


perfect 英 [ˈpɜːfɪkt] 美 [ˈpɜːrfɪkt] perfect怎么读

  • adj. 无瑕的,完好的;完全正确的,极其准确的;完美的,理想的;最佳的,绝配的;十足的,完全的;通常的,大体的;(语法)完成时的,完成式的;(数字)完全的;(花)有雌雄蕊的;(昆虫)性成熟的;(真菌)有性孢子形成阶段的,有性的;完成时的,完成式的
  • v. 完善,使完美;双面印完(一页纸);<法律>使(礼物、头衔等)合法转移
  • n. (语法)完成时,完成体
  • 【名】 (Perfect)(美、爱、英)珀费克特(人名)


  • 齐全

    complete all in readiness

  • 宽裕

    well-off ample plenty well-to-do comfortably off

  • 齐备

    all ready all complete

  • 天衣无缝

    flawless perfect job a seamless heavenly robe without a trace

  • 止于至善

    aim at absolute perfection arrive at supreme goodness

  • 尽善尽美

    reach the acme of perfection be perfect

  • 精美绝伦

    exquisite beyond compare

  • 白璧无瑕

    flawless white jade man's flawless character impeccable moral integrity girl's virginity faultless

  • 无懈可击

    unassailable irreproachability

  • 浑然一体

    one integrated mass an integral whole All blend into one harmonious whole a unified entity

  • 完美无缺

    flawless leave nothing to be desired beyond reproach

  • arrogate to oneself be good at without authority

  • 全盘

    overall comprehensive wholesale

  • 整体

    entirety overall

  • 全豹

    whole picture overall situation

  • 万万

    absolutely wholly

  • 全数

    total number whole amount

  • 统统

    all completely entirely

  • 全面

    comprehensive overall total entirety

  • 绝对

    absolute absolutely definitely absoluteness

  • 完备


  • 全体

    all entire whole entirety

  • 所有

    all own possess possessions

  • 美满

    happy perfectly satisfactory

  • 完好

    in good condition intact

  • 实足

    full solid

  • 具体

    specific definite concreteness

  • 十足

    100 per cent pure and simple sheer downright of the first water out-and-out

  • 无缺

    whole complete intact undamaged in good order integrity

  • 具备

    have possess be provided with be equipped with

  • 总共

    in all altogether in the aggregate in total

  • 通盘

    overall comprehensive all-round

  • 彻底

    thorough in grain downright

  • 全部

    all complete entire whole total

  • 一律

    same uniform alike

  • 完整

    full integrity intact completion

  • 一切

    everything all

  • 一概

    entirely without exception totally

  • 透顶

    in the extreme thoroughly downright through and through

  • 完美

    perfect flawless

  • 完满

    satisfactory successful

  • 圆满


  • 完竣

    be completed

  • 完善

    perfect complete consummate perfection

  • 完美无瑕


  • 改革

    reform innovation reformation revolution innovate

  • 改正

    correct amend

  • 革新

    reformation innovation

  • 改观

    change the appearance of

  • 改进

    improvement improve perfection ameliorate

  • 刷新

    refresh refurbish renovate freshen break renovation

  • 改良


  • 美中不足

    a fly in the ointment a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing the least of perfection

  • 一无是处

    without a single redeeming feature neither rhyme nor reason

  • 玉洁冰清

    pure-hearted pure and noble

  • 瑕不掩瑜

    One flaw cannot obscure the splendor of the jade Defects cannot belittle virtues The defects cannot obscure the virtues The flaws do not detract from the jade's essential beauty

  • 绝佳

    superexcellence beyond compare

  • 精妙

    subtle ingenious exquisite and delicate

  • 绝伦

    peerless unsurpassed unequalled matchless

  • 巧妙

    ingenious clever art artifice craftiness


  • 欠缺

    shortcoming deficiency defect be short of defectiveness

  • 漏洞百出

    full of loopholes Its loopholes appeared one after another with gasping holes everywhere What one says is full of holes

  • 不足之处

    inadequacy shortcomings deficiencies

  • 美中不足

    a fly in the ointment a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing the least of perfection

  • 金无足赤

    gold can't be hundred percent pure none is perfect

  • 白圭之玷

    a flaw in a jade baton a spot on a white jade

  • 一鳞半爪


  • 人非圣贤,孰能无过

    To err is human

  • 百孔千疮

    be afflicted with all ills be scarred and battered

  • 一无是处

    without a single redeeming feature neither rhyme nor reason

  • 一无可取

    be worthless be a good-for-nothing have nothing to recommend one

  • evil badness wickedness vice ferocity

  • 残缺

    incomplete fragmentary

  • 缺陷

    flaw defect imperfection blemish drawback

  • 零碎

    fragmentary piecemeal scrappy

  • 简陋

    simple and crude

  • 缺憾

    regret discount

  • 漏洞

    hole gap bug leak defect vulnerability weakness breach flaw loophole

  • 破烂

    frazzle raggedness rinky-dink pedlary raggedly

  • 恶化

    deteriorate worsen

  • 千疮百孔

    one thousand boils and a hundred holes -- in a disastrous state a hundred holes a thousand scars heavily damaged riddle with a thousand gapping wounds scarred and battered

  • 白璧微瑕

    a slight flaw in a white jade a flaw in a gem small defects

  • 体无完肤

    be a nass of bruises be thoroughly refuted

  • 瑕瑜互见

    see both its good and bad points Every white has its black and every sweet its sour have both strong and weak points have both correct and mistaken aspects have defects as well as merits

  • silly stupid foolish

  • foolish naive silly simple-minded

  • thick coarse rough vulgar rude

  • 丑陋


perfect中文是什么意思 - 英语词典


beautiful good perfectly pretty make it's absolutely wonderful makes all complete perfection lovely kind that's three better up well so ever second is this very just definitely looks way another


perfect-team perfecta perfectace perfectamente perfectday


1. 近义词指意思相近,但不完全相同的词,比如:“开心”和“高兴”、“谦虚”和“谦逊”、“满意”和“欣慰”。
2. 反义词是指两个意思相反的词,比如:“真”和“假”,“美”和“丑”。
3. 等义词指意思完全相同的词。
4. 同义词包括近义词和等义词。


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