
inspiration翻译成中文_英汉互译翻译软件免费inspiringinspiring的意思、解释过去式:inspired;   过去分词:inspired;inspiring 基本解释形容词鼓舞人心的; 激励的; 启发灵感的及物动词激励;

inspiring   inspiring的意思、解释   过去式:inspired;   过去分词:inspired;   inspiring 基本解释   形容词鼓舞人心的; 激励的; 启发灵感的   及物动词激励; 鼓舞(inspire的现在分词); 启迪inspiring 相关例句   形容词   1. inspiring   1. The speech is inspiring.   这讲话激动人心。inspiring 网络解释   1. 鼓舞人心的:)奥巴马总结说,索托马约尔将给高等法院带来的不仅是从她那光彩的法律职业生涯中获得的知识和经验,还有从她那鼓舞人心的(inspiring)人生历程积累的智慧.   2. 灌输的:inspirer 启发灵感 | inspiring 灌输的 | inspiringly 鼓舞地   3. inspiring在线翻译   3. 令人鼓舞的:inspiring 令人鼓舞的 | strive 努力,斗争 | consequence 结果,推论inspiring 双语例句   1. And bear markets can also be awe-inspiring in their scale and scope.   而熊市同样让人震惊,特别是它宏大的规模和深广的范围。   2. Set sb doing sth The inspiring words by Mr Smith set all cheering.   史密斯先生鼓舞人心的话语使大家都高兴了起来。   3.   3. Song:A firre has a captivating voice and can use bardic music just as a bard can, inspiring competence, or giving suggestions to those who hear it(see Bardic Music in Chapter 3 of the Player””””s Handbook).   歌唱:吟游天使有着迷人的歌喉并且可以如同吟游诗人一般进行吟唱,使听到这歌声的人受到激励或是被迷醉(详细请见玩家手册第三章关于吟唱的部分)。   4. Thus, in the authors opinion, it is critical to establish a stipulative contract by which to regulate the cost coefficients b and the income ratio β to enhance the efficiency of monetary policy, inspiring commercial banks to behave in accordance with the bureaus expectation as much as possible.   笔者认为,通过建立货币当局对商业银行的激励合同,控制商业银行的努力成本系数b和商业银行从执行货币政策意图中所收入的比例β的大小,激励商业银行作出尽可能与货币当局期望相一致的行为选择,是提高货币政策有效性的关键。   5. inspiring的翻译   5. They regaled him with memories of his father that were inspiring in order to prove to Barack that he had come from greatness.   他们让他的回忆里面充满了他父亲的事情来鼓励他向他证明他来自伟大的血统。   6. Meters river and LiuTongXun LuChao, and the river and canal dike XuSanJin work gao, the field mouse ye2 ZaoLi WangHuLin household, as the man of inspiring in qianlong, the big stage the scenes soul-stirring tragicomedy.   米河与刘统勋、卢焯,及河道总督高斌、运河堤工许三金、官仓皂隶鼠爷、田户王虎林等大批可歌可泣之人一起,在乾隆朝的大舞台上演出了一幕幕惊心动魄的悲喜剧。   7. And what a way to start the proceedings thank you Master Wang for the inspiring Holy Lion Dance.   这个节目开始是多麼好──谢谢王大师的精彩的圣狮子舞。   8. 1St, because the particles (110~150 kwh) do not have the coherency in the high temperature, then after the dust pellet attains the electricity, because the gravity function will mourn into automatically the holding tank, materially, after inspiring will hit, each kind of few pellets still to stick on the pole plate.   由于颗粒物在高温(110~150度)是沒有粘性的,那么灰尘颗粒获电后由于重力的作用会自动悼入收集槽中,实质上,振打后各种少量颗粒依然粘在极板上。   9. In view of the factors mentioned above, countermeasures can be taken to strengthen the cohesive force of higher education institutions: establishment of reasonable interest relationship to enhance common interest, formation of a steady view of core value, reinforcement of the drive of common objective, increase of party centripetal force and inspiring force, intensify cultural construction of higher education institutions and penetrating force of leadership, improvement of harmony of interpersonal relationship, and fortification of management concourse.   针对影响高校凝聚力的主要因素,增强高校凝聚力的主要对策有:一是建立合理的利益关系,增强共同利益的联结力和牵引力,二是增强核心价值观的稳定力,三是增强共同目标的驱动力,四是增强党组织的向心力和领导干部的感召力,五是加强大学文化建设,增强文化的渗透力,六是增强人际关系的和谐力,七是增强管理工作的集合力。   10.   10. So thankful that in this world of imperfection, of pain and suffering, sadness and injustice, we can remember such inspiring and positive symbols of strength, resilience and hope, people such as Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan, and so many more…including people around me whom no one here will know cos they are my colleagues, the people i work with, family and friends…who in their own unique ways have also been a source of encouragement for me…and you too in Koo’s Cafe…and our very supportive DV!   在这不完美的世界里,很感激有这些像征著力量、坚强和希望的人物代表,如海伦凯乐,她的教帅,还有大家不认试的但是我的家人、同事、朋友,还有这里的网友们和支持我们的DV,也带给了我好多鼓励!多谢了!   11. It`s awe-inspiring and essential.   它是令人敬佩与必须的。   12. They are stunning and, at times, awe-inspiring.   他们是惊人的,有时,令人折服。   13. inspiring是什么意思   13. He was awe-inspiring, and the sick man seemed to be in fear of him, without knowing why.   在那里,他看到了一个戴着皇冠的人,看起来非常威严,令人畏惧。   14.   14. A combination of the two is astoundingly useful and leads to an awe-inspiring appreciation of the order of natural law.   两者的组合是令人叹为观止的有用的,并导致了令人叹为观止的赞赏秩序的自然法则。   15.   15. As the world’s largest public square, Tiananmen Square is just as vast and awe-inspiring as   作为世界上最大的公共广场,天安门广场就是像你想像的那样广阔和让人欢欣鼓舞。   16. inspiring   16. We all know that cats are loving and truly awe-inspiring creatures.   大家都知道猫是爱,真正拿出大的威势来海洋生物。   17. That are both inspirational and awe-inspiring, will bring joy to people of all ages, from all   人造建筑物的、充满灵感和令人感叹的公园,将为来自世界每一个角落的各个年龄   18. inspiring的反义词   18. Just now, two teachers are talking about is also very inspiring to me, they from a different point of view, put forward a Yiwu market, Yiwu`s economic development to which the future direction of the problem, they to talk about these views, I think it is justified, in fact, we have been thinking about some of these issues.   吴蔚荣:刚才两位老师所谈的对我也很有启发,他们从不同的角度,提出了一个义乌市场、义乌的经济发展今后向哪个方向去的问题,他们所谈的这些意见,我觉得还是很有道理的,实际上也是我们一直在思考的一些问题。   19. Among printing technologies, clay-type printing is the earliest as well as the most inspiring and flexible printing technology in ancient times.   本文系统分析了各个阶段的泥活字印刷技术;描绘出泥活字印刷从泥活字板到活字泥板的技术演进过程;揭示出促使泥活字印刷变化的原因;以此为基础,首次对不同阶段泥活字印刷技术做出了明确的类型揭示和阶段划分。   20. inspiring   20. Mr. Pim, your success is inspiring.   平先生,您的成功真令人振奋。inspiring 词典解释   1. 鼓舞人心的;有激励作用的   Something or someone that is inspiring is exciting and makes you feel strongly interested and enthusiastic…   e.g. She was one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met…   她是我曾见过的最能鼓舞人心的人之一。   e.g. It was not exactly our most inspiring performance of the season.   那并非我们本赛季最激动人心的表现。inspiring 单语例句   1. Henley Business School’s masters programmes bridge the gap between theory and practice, inspiring students to develop skills and knowledge that will significantly enhance their future career opportunities.   2. The collection is full of colors, telling men they also need to be inspiring and cheerful during a bluesy winter.   3. It forebodes a mild turn in our course of economic growth and indicates an inspiring advancement in China’s understanding of the market economy.   4. It’s part of Shanghai Municipal Higher People’s Court IPR judicial protection month with the theme of strengthening judicial protection and inspiring independent innovation.   5. The creator of the iPod and Mac computer triumphed in six categories including most inspiring brand and the one readers could not live without.   6. If you are simply a long shot at a sports contest like Rocky, you’ll be considered lucky or even inspiring if you win.   7. Gwyneth also revealed she loves ” inspiring ” people through her lifestyle newsletter GOOP and is delighted when people approach her for tips.   8. The whole team got emotional yesterday on the court that witnessed each of their inspiring victories and depressing losses at the Beijing Games.   9. This was the inspiring message Deputy Mayor of San Francisco Michael Cohen gave business people in Beijing Monday.   10. The current divergence of views on exit strategies does not look inspiring.inspiring什么意思inspiring 英英释义   inspiring在线翻译   adj   1. stimulating or exalting to the spirit


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