
【英语单词】彻底解释“somber”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“somber”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“somber”」的含义 (adjective)

美国 英国 深色



a somber atmosphere/voice/face
The funeral was a somber occasion.
I left them in a somber mood.
【英语单词】彻底解释“somber”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


He wore a somber black suit.


More somber than usual, he seemed thoroughly downcast and withdrawn.
他比平常更加 阴郁 ,看上去完全沮丧、孤僻。
The women pictured in these photos shared the modest dress and somber countenances of most of the beauty competition entrants.
这些照片中的女性与大多数选美参赛者一样,穿着朴素,面貌 朴素
In these photos rows of men sat neatly on benches and on the ground, facing a radio set flanked by somber standing attendants.
在这些照片中,一排排男人整齐地坐在长凳上和地上,面对着一台收音机,旁边站着 沉思的 服务员。
【英语单词】彻底解释“somber”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
What most readily distinguishes the beauty competition’s top two finishers is their rejection of the somber countenance, long a convention of portrait photography.
两位选美大赛获胜者最明显的区别在于,她们拒绝接受长期以来人像摄影惯例的 阴暗 特征。
In the first narrative, the physician believes that the professional role of the physician is to be serious, somber , attentive, caring.
第一个故事中,医生认为医生的职业角色就是认真、 踏实 、细心、关爱。
Not only are the rivers somber but the story as well.
不仅河流是 黑暗的 ,故事也是黑暗的。
【英语单词】彻底解释“somber”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The symbolism of horsewomen’s espousal of somber colors is complex.
朴素的 色彩支持马术女性的象征意义是复杂的。
Though the garment’s somber color, tailored cut and woolen broadcloth fabric were masculine, the distinctive position of a woman in the saddle clearly marked her femininity.
服装的 柔和 色彩、剪裁合身的剪裁和羊毛呢绒面料都充满男性气息,但女性在马鞍上的独特位置清楚地表明了女性气质。
As a result, they designed the game to be grittier and more somber .
因此,他们将游戏设计得更加坚韧、更加 阴沉
【英语单词】彻底解释“somber”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The tunes range in style, including jazzy and new age, and in tempo from slow, somber pieces to more upbeat rhythms.
歌曲风格从爵士乐到新时代,节奏从缓慢、 低调的 歌曲到欢快的节奏。

“somber”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • bleak
  • dark
  • dull
  • earnest
  • funereal
  • gloomy
  • grim
  • melancholy
  • mournful
  • sedate
  • serious
  • sober
  • solemn
  • weighty
  • black
  • blue
  • caliginous
  • cloudy
  • depressive
  • dim
  • dingy
  • dire
  • dismal
  • dispiriting
  • doleful
  • down
  • drab
  • dragged
  • dreary
  • dusky
  • grave
  • hurting
  • joyless
  • lugubrious
  • murky
  • no-nonsense
  • obscure
  • sepulchral
  • shadowy
  • shady
  • sourpuss
  • staid
  • tenebrous


  • bright
  • cheerful
  • encouraging
  • excited
  • flippant
  • funny
  • happy
  • hopeful
  • joyful
  • light
  • lively
  • luminous
  • sunny
  • trivial
  • unimportant
  • vivacious

“somber”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
somber (US),
sombre (UK)
严肃的、庄严的 (人:严肃、严肃)
She looked so somber that I asked her what was wrong.
somber (US),
sombre (UK)
阴沉、阴沉、阴沉 (心情:严肃、阴沉
What’s put you in such a somber mood this morning?
somber (US),
sombre (UK)
朴素、柔和、黑暗 (颜色:深色、柔和)
During the rainy season the sky is always dull and somber.

somber是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

With its stark sound, somber lyrics, and Nico’s deliberate change in her look, the album became a crucial music and visual prototype for the gothic rock movement.
凄凉的声音和 阴郁的 歌词,加上尼科明显的外貌变化,使这张专辑成为她的杰作之一,也是哥特摇滚运动的视觉原型之一。
As celebratory and exuberant as the clothes were for spring/summer 18, there was something somber in it too.
整场秀充满活力,非常适合2018年春夏。但与此同时,也有一些 阴暗的 东西潜伏在那里。
There was full of somber ambience because of lined-up sheds, where Cambodian soldiers get along, by the road to the main hall.
通往主殿的道路上有一系列柬埔寨士兵睡觉的棚屋,气氛 十分凝重
Thus is born the “Hope in Dark Days” Notebook – because we can all use a little more hope in this somber period.
于是,《黑暗日子里的希望》笔记本诞生了。因为即使在这些 黑暗 时期,我们仍然可以找到希望。
A microphone, usually used for giving speeches, is here turned into a speaker from which Nehru’s somber words pour out as a nostalgic song.
原本用于演讲的麦克风变成了扬声器, 庄严的 演讲变成了一首怀旧的歌曲。
Fleischer wanted Venom to stand out compared to other comic book-based films, and felt tonally that it would not remind viewers of the lighter MCU or the somber DC Extended Universe.
弗莱舍表示,他希望这部电影能够从其他漫画电影中脱颖而出,并且这部电影的基调既不会让人想起轻松的漫威电影宇宙,也不会 让人想起严厉的 DC 扩展宇宙。
The somber building structure, which nobody had ever seen before, was a symbol of authority that overwhelmed people.
这座前所未见的 雄伟 建筑,是令人震慑的权威象征。
We heard somber hollow sounds from the cave.
我听到洞穴里传来 空洞的 声音。
The whole suite of furniture was somber in tone.
家具整体颜色 暗淡
Paintings of Unzen’s later years are usually described as somber .
他后来的作品被描述为有 一种奇怪的沉重感
I’m going to start on a slightly somber note.
这是一个有点 严肃的话题 ,但是
Now, let me hit a somber note.
接下来是 稍微严肃一点的话题
The first is somber , and formed from a simple composition.
没有 和声 ,结构也很简单。
Whether it’s a somber grey or ivory, the dot and iconic deer create an accent, making this fabric versatile.
无论是 柔和的 灰色还是象牙色,圆点和鹿图标都使其非常易于使用。
Extremely somber , it showed this to us in a way that may not have ever been seen before.
他以 一种非常严肃 几乎独特的 方式向我们展示了这一点。
So here’s another example. This one’s somewhat more somber .
让我再举一个例子,稍微 阴沉 一点。
Jozef Israëls had completely abandoned his anecdotal manner and somber coloring.
Josef Israels 也完全摆脱了 暗淡的 色彩。
The account of the Great Flood and Noah’s Ark is very serious and extremely somber .
大洪水和诺亚方舟的真实故事 非常 重要,也非常严肃。
Such repetition can add a somber tone to a poem, or can be laced with irony as the context of the words changes.
这种重复给这首诗带来了许多颂歌中常见的 庄严 基调,或者,如果词语的上下文发生变化,也可能带来讽刺。
This photo was taken after he was brought to… Today’s story is quite somber , isn’t it?
这张照片是我获救后拍的……(男)今天的故事 看起来很潮湿

听“ somber ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈsɑːm.bɚ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈsɑːm.bɚ】。





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