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SMASH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SMASH?

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Need another word that means the same as “smash”? Find 69 synonyms and 30 related words for “smash” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Smash as a Noun
  • Definitions of "Smash" as a noun
  • Synonyms of "Smash" as a noun (25 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Smash" as a noun
  • Smash as a Verb
  • Definitions of "Smash" as a verb
  • Synonyms of "Smash" as a verb (43 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Smash" as a verb
  • Smash as an Adverb
  • Definitions of "Smash" as an adverb
  • Synonyms of "Smash" as an adverb (1 Word)
  • Usage Examples of "Smash" as an adverb
  • Associations of "Smash" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Smash” are: blast, boom, nail, dash, bankrupt, break, ruin, bang up, smash up, crush, break to pieces, smash to smithereens, shatter, crash into, collide with, be in collision with, hit, strike, ram, slam into, bang into, meet head-on, run into, drive into, bump into, crack against, crack into, crash, wreck, thump, punch, cuff, smack, thwack, destroy, devastate, demolish, blight, wipe out, overturn, torpedo, scotch, smash into, bang, bash, belt, knock, smasher, smash-up, overhead, breaking, shattering, crashing, multiple crash, car crash, collision, multiple collision, accident, car accident, road accident, traffic accident, bump, great success, sensation, triumph, smashingly

Smash as a Noun

Definitions of "Smash" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “smash” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A bankruptcy or financial failure.
  • A violent blow.
  • A violent collision or impact between vehicles.
  • A very successful song, film, show, or performer.
  • The act of colliding with something.
  • An act or sound of something smashing.
  • A hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head.
  • A serious collision (especially of motor vehicles.
  • A mixture of spirits (typically brandy) with flavoured water and ice.
  • A vigorous blow.
  • A conspicuous success.
  • A stroke in tennis, badminton, and similar sports in which the ball or shuttlecock is hit downwards with a hard overarm volley.

Synonyms of "Smash" as a noun (25 Words)

accidentA crash involving road or other vehicles.
If you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness.
bangA border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead.
They got a great bang out of it.
bashA vigorous blow.
A birthday bash.
beltA belt of a specified colour marking the attainment of a particular level in judo karate or similar sports.
Be quiet or it s the belt.
breakingThe act of breaking something.
bumpA light blow or a jolting collision.
The bump threw him off the bicycle.
car accidentA wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad.
car crashThe compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant.
collisionAn accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object.
Three passengers were killed in the collision.
crashA sudden failure which puts a computer system out of action.
A car crash.
crashingAn event that causes a computer system to become inoperative.
great successA person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field.
hitA successful venture, especially a film, pop record, or song.
That song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career.
knockThe sound of knocking as on a door or in an engine or bearing.
The knocking grew louder.
multiple collisionThe product of a quantity by an integer.
multiple crashThe product of a quantity by an integer.
overheadA transparency for use with an overhead projector.
Passengers get up to fiddle with their luggage in the overheads.
road accidentAn open way (generally public) for travel or transportation.
sensationThe capacity to have physical sensations.
A sensation of touch.
shatteringThe act of breaking something into small pieces.
smash-upA serious collision (especially of motor vehicles.
smasherA conspicuous success.
He scored a smasher.
strikeA pitch that passes through the strike zone.
His 32nd minute strike helped the team to end a run of three defeats.
traffic accidentThe amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time.
triumphThe processional entry of a victorious general into ancient Rome.
The agreement was a triumph for common sense.

Usage Examples of "Smash" as a noun

  • A car smash.
  • A box office smash.
  • Man dies in motorway smash.
  • A smash-hit first single.
  • That new Broadway show is a real smasher.
  • A forearm smash.
  • The fullback's smash into the defensive line.
  • He heard the smash of glass.

Smash as a Verb

Definitions of "Smash" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “smash” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Completely defeat, destroy, or foil (something regarded as hostile or dangerous.
  • Violently knock down or crush inwards.
  • (in sport) strike (the ball) or score (a goal, run, etc.) with great force.
  • Crash and severely damage (a vehicle.
  • Collide or strike violently and suddenly.
  • Be violently broken into pieces; shatter.
  • Overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful.
  • (in tennis, badminton, and similar sports) strike (the ball or shuttlecock) downwards with a hard overarm volley.
  • Humiliate or depress completely.
  • Hit hard.
  • Hit violently.
  • Break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over.
  • Hit or attack (someone) very violently.
  • Reduce to bankruptcy.
  • Damage or destroy as if by violence.
  • (of a business) go bankrupt; fail financially.
  • Move so as to hit or collide with something with great force and impact.
  • Break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow.
  • Violently break (something) into pieces.
  • Easily or comprehensively beat (a record.
  • Hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke.

Synonyms of "Smash" as a verb (43 Words)

bang intoMove noisily.
bang upMove noisily.
bankruptReduce a person or organization to bankruptcy.
The strike nearly bankrupted the union.
be in collision withTo remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form.
blastCriticize harshly or violently.
Corn blasted before it be grown up.
blightCause to suffer a blight.
Some people complain that wind farms blight the landscape.
boomMake a deep hollow sound.
Stop right there boomed the Headmaster.
breakUndergo breaking.
The book dealer would not break the set.
break to piecesFracture a bone of nicecutisours.
bump intoDance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward.
collide withCrash together with violent impact.
crack againstBecome fractured; break or crack on the surface only.
crack intoBreak suddenly and abruptly, as under tension.
crashCause to crash.
The waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night.
crash intoMake a sudden loud sound.
crushCrush or bruise.
I was crushed was I not good enough.
cuffConfine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs.
The man s hands were cuffed behind his back.
dashAdd an enlivening or altering element to.
I won t tell Stuart I think he d be dashed.
demolishDefeat soundly.
I looked forward keenly to demolishing my opponent.
destroyDestroy completely damage irreparably.
He has been determined to destroy her.
devastateDestroy or ruin.
He was devastated by his grief when his son died.
drive intoCompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment.
hitScore a run or point by hitting a ball with a bat racket stick etc.
Capital spending this year is likely to hit 1 800 million.
meet head-onUndergo or suffer.
nailAttach something somewhere by means of nails.
She nailed her astrophysics course.
overturnCause to overturn from an upright or normal position.
The crowd proceeded to overturn cars and set them on fire.
punchDrive forcibly as if by a punch.
The nail punched through the wall.
ram(of a vehicle or vessel) be driven violently into (something, typically another vehicle or vessel) in an attempt to stop or damage it.
The stolen car rammed into the front of the house.
ruinReduce to ruins.
The castle was ruined when dynamite was used to demolish one of the corner towers.
run intoBe diffused.
scotchMake a small cut or score into.
He soon scotched himself against a wall.
shatterBreak or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces.
Everyone was shattered by the news.
slam intoDance the slam dance.
smackHave a distinctive or characteristic taste.
The four postilions smacked their whips in concert.
smash intoHit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke.
smash to smithereensHit violently.
smash upBreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over.
strikeUndertake strike action against an employer.
Strike a medal.
thump(of a person’s heart or pulse) beat or pulsate strongly, typically because of fear or excitement.
The Band of the Royal Marines was thumping out a selection from Oklahoma.
thwackStrike forcefully with a sharp blow.
She thwacked the back of their knees with a cane.
torpedoAttack or hit with torpedoes.
Fighting between the militias torpedoed peace talks.
wipe outRub with a circular motion.
wreckSuffer or undergo shipwreck.
My letters were in one of the vessels that wreck d.

Usage Examples of "Smash" as a verb

  • Burglars smashed in the steel shutters.
  • The glass ball smashed instantly on the pavement.
  • The death of her son smashed her.
  • A deliberate attempt to smash the union movement.
  • The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail.
  • She smashed her car against the guard rail.
  • Donald smashed him over the head.
  • Anything that gets in his way is smashed to pieces.
  • The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off.
  • He smashed home the Tranmere winner.
  • Soldiers smashed down doors.
  • My Volvo's been smashed up.
  • A firm that had smashed for so tremendous an amount.
  • Gone are the days when he smashed up hotels.
  • The thief smashed a window to get into the car.
  • The slump in the financial markets smashed him.
  • Their plane smashed into a mountainside.
  • Giant Atlantic waves smashed against the wall.
  • He smashed the course record.
  • He smashed a 3-run homer.
  • The window smashed.

Smash as an Adverb

Definitions of "Smash" as an adverb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “smash” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

  • With a loud crash.
  • With a sudden, violent shattering.

Synonyms of "Smash" as an adverb (1 Word)

smashinglyWith a loud crash.

Usage Examples of "Smash" as an adverb

  • The car went smash through the fence.
  • They were together for an instant, and then smash it was all gone.

Associations of "Smash" (30 Words)

annihilateDefeat utterly.
A crusade to annihilate evil.
breakBreaking of hard tissue such as bone.
He was trying to break the terrible news gently to his father.
breakerWaves breaking on the shore.
Those steam engines were now gone to the breaker s yard.
bustRuin completely.
A woman with big hips and a big bust.
clashA state of conflict between colors.
The Euro 2000 clash between England and Germany.
collapseCause a lung or blood vessel to collapse.
The roof collapsed on top of me.
collideCause to collide.
In his work politics and metaphysics collide.
collisionAn accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object.
His car was in collision with a lorry.
crashCause to crash.
My son s friends crashed our house last weekend.
crushThe act of crushing.
A labourer was crushed to death by a lorry.
damageInflict damage upon.
She was awarded 284 000 in damages.
demolishComprehensively refute (an argument or its proponent.
His book demolishes an old myth.
demolitionAn event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something.
Ireland s demolition of England.
destroyDestroy completely damage irreparably.
The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid.
destructionAn event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something.
The destruction of the rainforest.
devastateDestroy or ruin.
She was devastated by the loss of Damian.
dilapidationA cause of action to force a tenant to pay for dilapidations.
The mill was in a state of dilapidation.
dismantleTear down so as to make flat with the ground.
The old regime was dismantled.
iconoclasmThe orientation of an iconoclast.
iconoclastA destroyer of images used in religious worship.
kaputDestroyed or killed.
The water pump s broken kaput.
manglePress with a mangle.
Mangle the sheets.
moribundBeing on the point of death; breathing your last.
The moribund commercial property market.
pulverizeMake into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust.
The brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment.
razeTear down so as to make flat with the ground.
Villages were razed to the ground.
removalThe formal procedure of taking a body from the house to the church for the funeral service.
Opposition parties demanded his immediate removal from office.
ruinA ruined building.
The financial cost could mean ruin.
shatterDamage or destroy.
Shatter the plate.
shipwreckOf a person or ship suffer a shipwreck.
The vessel was shipwrecked.
subversionDestroying someone’s (or some group’s) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity.
An 11 year sentence for inciting subversion.

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