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School of Foreign Studies

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1 School of Foreign Studies
Book 3 New Horizon College English Unit 3 : Section B Steven Spielberg School of Foreign Studies Nantong University

2 Contents Reading Skills 1 Lead-in 2 Text Study 3 Test Yourself 4

3 Reading Skills Facts or Opinions:
Facts are statements that tell us what really happened or really is the case whereas opinions are statements of beliefs, judgments, or feelings. It is not always easy to make a clear distinction between facts and opinions as writers often mix facts and opinions even within the same sentence, with some words representing facts and others representing opinions. There are some tips for distinguishing facts from opinions:

4 1. Test the writer's opinion by asking whether a different opinion is possible. You do not have to agree with the different opinion or with the author's, for that matter. You just have to be able to see if there is another view. 2. Look for words that interpret one's opinions such as pretty, ugly, handsome, dangerous, evil, attractive, well-dressed, good, etc. Words like probably, perhaps, usually, often, sometimes, on occasion are used to limit a statement of fact and to indicate the possibility of other opinions. Other words say clearly that an opinion will follow; these are words like I believe, I think, in my opinion, I feel, I suggest, etc.

5 Practice Directions: In the following sentences from Text B on Page 79, pick out the words that present facts and those that present opinions. Write “F” before each sentence that basically represents a fact; write “O” before each statement of opinion. Then confirm your answers when reading the passage.

6 F O F O Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Look at the following statements from Text B and decide which are facts (F) and which hare opinions (O). At 12 years old, Steven Spielberg was already visiting film shooting at Universal Studio. Such persistence is hardly surprising from a boy whose lifelong conviction was to “Make sure you are right and go on!” When Steven was eight years old, his father gave him a Brownie 8 mm film camera as his birthday present. His achievements are certainly related to the personal obstacles and setbacks he faced from an early age. F O F O

7 O F F O Distinguishing between facts and opinions
5. The theme of the lack of a father figure consistently infected Steven's film. 6. He applied to two of the best film schools in the country. 7. Unwilling to give up, Steven entered the California State University, where he hoped the program in TV and radio might open his way to Hollywood. 8. Instead, it is Steven's committed spirit that has strengthened him in standing fast against all rejections, prejudice and skepticism, and driven him to keep moving onward. O F F O

8 Lead-in Listen and answer How does the speaker define Spielberg?
When and where was he born? How many awards has he won? Can you name some of his movies?

9 Lead-in Watch and answer
How many Steven Allan Spielberg's movies do you know?

10 Background information
Steven Allan Spielberg (born December 18, 1946)is an American director, producer, screenwriter, and editor. He is considered one of the founding pioneers of the New Hollywood era, as well as being viewed as one of the most popular directors and producers in film history. He is also one of the co-founders of DreamWorks Studios.

11 DreamWorks Studios is an American film production label of Amblin Partners. It was also a former film distributor for its own and third-party films. It has produced or distributed more than ten films with box-office grosses of more than $100 million each. Until August 2016, DreamWorks' films are marketed and distributed by Touchstone Pictures.

12 Text Study 1. New Words 2. Passage Reading 3. Choice Making

13 Focus Study—Word Using
New Words 1. tuck: vt. put sth. Into a small space, in order to protect, hide , carry or hold it. I picked up my purse and tucked it under my arm. He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers. Examples

14 Example 2. legitimate: a. acceptable or allowed by law
Focus Study—Word Using 2. legitimate: a. acceptable or allowed by law The French government has condemned the coup(政变) in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government. Example

15 Example 2) fair or reasonable
Focus Study—Word Using 2) fair or reasonable It is perfectly legitimate for parents to want to spend time with their children. Example

16 Translation Key 3. stimulate vt.
Focus Study—Word Using 3. stimulate vt. Make or produce sth. That is not real but Has the appearance or feeling of being real. Translation 在应对紧急情况演练中,各公共机构模拟了地震、火灾。 Key During emergency preparedness drills, public institutions simulate earthquakes, fires.

17 Focus Study—Word Using
4. populate: vt. The people or characters who populate an area of public life or a piece of entertainment are the people or characters in it. The film was populated by the sort of low-life characters. Example

18 Example 2) form the population of ( a town, area, or country)
Focus Study—Word Using 2) form the population of ( a town, area, or country) The tiny island is densely populated with nearly 3 million inhabitants. Example

19 Example 5. premiere: n. [C] the first public performance of
Focus Study—Word Using 5. premiere: n. [C] the first public performance of a film, play, or piece of music Hepburn attends a  premiere of "Roman Holiday," the movie that made her a superstar, in 1953.  Example

20 Example 6. intuition n.[U]
Focus Study—Word Using 6. intuition n.[U] the ability to understand or know sth. because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts. Her intuition was telling her that something was wrong. intuitive 直觉的;凭直觉获知的 Example

21 Focus Study—Word Using
7. turbulent a. a turbulent situation, place, or a period is one in which there is a lot of uncontrolled changes. They had been together for five or six turbulent years of break-ups and reconciliations. Example

22 Example 8. conspicuous: a. very easy to notice
Focus Study—Word Using 8. conspicuous: a. very easy to notice Why shouldn't she be conspicuous if she chooses?  近义词:obvious / prominent / marked  noted / outstanding Example

23 Translation Key 9. temperament n.
Focus Study—Word Using 9. temperament n. The emotional part of sb's character, esp. how likely they are to be happy, angry, etc. Translation 他性情温和, 天性善良。 Key He had a gentle temperament and a kind nature.

24 (to) change back to a situation that existed in the past
Focus Study—Word Using 10. revert: v. (to) change back to a situation that existed in the past Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily. When the lease ends, the property reverts to the owner. Examples

25 Example 11. end (sth.) with sth. : have or add sth. as the final part
Focus Study—Word Using 11. end (sth.) with sth. : have or add sth. as the final part My light-hearted temperament makes me able to greet, and also to end each day with a smile. Example

26 Examples 12.strive: vi. (strove, striven) (fml.)
Focus Study—Word Using 12.strive: vi. (strove, striven) (fml.) make a great effort to achieve sth. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.  You should always do the best that you can and strive for the best grade that you can possible get. Examples

27 Focus Study—Word Using
13. sabotage: vt. 1) deliberately spoil sb.'s plans because you do not want them to succeed. Their apparent eagerness to sabotage the talks  reveals the dangers that progress poses for them. Example

28 Focus Study—Word Using
2) secretly damage or destroy equipment, vehicles, etc., so that they cannot be used. The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels. Example

29 Translation Key 14. mount vt.
Focus Study—Word Using 14. mount vt. plan, organize and begin an event or a course of action. Translation 他们宣布正在发动一场大型群众性政治抗议运动 Key They announced it was mounting a major campaign of mass political protests.

30 Example 15. contrive vt. (to do sth.) succeed in doing sth.esp.sth.
Focus Study—Word Using 15. contrive vt. (to do sth.) succeed in doing sth.esp.sth. difficult Example Even with limited resources, the library contrived to have a new exhibition room. 2. Arrange an event or situation secretly or by deceiving people He would contrive some way of dealing with the situation.

31 Translation Key 16. coincidence n.
Focus Study—Word Using 16. coincidence n. When two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual. Translation I try to believe I'm seeing a coincidence and not a prediction of the future. 我试图相信我看见的是巧合, 而不是未来的先兆。 Key

32 Translation Key 17. skeptical a.
Focus Study—Word Using 17. skeptical a. tending to disagree with what other people tell you Translation Leaders must be skeptical of answers they like or that confirm their way of seeing things. 领导应该对那些他们所喜欢的或者迎合他们看法的回答持怀疑态度。 Key

33 Translation Key 18. Stand fast
Focus Study—Word Using 18. Stand fast Refuse to change your opinions, intentions, or behavior Translation I will stand fast in the future as it has stood fast in the past. 就像在过去拒不让步一样, 我在未来也会坚持立场。 Key

34 Focus Study—Word Using
19. skeptical: a. tending to disagree with what other people tell you Leaders must be skeptical of answers they like or that confirm their way of seeing things. skepticism n. an attitude of doubting that particular claims or statements are true or that sth. will happen. Example

35 Passage Reading 1. How to understand the quotation: “Make sure you are right and go on!”? (Para. 1) 2. How did Steven win the national contest? (Para. 2) 3. What was Steven like when he was in school? (Para. 3) 4. What impact did Steven's father have on him? (Para. 4) 5. What about his learning experience? (Paras. 5-6) 6. What is the main idea of Paragraph 7? (Para. 7) 7. What film win Steven a seven-year contract with Universal Studios? (Para. 8) 8. Which film make Steven famous? (Para. 9) 9. Why can Steven achieve success? (Para. 10)

36 1. How to understand the quotation: “Make sure you are right and go on
1. How to understand the quotation: “Make sure you are right and go on!”? (Para. 1) Steven had to face rejections and obstacles in his film-creating efforts, but his persistence and dedication transformed the obstacles into an alternative route to success. help him overcome them and finally become successful 36

37 Sentence interpretation
原句: … even though he didn't have a legitimate security pass, he would try to manipulate his way past the guards and into his personal paradise. (Para. 1, L7) 解释: … he didn't have a valid permit to get into the film shooting places, but he would try his best to figure out a way to pass the guards and get into the studios where he found his own paradise.. 37

38 2. How did Steven win the national contest? (Para. 2)
(1) Get _____________ a film camera; Brownie 8 mm (2) Collect of family events; footage (3) Simulate with his toy; action scenes (4) With his neighborhood friends as ; actors (5) Win a prize for ; cinematography (6) Win the national contest for his film ______________________. Escape to Nowhere 38

39 3. What was Steven like when he was in school? (Para. 3)
Choose the best answer to the question. A. He was athletic and friendly in school. B. He had natural intelligence and usually earned a good grade. C. He was popular because of his interest in film. D. He was avoided and laughed at by his classmates. 39

40 4. What impact did Steven's father have on him? (Para. 4)
Choose the best answer to the question. A. Steven later consistently shot films that lacked a father figure. B. Steven inherited the artistic personalities from his father. C. Steven was good at engineering with the help of his father. D. Steven hated his father because his father abandoned the family. 40

41 No The University of Southern California.
5. What about his learning experience? (Paras.5-6) The University of Southern California. The University of California, Los Angeles. The California State University. No 41

42 Sentence interpretation
原句: But even with a formidable 10 years of experiences in film-making and his friends at Universal Studios endorsing him, his grades were too poor, and he was flatly turned down at both institutions. (Para. 5, L4) 断然拒绝 译文: 尽管有十年丰富的电影制作经验和环球影视公司朋友的支持,但是由于成绩太差,他仍被两个大学断然拒绝。 42

43 Sentence interpretation
原句: Despite his manifest talent, his low grades sabotaged transfer attempts, forcing real film schools to withhold acceptance. (Para. 6, L5) 故意破坏 译文: 尽管他才华出众,但学业成绩太低使他转学受挫,真正的电影学校都不接纳他。 43

44 Choose the best answer to the question.
6. What is the main idea of Paragraph 7? (Para.7) Choose the best answer to the question. A. Steven diverted his attention away from films. B. Steven often cheated people at Universal Studios. C. Steven managed to change the situation by himself. D. Steven was too smart to be caught and expelled. 上面挤,下面空 44

45 7. What film win Steven a seven-year contract with Universal Studios
7. What film win Steven a seven-year contract with Universal Studios? (Para.8) Amblin. 45

46 Jaws E.T. Jurassic Park Schindler's List
8. Which film made Steven famous? (Para.9) Jaws E.T. Jurassic Park Schindler's List 46

47 9. Why can Steven achieve success? (Para.10)
As his first producer said, “It is not by any ___________ that Steven is in his present position.” Instead, it is Steven's ______________ that has strengthened him in standing fast against all rejections, __________ and __________ driven him to keep moving onward. coincidence committed spirit prejudice skepticism 47

48 Test yourself Direction: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions on page 85

49 1. Steven manipulated his way to visit film shooting at Universal Studios every day because______.
A. he liked the packed lunch there B. he was already a famous director at 12 C. he had been given an administrative job there D. he wanted to be completely involved in film

50 2. Which of the following movies helped Steven win a national contest?
A. Firelight B. Jurassic Park C. Escape to nowhere D. The last Gunfight

51 3. What was Steven like when he was in school?
A. he was athletic and friendly in school. B. he had natural intelligence and usually earned a good grade. C. he was popular because of his interest in film. D. he was avoided and laughed at by his film.

52 4. What impact did Steven's father have on him according to the text?
A. Steven later consistently shot films that lacked a father figure. B. Steven inherited the artistic personalities from his father. C. Steven was good at engineering with the help of his father. D. Steven hated his father because his father abandoned the family.

53 5. Steven didn't get admitted to the best film institutions because of ______.
A. the unfriendly surroundings at home and school B. his low grades C. 10 years of experiences in film-making D. his friends' recommendation

54 6. The main idea of Paragraph 7 is that______.
A. Steven diverted his attention away from films B. Steven often cheated people at Universal Studios C. Steven managed to change the situation by himself D. Steven was too smart to be caught and expelled

55 7. Which film was good enough to win Steven a seven-year contract with Universal Studios?
A. Jaws B. E.T. C. Schindler's List D. Amblin

56 8. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Steven's achievements are, in a sense, related to his personal obstacles and setbacks. B. Steven's talent became publicly known at a very young age. C. Steven applied to two of the best film schools in the country but failed. D. Steven has been deeply interested in making sci-fi and combat films since he was a child.

57 Listening Transcript Steven Spielberg is a prolific and super-successful American film director and producer. He has won three Best Movie Oscars, among hundreds of other awards. His movies have made nearly $8 billion, the highest for any filmmaker in history. 'Time' magazine listed him as one of the 100 greatest people of the 20th Century. 'Life' named him the most influential person of his generation. 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格非常多产,他的导演和制作人之路在美国取得了重大成功。他获得了三座奥斯卡最佳影片奖,以及数百座其它奖项。他的电影创下了接近80亿美元的票房,他也因此成为了历史上最赚钱的电影制作人。《时代》杂志将他评选为20世纪一百位伟大人物之一。《生活》杂志将他评为同一时代最具影响力的人物。

58 Spielberg was born in Ohio in 1946
Spielberg was born in Ohio in He was interested in movies when he was very young. At 12, he made a 9-minute film to earn his Boy Scout photography badge. Aged 13, he won a prize for a 40-minute war movie. When he was 16, Spielberg filmed a 2-hour science fiction epic. He set his sights on Hollywood. 1946年,斯皮尔伯出生于美国俄亥俄州。他从小就对电影产生了浓厚的兴趣。12岁那年,因他制作的9分钟短片而获得了“童子军”摄影勋章。13岁时,斯皮尔伯格拍摄了一部40分钟的战争电影,并再次获奖。16岁的他拍摄了一部长达两个小时的科幻冒险电影。进军好莱坞也因此成为了他的目标。

59 Spielberg failed to get into film school because of his high school grades. He was undeterred and went directly to Universal Studios, where he got a position as an intern. In 1968, he made a short film that caught the attention of Universal's vice president. Spielberg became Hollywood's youngest ever director. He spent seven years making TV movies. 由于高中成绩不理想,斯皮尔伯没能如愿进入电影学院。但是他并没有因此而退缩,他直接前往了环球影业,并成为了一名实习生。1968年,他所制作的短片电影引起了“环球影业”副主席的关注。斯皮尔伯随即成为了好莱坞历史上最年轻的导演。他导演了七年电视电影。

60 Spielberg's first major movie was the shark horror film 'Jaws'
Spielberg's first major movie was the shark horror film 'Jaws'. It was a sensational hit and made Spielberg a household name. He has since made many blockbusters that have become a part of world culture, including Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and E.T. Spielberg has also dealt with serious issues such as slavery, the Holocaust and terrorism. He has also ventured into video game production. 他的首部主要影片为惊悚电影《大白鲨》。这部影片获得了轰动,并使他成为了家喻户晓的名字。自此之后,他导演了多部能够纳入世界文化的巨作,包括《侏罗纪公园》、《夺宝奇兵》、《E.T.》。此外,他还参与解决了如奴隶制、大屠杀、恐怖主义等重大问题。他还尝试了电脑游戏的制作。

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