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TRANSMIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRANSMIT?

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Need another word that means the same as “transmit”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “transmit” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Transmit as a Verb
  • Definitions of "Transmit" as a verb
  • Synonyms of "Transmit" as a verb (33 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Transmit" as a verb
  • Associations of "Transmit" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Transmit” are: carry, channel, conduct, convey, impart, air, beam, broadcast, send, channelise, channelize, transfer, transport, communicate, pass on, hand on, bear, relay, dispatch, mediate, send out, put on air, put on the air, televise, radio, telecast, videocast, podcast, show, publish, emit, wire, pipe

Transmit as a Verb

Definitions of "Transmit" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “transmit” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another.
  • Allow (heat, light, sound, electricity, or other energy) to pass through a medium.
  • Send from one person or place to another.
  • Transmit or serve as the medium for transmission.
  • Broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television.
  • Communicate or be a medium for (an idea or emotion.
  • Transfer to another.
  • Broadcast or send out (an electrical signal or a radio or television programme.

Synonyms of "Transmit" as a verb (33 Words)

airExpose a room to the open air in order to ventilate it.
We cannot air this X rated song.
beamExpress with a beaming face or smile.
The sun s rays beamed down.
bearBring forth.
Steamboats bear the traveller out of Kerrerra Sound.
broadcastBroadcast over the airwaves as in radio or television.
The second method is to broadcast the seeds together with not more than 1 kg to the acre of rapeseed.
carryWin in an election.
This boat can only carry a small sail.
channelDirect towards a particular end or object.
Meg Ryan plays Avery as if she s channelling Nicole Kidman.
channeliseCause to form a channel.
channelizeMake a channel for; provide with a channel.
Channelize the country for better transportation.
communicateTransmit (heat or motion.
The dining room communicates with the kitchen.
conductTransmit a form of energy such as heat or electricity by conduction.
He conducted himself with the utmost propriety.
conveyServe as a means for expressing something.
Mr Harvey and his daughter have asked me to convey their very kind regards.
dispatchKill intentionally and with premeditation.
The government dispatched 150 police to restore order.
emitProduce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation.
She emitted a sound like laughter.
hand onGuide or conduct or usher somewhere.
impartTransmit (knowledge or skills.
The teachers imparted a great deal of knowledge to their pupils.
mediateOccupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others.
He mediated a settlement.
pass onPass into a specified state or condition.
pipeTransport by pipeline.
Pipe oil water and gas into the desert.
podcastMake a digital audio file available as a podcast.
publishPrepare and issue for public distribution or sale.
The photo has not been published on her Instagram account.
put on airCause (someone) to undergo something.
put on the airFormulate in a particular style or language.
radioCommunicate or send a message by radio.
We radioed for help.
relayControl or operate by relay.
Please relay the news to the villagers.
sendSend a message or letter.
Send me your latest results.
send outTransport commercially.
showShow in or as in a picture.
The whole nation is waiting for him to show leadership.
telecastBroadcast via television.
The programme will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.
televiseBroadcast via television.
The network chose not to televise the opening ceremony.
transferTransfer from one place or period to another.
Transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket.
transportTransport commercially.
The book transported her to new worlds.
videocastMake available as a videocast.
The ceremonies were videocast live on the internet.
wireSnare an animal with wire.
A microphone wired to a loudspeaker.

Usage Examples of "Transmit" as a verb

  • The theatrical gift of being able to transmit emotion.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The three bones transmit sound waves to the inner ear.
  • The programme was transmitted on 7 October.
  • Transmit a message.
  • Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil.

Associations of "Transmit" (30 Words)

broadcastBroadcast over the airwaves as in radio or television.
The Queen s annual Christmas TV broadcast.
bulletinMake public by bulletin.
carryThe act of carrying something.
He could not carry the cabinet.
communicateImpart or pass on (information, news, or ideas.
He and his sons haven t communicated for years.
communicationSocial contact.
Television is an effective means of communication.
consigneeThe person to whom merchandise is delivered over.
conveyTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission.
It s impossible to convey how lost I felt.
conveyanceDocument effecting a property transfer.
Adventurers attempt the trail using all manner of conveyances including mountain bikes and motorcycles.
correspondenceLetters, emails, etc. sent or received.
The results of two tests were in correspondence.
delivery(baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter.
Her delivery was stilted.
dispatchSend away towards a designated goal.
The government dispatched 150 police to restore order.
emailSend a message by email.
Reading email has become the first task of the morning.
ferryConvey in a ferry or other ship or boat especially across a short stretch of water.
Ambulances ferried the injured to hospital.
ferryboatA boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule.
fetchThe action of fetching.
The dog fetched the hat.
interactCommunicate or be involved directly.
The user interacts directly with the library.
mailA single delivery or collection of mail.
I did not receive any mail.
mailingMail sent by a sender at one time.
The postmark indicates the time of mailing.
messageSend a message to someone especially by email text app or other electronic means.
She messaged the final report by fax.
messengerSend a document or package by messenger.
Could you have it messengered over to me.
postAssign to a post put into a post.
If you hurry you ll catch the post.
receiverA person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them.
The receiver of a gift.
recipientA person or thing that receives or is awarded something.
The recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
relayA signal or broadcast transmitted by a relay.
A relay of a performance live from the concert hall.
sendSend a message or letter.
It s the spectacle and music that send us not the words.
senderSet used to broadcast radio or tv signals.
Return to sender.
spamA tinned meat product made mainly from ham.
An autogenerated spam website.
transferTransferring ownership.
A transfer of wealth to the EU s poorer nations.
transportA convict who was transported to a penal colony.
Many possess their own forms of transport.
transportationThe United States federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs created in 1966.
The sentence was one of transportation for life.

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