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SERIOUSNESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SERIOUSNESS?

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Need another word that means the same as “seriousness”? Find 29 synonyms and 30 related words for “seriousness” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Seriousness as a Noun
  • Definitions of "Seriousness" as a noun
  • Synonyms of "Seriousness" as a noun (29 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Seriousness" as a noun
  • Associations of "Seriousness" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Seriousness” are: earnestness, serious-mindedness, sincerity, distressfulness, solemnity, graveness, gravity, gravitas, soberness, sobriety, sombreness, sternness, grimness, importance, significance, consequence, momentousness, moment, weightiness, weight, severity, severeness, acuteness, extremity, danger, dangerousness, perilousness, wholeheartedness, genuineness

Seriousness as a Noun

Definitions of "Seriousness" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “seriousness” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The trait of being serious.
  • The quality of arousing fear or distress.
  • The quality or state of being serious.
  • An earnest and sincere feeling.
  • The trait of being serious- Robert Rice.

Synonyms of "Seriousness" as a noun (29 Words)

acutenessA sensitivity that is keen and highly developed.
Dogs have a remarkable acuteness of smell.
consequenceA result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
His decision had depressing consequences for business.
dangerA dangerous place.
One of the trains involved passed a signal at danger.
dangerousnessThe quality of not being safe.
distressfulnessThe quality of arousing fear or distress.
earnestnessAn earnest and sincere feeling.
The deadly earnestness of the conversation.
extremityAn extreme condition or state (especially of adversity or disease.
The peninsula s western extremity.
genuinenessThe quality of truly being what something is said to be; authenticity.
So many have been touched by her genuineness her indomitable spirit and her love.
gravenessRock fragments and pebbles.
gravitasFormality in bearing and appearance.
A post for which he has the expertise and the gravitas.
gravityThe degree of intensity of gravity measured by acceleration.
Crimes of the utmost gravity.
grimnessThe quality of being ghastly.
importanceThe quality of being important and worthy of note.
The importance of a good education.
momentA quantity that expresses the average or expected value of the first second third or fourth power of the deviation of each component of a frequency distribution from a given value typically mean or zero The first moment is the mean the second moment the variance the third moment the skew and the fourth moment the kurtosis.
The issues were of little moment to the electorate.
momentousnessUtmost importance.
perilousnessThe state of being dangerous.
serious-mindednessThe trait of being serious- Robert Rice.
severenessUsed of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather.
severitySomething hard to endure.
Sentences should reflect the severity of the crime.
significanceThe extent to which a result deviates from that expected to arise simply from random variation or errors in sampling.
The significance of a red traffic light.
sincerityThe quality of being open and truthful; not deceitful or hypocritical.
They demanded some proof of my sincerity.
sobernessThe quality of being staid or solemn.
He leaves the festivities proclaiming his soberness.
sobrietyThe quality of being staid or solemn.
She speaks with such sobriety it s clear she speaks the truth.
solemnityA solemn and dignified feeling.
His ashes were laid to rest with great solemnity.
sombrenessA feeling of melancholy apprehension.
sternnessUncompromising resolution.
The sternness of his surroundings made him uncomfortable.
weightA unit used to measure weight.
His opinion carries great weight.
weightinessThe relative importance granted to something.
The progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed.
wholeheartednessUndivided commitment or unreserved enthusiasm.

Usage Examples of "Seriousness" as a noun

  • He learned the seriousness of his illness.
  • She replied with deadly seriousness.
  • We are aware of the seriousness of the situation.
  • A lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness.

Associations of "Seriousness" (30 Words)

asperityHarshness of tone or manner.
The asperity of northern winters.
commitmentAn engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
His business commitments took him to London.
devotionLove, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity.
She was the epitome of wifely devotion.
fidelityThe quality of being faithful.
The 1949 recording provides reasonable fidelity.
formalismA description of something in formal mathematical or logical terms.
There is a formalism which expresses the idea of superposition.
hardnessThe quality or condition of being hard.
He assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness.
honestyReferring to or using a way of charging for goods or services that relies on the customers to leave money in an unattended receptacle even though there is no one to collect their payments.
There s a well stocked honesty bar which includes local wine.
inelasticityThe lack of elasticity.
inflexibleResistant to being bent.
An inflexible iron bar.
martinetSomeone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms.
The woman in charge was a martinet who treated all those beneath her like children.
moralConcerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour.
Moral philosophers.
obduracyResoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible.
reliabilityThe quality of being dependable or reliable.
The car s background gives me every confidence in its reliability.
rigid(of a person or part of their body) stiff and unmoving, especially as a result of shock or fear.
A rigid disciplinarian.
rigorThe quality of being valid and rigorous.
The rigors of boot camp.
rigourThe quality of being extremely thorough and careful.
The full rigour of the law.
severeSeverely simple.
The house suffered severe damage.
severityThe fact or condition of being severe.
She stared at me with mock severity.
sincereOpen and genuine; not deceitful.
An entirely sincere and cruel tyrant.
sincerityA quality of naturalness and simplicity.
The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.
solidA substance or object that is solid rather than liquid or fluid.
A solid voting bloc.
solidityState of having the interior filled with matter.
The sheer strength and solidity of Romanesque architecture.
stiffIn a stiff manner.
A palace guardsman stiff as a poker.
stiffnessInability to move easily and without pain.
One flaw is the scholarly stiffness of the academics.
strictCharacterized by strictness severity or restraint.
My father was very strict.
strictlyIn a rigorous manner.
We talked strictly business.
stringent(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
Stringent safety measures.
unbendingIncapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances.
His output is prodigious and springs from the unbending control he exercises over every aspect of his life.
uncompromisingShowing an unwillingness to make concessions to others, especially by changing one’s ways or opinions.
His uncompromising stance on the issue.
wholeheartedWith unconditional and enthusiastic devotion.
Wholehearted commitment.

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