


disintegrate 英 [dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt] 美 [dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt] disintegrate怎么读

  • vt. 使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变
  • vi. 瓦解;碎裂;衰变


  • vt.使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变

    collapse dissolve

  • vi.瓦解;碎裂;衰变

    collapse chip


  • 烟消云散

    completely vanish end in smoke vanish into smoke

  • 灰飞烟灭

    smoke and ashes destruction Ashes to Ashes

  • 涣然冰释

    melt away thaw out clear up

  • 土崩瓦解

    fall apart crumble disintegrate

  • 分崩离析

    fall apart disintegrate and torn by dissension fall separately and split differently -- to dissolve

  • 认识

    know meet acquaint oneself with be familiar with cognition

  • 了解

    understand know realize comprehend see

  • 解析


  • 明白


  • 理解

    comprehend understand

  • 领会

    understand comprehend

  • 阐明

    expound clarify illustrate elucidate illuminate elaborate interpretation

  • 剖析

    dissect analyse

  • 分化

    differentiation polarization become divided differentiate

  • 瓦解

    collapse disorganize overthrow disintegration disruption

  • 领悟


  • 理会

    understand pay attention to

  • 分析

    analyse analysis

  • 支离破碎

    fragmented broken up torn to pieces

  • 一盘散沙

    in a state of disunity

  • 同床异梦

    be strange bedfellows

  • 分化瓦解

    disintegrate divide and demoralize

  • 众叛亲离

    be utterly isolated be opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers to be isolated and forsaken by everyone

  • 四分五裂

    fall apart disintegrate

  • 狼狈不堪

    like a drowned mouse like a drowned rat

  • 不可收拾

    out of hand irremediable unmanageable hopeless

  • 风声鹤唳

    a fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound apprehend danger in every sound

  • 瓦解冰消

    vanish from the scene

  • 溃不成军

    an army in disarray the army is completely routed

  • 一触即溃

    collapse at the first encounter smash with one stroke

  • 危如累卵

    at stake in an extremely precarious situation behind eight balls hang by a thread on a razor's edge

  • 冰解冻释

    be dispelled as the thawing of ice

  • 落花流水

    utterly routed

  • 一败涂地

    hunt grass bite the ground suffering a crushing defeat go to the wall

  • 冰消瓦解

    melt like ice and break like tiles be thoroughly removed disintegrate dissolve vanish from the scene

  • 一蹶不振

    cannot recover after a setback

  • 崩溃

    collapse crash breakdown crumble fall apart


  • 东山再起

    stage a comeback bob up like a cork bob up like a cock rise from the ashes

  • 重起炉灶

    begin all over again make a fresh start

  • 戮力同心

    pull together and work hard as a team be of one mind

  • 精诚团结

    cooperate with absolute sincerity

  • 搀合

    admix blend

  • 组合

    combination assembly group

  • 混合

    mixture blend mingle commixture

  • 化合

    chemical combination

  • 合成

    compound synthesis composition

  • 万众一心

    all the people of one mind

  • 完好无损

    intact in perfect condition

  • 一统天下

    unify the whole country rule all the land All the empire came under one's sway bring the whole country under one's rule bring the whole world under one's domination

  • 众志成城

    unity is strength

  • 百川归海

    All rivers flow to the sea All things tend in one direction the general trend of events

  • 团结一致

    unite as one be united as one and be concentrating their efforts on monolithic solidarity

  • 百川朝海

    all things tend in one direction

  • 固若金汤

    impregnable as strong as iron be secure against assault strongly fortified

  • 众望所归

    enjoy popular confidence be in favor with the general public command public respect and support stand high in popular favor

  • 安如泰山

    as solid as a rock

  • 坚如磐石

    rock-solid firm as a rock

disintegrate中文是什么意思 - 英语词典


liberates contradicts onand perceptible ill-will refraining slanders heartening ravages ofhow dramatized diffuses pervious abated mildest heretofore occasioned hampering necessitates posturing nationalistic intimation employments paralyzing prioritizes breakups effectson devoutly asituation differentfrom


disintegrated disintegrating disintegration disintegrative disinterest


1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。


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