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DISCOURAGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISCOURAGE?

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Need another word that means the same as “discourage”? Find 32 synonyms and 30 related words for “discourage” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Discourage as a Verb
  • Definitions of "Discourage" as a verb
  • Synonyms of "Discourage" as a verb (32 Words)
  • Usage Examples of "Discourage" as a verb
  • Associations of "Discourage" (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Discourage” are: deter, admonish, monish, warn, demoralized, deflated, let down, cast down, having lost heart, depressing, demoralizing, disheartening, dishearten, dispirit, demoralize, make despondent, make downhearted, depress, disappoint, dampen someone's hopes, dash someone's hopes, cause to lose heart, prevent, stop, put a stop to, avert, fend off, stave off, ward off, dissuade, disincline, turn aside

Discourage as a Verb

Definitions of "Discourage" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “discourage” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Persuade (someone) against an action.
  • Advise or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
  • Cause (someone) to lose confidence or enthusiasm.
  • Try to prevent; show opposition to.
  • Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
  • Deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged.
  • Prevent or try to prevent (something) by showing disapproval or creating difficulties.

Synonyms of "Discourage" as a verb (32 Words)

admonishAdmonish or counsel in terms of someone s behavior.
She admonished him to drink no more than one glass of wine.
avertPrevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.
Avert a strike.
cast downThrow forcefully.
cause to lose heartGive rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally.
dampen someone's hopesLessen in force or effect.
dash someone's hopesHurl or thrust violently.
deflatedBecome deflated or flaccid as by losing air.
demoralizeCorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.
The boss s behavior demoralized everyone in the office.
demoralizedLower someone’s spirits; make downhearted.
demoralizingCorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.
depressLower someone’s spirits; make downhearted.
Fear of inflation in America depressed bond markets.
depressingLower someone’s spirits; make downhearted.
deterTry to prevent; show opposition to.
Strategists think not only about how to deter war but about how war might occur.
disappointFail to meet the hopes or expectations of.
The governing coalition had bitterly disappointed the hopes of its voters.
disheartenTake away the enthusiasm of.
The farmer was disheartened by the damage to his crops.
dishearteningTake away the enthusiasm of.
disinclineMake unwilling.
dispiritCause (someone) to lose enthusiasm or hope.
The army was dispirited by the uncomfortable winter conditions.
dissuadePersuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.
Negative campaigning will only dissuade people.
fend offTry to manage without help.
having lost heartUndergo.
let downActively cause something to happen.
make despondentEngage in.
make downheartedBe or be capable of being changed or made into.
monishTo admonish to give counsel warning or criticism.
preventStop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state.
Locks won t prevent a determined burglar from getting in.
put a stop toFormulate in a particular style or language.
stave offKill intentionally and with premeditation.
stopCause to stop.
He stopped to look at the view.
turn asideTo break and turn over earth especially with a plow.
ward offWatch over or shield from danger or harm; protect.
warnAsk to go away.
His father had warned him of what might happen.

Usage Examples of "Discourage" as a verb

  • We want to discourage children from smoking.
  • The plan is designed to discourage the use of private cars.
  • We should discourage this practice among our youth.
  • Tedious regulations could discourage investors.

Associations of "Discourage" (30 Words)

browbeatBe bossy towards.
A witness is being browbeaten under cross examination.
dauntMake (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive.
Some people are daunted by technology.
demoralizeCorrupt the morals of (someone.
The boss s behavior demoralized everyone in the office.
depraveCorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.
This book would deprave and corrupt young children.
depressCause to drop or sink.
The rising inflation depressed the economy.
deterPrevent the occurrence of.
Strategists think not only about how to deter war but about how war might occur.
disheartenTake away the enthusiasm of.
The farmer was disheartened by the damage to his crops.
dismayFill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised.
They were dismayed by the U turn in policy.
dissuadeTurn away from by persuasion.
His friends tried to dissuade him from flying.
fazeDisturb or disconcert (someone.
She was not fazed by his show of anger.
I jumped up in fright.
frightenDrive out by frightening.
The government denies legal responsibility presumably to frighten off other claimants.
frownDisapprove of.
A frown of disapproval.
gazeLook at with fixed eyes.
He turned following her gaze.
glowerLook angry or sullen, wrinkle one’s forehead, as if to signal disapproval.
She glowered at him suspiciously.
hectorTalk to (someone) in a bullying way.
She doesn t hector us about giving up things.
horrorSomething that inspires horror something horrible.
To her horror she found that a thief had stolen the machine.
intimidateTo compel or deter by or as if by threats.
The forts are designed to intimidate the nationalist population.
intimidationThe feeling of discouragement in the face of someone’s superior fame or wealth or status etc.
The intimidation of witnesses and jurors.
lowerMake lower or quieter.
Lower costs will encourage people to buy.
menaceA person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.
A demand of money with menaces.
miserableDeserving or inciting pity.
His miserable treatment of his family.
panicCause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic.
A workload of constant panics and rush jobs.
petrifyMake rigid and set into a conventional pattern.
Slogans petrify our thinking.
scareBecome scared.
I was scared stiff.
scowlAn angry or bad-tempered expression.
She scowled at him defiantly.
shrugAn act or instance of shrugging one s shoulders.
Jimmy looked enquiringly at Pete who shrugged his shoulders.
terrifyFill with terror; frighten greatly.
He is terrified of spiders.
She had a terror of darkness.
unnerveMake (someone) lose courage or confidence.
The journey over the bridge had unnerved me.

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