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Computer-Mediated Communication

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1 Computer-Mediated Communication
Online Communities

2 Some key terms from Cohen
Symbol: the means to make meaning Subjectivity: to each her own interpretation Community: inclusion, exclusion, and … ??? Simplexity and multiplexity: like weak and strong ties 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

3 Community Boundaries Revisited: Facebook Fiasco ‘06
“The point is, you're always presenting the identity you want to present - you never have to worry about the identity you used to present … This morning, millions of students were shown that they can't actually rewrite history. Everything they do, all of the groups they join and interests they state or friends they make - it is all being recorded.” (Fred Stutzman) 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

4 The Beginnings of Online Community… Or, “Why Usenet ???”
The first large-scale online communities were Usenet discussion groups and forums Developed around 1979 No official structure Red Letter Dates! Explore the history of all messages on Usenet… 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

5 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

6 One View on Virtual Communities…
Jones (1997) Four Qualities that characterize virtual communities: A minimum level of interactivity A variety of communicators Common public space A minimum level of sustained membership 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

7 And Another view… (Chromatic, from O’reilly Network)
Exist for a reason Users draw other users Users will surprise you A sense of ownership A shared history and culture Role of Mischief Barriers are mixed blessings Discuss the Community Openly 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

8 Social Networks and Online Community
“Community emerges where the cumulative impact of interactions among individuals adds value above the level of pairwise interactions” - Caroline Haythornthwaite Responding to notions of Gemeinschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (Society) -- Tonnies 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

9 The network perspective
People (nodes) Ties (edges) 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

10 Ties in a social network
Directed or undirected Simplex or multiplex Valued or unvalued 7 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

11 Network Approach to Community
Examines interconnections to discover where groups exist rather than determining a priori that a group exists based on external criteria. But is this a community? Or “an alliance, a collaborative work group, a collective, a cohort”? 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

12 The power of social capital
1 + 1 = 2 Fully connected network: N people, N(N-1)/2 ties Connections grow at a much faster rate (quadratic vs. linear) 1 + 1 > 2? 2 + 2 > 4? Bridge 6 + 6 > 12? 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

13 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
Other Community Types Communities of Practice Link-Based Communities Community of practice is “a set of relations among persons, activity and world, over time and in relation with other tangential and overlapping communities of practice” -key is joint knowledge and socialization. Link-based communities, “community as a critical mass of interconnection, existing in a universe of more sparsely enacted connections.” 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

14 The Nature and Function of Online Groups
11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

15 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
Shyness Minimizes status effects and status cues – can encourage more egalitarian dynamic, contributions from lower-status people. (More about status later.) 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

16 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
Aggressiveness 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

17 Types of online groups (McKenna)
Organizational groups Social groups Common bond Common identity Stigmatized-population groups Support groups Common bond: groups of friends, probably strong ties Common identity: Identification with something in common, like a sports team, probably weak ties Stigmatized groups: increased sensitivity to feedback (pos and neg) from the group Is this a comprehensive list of types? 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

18 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
Group Dynamics Influence Influence due to anonymous communication; depersonalization *absence* of personal accountability leads to higher group identity…influence of the group norms At the same time, anonymity reduces status and power differences (pro’s and con’s?) Leadership: should be person with prototypical group behavior, but anonymity may interact with this in important ways Leadership Status Power 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

19 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
Online communities are neither built nor do they just emerge, they evolve organically and change over time. Developers cannot control online community development but they can influence it. Jenny Preece 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

20 So what makes a community?
Common practices? Network ties? Symbols? Poster to post ratio? Affect-laden relationships? How can we reconcile these different definitions of community? 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

21 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore
Group Projects: A few more comments and descriptions from us ing your ideas to the list, building interest and forming groups 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

22 Common Issues: Problem is too Broad
“I want to understand how trust develops on IRC or IM chat programs” “What factors influence the use of an interface?” 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

23 Common Issues: Problem is too Narrow
“Do undergraduate students use Facebook more than graduate students?” 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

24 Some Prior Final Project Examples…
A Design Annotation Tool Design Considerations for Collaborative Visual Analytics Yo man, Step Off! (Experiment in adding affect to text chat) 11/27/201811/27/2018 Computer-Mediated Communication — Cheshire & Fiore

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