
【英语单词】彻底解释“retrospect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“retrospect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆




in retrospect



In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.
I’m sure my university days seem happier in retrospect than they really were.
【英语单词】彻底解释“retrospect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Both highlighted the intellectual capacities and famous works of the celebrated persons and then affirmed these observations in retrospect by looking at the brain.
两人都强调了名人的智力和著名作品,并通过观察他们的大脑 回顾性地 证实了这些观察结果。
Most of what was learned was, in retrospect , unsurprising.
回想起来, 我所学到的大部分内容并不令人惊讶。
In retrospect , one should know better than to believe that archives can provide a ready answer to every historical question.
回想起来 ,我们应该知道,不要相信档案可以为所有历史问题提供现成的答案。
【英语单词】彻底解释“retrospect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In retrospect , however, the anatomy could be distinguished on preoperative echocardiograms.
然而, 回想起来 ,我们能够根据术前超声心动图区分解剖结构。
There is also a suggestion that it is only in retrospect that the authenticity of an emotional attachment can be judged.
有些人认为,只有 回顾过去 ,我们才能判断情感依恋的真实性。
What evidence can be brought to bear, and what are the chances, in retrospect ?
回顾过去 ,有哪些证据以及有哪些可能性?
【英语单词】彻底解释“retrospect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Only in retrospect did another view dawn on him – one that could reconcile his most unreconciled ending as historical necessity.
回想 起来 ,他有了不同的看法。一个可以将他最不和谐的结局作为历史必然性调和的人。
These twin constraints seriously limited war-time efforts to maximize palm oil production for export and, in retrospect , failure was inevitable.
这两个限制严重限制了战时最大限度地提高棕榈油出口产量的努力, 回想起来 ,失败是不可避免的。
In retrospect , he is proud to have avoided attributing a unidirectional impact of science on society or of social and economic forces on science.
回想起来 ,我很自豪我避免将单向的影响归因于科学对社会,或社会和经济力量对科学的影响。
【英语单词】彻底解释“retrospect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In retrospect , the patient should have been submitted to surgery several months earlier.
现在 回想起来 ,病人应该在几个月前就接受了手术。

“retrospect”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • hindsight
  • recollection
  • reconsideration
  • reexamination
  • remembering
  • remembrance
  • reminiscence
  • retrospection
  • review
  • revision
  • survey


  • forethought
  • prophesy
  • prospect

“retrospect”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
retrospect 回忆,回忆,回忆,回忆 (回顾过去)
Meditation gives time for mental recovery and retrospect.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
in retrospect 当我回顾过去,当我回忆起,当我现在回想起来, (回头看)
In retrospect, the company’s fourth quarter expectations were too optimistic.

retrospect是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Hereinafter Fukuoka’s retrospect is based on this unless otherwise stated.
(以下对福冈的 评论 如无特别说明,均以此为基础。)
In the retrospect of Fukuoka ‘No less than the civil and military officials means government of the country in which Imperial court and lords are engaged together.’
据福冈 回忆 ,这意味着朝廷与军队专政,即朝廷与诸侯共同指挥国家政治。
High and low’ at the beginning was ‘shimin’ in the Yuri draft, however according to retrospect of Fukuoka ‘shimin was changed to high and low to broaden the meaning.’
在尤里的草稿中,一开始的上下字是“士民”,但根据福冈的 回忆 ,他们为了扩大含义,将“士民”改为上下。
The Economic Review will celebrate its 60th anniversary in January 2010. We made a general index of the articles, surveys, and reviews published after 1980, and investigated trends in research, a ‘prospect and retrospect ‘ of The Economic Review. On its 30th anniversary, We expressed our earnest hope for serious studies with a policy view point.
2010年1月,为纪念《经济研究》创刊60周年,我们将根据1980年以来发表的文章和书评的综合索引来审视研究动向,并对《经济研究》进行 回顾 和展望。周年纪念的回顾和展望是期待已久的政策视角研究。此后,除了以日本长期经济统计为代表的研究所传统之外,还开展了包含协同性的制度和政策研究理论和实践效果均取得进步。
Failed handshake with retrospect server on machine
与机器上的 Retrospect 服务器握手失败
Launching retrospect for the first time may take 5-10 seconds to load.
第一次运行 Retrospect 时,加载可能需要 5 到 10 秒。
This exhibition is his retrospect covering his early periods in France till today.
本次展览是 田渊康一 从移居法国初期至今的作品回顾展。
well, your retrospect cost a man his life.
牺牲了 一个人
But don’t focus on just the work that was committed to; retrospect on the Agile process as a whole.
反思 整个敏捷过程,而不是仅仅关注所承诺的工作。
Jaturanrasmee: I would like us to retrospect more about the human relationships.
您最想通过这部作品向观众传达什么信息? Jaturanrasamy:如果观看这部作品的人们有 机会 重新考虑人与人之间的联系,我会很高兴。
Through them, it will examine the original function of the artworks we see and admire, and retrospect the history of art’s relationship with power.
我们将聚焦我们所欣赏的艺术作品的原本作用, 回顾 与权力相关的艺术史。
Editor’s Note After the interview, Mr. Yasunobu and C.S.I. members took a retrospect of their collaboration.
编者按 采访结束后,安信先生和CSI项目成员回顾了 迄今为止 所发生的事情。
Even in the experiment, it was confirmed that visceral fat of the mouse was decomposed.In retrospect , Professor Miyashita said, “It was a pretty shocking discovery.”
宫下教授 回顾 这次实验时说,这是一个相当令人震惊的发现。
The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, which will be held on November 8th, has attracted retrospect , there were two surprises in this electoral process.
2016年美国总统大选 目前 举世瞩目,民主党和共和党初选结果将产生最终候选人。
The response to such a powerful, totally contrary to our retrospect , first, that they started out, I just flat there is life, I fight a full two weeks of life, we hardly plateau, also need a good rest, let alone directly on La Shanglai.
回想起来 ,一开始,他们就开始了,我的生活很平淡,我就是直接打到拉上来的,整整两周的生活,我们几乎都需要足够的休息,连高原也罢。
However, randomly sampling almost 10,000 enterprises for each revision entails a large burden in asking new qualified enterprises to cooperate with our survey and conducting preliminary research in order to retrospect past data.
然而,每次随机选择所有10,000家调查企业是一个实际问题,比如与新要求答复的企业进行联系和协调,并进行初步调查以 追溯 过去的数据,存在一个问题,即财务负担将非常大。重,包括接受调查的公司。
They often feel obligated to hold it, even when they don’t have the desire or engagement to meet and retrospect : Better a bad retrospective than no retrospective at all.
即使没有愿望或渴望聚集和 反思 ,我们也常常觉得这样做是我们的责任。我们的想法是,即使是一次糟糕的回顾也比没有好。
Cooperation is the best choice for both sides and there are principles for retrospect of the China-US trade talks, the head-of-state diplomacy has always set the tone for the negotiations.
(人民日报钟书国际评论)合作是最好的选择,合作也是有原则的。 回顾 中美贸易谈判历史,峰会外交始终发挥着重要的方向和基调作用。
Choice of appropriate policy measures The third lesson is the importance of appropriately choosing policy measures.In retrospect , we notice something like a puzzle in the conduct of monetary policy in the late 1980s.
适度的政策配置 泡沫时期货币政策管理的第三个教训是,合理配置政策很重要。当我 回顾 20 世纪 80 年代末时,我注意到一个有些令人费解的现象。
One of the indispensable factors that drive the growth of Japanese manufacturing and the Japanese economy is the improvement of productivity.In retrospect , we used to realize very naturally that the world had changed or become a better place as we continued to see new services and technologies created one after the other.
日本制造业和日本经济的增长至关重要的事情之一就是提高生产率,但即使 我们回顾 过去,新服务和新技术也在不断被创造出来,世界自然而然地发生了变化。感觉事情变得更好了。

听听“ retrospect ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈret.rə.spekt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈret.rə.spekt】。





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