
【英语单词】彻底解释“imperfect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“imperfect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆





We’re living in an imperfect world.
I explained as well as I was able, given my own imperfect understanding of the situation.
语言 专门


In the sentence “He was hit by a car as he was crossing the road”, the verb “cross” is in the imperfect form.
在“他过马路时被车撞了”这句话中,动词“cross” 未完成形式。
【英语单词】彻底解释“imperfect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The physical nature of such resources as forests and fisheries, however, makes exclusion difficult to enforce and often results in imperfect enforcement.
然而,森林和渔业等资源的物理性质使得排除很难执行,而且执行往往 不完整
Three problems surface under the assumption of incomplete and imperfect information and positive information and transaction costs.
在不完全和 不完善的 信息以及积极信息和交易成本的假设下,三个问题浮出水面。
Thus, a short test interval is likely to be an imperfect proxy for seroconversion illness, although it may be sufficient for most purposes.
因此,尽管较短的测试间隔可能足以满足大多数目的,但它们可能不是血清转化疾病的 不完美 替代品。
【英语单词】彻底解释“imperfect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Therefore, we need alternative knowledge representation techniques for dealing with the problem of imperfect information.
因此,需要替代的知识表示技术来解决信息 不完整的 问题。
First-best arguments, by contrast, see direct democracy as imperfect in one way or another, and see indirect or representative institutions as a politically superior alternative.
相比之下,最重要的论点认为直接民主在某种程度上是 不完整的 、间接的,或者代议制制度是政治上更优越的选择。
Our knowledge of the transcendent is always imperfect and fragmentary.
我们对超验的知识总是 不完整 和碎片化的。
【英语单词】彻底解释“imperfect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In general, ritual commands fall into this category, since they specify how an imperfect duty of worship should be carried out.
一般来说,仪式命令属于这一类,因为它们指定了如何履行 不完美 崇拜的职责。
They recognized that the predictions of the features would be imperfect , but this need not fatally degrade their prediction of function.
尽管他们认识到功能预测是 不完善的 ,但这并不一定会严重降低功能预测的性能。
Significantly, both authors reveal that they are conscious – and not simply in retrospect – that such enactments are ‘wrong’ or imperfect .
重要的是,两位作者都明确表示,他们意识到此类制定是“错误的”或不 完整的 ,而不仅仅是回顾过去。
【英语单词】彻底解释“imperfect”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In addition, interview assessment of chronic fatigue in a general population sample is imperfect and there were undoubtedly both false positive and negative classification errors.
此外,对一般人群样本中慢性疲劳的访谈评估是 不完整的 ,无疑存在假阳性和阴性分类错误。

“imperfect”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • immature
  • incomplete
  • inexact
  • rudimentary
  • sketchy
  • warped
  • dud
  • garbage
  • junk
  • lemon
  • limited
  • low
  • minus
  • partial
  • sick
  • amiss
  • below par
  • bottom-of-the-barrel
  • broken
  • damaged
  • defective
  • deficient
  • disfigured
  • faulty
  • few bugs
  • impaired
  • injured
  • marred
  • patchy
  • schlocky
  • two-bit
  • undeveloped
  • unfinished
  • unsound
  • vicious


  • complete
  • developed
  • finished
  • happy
  • healthy
  • moral
  • well
  • excellent
  • faultless
  • perfect
  • pure
  • unblemished
  • unflawed

“imperfect”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
imperfect 有缺陷的,有缺陷的 (有缺陷的)
These sheets are cheaper because they’re imperfect.
imperfect 未完成的,不完整的 (不完整)
They had an imperfect understanding of our argument.
imperfect 不完整的、半过去的 (语法:未完成时态
Some languages use an imperfect tense for incomplete actions.
imperfect 不完全时态 (语法:过去时
The imperfect in English can be used to indicate action in progress.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
imperfect competition 不完全竞争 (经济学:当 [某人] 对市场价格影响过大时) 经济学

imperfect是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Why are all our heroes so imperfect ?
吉尔:为什么我们的英雄都是 不完美的
Bad reliability leads to imperfect correlations.
如果可靠性差,相关性就会 不完全
This reduces EMI and imperfect termination issues.
这减少了 EMI 和 不完全 端接问题。
Yet what, exactly, is imperfect about doubt?
但怀疑到底有什么 不完整的 地方呢?
These harmonics can increase radiated EMI and are less tolerant of imperfect terminations.
这些谐波会增加辐射 EMI 并降低对 不完善 端接的抗扰度。
The first strategy is to use a more imperfect social search engine.
使用更 不完善的 人类搜索引擎
Though we are saved, we live on in an imperfect world.
尽管我们得救了,但我们仍然生活在一个 不完美的 世界里。
The idea is like you are always coming out with an imperfect product.
您正在创建的软件并不是一个不 完整的 产品。
For many food producers, understanding asset utilization can be like drawing a connect-the-dots puzzle from imperfect data.
对于许多食品制造商来说,了解资产利用率就像用 不完整的 数据连接点一样。
Teruhiro Yanagihara played with the perfection of imperfect glaze finishes.
Teruhiro Yanagihara 刻意追求 不完美的 釉面效果。
Motions below the lunar sphere were seen as imperfect , and thus could not be expected to exhibit consistent motion.
月球轨道以下物体的运动似乎是 不完整的 ,因此不能被认为是连贯的。
There is no perfect mustard or imperfect mustard.
没有完美的芥末或不 完美的 芥末。
The thing that most people don’t understand about psychiatry is that it is an imperfect science.
人们不明白精神病学是 一门不完美的 科学。
Besides reducing cost and saving space, these circuits can improve performance by eliminating the small errors generated by imperfect references.
除了降低成本和节省空间之外,这些电路还可以通过消除 不完善的 参考引起的小错误来提高性能。
By this action we visibly make it acceptable to demonstrate we each are an imperfect work-in-progress that are striving to improve.
这一行动可以明显地表明每个人都是一个 不完美的 作品,他们正在努力改进。
An addictive system has an imperfect stage and a perfect stage.
成瘾系统有 不完全 阶段和完全阶段。
Furthermore, due to the kernel sharing and imperfect namespace, the security of container has long been an issue to users.
然而,容器安全(共享内核和 不完整的 命名空间)是一个大问题。
The artist says she intentionally creates such imperfect areas in order to emphasize passing of time[ii].
Reppala 故意在他的照片中制造 瑕疵 ,以强调时间的流逝 [2]。
Deviations indicate imperfect load transfer (restricted movement due to the running of pipes, inadmissible hanger friction, distortion, etc.).
偏差表明负载传导 不完全 (管道运动受限、吊架摩擦力不可接受、弯曲等)。
Otherwise, we end up with an imperfect integration.
否则,结论就是整合 不完整

听听“ imperfect ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【ɪmˈpɜː.fekt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ɪmˈpɜː.fekt】。





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