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VITALITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VITALITY?

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Need another word that means the same as “vitality”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “vitality” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Vitality as a Noun
  • Definitions of "Vitality" as a noun
  • Synonyms of "Vitality" as a noun (35 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Vitality" as a noun
  • Associations of "Vitality" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Vitality” are: energy, vim, animation, verve, life force, liveliness, life, spirit, spiritedness, high-spiritedness, vivacity, exuberance, buoyancy, bounce, vibrancy, pep, brio, zest, zestfulness, sparkle, spark, effervescence, dynamism, passion, fire, vigour, forcefulness, ardour, zeal, relish, gusto, push, drive, punch, elan

Vitality as a Noun

Definitions of "Vitality" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “vitality” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms.
  • An energetic style.
  • A healthy capacity for vigorous activity.
  • The property of being able to survive and grow.
  • The power giving continuance of life, present in all living things.
  • (biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms.
  • The state of being strong and active; energy.

Synonyms of "Vitality" as a noun (35 Words)

animationThe technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence.
They started talking with animation.
ardourA feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause.
He kissed her with an ardour that left her breathless.
bounceThe ability of a surface to make a ball rebound in a specified way.
The bounce was now back in Jenny s step.
brioVigour or vivacity of style or performance.
She told her story with some brio.
buoyancyA high level of activity in an economy or stock market.
She plunged into the sea grateful for the buoyancy of the salt water.
driveHitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver.
Emotional and sexual drives.
dynamismThe quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress.
He was known for his dynamism and strong views.
effervescenceVivacity and enthusiasm.
The effervescence of sparkling wine.
elanEnthusiastic and assured vigor and liveliness.
A performance of great elan and sophistication.
energyA thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work the units of energy are joules or ergs.
A collision in which no energy is transferred.
exuberanceOverflowing with eager enjoyment or approval.
A sense of youthful exuberance.
fireA fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning.
Mortar fire.
forcefulnessPhysical energy or intensity.
A government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man.
gustoThe style in which a work of art is executed.
Hawkins tucked into his breakfast with gusto.
high-spiritednessExuberant liveliness.
lifeA sentence of imprisonment for life.
Revelations about his private life.
life forceA characteristic state or mode of living.
livelinessGeneral activity and motion.
He radiated liveliness and good humour.
passionA musical setting of any of the biblical accounts of the Passion.
She nurses a passion for Thomas.
pepLiveliness and energy.
He was an enthusiastic player full of pep.
punchAn iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings normally served in a punch bowl.
He reeled under the well aimed punch.
pushAn act of pushing someone or something in order to move them away from oneself.
Many clubs are joining in the fund raising push.
relishAn appetizing flavour.
The tired glutton finds no relish in the sweetest meat.
sparkA small flash of light produced by a sudden disruptive electrical discharge through the air.
A log fire was sending sparks on to the rug.
sparkleMerriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance.
There was a sparkle in his eyes.
spiritA supernatural being.
He confessed in a spirit of self respect.
spiritednessQuality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous.
verveAn energetic style.
Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility.
vibrancyThe state of being full of energy and life.
Her eyes seemed to radiate the vibrancy of youth.
vigourEffort, energy, and enthusiasm.
I was 79 but still full of vigour and vitality.
vimA healthy capacity for vigorous activity.
In his youth he was full of vim and vigour.
vivacityCharacterized by high spirits and animation.
He was struck by her vivacity humour and charm.
zealExcessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end.
They disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority.
zestA quality of excitement and piquancy.
They campaigned with zest and intelligence.
zestfulnessVigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment.

Usage Examples of "Vitality" as a noun

  • The vitality of a seed.
  • Changes that will give renewed vitality to our democracy.
  • The vitality of seeds.

Associations of "Vitality" (30 Words)

aliveContinuing in existence or use.
Keeping hope alive.
animateAlive or having life.
We are animate beings.
animationThe activity of giving vitality and vigour to something.
A combination of live action with 3 D animation.
chargedCapable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy.
A charged battery.
convertedSpiritually reborn or converted.
A converted Victorian property.
energyA degree or level of energy possessed by something or required by a process.
Changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well being.
enthusiasmSomething that arouses enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm for his program is growing.
exuberanceOverflowing with eager enjoyment or approval.
A sense of youthful exuberance.
invigorateHeighten or intensify.
The cold water invigorated him.
lifeAn account of the series of events making up a person s life.
He lived a long and happy life.
lifelongContinuing through life.
The two men were to remain lifelong friends.
liveInhabit or live in be an inhabitant of.
A live issue.
livelihoodThe financial means whereby one lives.
He could no longer earn his own livelihood.
livingOf a place used for living rather than working in.
The benefits of country living.
outlastLive longer than.
The kind of beauty that will outlast youth.
panacheDistinctive and stylish elegance.
He entertained London society with great panache.
reanimateGive new life or energy to.
His personal dislike of the man was reanimated.
recreateCreate anew.
The door was now open to recreate a single German state.
refreshRefresh one s memory.
The tea is cold and the pot needs refreshing.
reincarnationA new version of something from the past.
His reincarnation as a lion.
reviveRegain life, consciousness, or strength.
The paper made panicky attempts to revive falling sales.
spiritedMade lively or spirited.
A warm hearted generous spirited man.
staminaEnduring strength and energy.
Their secret is stamina rather than speed.
supplenessThe gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple.
He increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization.
verveAn energetic style.
Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility.
vibrantVigorous and animated.
A vibrant cosmopolitan city.
vigorActive strength of body or mind.
vimA healthy capacity for vigorous activity.
He seemed full of vim and vigor.
vivacityCharacterized by high spirits and animation.
He was struck by her vivacity humour and charm.
vivifyGive new life or energy to.
Outings vivify learning for children.

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