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Weather Words: Useful List of English Weather Words and Vocabulary

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Do you ever find yourself struggling to describe the weather in English? Whether you’re a native speaker or learning English as a second language, weather words can be tricky to navigate. From sunny and cloudy to blustery and drizzly, there are a plethora of words to describe the ever-changing weather patterns. In this article, we’ll explore some common weather words and phrases that you can use to accurately describe the weather.

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Weather Words

Weather Words

What Is Weather?

Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. It is the combination of temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions. In other words, it is the day-to-day changes in the atmosphere that we experience.

Weather can be described in many ways. Some common weather words include sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, and humid. Each of these words describes a different type of weather condition.

Understanding weather is important for many reasons. It helps us plan our daily activities, prepare for severe weather conditions, and make decisions about how to protect ourselves and our property. By learning weather words and understanding weather patterns, you can become more aware of the world around you and better prepared for whatever weather comes your way.

Basic Weather Terms

When it comes to talking about the weather, there are some basic terms you should know to help you understand what’s going on outside. Here are some of the most common weather terms and what they mean:

  • Temperature: This is the measure of how hot or cold the air is. Temperature is usually measured in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.
  • Humidity: This is the amount of moisture in the air. High humidity can make it feel hotter than it actually is, while low humidity can make it feel cooler.
  • Wind: This is the movement of air from one place to another. Wind is usually measured in miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
  • Rain: This is water that falls from the sky. Rain can be light or heavy, and it can be accompanied by thunder and lightning.
  • Snow: This is frozen precipitation that falls from the sky. Snow can be light and fluffy or heavy and wet.
  • Clouds: These are collections of water droplets or ice crystals in the sky. Clouds can be white, gray, or black, and they can indicate different types of weather.
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List of Weather Vocabulary

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Drizzle
  • Lightning
  • Blizzard
  • Breeze
  • Gale
  • Hurricane
  • Typhoon
  • Cyclone
  • Mist
  • Smog
  • Cumulus
  • Stratus
  • Cirrus
  • Nimbus
  • Overcast
  • Frost
  • Barometer
  • Meteorologist
  • Forecast
  • Heatwave
  • Flood
  • Monsoon
  • Season
  • Climate
  • Sunrise/sunset
  • Sunny
  • Partly cloudy
  • Cloudy/overcast
  • Showers
  • Rain
  • Thunder/storm
  • Fog
  • Sleet
  • Thermometer
  • Hail
  • Snow
  • Occasional snow
  • Wind
  • Rainbow
  • Full moon
  • Dew
  • Ice
  • Tornado
  • Drought

Weather Words with Example Sentences


  • The temperature today is expected to reach a high of 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

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  • With the humidity reaching 90%, the air felt incredibly thick and sticky.

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  • A light drizzle began to fall, gently misting the surfaces of cars and sidewalks.

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  • The blizzard blanketed the city in snow, halting all forms of transportation.

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  • A gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the trees, providing a pleasant respite from the heat.

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  • The old ship struggled against the gale, its sails flapping wildly in the fierce wind.

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  • The hurricane‘s approach prompted evacuations along the coast as residents braced for impact.

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  • Villages braced for the typhoon, knowing it could bring devastating winds and rain.

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  • The cyclone formed quickly in the warm ocean waters, threatening the islands with its swirling winds.

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  • The morning mist clung to the valley, shrouding the landscape in a ghostly veil.

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  • The city was enveloped in a layer of smog, reducing visibility and air quality.

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  • Fluffy cumulus clouds dotted the sky, signaling fair weather for the afternoon picnic.

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  • Wispy cirrus clouds streaked across the blue sky, resembling delicate feathers.

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  • Dark nimbus clouds gathered, warning of the imminent downpour.
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  • A delicate layer of frost covered the grass, sparkling in the early morning light.

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  • The barometer‘s falling reading suggested that a storm was on its way.

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  • The meteorologist explained that the current weather pattern was unusual for this time of year.

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  • The five-day forecast predicted sunny skies followed by a chance of showers over the weekend.

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  • The city was in the grip of a heatwave, with temperatures soaring above 100 degrees.

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  • After days of heavy rain, the river overflowed, causing a flood in the surrounding areas.

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  • The monsoon rains arrived like clockwork, drenching the parched land with water.

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  • The Mediterranean climate is characterized by dry summers and mild, wet winters.

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  • We watched in awe as the sunrise painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, just as the sunset would later dip below the horizon in a blaze of purples and reds.

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  • It was a perfect sunny day for a trip to the beach, with not a cloud in sight.

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Partly Cloudy

  • The forecast called for partly cloudy skies, with some sunshine expected to peek through.

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  • The entire sky was cloudy and overcast, blocking out the sun and casting a gray light over everything.

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  • Intermittent showers throughout the day made it difficult to plan any outdoor activities.

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  • The sound of rain tapping against the window was a soothing backdrop to a cozy day indoors.

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  • The thunderstorm rolled in quickly, with loud claps of thunder following flashes of lightning.

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  • A dense fog settled over the town, enveloping everything in a thick, white shroud.

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  • The sleet pelted against the windows, a mixture of rain and ice that signaled the onset of winter.

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  • The mercury in the thermometer rose steadily as the day progressed into a sweltering afternoon.

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  • As the storm intensified, a barrage of hail pelted the rooftops, creating a relentless drumming that echoed through the streets.

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  • Gentle snowflakes began to fall, blanketing the ground in a layer of soft, powdery snow.
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Occasional Snow

  • The forecast warned of occasional snow flurries throughout the day, with little accumulation expected.

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  • The wind howled through the trees, a sign that a storm might be brewing on the horizon.

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  • After the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow arched across the sky in a vibrant spectrum of colors.

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Full Moon

  • The full moon shone brightly, casting a silvery light over the nocturnal landscape.

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  • Morning dew glistened on the spiderwebs, each droplet reflecting the dawn light.

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  • The pond was covered in a thin layer of ice, signaling the start of the winter skating season.

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  • The tornado siren wailed, warning the town’s residents of the approaching danger.

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  • The prolonged drought had left the fields parched and the reservoirs at record low levels.

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Climate and Seasons

Climate Zones

The climate of a region is determined by various factors such as latitude, altitude, and proximity to water bodies. The Earth is divided into three major climate zones: tropical, temperate, and polar.

Tropical climates are found near the equator and are characterized by high temperatures and high humidity. Temperate climates are found in the middle latitudes and have moderate temperatures. Polar climates are found near the poles and are characterized by extremely cold temperatures.

Seasonal Changes

Seasons are a result of the Earth’s tilt and its orbit around the sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, the four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are opposite.

During spring, the weather begins to warm up, and plants and trees start to bloom. Summer is the hottest season, and it’s a great time to enjoy outdoor activities. Fall is characterized by cooler temperatures and colorful foliage. Winter is the coldest season, and it’s a time for snow and winter sports.

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