
【英语单词】彻底解释“affirmation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“affirmation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“affirmation”」的含义 (noun)

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[某事真实的陈述或标志] 用于表示。


We welcome the government’s affirmation of its intention to act.
The reports are an affirmation that the students are learning.
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“Sound familiar?” Obama said, rousing a chorus of affirmations.
She was nodding in affirmation.
【英语单词】彻底解释“affirmation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
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He scours the newspapers for slights and affirmation.
A young child relies on its mother for comfort, affirmation, and encouragement.
【英语单词】彻底解释“affirmation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

“affirmation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • assertion
  • confirmation
  • affidavit
  • asseveration
  • attestation
  • averment
  • avouchment
  • avowal
  • certification
  • declaration
  • oath
  • okay
  • pronouncement
  • ratification
  • statement
  • testimonial
  • testimony
  • green light
  • stamp of approval
  • sworn statement


  • denial
  • negation
  • nullification
  • veto

“affirmation”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
affirmation 积极的 (确认 [某事] 是真的)
The large crowd at the concert is an affirmation of the artist’s popularity.
affirmation 断言,断言 (动机陈述)
I have a list of affirmations that I repeat each morning before I get up.

affirmation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

It’s an affirmation , an agreement.
表示 肯定 或同意
This apparently enigmatic affirmation underlines the huge power of initiation of women.
这种看似莫名其妙的 肯定 强调了女性启蒙的巨大力量。
For the US, it is the first time in history to explicitly state such affirmation in a multinational diplomatic document.
这是美国首次在多边外交文件中明确作出此类 确认
We call for an immediate resolution of the crisis and reiterate our affirmation that energy should not be used as either a means of political coercion or as a threat to security.
我们呼吁立即解决危机,并 重申 不得将能源用作政治胁迫或安全威胁。
We spoke to your soul, and the evaluation was an instant affirmation .
我们与您的灵魂对话,评价是即时的 肯定
Roses are the unrivaled symbol of love, given dear ones through the ages as an affirmation of true affection.
玫瑰是爱情的独特象征,历代以来都是无价的,是对真爱的 肯定
It is also an affirmation of its own bar.
也是对自己吧的 肯定
These are frequently utilized at shows or celebrations as verification that somebody has paid affirmation .
这些通常在演出和庆祝活动中用于确认某人已做出 承诺
We have to change beyond the simple formula of affirmation or negation.
我们必须超越 肯定 、否定和改变的简单模式。
Color gave me freedom in a way that didn’t wait for permission or affirmation or inclusion.
颜色给了我自由,不必等待许可、 肯定 或包容。
The music is handmade in every detail; it is engaged in a complex process of affirmation and negation, accepting no easy solutions.
音乐的每一个细节都是手工制作的。音乐涉及 肯定 和否定的复杂过程,并且不接受简单的解决方案。
The affirmation of these two parties was expected, but the observers did not think it could be of such magnitude.
这两项 肯定 都是意料之中的,但观察人士认为影响并没有那么大。
It is now widely believed that not the affirmation but the negation of the greed for profit contributes to protecting resources.
今天的常识是,保护资源是对追求利润的欲望的 否定 ,而不是对它的肯定。
One’s sense of identity, of who one is, is a powerful affirmation of one’s own position in the cosmos.
对自己是谁的自我意识是对一个人在世界上的地位的有力 肯定
He needs and wants the ego boost and the affirmation associated with a good romp.
他需要并且想要自我提升,而 肯定 与良好的玩耍有关。
There is a well-known tantric affirmation that says “The lover without Shakti is nothing but a corpse.”
有一个著名的密宗 断言 说:没有性力的情人只不过是一具尸体。
France and Germany are ahead of Italy and are studying and implementing programs for the affirmation in space in order to defend their sovereignty on Earth.
法国和德国领先于意大利,正在考虑和实施太空 肯定 计划,以捍卫地球主权。
The affirmation will also need to include a program for a code of ethics for senior financial officers.
该声明 还需要包括一项高级财务主管道德准则计划。
In the conference, the experts give “BWCT” treatment of vitiligo to the full affirmation .
发布会上,专家们对“BWCT”治疗白癜风给予充分 认可
Later, bouncers can check whether visitors are wearing your Custom Tyvek Wristbands for Events for affirmation , decreasing the hold up time and keeping any gathering crashers.
然后,保安人员可以确认访客是否在活动中佩戴定制的 Tyvek 腕带,减少停留时间,并保留任何破碎机收藏以供 确认

听听“ affirmation ”の地道发音(发音)!

读法是【ˌæf.əˈmeɪ.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌæf.əˈmeɪ.ʃən】。





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