「used to」正確用法是?跟 be used to 差在哪?

You are currently viewing 「used to」正確用法是?跟 be used to 差在哪?

Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,used to 和 be used to 這兩兄弟長得非常相像,但在學習這部分文法的路途中還經常殺出一個和兩者相似的程咬金 get used to,每一個 used to 看起來好像都和過去式能扯上關係,總讓人在口語表達和考試作題時頭痛萬分。



used to 的用法與例句

used to 表示「過去經常做的行為或重覆發生的狀態,但現在已經不再發生」。

➡️ used to + 原形動詞(注意:to 為不定詞,因此後面只能接原形動詞)

I used to go jogging every day, but now I’m too busy.

Did you use to exercise regularly?

Why don’t you come and see me like you used to?

否定的形式有兩種,可使用過去式的否定助動詞形成 didn’t use to,或在 used to 中間加上 not,後者會是比較正式的用法。

She didn’t use to sleep very well, but then she started doing meditation and it really helps.
= She used not to sleep very well, but then she started doing meditation and it really helps.

此外,否定形式還可以用 never used to(以前從不…)來表達,這時候語氣會顯得較為強烈。

I never used to drink coffee, but now I have one cup every morning.

高堤耶(Gotye)在 2011 年的專輯,其中一首膾炙人口的分手情歌《Somebody That I Used to Know》,不只是歌名,連歌詞中都不斷運用到 used to 重覆「Now you’re just somebody that I used to know」來描述已經分手的舊情人。

be used to 的用法與例句

be used to 代表「(某人)習慣某事物」,由於 be 動詞可以作時態的變化,自然而然可推理出它可以用於過去式與現在式。

特別留意,be used to 的 to 是介系詞,後面的字須為名詞的形式唷,與 used to 並不同。

➡️ be used to + N.(名詞)/ V-ing(動名詞)

I am used to hitting the gym every week.

She wasn’t used to walking so much, and her legs hurt after the hike.

He doesn’t want to come to the office because he is not used to working on weekends.

Are you used to the weather in Taiwan?

be used to 也可以透過副詞來進行修飾。

I’m very used to her lame jokes now.

Don’t worry. He is pretty used to driving for long hours.

get used to 的用法與例句

get used to 可等同 become used  to,和 be used to 的用法類似,但意思上有些差異,由於 get 本身有「漸漸」的意思,可想而知它是「開始習慣某事」,也就是從不習慣轉為習慣的狀態。


➡️ get/become used to + N.(名詞)/ V-ing(動名詞)

It took me a long time to get used to living by myself.

She is getting used to driving in the rain.

Have you gotten used to driving at night yet?

Justin Bieber 在 2015 年發表的專輯,其中一首歌的歌名就叫作《Get used to it》,中文可翻為《漸漸習慣我的愛》。

小試身手 Exercise

看了這麼多實際的句型範例之後,當然要換你親自練習一下,趕快來看看你是不是都學會了吧!請依照題目指示,填入 used to、be used to 或 get used to。

舉例:I ___ staying up late. 我習慣熬夜。
答案:I am used to staying up late.

When I was a child, I ___ have brown hair. Now, my hair is black.

When I was a child, I used to have brown hair. Now, my hair is black.

➡️ 小時候已經是過去的事,很明顯和現在的狀態不同,因此應填入 used to。

My sister is not comfortable with her new job yet, but she is slowly ___ it.

My sister is not comfortable with her new job yet, but she is slowly getting used to it.

➡️ 從不習慣轉為習慣的狀態,表示漸漸習慣,加上此處是現在進行式,故使用 getting used to。

He ___ living in New York. It’s such a crowded and busy city for him.

He isn’t used to living in New York. It’s such a crowded and busy city for him.

➡️ 此處表示現在的習慣,原句為不習慣住在紐約,故需使用否定的 isn’t used to。

I ___ drink red wine. But now I do.

I didn’t use to drink red wine. But now I do.

➡️ 過去習慣需用 used to,此題為否定,故答案為 didn’t used to。

When we lived in Kaohsiung, we ___ hot weather.

When we lived in Kaohsiung, we were used to hot weather.

➡️ 表示過去住在高雄的習慣,需使用過去式的 were used to。

That’s All for Today

解密完它們的關係之後,是不是覺得它們看起來很暖昩,卻沒有你想像中擁有這麼複雜的關係呢?其實,used to、be used to、get used to 三者之間的差別算是滿明顯的,只要多加練習,就會很容易上手嘍!


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Hey there! 我是 Cecilia,綽號烏龜妹,曾任英文老師與顧問,經營個人品牌 《烏龜妹,出走旅行 TurtleGirl's Travel》。內心住著無法停下腳步流浪的靈魂,擁有小王子愛上玫瑰的任性,戒不掉整天在文字和藝術間徘徊的壞習慣。讓我們一起學英文,打開世界這本沒有疆域的書。💗