80 Contrivance Quotes To Inspire You

Following is our list of contrivance quotations and slogans full of insightful wisdom and perspective about .

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Famous Contrivance Quotes

Necessity... the mother of invention. — Plato

Every contrivance of man, every tool, every instrument, every utensil, every article designed for use, of each and every kind, evolved from a very simple beginnings. — Robert Collier

This is one of the glories of man, the inventiveness of the human mind and the human spirit: whenever life doesn't seem to give an answer, we create one. — Lorraine Hansberry

Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs. — Nikola Tesla

Limitation makes the creative mind inventive. — Walter Gropius

Cunning leads to knavery. It is but a step from one to the other, and that very slippery. Only lying makes the difference; add that to cunning, and it is knavery. — Ovid

Design is the application of intent - the opposite of happenstance, and an antidote to accident. — Robert L. Peters

Creation exists only in the unforeseen made necessary. — Pierre Boulez

Induction for deduction, with a view to construction. — Auguste Comte

Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. — Henry David Thoreau

We must use what we have to invent what we desire. - Adrienne Rich

We must use what we have to invent what we desire. — Adrienne Rich

And yet the true creator is necessity, which is the mother of invention. — Aristotle

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. — Benjamin Franklin

The craftiest trickery are too short and ragged a cloak to cover a bad heart. - Johann Kaspar Lavater

The craftiest trickery are too short and ragged a cloak to cover a bad heart. — Johann Kaspar Lavater

Cunning... is but the low mimic of wisdom. — Plato

Short Contrivance Quotes

  • Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena. — Wilhelm Reich
  • History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors and issues. — T. S. Eliot
  • Pleasure and pain, though directly opposite are contrived to be constant companions. — Pierre Charron
  • A heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute. — Edward Gibbon
  • I sing in five or six different voices that are all part of me. Its not contrived. — Axl Rose
  • Often even a whole city suffers for a bad man who sins and contrives presumptuous deeds. — Hesiod
  • Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. — Edmund Burke
  • If coincidences are just coincidences, why do they feel so contrived? — Clyde Bruckman
  • Cupid is naked and does not like artifices contrived by beauty. — Propertius
  • Neither I nor any other man should, on trial or in way, contrive to avoid death at any cost. — Socrates

Contrivance Image Quotes

Contrition Quotes

There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. — Washington Irving

The tumalt and shouting dies, The captains and the kings depart. Still stands thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heat. Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget. — Rudyard Kipling

Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, and kindles the true light of chastity. — Saint Augustine

The social disease of political correctness has entered daily life, inverting good to bad and attempting to rewrite proud histories as an imposition of white supremacy for which we all should make contrition. — Robert Agostinelli

Three conditions are necessary for Penance: contrition, which is sorrow for sin, together with a purpose of amendment; confession of sins without any omission; and satisfaction by means of good works. — Thomas Aquinas

'The want of proper examination, true contrition, and a firm purpose of amendment, is the cause of bad confessions, and of the ruin of souls.' — Benedict Joseph Labre

Men are born to sin…What does matter most, is not that we err, it is that we do benefit from our mistakes, that we are capable of sincere repentance, of genuine contrition. — Sharon Kay Penman

True faith begins with true repentance for whatever we have been doing that is wrong. — Rick Joyner

True repentance includes sorrow for sin and contrition of heart. It breaks the heart with sighs and sobs and groans. — Thomas Brooks

Humility has such power. Apologies can disarm arguments. Contrition can defuse rage. Olive branches do more good than battle axes ever will. — Max Lucado

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More Contrivance Quotes

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. — John F. Kennedy

People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. — Adam Smith

The Chinese, by their favourite system of dwarfing, contrive to make it, when only a foot and a half or two feet high, have all the characters of an aged cedar of Lebanon. — Robert Fortune

The Devil is perfectly willing that the church should multiply its organizations and its deftly contrived machinery for the conquest of the world for Christ, if it will only give up praying...The Devil is not afraid of machinery; he is only afraid of God. And machinery without prayer is machinery without God. — R. A. Torrey

The (Academy Award) ceremonies are a two-hour meat parade, a public display with contrived suspense for economic reasons. — George C. Scott

Poverty is often concealed in splendor, and often in extravagance. It is the task of many people to conceal their neediness from others. Consequently they support themselves by temporary means, and everyday is lost in contriving for tomorrow. — Samuel Johnson

When playing a role, I would feel more comfortable, as you're given a prescribed way of behaving. So, both Facebook and theatre provide contrived settings that provide the illusion of social interaction. — Jesse Eisenberg

At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool, human labour becomes abridged. — Charles Babbage

Some issues lend themselves to grassroots campaigns - homeschooling works well - but others require contrivance and connivance to whip up support. Often, lobbyists will hire vendors to dispatch blast emails and robocalls in the hopes of bombarding Congressional offices with citizen fury. — Jack Abramoff

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. — Henri CartierBresson

Life is made up of constant calls to action, and we seldom have time for more than hastily contrived answers. — Learned Hand

We complain and complain, but we have lived and seen the blossom -apple, pear, cherry, plum, almond blossom - in the sun; and the best among us cannot pretend they deserve - or could contrive - anything better. — J. B. Priestley

The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. — John F. Kennedy

Many instructional arrangements seem "contrived," but there is nothing wrong with that. It is the teacher's function to contrive conditions under which students learn. It has always been the task of formal education to set up behavior which would prove useful or enjoyable later in a student's life. — B. F. Skinner

There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern. — Samuel Johnson

The animal frame, though destined to fulfill so many other ends, is as a machine more perfect than the best contrived steam-engine-that is, is capable of more work with the same expenditure of fuel. — James Prescott Joule

I have loved you in every manner that my imagination could contrive. I have wanted you so deeply that my body sang with pain and pleasure. You have been my obsession, my passion, my philosophers' stone of fantasy. You are my desire, my longing, my spirit. I love you unconditionally. - Sabine Strohem — Nick Bantock

It's a no win situation. It's a mug's game. The religions have contrived to make it impossible to disagree with them critically without being rude. They play the hurt feelings card at every opportunity. — Daniel Dennett

It [the depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence worked out as one works out a mathematical equation. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all. — Louis Thomas McFadden

Marriage was contrived for ordinary people, for people who are capable of neither great love nor great friendship, which is to say, for most people--but also for those exceptionally rare ones who are capable of love as well as of friendship. — Friedrich Nietzsche

This is what extremely grieves us, that a man who never fought Should contrive our fees to pilfer, on who for his native land Never to this day had oar, or lance, or blister in his hand. — Aristophanes

Conflict is the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. It instigates invention. It shocks us out of sheep-like passivity, and sets us at noting and contriving…conflict is a sine qua non of reflection and ingenuity. — John Dewey

O fools, awake! The rites ye sacred hold Are but a cheat contrived by men of old Who lusted after wealth and gained their lust And died in baseness-and their law is dust. — Al-Maʿarri

We all dread a bodily paralysis, and would make use of every contrivance to avoid it; but none of us is troubled about a paralysis of the soul. — Epictetus

regulation is useful and proper, when aimed at the prevention of fraud or contrivance, manifestly injurious to other kinds of production, or to the public safety, and not at prescribing the nature of the products and the methods of fabrication. — Jean-Baptiste Say

To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree. — Charles Darwin

Above all, it behooves us to repress, and if possible to extinguish once and for all, our inveterate tendency to judge others by the extent to which they contrive to be like ourselves. — George F. Kennan

The evil of technology was not technology itself, Lindbergh came to see after the war, not in airplanes or the myriad contrivances of modern technical igenuity, but in the extent to which they can distance us from our better moral nature, or sense of personal accountability. — David McCullough

In America, much foreign policy seems contrived to be an exercise in political theory with no attention to history whatsoever. Yet there's a great reverence for history - though it's history as thumb-sucking, security blanket-nibbling self-congratulation. — Simon Schama

Every tax ought to be so contrived as both to take out and to keep out of the pockets of the people as little as possible, over and above what it brings into the public treasury of the State. — Adam Smith

But as some muskets so contrive it As oft to miss the mark they drive at, And though well aimed at dock or plover Bear wide, and kick their owners over. — John Trumbull

You cannot give me an instance of any man who is permitted to lay out his own time contriving not to have tedious hours. — Samuel Johnson

No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned... a man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. — Samuel Johnson

The Bible is not for the people; whosoever will be saved must renounce it. It is a forbidden book. Bible societies are satanic contrivances. — Pope Pius IV

The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ. — Thomas Jefferson

There is nothing more difficult than tactical maneuvering. The difficult consists in turning the devious into the direct, and misfortune into gain. Thus, to take a long and circuitous route after enticing the enemy out of the way, and though starting after him to contrive to reach the goal before him, shows knowledge of the artifice of deviation. — Sun Tzu

From the church I received a spiritual foundation that has kept me balanced. From the gospel music I learned the importance of singing with emotion- authentic emotion- not contrived- which has made my music endearing. — Oleta Adams

Although pretend play is important, it is still the means to an end, not the end itself. Do not make the mistake of thinking a contrived, pretend drama can substitute for real interpersonal comfort in dealing with important emotional issues. — Stanley Greenspan

It is a wretched thing that the young men of today are so contriving and so proud of their material posessions. Men with contriving hearts are lacking in duty. Lacking in duty, they will have no self-respect. — Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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