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Student name: Nargess zamani

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2 Student name: Nargess zamani
Professor name: Mr. Biglari

3 MACRO: /ˈmækroʊ:/ “large” “long” MICRO : “small” “minute”

4 MACRO (n.) /ˈmækroʊ/ Computer instruction standing for series of steps.

5 MACROCOSM: (n.)/ˈmækrəˌkɑːzəm/ macrocosmic (adj.)
Great world; universe ; cosmos; creation Ant. Little world; epitome; reproduction of a larger unity eg. Almost the entirety of the vast macrocosm remains beyond our reach. Origin: latin macrocosmos

6 MACRON (n,) Horizontal mark indicating that the vowel over which it is placed is long. Origin: greek

7 MACROSCOPIC (adj.) \ˌma-krə-ˈskä-pik\ macroscopically (adv.)
Large enough to be visible to the naked eye. Ant. microscopic

8 Microbe (n.): \ˈmī-ˌkrōb/
Microscopic life form; microorganism; germ An extremely small living that can only be seen with a microscope

9 Microbicide (n.) \mī-ˈkrō-bə-ˌsīd/
Agent that destroys microbes (as bacteria) microbicidal (adj)

10 Microdont (adj) (ˈmaɪkrəʊˌdɒnt) or microdontous
Having small teeth. (Dentistry) having unusually small teeth.

11 Microfilm (n) /mī′krə-fĭlm′/
Film of very small size. 1. A film on which printed materials are  photographed at greatly reduced size for ease of storage. Eg. Studing news paper microfilms from the early 1900s.

12 Microgram (n.) /mī′krō-grăm′/
Millionth of gram, Symbol:μg a unit of mass or weight equal to one millionth  of a gram. 

13 Micrometer (n.) /mī-krŏm′ĭ-tər/
1. millionth of a meter. 2.instrument for measuring small lenghts

14 Microorganism(n.) : /mī′krō-ôr′gə-nĭz′əm/
Microscopic animal or plant Biology: An extremely small living thing that can only be seen with a microscopic. (Microbiology) any organism, such as a bacterium, protozoan, or virus, of microscopic size.

15 Microsecond(n.) /mī′krō-sĕk′ənd/
Millionth of second. One millionth (10-6) of a second. A very short period of time, one millionth of second. Symbol: μs

16 Microsurgery (n.) /mī′krō-sûr′jə-rē/
Surgery with the aid of microscopes and minute instruments or laser beams pl. microsurgeries

17 Microvolt(n.) /mī′krə-vōlt′/
Millionth of a volt A unit of electric potential equal to one millionth (10-6) of a volt.

18 Microwatt(n.) /mī′krō-wŏt′/
Millionth of a watt A unit of power equal to one millionth (10-6) of a watt.

19 Microwave(n.) /mī′krə-wāv′/
1.very short electromagnetic wave. 2.microwave oven (oven that cooks quickly by using microwaves) Eg. A wave of microwave radiation.

20 A ( An ) : ‘NOT’ ‘ WITHOUT’
Amoral(adj.) /(ā-môr′əl, ā-mŏr′-/ Not moral ; without a sense of moral responsibility.  Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong. amoralism n. Amorally adv. Usage: Amoral is often wrongly used where immoral  is meant. Immoral is properly used to talk about the  breaking of moral rules,  amoral about people who have no moral code or about  places or situations where moral considerations do  not apply

21 Amorphous(adj.) /ə-môr′fəs/
Without (having no) definite form ; shapeless unorganized, unstructured  Lacking physical form or shape. Ant. Formed or shaped Eg .An amorphous segment of society. Amorphously adv Amorphousness n. Origin: Greek == morph : form

22 Anarchy (n.) /ăn′ər-kē/
- Total absence of rule or government; confusion; disorder. lawlessness ; misrule  Political disorder and confusion. Eg. When a teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the class room. Greek = anarchos =having no rule, archos = ruler

23 Anemia (n.) /ə-nē′mē-ə/
Lack of a normal number of red blood cells. 1. a lack of blood in the body. 2. a low proportion of red cells in the blood. — anemic, anaemic, adj.

24 Anesthesia (n.) /ăn′ĭs-thē′zhə/
Loss of feeling sensation resulting from ether , chloroform , novocaine , etc.  Local or general insensibility to pain with or without the loss of consciousness, induced by an anesthetic. - The patient was given an injection to induce anesthesia. Anesthetic (n.) /ăn′ĭs-thĕt′ĭk/ -The dentist waited until the anesthetic took affected. Aisthesis= preception

25 Anhydrous (adj.) /ăn-hī′drəs/
Destitute of (without) water. Free from water and specially water of crystallization.

26 Anomaly(n.) /ə-nŏm′ə-lē)/
Derivation from the common rule; irregularity abnormality Ant. Average; norm Pl. anomalies Eg. We couldn’t explain the anomalies in the test result.

27 Anomalous (adj.) /ə-nŏm′ə-ləs/
Not normal; abnormal; not expected or usual Ant. Common, ordinary, typical. Anomalously adv. Anomalousness n. Eg. Researchers could not explain the anomalous test results.

28 Anonymous (adj.) /ə-nŏn′ə-məs/
Nameless; of unknown or unnamed origin Not named or identified. Ant. Unspecified, baptized, named Anonymously adv. Eg: The donor wishes to remain anonymous.

29 Anoxia(n.) /ăn-ŏk′sē-ə/
Deprivation of (state of being without) oxygen 1. Absence of oxygen. 2. A pathological deficiency of oxygen, especially hypoxia. Origin: new latin

30 Apnea(n.) /ăp′nē-ə, ăp-nē′ə/
Temporary cessation of breathing. Sleep apnea Apneic (adj.)

31 Aseptic(adj.) /ə-sĕp′tĭk,/
Free from disease-causing microorganisms. Eg. aseptic surgical instruments. Aseptically adv. asepticism n.

32 Asymptomatic(adj.) /ā′sĭmp-tə-măt′ĭk/
Showing no symptoms of disease. Presenting no symptoms of disease . asymptomatically adv.

33 Atheism(n.) /ā′thē-ĭz′əm/
Godlessness ; denial of existence of supreme being. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods. [French athéisme, from athée, atheist, from Greek atheos, godless  a-, without;  (Philosophy) rejection of belief in God or gods.  atheistical adj. atheistically adv.

34 Atrophy(n.) /ăt′rə-fē/
Lack of growth , as from disuse ,disease, or malnourishment. Ant. hypertrophy : enlargement of a body part, as from overuse) Eg: The doctor is concerned about possible atrophy of the shoulder muscles. Late Latin atrophia, from Greek atrophiā, from atrophos, ill-nourished : a-, without; see a + trophē, food.

35 Atypical(adj.) /ā-tĭp′ĭ-kəl/
Unlike the typical; irregular; anomalous Eg . An atypical form of diseases. Eg.2. The package with atypical speed Ant. Common, normal

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