡胶是一种质轻、富有弹性、经久耐用、并能防水的材料,这就使得橡胶工业显得非常重要。 14)There is a tide in the affairs not only of men, but of women too, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. 【译文】人生在世,有时会时来运转,只要抓住时机,就能有所作为,非但男人如此,女人也一样。

107 第七章综合练习及参考答案 1.用增补译法翻译下列句子
15)Although schoolmistresses’ letters are to be trusted no more nor less than churchyard epitaphs; yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his 1ife, who is really deserving of all the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, chi1d, wife or husband; who actually does leave a disconsolate family to morn his loss; … 【译文】尽管校长的信和墓志铭一样靠不住。不过偶然也有个把死人也当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话,虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,尽职的丈夫,贤良的妻子,他们的家人也实实在在地、哀思绵绵地追悼他们。

108 第七章综合练习及参考答案 2.用省略译法翻译下列句子 I’ve got the devil of a toothache.
【译文】我牙痛死了。 2) Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes. 【译文】水结冰就是从液态转变为固态。 3) The scenery was beautiful; and the acting was superb. 【译文】布景很美,演出很出色。 4) Listening to classical music is my cup of tea. 【译文】我最爱听古典音乐。

109 第七章综合练习及参考答案 2.用省略译法翻译下列句子
5) They don’t know their right hand from their left. 【译文】他们什么也不知道。 6) It’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. 【译文】这就是我最宝贵的一次经历。 7) In the course of the same year, war broke out in that area. 【译文】同年,该地区爆发了战争。 8) Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy. 【译文】入夜不久,他们开始进攻敌人。

110 第七章综合练习及参考答案 2.用省略译法翻译下列句子
9) The volume of the sun is about times that of the earth. 【译文】太阳的体积约为地球的1,300,000倍。 10) It is now thought that the more work we give our brain, the more work they are able to do. 【译文】现在人们认为,脑子越用越好使。 11) Those were the days of innocence, when volunteers tended to be welcomed merely because they had volunteered. 【译文】那时人们的想法单纯得很,志愿参加的人都受到欢迎,只是因为他们是自愿的。

111 第七章综合练习及参考答案 2.用省略译法翻译下列句子
12) At the earliest opportunity he ordered the cavalry to ride out and clear the level ground in the occupation of the enemy. 【译文】他下令骑兵乘机出击平原上的敌人阵地。 13) …and as always happens with radios, just at the vital moment a crash and a bang and nothing could be understood and the broadcast ended. 【译文】收音机老出现这种情况:正在紧要关头,嘎啦一声,或是轰隆一响,什么都听不清楚,广播就完了。

112 第七章综合练习及参考答案 2.用省略译法翻译下列句子
14) Times were tough during the Depression, and there were five mouths to feed in my family, besides buying coal and wood for the strove. 【译文】那年头正值大萧条期,日子过得紧紧巴巴,我们家除了买煤买柴之外,还有五张嘴等着要吃饭。 15) She was lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, the gift of love that can bring light where had been darkness. 【译文】她很幸运,因为他送给她的是一份比视力更能增添力量的礼物,这份礼物充满着爱意,可以使光明重现。

113 3. 段落翻译 When a person moves from one culture to another, he suddenly finds that much of what he has learned about interpreting the actions of people around him is suddenly irrelevant. He finds that the strategies he has used to influence people or events in certain ways are no longer effective, and the assumptions that guided his understandings and reactions are no longer reliable. Even distinguishing between the significant and the insignificant in a given situation becomes difficult, if not impossible. 【译文】当一个人从一种文化迁移到另一种文化时,会发现许多他曾用来解释周围人们行为的方法突然不再灵验。同时也会发现他曾用来影响人们的方法或处理事情的策略不再有效。曾有助于他理解事情并对事物做出反应的种种设想也不再可靠。甚至对事物在某一情景中的重要性的判断也变得十分困难,也许丧失了这种判断力。

114 【续】 This sudden psychological transition from competent adult to ineffective child inevitably results in the serious impact of the individual’s feelings of selfworth. He experiences feelings of frustration and helplessness. In short, he experiences culture shock. 这种突然的心理转变,使一个心理健全的成年人变成一个无知的小孩,必然会对个人的自尊心产生严重的影响。使人感到灰心无助。说到底,这就是在经受文化冲击的洗礼。

115 【续】 Culture shock is the result of the removal of the familiar. Suddenly the individual is faced with the necessity of working, commuting, studying, eating, shopping, relaxing, even sleeping, in an unfamiliar environment organized according to unknown rules. In mild form, culture shock shows itself in symptoms of fatigue, irritability and impatience. Being unable to interpret the situations in which they find themselves, people often believe they are being deliberately deceived or exploited by host-country nationals. 人们离开了所熟悉的一切,就会经历文化冲击。一个人突然置身于一个陌生的环境,所面对的工作、学习、旅行、饮食、购物、休闲以及睡眠等活动都会变得无所适从。轻微的文化冲击表现为疲倦,易怒和急躁。由于不能理解所面临的情形,人们经常认为所在国的当地人在有意欺骗或利用他们。

116 【续】 They tend to perceive rudeness where none is intended. Their efficiency and flexibility is often impaired and both work and family suffer. Some people may respond by developing negative stereotypes of the host culture, by refusing to learn the language and by mixing exclusively with people of their own cultural background. In extreme cases, rejection may be so complete that the individual returns immediately to their own culture, regardless of the cost in social, economic or personal terms. Alternatively, people may retreat into their own private world, either mentally or physically. 他们总觉得没得到应有的礼遇。其实,没有人故意这样做。一旦效率和适应性遭到削弱,他们的工作和生活都会受到较大的影响。因而有些人可能还会对所在国的文化产生偏见,拒绝学习其语言。他们的交往也仅仅限于那些来自本族文化的同胞。但对于那些经历极端文化冲击的人来讲,他们会完全拒绝新文化。不顾社会,经济或个人方面所付出的代价,固守自己的原有文化。甚至他们还可能从精神上或身体上与世隔绝,退缩到自己的个人世界里。

117 【续】 Physical symptoms of culture shock may include headaches, stomachaches, constant fatigue, difficulty in sleeping and a general feeling of uneasiness. Unfortunately, many doctors are unfamiliar with culture shock and attempt to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. 文化冲击的影响在身体方面的症状表现为头痛,胃痛,持续疲倦,失眠以及身体不适。遗憾的是,许多医生对文化冲击知之甚少,只能对病症治疗而不究其病因。

118 【续】 The important thing to recognize about culture shock is that it is universal. It is experienced to a greater or lesser degree by all those who move from one culture to another. Experiencing culture shock does not mean that an individual is inflexible or unadaptable. It does mean that recognition of its inevitability can lead to the development of steps to reduce its impact. 文化冲击现象相当普遍,只有认识了这一点,才能真正理解文化冲击。几乎所有从一种文化迁移到另一种文化的人都或多或少地经历过文化冲击。人们经历文化冲击并不意味着他们顽固不化或适应能力差。然而,只有明白了文化冲击是不可避免的,人们才能设法减少其负面影响。

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