
【英语单词】彻底解释“bureaucratic”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“bureaucratic”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“bureaucratic”」的含义 (adjective)

负面 为主



The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic.

[涉及复杂的规则和流程,使事情变得缓慢而困难] 用于表示。

I had a lot of bureaucratic hassle trying to get the information I needed.
【英语单词】彻底解释“bureaucratic”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

“bureaucratic”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • departmental
  • governmental
  • legislative
  • managerial
  • organizational
  • policy-making
  • regulatory
  • supervisory
  • authoritative
  • central
  • commanding
  • controlling
  • deciding
  • decisive
  • directing
  • directive
  • directorial
  • executive
  • governing
  • in charge
  • in control
  • jurisdictional
  • official
  • presiding
  • regulative
  • ruling
  • superintending
  • supervising

“bureaucratic”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
bureaucratic 官僚主义、繁文缛节 (与规则和文书工作有关)
Bureaucratic procedures can be complex and slow.

bureaucratic是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Everything now ends up in the bureaucratic pond even for long years.
多年来,所有事情仍然在 官僚 池塘里结束。
The Neoplatonic Hierarchy:The twentieth century has seen a lot of mega-corporate and bureaucratic growth.
新柏拉图式等级制度:20 世纪见证了 许多大型组织和官僚机构的 发展。
Civilian employees engaged in bureaucratic work and maintenance workers are also seen.
人们看到文职员工从事 官僚 工作,还有维修人员。
It was a way to deepen understanding and avoid the bureaucratic rigidities of formal diplomacy.
这是一种增进理解的方式,同时避免正式外交的 官僚主义 和僵化弱点。
France was probably unique in having such a close integration of political, bureaucratic and cultural elites.
这种政治、 官僚 和文化精英的紧密结合也许是法国的独特情况。
Insiders speculate that Bitmain undergoes this leadership change due to bureaucratic requirements or challenges due to the upcoming IPO.
内部人士推测,比特大陆正在经历这次领导层变动,因为 官僚主义的 要求和即将到来的首次公开募股带来的挑战。
Today the Union is not equipped to do so, because its dimension is essentially purely bureaucratic and economic.
今天的联盟没有能力这样做。因为它的维度本质上纯粹是 官僚主义 和经济性的。
We can hope that a private actor could move quickly, free from the bureaucratic constraints that NASA meets for example.
我们希望私人行为者能够迅速采取行动,摆脱美国宇航局等 官僚 机构的限制。
This is not classical nationalism but a more dangerous, bureaucratic nationalism built on economic self-interest.
这不是古典民族主义,但却是一种非常危险的建立在经济自身利益之上的 官僚 民族主义。
Can you imagine, in the bureaucratic world of yesteryear, getting anything done in a four-month period of time?
你能想象在过去的 官僚 世界里,四个月内可以完成任何事情吗?
But even without all these scandals, charity organizations are huge bureaucratic monstrosities, with many backdoors and a lot of space for misusage.
但即使没有这些丑闻,慈善机构也是巨大的 官僚 怪物,有许多后门和大量滥用空间。
Numerous legal and bureaucratic obstacles spring up which must be navigated before the value can be restored to the estate in the UK.
在英国财产恢复价值之前,必须克服许多法律和 官僚 障碍。
After requiring citizens to pay fees in bureaucratic processes, the Venezuelan government pays pensioners now in XPD.
在要求公民通过 官僚 程序支付费用后,委内瑞拉政府现在以 XPD 向养老金领取者支付费用。
Sanqingshan Yamashita long been at all levels of bureaucratic occupation, size of the hotel is like a small city sewers and early discharge of urine smell mountain hotel wind dispersed.
三清山山下长期以来被 官僚 占领,各级大小饭店被分散到小城市的下水道里,尿臭味山饭店风提前排出。
But this time your fondness for blowing past bureaucratic guideposts got a man you respect shot.
但这一次,你的做法偏离了 官僚 准则,导致了那个人开枪。
This shrine merger policy based on bureaucratic pragmatism did not necessarily reflect the will of shrine parishioners and worshippers.
这种基于 官僚 理性主义的联合供奉政策,并不一定按照教区居民的意愿来执行。
There’s something very peculiar about Venice, that its administration has been very, very bureaucratic .
威尼斯的独特之处在于政府一直非常 官僚化
Most Brexiters see the EU as an over-regulated, bureaucratic burden.
大多数脱欧派认为欧盟是一个过于正规化的 官僚 负担。
Instead, the company has its headquarters in France, one of the most bureaucratic countries in Europe and possibly in the world.
相反,该公司总部位于法国,这是欧洲乃至全世界最 官僚的 国家之一。
The only virtue (not always a bad one) of a complex, unwieldy, meaningless bureaucratic structure is that it provides jobs for the friends of those in control.
复杂、笨拙、毫无意义的 官僚 结构唯一的好处(不一定是坏事)是它为控制者的朋友提供了就业机会。

听“ bureaucratic ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【ˌbjʊə.rəˈkræt.ɪk】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌbjʊə.rəˈkræt.ɪk】。





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